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Let’s actualize election of MMDCEs — Local Government Minister designate

Minister designates for Local Government and Rural Development Martin Adje-Mensah Korsah has thrown his support for the concept of electing Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives.

At his vetting, on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, Mr. Korsah affirmed that it is important to ensure this happens; adding that the conflict between MPs and MMDCEs is worrying; but was quick to point out that in normal life there are bound to be conflicts, but when the conflict becomes deliberate and partisan it becomes more problematic.

According to him, if a DCE decides to frustrate an MP in accessing their common fund, “I do not thnk the punishment goes to the MP, rather members of the community who should benefit from the MP’s common fund gets denied and a second view should be taken at this problem”.

He further pointed out that all over the world with the exception of Pakistan, Malaysia, Ghana, and some parts of Canada are the only places where we do not elect MMDCEs more so on partisan lines.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Impact of LGBTQ on tourism is a difficult question – Minister designate on Tourism

Minister designate for Tourism, Arts and Culture Andrew Egyapa Mercer said in the wake of the brouhaha emanating from the passage and expected assent of the Anti-LGBTQ Bill passed by Parliament its implication is a difficult question to answer.

According to him despite his view on that Ghana’s culture is our culture, no matter what if someone is opposed to a certain lifestyle and what is important is the promotion of Ghana’s culture.

The Minister designate who was responding to questions at his vetting again indicated that though he had not fully assessed the impact, on the sector, the will definitely be some impact.

He furthermore stated that there are those who believe in that life and there are others who believe in the Ghanaian culture and find Ghana attractive place to visit and indicated that for him it is about how as a people we market Ghana and what we offer to the world.

Also, Ghana should promote domestic tourism, and when given the nod he would liaise with the Road Ministry for roads leading to tourism site to be worked on.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Appointment Committee starts vetting of President Nana Akufo-Addo’s reshuffled Ministers today

The Appointment Committee of Ghana’s Parliament has today, Tuesday, March 5, 2024, started vetting President Nana Akufo-Addo’s reshuffled Ministers.

With the new Standing Orders coming into force, nine members of the Appointment Committee would be joined by members of the Trade, Industry and Tourism Committee members for this exercises.

First to come before the Committee is Minister designate to the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture Hon Andrew Egyapa Mercer.

Other Ministers designate to appear before the Committee today are Hon Lydia Seyram Alhassan designate for the Ministry for Sanitation and Water Resources, Local government decentralization and rural development designate are Hon Martin Adjei-Mensah Korsah, Minister designate for Environment Science Technology and Innovation, Hon Ophelia Mensah Hayford and Minister designate for Gender Children and Social Protection Hon Darkoa Newman.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Anti-LGBTQ+ Bill yet to be authenticated and forwarded to the Presidency — Majority Leader

Majority Leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin has pointed out that the anti-LGBTQ+ Bill passed by parliament is yet to be forwarded to the presidency for assent as it is yet to be authenticated by the clerk of Parliament and Speaker before it is transmitted to the President Nana Akufo-Addo for his assent.

According to him the process leading to it being forwarded to the President is not completed yet and believes Ghanaians should be made aware of this, “nothing has moved from the Parliament to the presidency yet”.

Again, “Mr. Speaker is yet to receive the authenticated Bill, the clerk himself has not yet seen it, the drafting department is still compiling, I have been going after it but they say it requires sometime a lot of changes were done I do not have the draft compiled bill. They are putting together all the amendments seeing to it that the I is doted and commas are there and the legal language is properly put together for us to know the state of the bill”.

He further pointed out at a media briefing that, the sponsors have to look at the final draft, adding that the sponsors have not seen the final draft. “It is upon the perusal of this that the clerk to parliament would be then required to authenticate it”.

He also supports that the Bill could be tested at the Supreme Court, stating that “we are a growing democracy; this is not an emotional journey this is a law that have to do with the right of citizens, the test thing is whether or not a sexual right in itself being brought to question should lead to a criminal penalty”, he said.

As a nation if we say our value system do not support man to man relation, woman to woman, are we also saying the means to reform those people with that orientation is to imprison them. “How does this position stand in accordance with our constitution?”

Also the issue of advocacy; are we saying media houses cannot take certain steps; how do we put that in the contest of the constitution? All these are issues when if they are tested in our courts would help us bring this matter to a good rest, he added.

“For me, I will like to say it is good to legislate against same sex and criminalize those who would entice under age children below 18 does not have the necessary maturity to take a decision, they are not adult enough”.

For people to surfer jail term, I think there is a problem and the Catholic Church came up strongly to make an appeal on that matter. We would have to test the law on that and see. As a country, tolerance is part of our value system; we should find a middle ground either way conservative way is not the way to go to transform a society, he emphasized.

