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Afenyo-Markin’s comment about Professor Jane Nana Opoku is despicable—Dizfa Gomashie

Member of Parliament for Ketu South Abla Dizfa Gomashie has taken a swipe at the Majority Leader, Afenyo Markin describing his comment as despicable for referring to Professor Jane Nana Opoku’s age as the running mate for the flagbearer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) John Mahama.

The Majority Leader on Monday, March 11, 2024 during his closing remarks on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) debate on the floor of the House made reference to Professor Jane Nana Opoku’s age as a running mate to John Mahama intimating that she would not be able to take over after one term should the NDC win.

and was supported at a press conference on Monday, March 11, 2024 when in the closing remarks on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) when he made reference to her age as a running mate to John Mahama and would not be able to take over after one term should they win.

The statement triggered reaction from the Minority MPs who were obviously not happy and kept demanding that the Effutu MP apologizes, and kept heckling until the House became uncontrollable and the Second Deputy Speaker suspended the House for an hour.

Addressing the media Madam Dizfa Gomashie pointed out that the speech of the Majority Leader who is supposed to make his closing remarks was not relevant to SONA. “I am a daughter of a teacher who retired and sold in Madina Market, the examples I saw that brought me to be a member of parliament if you count ten people Professor Opoku Nana Agyeman, a former Minister of State at the Education Ministry and first female vice chancellor, a school where Hon Afenyo-Markin attended is one of them.”

Again, to attack Professor Jane Nana Opoku-Agyeman the way he did is totally unacceptable; I take exception to that. It’s only on the 8th of March, 2024 we celebrated International Women’s Day when we were saying we needed mentors for our young girls to become great in society. “For him to reduce this woman and talk about her as if he was talking about his classmate; she taught you a person, and a person who has been elected by the biggest party in Ghana to be former President Mahama’s running mate, “what business has this woman’s name got to do in the closing remarks of SONA?” She queried.

“I am horrified and I think that we deserve an apology from the leader for the way he has brought this woman’s name into disrepute and the Speaker should not have allowed this to go on.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Addressing Uncompleted Health Projects: Let’s focus on those at advanced stages – Deputy Health Minister designate

The Deputy Minister designate for Health, Alexander Akwesi Acquah has opined that the way to addressing the challenges of uncompleted health facilities would be to focus on those that are at advanced stages of completion.

Responding to a question from the Ranking Member on the health Committee of Parliament Kwabena Mintah Akandoh on the nominee’s take on the numerous uncompleted health facilities across the country, he said the 50 million budgetary allocation in the 2024 budget is woefully inadequate to complete all the facilities hence the focus would be to address the problem gradually focusing on those that are near completion.

The nominee who himself is into hospital business admitted that managing health facility is capital incentive and that the number of months left for this government, not much can be done by way of completing all the abandoned health projects, but government would do its best to tackle some of them.

When approved, Mr. Akwesi Acquah would be one of two deputies at the health ministry and is expected to bring to bear his business acumen in the health sector.


Democracy can never thrive in timid society—Bagbin

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Rt. Hon Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin has noted that for democracy to thrive it does not need a timid society as dictators exist all over the world hence the need for citizens to stand up against dictators collectively.

According to him multiparty democracy needs to be strengthened and as Ghanaians we need to ensure democracy flourish and should be our guide.

He made this remarks over the weekend when Parliament organized a two-day workshop for members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) on the new revised standing orders.

“Our democracy has come to stay and the media needs to help entrench as well as the legislature for democracy to be our culture as a country”, he pointed out in his remarks.

The Rt. Hon Speaker further pointed out that democracy cannot thrive in a society that is ignorant and that should not be part of our democratic journey; and expressed joy over the willingness of the media to assist on this journey.

He gave the assurance that there would be more training opportunities for the media in Ghana’s Parliament going forward and wanted the employee of journalists in Parliament House to know that, the work they do in the House takes them beyond their employees. “You are essential partners of what we do in Parliament, we are by law to put at your disposal logistics and facilities for you to do your work well”, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Majority caucus visits the home of late colleague Dr. John Kumah

The Majority Leader of Ghana’s Parliament Alexander Kwamena Afenyo Markin led his colleagues to commiserate with the family of their late colleague Dr. John Ampontuah Kumah, Member of Parliament for Ejisu in the Ashanti Region.

Members of Parliament from Majority side of the House were dressed in black on Friday, March 8, 2024 to indicate their sadness when they were hit with the news of the demise of their colleague on Thursday.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Ghanaians can appreciate parliament through dissemination of quality information—Clerk

Clerk of Ghana’s Parliament Cyril Kwabena Oteng Nsiah said the work of Parliament in its governance architecture can be well understood and appreciated by Ghanaians through the dissemination of relevant information pertaining to their mandate in the conduct of the House.

It is in light of this that Parliament took it upon itself to organize a workshop for members of the Parliamentary Press Corps to help them familiarise themselves with the contents of the revised Standing Orders to enable them report accurately.

Mr. Kwabena Nisah further added that, not only on the proceedings and other activities of Parliament but also the intricate practices and procedures that underpin certain decisions, motions and resolutions of the House.

And the media as one of the key stakeholders of Parliament, he urged members of the media in Parliament to participate fully in all sessions of this orientation programme in order to benefit from the deliberations, which would enable them improve their knowledge on the rules of the House and facilitate the discharge of their duty.

