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Debt-restructuring will derail and disrupt plans of bondholders – Haruna

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu, the Minority Leader in parliament said the recent debt-restructuring program, announced by the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta is set to derail and disrupt the plans of bondholders who have planned their lives and expenditure around the expected timely and full payment of their principals in consonance with the terms of purchase of the original bonds.

The Finance Minister during the launch of the debt-restructuring program on Monday, 5th December 2022 details that:

For Domestic Bond holders, there will be a drastic slash in the agreed interests on their existing bonds which have been replaced by four new instruments maturing in 2027, 2029, 2032 and 2037 as follows,

1. In 2023, there will be 0% interest paid them on their bonds
2. In 2024, only 5% interest will be paid

3. In 2025, 10% interest will be paid until maturity.

According to the Minority this implies that for those who have invested their lifetime savings in government bonds and depend on the interests for their livelihood and regular upkeep, they will suffer a drastic reduction in the rate of interest, which will significantly diminish their source of livelihoods.

The President, they indicated denied there would ever be a “A HAIRCUT”, when he was compelled to address the nation after coming under a barrage of public criticism for failing to show leadership and failing to address the nation in the wake of the harrowing hardships and economic crisis.

The debt-restructuring measures put forward by government show steep cuts in interest rates and this clearly exposes the falsehood and hollowness of the President’s claims in the said address.

“Beyond a terse claim that principals of domestic bondholders would not suffer haircuts, the finance minister failed to provide details of what would happen to the principals”.

They stated that they have become aware of the emergence of details of a briefing given by the Finance Minister and officials of the Finance Ministry to stakeholders in the Banking Sector.

It was clearly disclosed at the briefing that bondholders who look forward to having their principals paid upon the maturity of their bonds, are also in for a very rough ride as the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government has decided not to pay in full when the bonds reach maturity.

The principal payments are to be done according to the under listed formula.
1. In 2027, which is five years from now, only 17% of the principal will be paid.

2. In 2029, seven years from now, only 17% will be paid

3. In 2032, ten years from now, 25% will be paid and

4. In 2037, fifteen years from now, 41% will be paid.

They contend that this will surely lead to hardships for bondholders, not to mention the breach of the original instruments.

The Minority leader also stated that government has also decided to cut a staggering 30% off both the interest and principal of external bondholders, while extending the maturity dates of their bonds by twenty whole years.

“These harsh cuts in the interests and principals of bondholders stem from a self-inflicted economic disaster.

Incontrovertible information reaching us indicates that this decision has been reached after a Debt Sustainability Analysis (DSA) carried out under the aegis of the IMF and World Bank showed that we in the Minority have always been right that our public debt is no longer sustainable”.


Minority demands major expenditure cuts

The Minority in parliament is demanding government carries out major expenditure cuts to achieve fiscal consolidation.

The Minority in addressing the press on the 2023 Budget and Debt Treatment Plan as put forward by the government said the size of Government must be reduced drastically. “We demand responsible spending”.

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu who spoke on behalf of the Minority affirms his sides resolve not to accept the outrageous GHC1.4billion allocation as contingency vote contained at page 209 of the 2023 Budget statement. “We note that, this allocation is an additional GHC400million compared with last year’s allocation of GHC993million. This cannot be happening in a period of austerity”, he stated.

Furthermore, the Minority asserts their opposition to an allocation of GHS10 million for what has been strangely described as Defense Advisory Services. “We also strongly denounce plans to increase the staff strength at the Office of Government Machinery by a staggering 1,570 at Page 230 of the 2023 Budget. This will increase total staff strength at the OGM to 3,681. This is unconscionable at a time Government has announced a total freeze in public sector jobs”.

“If ever there was proof that this government has lost its way and shown itself unworthy of the trust of the people of Ghana, this would be it”.

The Minority Caucus warned that without any clear, and significant improvement in the attitude of the Majority side and sector Ministers do not turn up to lead the Budget process on their sectors, they will withdraw from the Budget process.


Sammi Awuku has transformed NLA – Nana Yirenkyi 1

The Mampong Akuapem Apesemakahene Nana Yirenkyi l has lauded the achievements of the Director General of the National Lottery Authority (NLA), Sammi Awuku.

According to him, Sammi Awuku had indeed transformed NLA since he assumed office.

Speaking in an interview with the media, Nana Yirenkyi l pointed out that Sammi Awukh has changed NLA for the first time in our history.

He said, for Sammi Awuku to bring world lottery association to Ghana to host NLA at 60 is commendable.

