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“Without gender equality, peace justice and development would elude the world”—Speaker Bagbin

The Rt. Hon Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has said the much talked about peace, justice and sustainable development would continue to elude the world without gender equality. According to him all of us must act collectively to ensure that no one is left behind in any aspect of our lives as the legislature is the heart and the life blood of democracy and good governance.

“Parliament is the home of the governed – that is the people and its composition ought to be a true reflection, and a mirror of the people it represents. This means that all the people must be equally represented, heard and given equal opportunities. Gender sensitive parliament is not about equality in numbers alone but a healthy parity in all aspect and perspective of gender”.

The Rt. Hon Speaker made this remarks on Thursday, October 13, 2022 when he addressed the on-going 145th Assembly of the Inter Parliamentary Union in Rwanda Kigali. And to show case that Ghana is in tune with the theme for the Assembly, the delegation of Ghana has four female and four male. It’s on the theme, “Gender Equality and Gender-sensitive Parliaments as Drivers of change for a more Resilient and peaceful world”

Gender equality he indicated, has been and continues to be a fundamental developmental and sustainability imperative and not just a human right concern given the current demographics of more than fifty percept of the global population being females; the equal participation of women in whatever society does is an imperative.

And there is clear evidence of global effort to achieve gender equality at a snail pace, the call in this Assembly for them to cure epilepsy and to speed up the pace is the right call and Ghana fully supports it, Mr. Bagbin emphasised. The Speaker told the Assembly, women empowerment initiatives found expression in the 1992 constitution and has produced two women chief justices in a role and a first lady speaker, one of his predecessors of parliament.

And since 1993, legislation on women property and spousal rights, financial inclusion and leadership gained prominence in the government and parliament’s agenda and in daily national discuss and parliament is currently working on a number of legislations in this direction. The increase in the number of women in Parliament of that of 11 per cent to the current 14.5 per cent is part of the efforts. This is definitely not much progress and unacceptable.

Since women constitute majority of the world’s population their interest must find expression in whatever we do, this is a panacea to ensure a more resilient and peaceful world, the reverse produces bitter poor non develop world, “evidence in today’s world speaks volume for its”, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali

Rwanda’s Speaker of Chamber of Deputies elected President of 145th Assembly

On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, the Speaker of Chamber of Deputies of Rwanda Rt. Hon Donatilla Mukabalisa was elected to preside over the 145th Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly being held in Rwanda.

In her acceptance speech she noted that every parliament has to pass legislation to enact to contribute to the economic and social transformation of their respective societies and in the same vain Parliament of Rwanda remain committed to its mission of doing its bit towards ensuring that equality remain high on the agenda in Rwanda.

And this cannot be achieved if their parliaments do not work with other parliaments, and this Assembly would make it possible for the Rwanda Parliamentarians share best practices with other parliaments and also learn from them which would enable them continue to be a more resilient parliament. Again, turning to the theme for the general debate on gender sensitive parliament as drivers of change for a more resilient and peaceful world, “I consider that the theme is well timed.

Gender equality in our various societies should start from our parliaments, because this would serve as an inspiration for our society with more women in Parliament working with men. It is easier to overcome complex challenges of the contemporary world”. Rt. Hon Donatilla further noted that, what they set out for themselves to achieve can come through joint efforts and people in all layers of our society can have their voices heard and their concerns addressed.

She remain convinced that these Assembly would be unique, it is a pivotal opportunity for them to share experience on how to tackle barriers to gender equality in our parliaments and hope the Assembly would help them come up with actionable plans and realistic resolution of which their parliaments would become more gender sensitive, and inspire our societies; and quoted the President during the international women day 2022, “equality is a right and not a favor, we must to even more and better to ensure that the next generation of our daughters and granddaughters inherit their aspiration has no limit”, to buttress her point.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali

Speaker of Ghana’s parliament receives his Korean counterpart in Rwanda

Ghana’s Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 received his counterpart from South Korea who called on him at his request (I mean South Korea Speaker) at the ongoing Inter Parliamentary Union Assembly meeting in Rwanda Kigali.  According to him the Republic of Korea has been the true friend of Ghana in the past forty-five years that both countries have had diplomatic relations.

And when he gets back to Ghana he is going to inaugurate the Ghana Korea Parliamentary Friendship Association; “we have a lot of private Korean firms in Ghana and Korea is a household name – Samsung, you can rest assured that we would be supportive of all efforts coming from your government”.