Parliaments of the Fourth Republic have, in consonance with the provisions of article 110 of the 1992 Constitution, regulated procedures of the House by Standing Orders, which prescribe the rules and practices for the conduct of parliamentary business.

After twenty-three (23) years of adherence to the provisions of the previous Standing Orders of the House, with minimal amendments, it is prudent that Parliament refines its processes and procedures in accordance with emerging legislative trends across the Commonwealth.

Contemporary challenges including demands for higher levels of transparency in the democratic process; inadequacy of manual work procedures in the effective discharge of the mandate of the Legislature; and the Covid-19 pandemic revealed some gaps in the Orders of House, requiring that we adapt innovative techniques and strategies in order to deliver on the mandate of Parliament.

Moreover, the hung nature of the Eighth Parliament, which is the first of its kind since the inception of the Fourth Republic, presents a number of novel situations and challenges that were not within the contemplation of the drafters of previous Orders of the House.

The revised Orders, which was adopted by a Resolution of the House on Thursday, 21st December, 2023 and took effect on 2nd January, 2024, introduces practices and procedures, including the recital of the National Pledge, the conduct of parliamentary business through virtual platforms, and clearly delineates the hierarchy of the Leadership of Parliament.

Furthermore, under our current Standing Orders, the number  of parliamentary Committees have increased from thirty-one (31) to forty-four (44) to emphasise the new focus and direction of the House, as part of efforts to expand and improve parliamentary oversight of activities of public officials.

As partners in the advancement of parliamentary democracy, the critical role of the media in the reportage of parliamentary proceedings, as well as facilitating the scrutiny of activities of the representatives of the people cannot be overemphasised, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Parliament approves 300m dollars for budget support

Parliament of Ghana has approved an amount of $300 million dollars as support for the 2024 annual budget.

Prior to the approval, the minority leader, Dr Cassiel Ato Forson made the position of his side clear that, they’re not going to support the approval of the loan, since government has over borrowed, more especially since we are in an election year.

He further added that, the finance minister, Dr Amin Adam has also presented tax exemptions to the tune of GH 5.5 billion cedis which is equivalent to $449 million dollars and that, the minority can help approve the loan only when the tax exemptions is withdrawn or changed to tax credit.

Hon K. T Hammond, the Minister for Trade and Industry and MP for Adansi Asokwa in his contribution said, the issue raised by the Minority on tax exemptions has no basis since such item has not been submitted to Parliament for approval but at the committee level.

He advised that, the Minority should exercise patience until those tax exemptions get to plenary for such debate to be carried out.

Finally the Finance Minister, Mr. Adam agreed to the call of the Minority and assured the House that, he is going to review all those exemptions and report back to Parliament in two weeks.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Meet The Only Female Speaker Of The 4th Republic

With seven (7) Speakers so far under the fourth Republic of Ghana, the issue of the male dominance cannot be overemphasized.

After three successive male speakers from January 1993 to January 2005, Madam Joyce Adeline Bamford-Addo broke the jinx when she became the Speaker from January 2009 until January 2013 and remained the only female Speaker so far under the fourth republic.

Three subsequent Speakers after her have continued with the male dominance.

For more information click here

Minority women caucus grateful to John Mahama for choosing Prof. Jane Opoku Agyeman

The Minority women caucus in Ghana’s Parliament has commended the flagbearer of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) for choosing Professor Jane Nana Opoku-Agyeman as his running mate.

At a press conference addressed by leader of the Women caucus in the Minority and Member of Parliament for Ada Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe and flanked by her colleagues on Thursday, March 7, 2024, use the opportunity to congratulate Professor Jane Nana Opoku-Agyemang for her re-nomination.

This was after the National Executive of the party today formally introduced her as the running mate of John Dramani Mahama.

And further pointed out that the former Education Minister under the NDC has shown that she is a person of integrity and commitment to advance the cause of women and shows the confidence the NDC repose in her.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamp,com

Society does not care about us as MPs — Joseph Osei Owusu

The first deputy Speaker of Parliament and MP for Bekwai, Mr Joseph Osei Owusu said, it’s about time members of Parliament made good decisions towards their lives as MPs and live after parliament since the society does not care about them.

According to him many a time former MPs are seen in a very miserable conditions to the point that, paying for hospital bills was a problem not to talk about taking care of their families.

And further added that the society recognizes members of Parliament only when they are in emergency or in need of financial assistance, needs opportunity to get into any institution and apart from that, you the MP can go to hell.

Also, the MP for Asawase, Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak Mohammed added that, members of Parliament sometimes behave as if they are colleagues but in reality, that is not so, since majority of MPs do not even know where each member lives.

He calls for MPs to come together and build a solid political class in order to take care of each other even after leaving Parliament and stop being too political where people in NPP Majority or NDC minority don’t want to be nice with their opponents.

The MPs made these comments when they were contributing to a statement made in remembrance of the death of former MP for Kpandai, the late Kwadwo Tawiah.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Deputy Finance Minister John Kumah Dead

Deputy Finance Minister and Member of Parliament for Ejisu, John Kumah has been reported dead.

Ghanamps.com has learnt that the 45-year-old MP reportedly died after a short illness.

He left behind a wife and six children.

John Ampontuah Kumah, popularly called Lawyer John Kumah, in Ejisu, in the Ashanti Region of Ghana, was commonly described by his constituents as a man of integrity with a focus on job creation and inspires hope for the future in both young and old.