Nana Yirenkyi l hinted that most of the communities in Ghana have benefitted from the Good Causes Foundation which provides KVIPs, boreholes and supporting to needy people; all are initiatives under the able leadership of Sammi Awuku.

He said “our brother our son has made us proud. He hasn’t disappointed us.”

Nana Yirenkyi l said these projects being undertaken by NLA boss is not political as they affect the lives of all persons, both NDC and NPP are beneficiaries.

He said only blind people will not see that NLA has transformed under the leadership of Sammi Awuku.

Nana Yirenkyi urged Ghanaians to make history when given the opportunity for them to be remembered in future for their good works as Sammi Awuku has done.


Less than 20 percent of women occupy elected positions in Sierra Leone

The only female among the sierra Leonean delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Veronica Kadie Sesay has said less than twenty (20) percent of females occupy elected positions in her country.

Despite the fact that women account for fifty-one (51) percent of the total population, their voice, visibility, participation and representation in elective and appointive position remains very low compared to the men.

She made this known on Saturday, December 3, 2022 when she presented the Country report of her country at the plenary at the ongoing Second Ordinary Session of the Community Parliament in Abuja Nigeria.

The challenges faced by women are many and include lack of economic independence, high illiteracy and entrenched customs and traditions, political violence and reprisals, the absence of progressive laws that protect and promote participation of women, and the lack of confidence to vie for public positions.

Gender representation is relatively low in Sierra Leone as in the rest of West Africa. Sierra Leone was ranked 182nd out of 189 countries on the UNDP’s Gender Development Index in 2020, and nearly half of the bottom 20 countries were in West Africa.

Today, 18 out of 146 (12%) MPs in Sierra Leone’s Parliament are women while only four women serve in a Cabinet of 32 Ministers. The four Ministers head the gender, tourism, marine and social welfare ministries.
The President, His Excellency Dr. Julius Maada Bio, in his stance for an affirmative action for female representation, has been constantly giving support to the Gender Empowerment Bill, which was enacted on the 11th of November 2022.

Also, the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act, 2022 seeks to address gender imbalances by making provision for increased elective positions for women, the promotion of gender equality in employment and training, the implementation of gender mainstreaming and budgeting, for access to financial institutions and to prescribe procedures for the improvement of women’s access to finance.

The Public Elections Act 2022, which was also recently passed into law, provides for a woman to be among every three candidates to be presented by political parties for election to Parliament or Local Council. Both the Gender Empowerment law and the Public Elections Act, 2022 will strengthen, enhance and improve women’s participation and representation in Parliament and the Local Councils.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Liberia makes progress in monthly payment of Community levy but struggling

Liberia’s delegation to the Community Parliament on Saturday, December 3, 2022 in its country report presented by a member of its delegation to the plenary, Hon Clarence Massaquoi noted that they have made significant progress in the payment of its Community levy on monthly basis especially for the first quarter of 2022.

However, the Country continues to struggle in the payment of the Levy arrears and said amount is accumulating monthly as reconciled by the Community Levy Technical Mission in Liberia February 2022.

On the ECOWAS Trade Liberalization Scheme (ETLS), the implementation continues during the year under review a number of registered companies under the scheme rose from 15 to 17 in 2022. Of the 17 enterprises, 15 are exporting active 40 products.

Since its adoption in 2017, the Common External Tariff (CET) considered a four year migration plan that ends in 2022.

However, the Monitoring Committee is yet to be constituted to ensure full compliance of Member States including Liberia. Liberia is yet to fully implement and operationalized the CET.

Additionally, the ECOWAS harmonized CET implementation is on-going as the region is, “negotiating the African Free Continental Trade Area (AfCFTA) as a bloc while granting the ETLS trade preference to its member countries”, he told the House.

As the country is continuously participating and complying with provision of the Protocols on Free Movement of Persons, Goods and Services and the Right to Residence and has conducted series of sensitization mission especially carried out by the ECOWAS National Office and other partners involved in the integration process.

Consequently, the ECOWAS Common Passport has been adopted, Visa-free movement of community citizens observed, a 90-day stay without residence permit implemented and a National Bio-metric Identity Card has been rolled out.

The Liberia’s Council of National Bureau of the ECOWAS Brown Card Scheme has completed the payment of 50.0 percent of its arrears to the Council of Bureau which was a pre–requisite for the lifting of their sanctions and partial waiver of their remaining debt.

Also the National Bureau has also regularized Liberia’s country contribution to the Council which puts the country in line to assume full membership role and benefits under the ECOWAS Brown Card scheme for 2022.