Speaker Bagbin, further emphasized on the need to work together, indicating that “we would be supportive of all initiative from your government; Korea has done well, they are a bit ahead of Ghana in everything particularly in the creation of a green smart cities. And now their ports and rails infrastructure, a Korea company constructed the tallest building in the world in Dubai and there is that confidence in them, he stated.

The Speaker revealed that he has been to Korea on several occasions. He has been to Korean as part of the business community that came to Korea, when he was the Water Resource and House Minister and had to come to Korea to do good business, and that visit enhanced his interest in Korea and had to get some of their books to read about the Korea miracle.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali

Ghana is our partner in West Africa—Speaker of Korean National Assembly

Speaker of the South Korean National Assembly Rt. Hon Kim Jin-Pyo said Ghana remains its key partner in the West African sub-region and the diplomatic relations between both countries have lasted for the past forty-five years. According to him Ghana is a stable democracy in the West African sub-region and acknowledged the role president Nana Akuffo-Addo played as Chair of ECOWAS contributing to regional integration, stability and economic development.

He made those remarks during a meeting in Rwanda- Kigali when he called on the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at his hotel. Other members of the Korean National Assembly that followed the Speaker are Kim Tae-nyeon member of the National Assembly, Jin Sun-mee member of the National Assembly and Yu Eui-dong member of the National Assembly.

Further in his remarks he pointed out that he understand his counterpart from Ghana is call the father of Ghana’s Parliament and has dedicated himself to the democracy of Ghana for the past thirty years and “I am happy with the efforts you have made to enhance the ties between Korea and Ghana”. “We have increased the size of our economic cooperation fund to Ghana and our inter parliamentary exchanges have increased; this meeting can serve as another impetus for facilitating for bilateral exchange between the two parliaments”, he said.

He further revealed that he has approved in recent times the Korea- Ghana Parliamentary friendship association, and hopes this would enhance the ties between the two parliaments, and he would encourage more Korean companies to invest in Ghana. Also, he disclosed that in the areas of automobile industry he hopes they can open a new assembling plant in Ghana and he hopes all goes well, “I will like to ask for your kind support, I am hoping we can expand relations in expanding cooperation in digitalization infrastructure development in ICT”

Again, they are happy to support Ghana as they provided speed boats in piracy fight on the Gulf of Guinea and ask for Ghana’s support in their bilateral cooperation’

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali

Minority Leader invites South Korean to invest in Ghana’s ICT sector

Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu said there are opportunities in Ghana’s ICT sector that South Korea can invest in especially for digitalization within the public sector which remain the backbone to fighting corruption. According to him if Ghana is able to get a Ghanaian public sector mainstream with ICT even Parliament itself would want to digitalise its records and Ghana can look forward to the relationship between itself and South Korea.

“In other to improve our digitalization regime generally, we would support the bond and relation that exit between both countries for the last forty-five years”, he said. The Minority Leader made this remarks when the Speaker of the Korean Republic National Assembly Rt. Hon Kim Jin-pyo, called on his Ghanaian counterpart Rt. Hon Alban Kingford Bagbin on Wednesday, October 12, 2022 in a sideline meeting at the ongoing 145th IPU Assembly in Rwanda Kigali.

The Minority Leader said he had been discussing with the Ghanaian Speaker the need to have a cheap imbedded passport which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration should take up, as the Republic of Korea has the best example in terms of cheap embedded passport. Mr. Haruna also touched broadband internet connectivity for Ghana, which he noted is low. “We would want to expand our fiber presence across the country in other to support our digital effort; that is also an area that Korean entities can look at. Ghana currently is concluding its migration from Analog radio and television to digital radio and television”, he stated.

He further stated that Ghana has not completed the process yet, hence the need to have set-up boxes for the purpose of completing migration into full scale digital radio and television. Again, with the effect of COVID-19 on our economy we expect that overseas development assistance through PPP can be increased for Ghana in the area of infrastructure development, he noted.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali

Crusade Against Garbage: Ghana can learn from Rwanda with the right leadership — Dr. Marfa

Member of Parliament for Oforikrom, Dr. Emmanuel Marfo believes with the right leadership, Ghana can win the war against indiscriminate disposal of waste and keep the environment clean by leaning and adopting best practices from Rwanda. According to him you need to have leaders who are committed in enforcing laws and he does not think there is any magic to this.

