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Pilfering: Cause of collapsing metal bridges in Ghana –Minister

Minister of Roads and Highways Kwasi Amoako-Attah is citing pilfering of bolts and nuts on metal bridges across the country by unpatriotic Ghanaians as cause of collapsing bridges.

According to the Minister, the second cause can be attributed to heavy truck vehicle that are over loaded causing damages to the bridges.

As to what will prevent the overloading of the trucks the Minister responded by saying that if Ghanaians will be vigilant and report the over loaded trucks to the security agencies it will help reduce the collapsing metal bridges across the Country.

“This Nationwill have to spend the little resources we have in building bridges across the country, if the unpatriotic continue with their pilfering”.

The Ministers remarks comes in the wake of the Member of Parliament for Garu Albert Akuka Alalzuuga asking an urgent question on the floor of the House on steps being taken to reconstruct the Tamne steel bridge linking Garu-Tempane District to Bawku Municipal, Pusiga and Burkina Faso which collapsed recently.
He further noted that he has been to Tamne the location of the collapsed bridge with his Director of bridges to fix the problem and provided an alternative road to be used.

Roads and Highways Minister indicated that in the future when funds are available he is thinking of providing solid concrete bridges which will last longer, than the metal bridges where some Ghanaians have resulted to cutting of bolt and nuts which weakens the bridges.

The Minister assured Members of Parliament that across the Country the metal bridges are very strong and in solid state but for the cutting of bolt and nuts by the unpatriotic Ghanaians.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliamentary Board recommend 15% pay increase for workers

Ghana’s Parliamentary Service Board has recommended that salaries of staffs be increased by 15%.
This was announced by Speaker of the House Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye as the House was breaking for recess.

He noted that the Board, after some considerations, decided to increase the salaries of staffs by 15% across board.

Staffs of Parliament have been agitating for increase in their salaries for the past four years to reflect their grades and the work they perform in the House.

Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye two months ago held a staff durbar with all workers, to introduce himself to the staffs, familiarize with them and present his vision to the staffs.

In addition, he noted that the Board had also approved the establishment of a legal department for the House, adding that recruitment of relevant staff would be done after applications had been considered.
The Speaker indicated that very soon a body will be set up to take inventory of all lands as well as properties and look at the possibility of partnering developers to develop the lands.

“Offers will be invited for possible developers on public/private partnership basis where appropriate, in order to develop lands and properties which are being taken over unlawfully by individuals”, he said.
According to the Speaker there is a body in place to review the Standing Orders of the House as action is being expedited.

Also a committee has been set up by the Parliamentary Service Board to look into the recent fire outbreak at the Job 6oo Tower block which, provide offices for Members of Parliament.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

FDA failed second time to appear before PAC

The Food and Drugs Authority has for the second time failed to attend to the invitation of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament.

FDA failed to appear before the Committee at its first sitting and has repeated same at the committees second sitting to answer questions on various issues.

Committee members of PAC are meeting to decide on the way forward with the conduct of FDA.
Checks done by ghanamps.com can reveal that there is the likelihood of the FDA to be subpoena to appear before the Committee if Monday’s invitation elapsed.

The Committee is chaired by the Minority and is made up of 25 members from both the Majority and Minority.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Re-profiling debt stock will not go down-Ricketts Hagan

Former Deputy Minister of Finance Kweku Ricketts Hagan says the financial approach the Finance Minister has adopted by engaging in 7 to 15 bond and debt re-profiling does not necessary means Ghana’s debt stock is going to come down.

He not that, the interest burden on the budget will go down and burden on expenditure goes down as a result of not paying the same amount of interest on short bonds.

“You get a fiscal space in your budget because you are not paying high on your short term interest rate bond or debts you obtain for a long term because you have profile and it gives you space”, he said.
According to the former Deputy Minister of Finance during the 2016 Presidential and Parliamentary camping the Vice President told Ghanaians, we have money in Ghana, but he traveled to China to look for money.

“They have not been honest with Ghanaians the complication they are having now they are now trying to dance around their own dishonesty, they said we are not going to borrow now they have to find a way to circumvent around this issue”.

He not that it is the same economic formula that the previous National Democratic Congress was using but they were being told they were incompetent.

“What are they doing differently from the previous government debt re-profiling, it is something you heard former Finance Minister Seth Terkper talk about”?

And noted that all these technical economic jargons the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government is using are only giving the impression that they are doing something different but it’s the same economic practice the NDC government used, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

NPP brought Speaker Oquaye just to collapse the House-Ahi

Former Deputy Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing, Samson Ahi after walking out of the floor of Parliament on Tuesday in an interview with ghanamps.com said the New Patriotic Party government brought in Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye as Speaker just to collapse the House.

The Minority walked out of Parliament on Tuesday over the Speaker’s decision to forward a motion to withdraw the 2015 AMERI deal to the Energy Committee.

“If he does not respect himself nobody will respect him, our leader was on his feet talking he deliberately ignored our leader, he is not prepared to listen to us”.