More over our judiciary has a new sentencing system in place, it talks about non- custodian sentencing system as a form of reform and correction; we know the conditions in our prisons do not help in achieving that objective of transforming, correcting and reforming.

So, we should proceed with some caution and again urge a strong view in testing the law at the Supreme Court and we know where we are moving to as state.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Finance Ministry Wants President To Defer Assenting To ‘Anti-LGBTQ+’ Bill

Even before the Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values (“Anti-LGBTQ”) Bill passed by Parliament on the 28th of February, 2024 is submitted to the president to assent to it, the Finance Ministry has recommended some actions to help minimize the impact of the bill on the 2024 budget.

Among the recommendations include:
a. H.E. the President may have to defer assenting to the Bill until the court rules on the legal issues tabled by key national stakeholders (CSOs and CHRAJ).

b. structured engagement with local conservative forces such as religious bodies and faith-based organizations to communicate the economic implications of the passage of the “Anti LGBTQ” Bill and to build a stronger coalition and a framework for supporting key development initiative that are likely to be affected;

c. an effective engagement with conservative countries, including the Arab countries and China. This could help trigger resources to fill in the potential financing gaps to be created; and
The recommendation is based on assessment carried out by the Ministry on the implications of the passage of the Bill on the 2024 budget of the country.

Per the assessment, it is believed that the reactions triggered by the passage of the bill from some of Ghana’s Development Partners, International Financial Institutions and CSOs in the country is an indication that the country would suffer some dire consequences by way of financial support from these institutions.

The report concludes that “the passage of the new Bill calls for fortifying local financial systems, strengthening African financial institutions as well as our development journey in partnership with other countries. In line with the Ghana Beyond Aid Agenda, Ghana can navigate the complexities of international relations and emerge with a robust, resilient economy with Ghanaian ownership of the commanding heights of the economy.”

Read below the full document on the

Implications of – Anti-LBTQI BILL_240304_082203



Ghana’s Power sector collapsing – Minority

The Minority on the Committee on Mines and Energy has taken swipe at the ruling government of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and revealed that the power sector of Ghana is collapsing per their investigation carried out.

According to John Abduli Jinapor addressing the media in Parliament on Thursday, February 29, 2024 noted that since February 2, 2024 there has been persistent and consistent load shedding by the generation companies and it is getting worse by the day.
He asserts that even the very day President Nana Akufo Addo came to Parliament to give his State of the Nation Address on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, “that very moment the utility companies were shedding load.”

He emphasized that there was five hundred and thirty megawatt deficit of power resulting in cutting off power to our neighbouring countries including Ivory Coast, Togo, Burkina Faso as there was some massive darkness on Wednesday and today midnight there would be load sharing.

“Our investigation indicate that some of the thermal plants are down; Tarko is down TICo is down so they are not generating enough power. More importantly, there is lack of fuel in the system because of financial constraints.

Mr. Jinapor affirmed that the government has not been able to purchase enough fuel to fire some of our thermal plants resulting in the load shedding that we have now; adding that one month of load shedding is more than enough.

The development, he said is continuous and persistent as such they believe it is about time those handling the power sector informed the people of Ghana so that they can plan ahead of time.

“This denial can no longer hold; the government should do the needful by telling Ghanaians the truth and find money to buy the fuel to fire the plants”, he emphasized.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“I hope President Akufo-Addo will walk the talk on the passed anti-LGBTQ Bill” —Samuel Nartey George

Member of Parliament for Nigo-Prampram Samuel Nartey George, one of the sponsors of the anti-gay bill when it was passed on Wednesday, February 28, 2024 in an interview pointed out that he hopes the speaker’s outfit would pass on the passed bill to the President as early as possible and hopes “the President would be a Man of his words and give assent to the Bill.”

According to him the president in the Eastern Region told the Anglican Church LGBTQ+ would not be established under his watch when he gave assurance to the clergy, and would not tolerate anything to do with LGBTQ+.

“The Bill has been passed, we expect the President to walk his talk, we the sponsors, we are very grateful to the media and we would continue to work with you in the sensitization of the public as sponsors”

Sam George further pointed out that the media has been their partners as sponsors of the bill and thanked the media for carrying their voices and taking the nation along and per the CDD research ninety three percent (93) of Ghanaians support the bill.

He also commended his colleagues from both sides of the House particularly the former Majority Leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu for his role to fine tune the Bill with his amendment, same with the Deputy Educational Minister Ntim Fordjour  and the former Minister of Environment Science and Technology Dr Afriyie.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com