This has been possible through the successful implementation of the simultaneous sale of the Brown Card alongside the motor insurance stickers as agreed upon in Protocol A/P1/5/82 on the Establishment of the ECOWAS Brown Card relating to Motor Vehicle 3rd Party Liability Insurance.

The convention relating to the ECOWAS Inter-State Road Transit of Goods (ISRT) is being implemented by the Liberian authorities in line with the WTO TFA, but the major focus of the Scheme is on the implementation of the MRU Inter- State Road Transit Scheme within the framework of the MRU Truckers Association.

The Country is yet to establish and put in place the introduction of way-bridges. However, the country has issued and commenced the regulations of the Axel Load limit of 11.5 tones in compliance with the ECOWAS Supplementary Act of 2012.

And Liberia has signed the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) agreement between West Africa and European Union.

However, the Authorities are yet to commence domestication of the agreement pending the conclusion of the Agreement by ECOWAS.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

World Bank raises alert ahead of Liberia’s 2023 Presidential and legislative elections

The World Bank in collaboration with other International Organisations are raising red flag of unstable political situation in Liberia ahead of next year’s Presidential and Parliamentary elections to be conducted in October 10, 2023.

According to a Country report presented on Saturday, December 3, 2022 to the plenary at the ongoing Community Parliament’s Second Ordinary Session in Abuja Nigeria, this is due to fractions and conflict with the opposition parties in Liberia.

Hon. Clarence Massaquoi a member of the Liberian delegation presenting the Country report noted that, the four opposition political parties (the All Liberian Party, the Alternative National Congress, the Liberty Party and the Unity Party) in Liberia entered into an alliance, in 2020, termed “The Collaborating Political Parties”. Beginning 2021, conflict engulfed the alliance and by the beginning of 2022, two of the four opposition political parties (ALP & UP) withdrew from the alliance.

Upon their withdrawal, the remaining two parties from the CPP evoked a purported “exit clause” that was allegedly in the CPP Framework document. The two withdrawing parties denied the existence of said clause, which would prevent them from contesting any elections after withdrawal, when they signed the framework.

This led to legal proceedings beginning at the National Elections Commission and ending at the Supreme Court of Liberia. In June 2022, the Supreme Court ruled that the “exit clause” was illegal and unconstitutional- both parties can participate in any election in Liberia.

ALP vs ANC- The Government of Liberia, through Cllr. SaymaSyreniusSephus (Solicitor General), dropped all charges for “forgery and criminal conspiracy” against the Political Leader of the Alternative National Congress, Mr. Alexander B. Cummings. The All Liberian Party of Benoni Urey had sued Mr. Cummings and other officials of his party for allegedly altering the Collaborating Political Parties Framework by inserting an illegal exit clause that bar breakaway members of the CPP from contesting in any election until 2024.

Liberty Party vs Liberty Party- Liberty Party still has a major internal split over (1) the alleged unauthorized expulsion of its Political Leader, Sen. NyonbleeKarnga Lawrence, by its Party Chairman, Musa Hassan Bility, and (2) the alleged tempering of some provisions of the party’s constitution by the Party Chairman.

Both matters are still at the National Elections Commissions and the Supreme Court of Liberia as both the Political Leader and the Chairman battle for legitimacy and supremacy.

Voter’s Registration is expected to begin from December 15, 2022 – March 17, 2023. The NEC, registered political parties and international partners have agreed to transition to the Biometric Voters Registration System.

This will be the first time for Liberia to use such system. However, there is currently a stalemate, which began in August 2022, between the NEC and the Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) over the selection of the company to award the contract to supply the biometric system.

The NEC has selected EKEMP two times claiming that they were the only company that met all the requirements advertised and therefore the “Most Responsive Bidder”. The NEC requested “No Objection”, on both occasions, from PPCC to award the contract for the supply of the biometric system and equipment to EKEMP and the PPCC has rejected to do so both times stating that EKEMP does not have the requisite experience, profile and capacity to supply the system and equipment.

The delay in this procurement process has, by default, disrupted the initial timetable for voters’ registration. The NEC is yet to share the adjusted timetable with political parties or the public.

Meanwhile, the National Population and Housing Census was announced to take place from October 24- November 7, 2022 across Liberia.

The census should have been conducted in 2018 but was postponed. The last census was conducted in 2008. The census was later postponed to November 22, 2022. However, from the planning stages of the census, there have been allegations of financial malpractices by officials of the Liberia Institute for Statistics and Geo-Information Services (LISGIS) as well as the lack of capacity to conduct the census.

There have been many setbacks experienced including poor timing ineffectiveness and inefficiency in the training of enumerators.