In an interview at the ongoing 145th Inter Parliamentary Union meeting in Rwanda as to what we can take home as a country- Ghana, he said “we have witnessed very clean environment in Kigali, Ghana, we have the laws that prohibit behaviors that make the environment dirty, what is left is enforcement; that is where we need leadership both at governmental and local government level”.

The law enforcement agencies have a role to play, the media and there is the need for greater education and advocacy and more importantly the need to enforce the laws. And if Ghana does not do that it would not be able to meet what is being witness in Kigali. As to whether Ghana would get there one day, he responded; “hopefully that is what we are all calling for, we are all going to add our voice to it, increasing our reference to Kigali as an example of what leadership can do”.

According to him, the African story is not a hopeless story, and believes if we have the right leaders who are determined to fight and enforce the laws that the country has passed, then we should be able to get there. If you put it in the contest of illegal mining – fight against ‘galamsey’ or any other fight we are faced with in Ghana, it comes down to the same principles – leadership and enforcement”, he said

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda Kigali

Majority Leader seeks cooperation between Ghana and South Korea to tackle terrorist attacks

The Majority Leader in Ghana’s Parliament, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu is seeking the support of the South Korean to help deal with terrorist attacks that is getting closer to Ghana more especially terrorist invasion in the Sahel Regions. According to him Ghana is seen as oasis of peace within the West African sub-region, but today almost fifty percent of Burkina Faso is lost to terrorist, which shares border with Ghana.

“That is why we need to have this cooperation in terms of security to the south is the gulf of Guinea, as we do know maritime piracy, the whole world the number one sport now is the gulf of Guinea. That is why we are appreciative of the discussion ongoing to provide us with a speed boat to secure our coast with our maritime resources”. He made this remarks on Wednesday, October 12, 2020 in Rwanda, Kigali at the ongoing 145th Assembly of the Inter Parliamentary Union, when the Speaker of the South Korean National Assembly Rt. Hon Kim Jin-Pyo called on the Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin for a side meeting.

Touching on a point raise by his colleague the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu, he noted that since the Republic of Korea has advanced more in ICT, Ghana needs its assistance to track communications of these terrorist groups “who are looking for areas of defect to pounce on. Just yesterday, I was having a discussion with our own defense minister, when we go back, we need to have a meeting with Members of Parliament, Minority leader to see how to make progress. Increasingly these days in the neighboring countries, these terrorist are pouncing on school children”.
He questioned, how they would be able to protect the lives of these children, unless, “we are able to trace the movement of them, hence the need to strengthen relation in ICT”. Rt. Hon Kim Jin-Pyo responded by saying relevant government authorities of both countries should take up the matter further, and these matters he believes would come up when the Korean and Ghana Parliament friendship group meet next time they can continue discussions on them. Majority Leader, thanked the Speaker Bagbin for facilitating the meeting as they all do know parliament is the bastion of democracy, they represent the people.

And most of the time Parliament is rushed to approve programmes and policies that, parliament does not have enough time to look into its importance; and to have such meetings to share ideas is most welcoming. The Republic of Korea he noted, has provided assistance to Ghana in many areas, most recent the refurbishment of Ghana’s oil refinery which has a capacity of refining just about forty –five thousand barrels which was increased to sixty thousand barrels. We need now to expand the refinery of current level of production from sixty to greater numbers.

“We should be able to refine not less than two hundred thousand; because daily consumption in Ghana now is over one hundred and twenty thousand barrels. What we have now is not even able to produce aviation fuel and bitumen”. He further added that Ghana needs an all inclusive refinery that would give off by-products for road construction and manufacture of fertilizer; “we need all these things, all inclusive refinery which would help Ghana a great deal”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali

Kwadaso MP hands over computer lab to Nyankyerenease Methodist JHS

Dr Kingsley Nyarko, Member of Parliament (MP) for Kwadaso, has handed over a fully furnished computer laboratory to the Nyankyerenease Methodist Junior High School (JHS) in the constituency. The 30-seater laboratory, which is equipped with 20 sets of personal computers, 40 chairs, 20 tables, a plotter, and projector, will help the school improve in the teaching and learning of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Prior to the MP’s intervention, the school over the years, had no computers which could help the pupils in their ICT lessons. According to Dr Nyarko, quality education was the integral component of development in any society and pledged to give a premium to the educational value chain in the area. He indicated that there were numerous activities ongoing in the constituency to uplift public schools to a higher standard.