Since the training phase of the census, there have been multiple protests by recruited enumerators based on corruption allegations (from the selection of enumerators, conduct of the tests and payment of fees).

Although the census is said to have begun on November 22, it started on November 11 but has since been marred by huge criticism and resistance from the public.

Ongoing intra and inter tussles within LISGIS, which is charged with the responsibility to conduct the census, has caused much concerns and uncertainty which has even led to the dismissal of two of its senior officials by the President of Liberia.

It is not yet clear whether or not the process will meet internationally set standards for the conduct of census. However, both the Executive and Legislature have agreed for the census to proceed and have thereby extended the deadline to January 2023.

The United States imposed sanctions on three senior government officials in August 2022. The officials sanctioned included President Weah’s Chief of Staff- Nathaniel McGill, Liberia’s Chief Prosecutor- SaymaSyreniusCephus and the Managing Director of the National Port Authority- Bill Two-way.

All three officials were designated as “foreign government officials who engaged in corruption including misappropriation of state assets, taking private assets for personal gains, or bribery”.

The Liberian President initially suspended the three officials and commissioned an investigation but later, they resigned from their respective posts and the investigation has not been completed.

On the overall, the security situation in Liberia is stable although there are several early warning signs of possible political clashes, which may occur during the 2023 Presidential and Legislative elections, if care is not taken.

There is looming fears and anxiety amongst Liberians when discussing the upcoming elections.

Despite Liberia’s security challenges, she was maintain her commitment to maintaining peace and her presence in the sub-region.

Cross-Border Security:
Echoes of recent military coups in neighboring Guinea, as well as other sister states such as Mali and Burkina Faso continue to permeate fear in border security.

The influxes of migrants from these affected countries into Liberia, the volatile security situation along the borders, and the fragile state of the country, raise the concern for border security and require swift action on the part of the government, ECOWAS and partners to strengthen border security in the region.

To this end, the government of Liberia has recruited over 1,000 new police officers and 500 new military officers to beef up security in Liberia.

Influx of Migrants:
The unsettled conflict due to influx of migrants from the West African region into border towns of the country is causing tension in some quarters- specifically the mass farming and logging by Burkinabe’s and illicit mineral mining by Ghanaians.

Residents of the affected counties, in Liberia, have called on the government to intervene before the situation degenerates into violence.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Ministers are not necessary to be present during debate of budget—Afenyo

Deputy Majority Leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin has said its nowhere in the standing Orders of Parliament for Ministers to be present on the floor of the House during debate of the budget statement.

According to him if the first deputy whip of the Minority Ahmed Ibrahim is making a political statement to please his side of the House and to make the headlines he should state the obvious and should not create the impression that Ministers are supposed to be part of the debate. “Do not get it wrong if you are talking about the estimate, the House is guided by rules, you can get away with political statements”.

He further challenged the first deputy whip of the Minority to show him where in the standing order that states that Minister should be present during the debate on budgets; rather the debate is for Members of Parliament since the budget is emanating from the Executive arm of government.

He added that the Executive arm of government has put together their budget and brought it before parliament for debate, and when they are done with the debate and it gets to the estimate, it is at that time that “if the Minister whose estimate is being discussed is not here, then you are on firm grounds; then I agree with you. But if you want to say the absence of a Minister disable parliament from debating, Mr. Speaker I bet to differ”, he emphasised.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parliament to issue statement on attack of a Senegal Female

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament is to issue a statement on the attack of a Senegal female lawmaker Hon Amy Ndiaye by a male colleague in their National Assembly – a video that has gone viral and attracted condemnation of this act.

A member of the Senegalese delegation to the Community Parliament, Abdoulaye Vilane raised this issue at the plenary on Saturday, December 3, 2022 when Liberia and Sierra Leone were scheduled to present their country report to the plenary.

The third deputy Speaker of the Community Parliament Memounatou Ibrahima, fourth deputy Speaker Adja Satu Camara Pinto Hon. Abdoulaye Vilane and the Parliament Secretariat are to issue a statement in the coming days.

On point of order his colleague from Togo drew Mr. Speaker’s attention that the House has an agenda it has adopted for the day, they should and asked that they stick to the agenda which Speaker Dr. Sidie M. Tunis agreed with.

The Speaker on the subject matter pointed out that, respect for women anywhere is very important and whatever the circumstance violence against women should not be allowed, and recounted that there has been violence before in the Sierra Leone Parliament and other parliaments within the sub-region and the world at large.

And as a Speaker the attack of the Senegalese female MP, what he saw on the video circulating is something the community parliament will look at, at a later time, they will look at other videos from other parliament irrespective of where the incident happened in this particular case all of them are concerned because of what they saw.

“A man coming across whether the person is an MP coming across and actually beating up a woman, I am sure we will look at it, but like what the MP from Togo said there is an agenda that has been adopted and any other thing relating to the matter will come later on”.

The Rt. Hon speaker urged a Committee of the Community Parliament, Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) to take a critical look at the kind of things happening now.

MPs at the plenary

If the need be a visit be made to Senegal either in January or February of next year not because of the female MP attacked in question, but to look at the entire political situation considering the outcome of their Legislative Assembly election.

There are a lot of changes that has taken place in Senegal, that probably warrant the intervention of that committee and from what I hear, it’s the opposition MP that beat up the government MP normally it’s the other way round but this time it’s the opposition MP and its very serious even if your visit is for a week, he stated.

Speaker Tunis backed the point raised by Abdoulaye Vilane, stating that if there were security forces around when the female MP was in danger all that was needed was to call the security to come in.

“If my Speaker in Sierra Leone’s life is in danger we cannot handle, the best you can do is to call in the state security. I am the Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, I am not justifying police entering our parliament, I am only saying you need a police to protect the Hon Speaker and Hon members if there was a police officer around, this will not have happened in Senegal”.

“Let say in the case of Sierra Leone, if the police were not around, “our Speaker would have been in the hospital by now”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Reducing the budget of ECOWAS Radio is a minus and a no no”—Abiante

A member of Nigerians delegation to the Community Parliament, Awaji-Inombek D. Abiante has said the reduction in the budgetary allocation to the ECOWAS Radio in Monrovia for the year ended December 31, 2023 is a minus and a no no.

According to him Parliament should revisit the issue and rather maintain the allocation given to the ECOWA Radio in the 2022 budgetary allocation rather than cutting fifty percent of their budgetary allocation.

In an interview he noted that other lawmakers in the Community Parliament shares his sentiment, stating that the reduction in the budgetary allocation has to do with the Radio station not utilizing this year’s budgetary allocations.

“I do not understand their impediment towards the untilisation; were they given the go ahead to manage themselves? It has not been clear and from the explanation, I think something has not been properly disclosed to us. If truly we want to have the participation of the various communities and truly we want others to know what we do and probably have that support it’s important that we support the radio and provide them with all that they will require in terms of equipment and man power, getting to online platforms. Most of us if you ask do not even know that ECOWAS has a radio situated somewhere in Monrovia”, he stated.

And further added that the Head of the Radio station should have been invited to tell lawmakers, explain to lawmakers why they were unable to utilise what was appropriated to them, they need to know.

For someone who has not come to parliament to defend his or her position and tell us that the person could not utislise allocation for 2022, “I do not see how that fit into the purpose of what we are doing”.

In addition, he questioned, if in Liberia the ECOWAS Radio is broadcasting; he does not know and if they are broadcasting what is the range, how many people do they reach? “There is a lot of question surrounding the ECOWAS radio and the reduction in budget”.

“If you in Ghana cannot receive signal and I cannot receive in Nigeria and several other communities cannot receive and they are returning money and cutting down on their budget, a lot of things are still unknown to members of Parliament”.

He indicated they are desirous and want to understand what the challenges are; unless and until there is proper oversight and an invitation to the Head of Radio to appear before the Parliament and tell them their own side of the story what happen to the radio station, the true picture will not be known.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Commission sponsors training of journalists on TFA and AfCFTA

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, in collaboration with other sponsors have sponsored the training of journalists within the West African Sub-region on the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) and African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Agreement.

In all thirty journalists from the English speaking West Africa member states and French speaking member states are being hosted in Abuja Nigeria for this training programme.

 Dr. Sacko Seydou programme officer competition and informal trade who represented the Commissioner for Trade in an interview with Ghanamps.com noted that the training will offer journalists selected within the West African sub-region the opportunity to better understand issues relating to AfCFTA and put them in a better position to communicate issue better to ECOWAS citizens and civil society on the trade agreement.

He said there is good opportunity for the region to enhance the integration process and the journalists should be the first point of contact to communicate to citizens of the member states and to the private sector.

“That is why we are having this training, to give them good background and information on the agreement for the Commission to fast track it and ensure that member states will be on the same page of understanding on what the two agreement can help us with the integration process”, he said.

He added that as a sub-region, we need to be very competitive, to take advantage of the whole process. We need to gain something, but if within our sub-region people do not know what is going on, then we will be lacking behind; our role now is to communicate”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com