Dr Nyarko encouraged the pupils to take maximum advantage of the laboratory to develop and build ICT skills for the future. “Where we are going in the 21st century, every basic school needs a computer lab for the students to have the current ideas to be able to innovate and create things for themselves,” he noted.
He urged the teachers and management of the school to ensure that the facility was put to good use and maintained.

Mr. Richmond Agyenim Boateng, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Kwadaso, said education could only be completed with the right facilities, especially at the pre-tertiary level. He commended the MP for his continuous support for the people of Kwadaso and encouraged the pupils to take the ICT lessons seriously as it would help them in the future.

Dominic Antwi Agyei/GNA

Dr Kingsley Nyarko urges Ghanaians to ensure regular medical check-ups

Dr Kingsley Nyarko, Member of Parliament (MP) for Kwadaso, has advised Ghanaians to take their health issues seriously by seeking regular medical check-ups. He said Ghanaians needed to take diligent care of themselves to always remain healthy and be able to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. “The human body is like a car that requires periodic servicing, so you must not wait till sickness consumes your entire body before seeking medical treatment because this may become difficult to fight at a certain stage,” he said.

Dr Nyarko gave the advice in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) during an interaction with a team of health officials and people who took part in a health screening exercise organized in some communities in the constituency. The three-day exercise was organised by the MP in collaboration with the Rich Women Foundation, a community-based organization, seeking to empower young women through health education and promotion.

The beneficiary communities were Kwadaso, Agric Nzema and Atwima Takyiman. According to the MP the exercise was aimed at improving the health status of the people to remain productive to enhance the development of the area. “The people cannot help accelerate the growth of the area, if their health conditions are not good, and health is wealth,” he said, adding that, quality health was essential for the progress of every community.

The beneficiaries were screened for malaria, blood pressure, sugar level, diabetes, among others. Medications were freely distributed to people diagnosed with various ailments by the medical team. Dr Nyarko commended the medical team for contributing towards the success of the exercise. Dr Priscilla Amma Pokuah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rich Women Foundation, advised the people to be health conscious and take issues related to their health as their number one priority and periodically embark on check-ups to know their health status. This, she said, was the only way to help improve their health care.

Some of the beneficiaries who spoke to the GNA expressed their gratitude to the MP for organising the exercise to Improve the health of the people of Kwadaso.

Dominic Antwi Aagyei

At IPU, we preach gender equality and walk the talk—–Martin Chungong

As to how the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) is address gender related issues which will not be just a talk shop, Secretary General Martin Chungong at a media briefing in Rwanda Kigali on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 said they don’t only preach gender equality but walk the talk. According to him IPU itself is gender sensitive and some thirty percent of the participants are going to be women,stating that this was not the case some time ago when it was less than twenty percent.

Forum for Female Parliamentarians

And attributed the progress made in this regard to the stringent measures that they have put in place that is statutory measures to ensure that delegations are gender balance and if you come to IPU without women in your delegation you forfeit part of your right as a member; you lose voting rights.

And this has helped drive on the numbers. You also assume that when we talk about gender equality every parliament has the capacity to implement gender equality that is not true; many country’s struggle to do that. That is why the IPU has a capacity building programs for parliament to encourage them and provide skills and knowledge on how to achieve gender sensitivity.

145th IPU meeting of forum for female Parliamentarians

In addition, they have also learnt that in other to achieve gender equality you also need to address on women empowerment and emancipation and from statistics it has shown that women are not immune to violence. There are violence against women on the account of their political involvement, he said. That is why the IPU has in recent years played emphasis on mechanism to address robustly the phenomenal of violence against women and more importantly violence against women politicians which has the potential of discouraging women politicians involve in political life.

Another, problem is the lack of financial and economic empowerment of women. This is one area that the IPU is working on with other parliaments to see how laws can be put in place for women to enjoy greater economic and financial assistance. And like the Rwanda’s Speaker of Chambers of deputies, Rt. Hon Donatilla Mukabalisa said, when women have access to resources those resources are efficiently utilized to the benefit of society, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com