“Ghanaians if Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye is prepared to collapse the House, we will not allow him he never brought any one to this House. If he is not prepared to respect himself nobody will respect him”, he lamented.

What he has done he has set a very wrong precedent, every decision taken by the Speaker he is setting a precedent going forward those precedent can come back and hunt the NPP, he said.

Mr Ahi noted that, he (the Speaker) is setting a very dangerous precedent we should remember that when you are elected as a Speaker your major responsibility is to the state and you have to contribute to the democratization of this Nation.

“What he is doing, he is rather derailing this Country, moving it back as far as this Country is concerned”. “He has not done it once he has done it repeatedly”, he stated.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“Don’t allow Speakers to decide whether to allow motions”—Former Deputy Speaker

Former Second Deputy Speaker of the sixth Parliament of the fourth Republic and Member of Parliament for Essikado-Ketan Joe Ghartey says “Speakers of Parliament should not be allow to decide whether they will allow motions or not”.

He noted in an interview with ghanamps.com that Tuesday’s precedent where Speaker Professor Aaron Mike Oquaye allowing Kobina Tahir Hammond’s motion is a good development for our democracy it gives everybody the opportunity.

The Adansi Asokwa MP moved an urgent motion that the House rescinds its decision to approve the Build, Own, Operate and Transfer Agreement between the Government of Ghana and the Africa and Middle East Resources Investment Group LIC (Ameri Energy) for the installation of ten GE TM2, 500+ aero derivative gas turbines, operate, maintain transfer and provision of support services that the House took on March 20,2015 for reasons of gross misrepresentation.

According to the former second Deputy Speaker, if the Speaker has not allowed K. T Hammond’s motion it will mean a right is being given to the Speaker to decide whether or not to bring motion before the House.

He further noted that, the Adansi Asokwa MP could not have jumped straight with his motion to the Committee. “Our rules does not allow that, rather there should be a referral from the House”.

Everything that the Minority leader wanted to say I had things to say to those things will be said at the committee level then the committee will bring its report, in fact the committee may disagree with K T Hammond or may agree with him, Parliament as a whole is not bound to agree with the committee, he said.

Also fundamental rule of justice is that nobody should be condemned without being given a hearing,people who are affected by the decision we are about to take, are people who cannot appear before Parliament when we are sitting in the plenary.

The affected people may appear before a committee of the whole in Parliament but how can parliament sit as a committee of the whole to decide on this matter, he remarked.

In addition what comes back to the House is not what K T Hammondthinks, it is the combination of what he thinks all the facts properly advised then it comes back to the people, the reason why agreements come to the House is that it is because you have the presentative of the people here and they should decide, he said.

“What the Minority leader was doing was wrong this is not a court of law, Speakers have rules on that and in Parliament when a motion is moved then you can make your point before the point could be made the Speaker in his wisdom has referred the matter to the committee”.

He said when you are speaking on the floor and the Speaker rules against you that is the end of your speech, you should not continue speaking if you disagree with him you come by a motion and there are ways of disagreeing and there are procedural way of doing that.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Agona East MP Obaatanpa fêtes children

The honorable Member of Parliament for Agona East, Queenstar Pokua Sawyerr is keeping to her promise in the performance of basic functions required of her as a mother to her constituents.

Maame Pokua as she is affectionately called graced the first graduation ceremony of the Salvation Army Basic School in AgonaDuakwa as a demonstration of her concern for the welfare of the children.

Obaatanpa provided educational materials and packaged lunch of jollof rice and chicken for all the 527 children of the school and also donated an appreciable amount of money to the school.

The Agona East MP promised to provide financial assistance to needy children who will excel in their academic pursuits in the area.

Through the instrumentality of Maame Pokua, a modern six unit classroom block is currently under construction to enhance teaching and learning in the area.

Obaatanpa was also at the Duakwa Islamic school in fulfillment of a promise to spend time each year with school children during their “Our Day” celebration where she interacted with the children numbering about 300 and provided them with packaged lunch.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

‘Depoliticize landing beach committee appointment’-Ada MP

The honorable Member of Parliament for Ada in the Greater Accra region Comfort Doyoe Cudjoe-Ghansah has expressed grave concerns about the appointment of party activists as members of the Landing Beach committee for Anyamam in her constituency.

According to her, the partisan appointment of the Chairman of the New Patriotic Part as Chairman of the Landing Beach committee has affected the delivery of premix fuel to fisher folks in the area, a situation which is negatively affecting their livelihoods.

This came to light on the floor of Parliament in a question she posed to the Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development on whether the appointment of the chairperson of the Landing Beach Committee responsible for Anyamam took cognisance of the provisions of regulation 22(2)(a)(i) of the National Premix Fuel Committee Regulations, 2016 (L. I. 2233) and if not what steps are being taken to ensure compliance with the regulations.

The Minister Elizabeth Afoley Quaye in her response explained that the stoppage in premix fuel delivery to the fishermen was as a result of a technical challenge being faced by the Tema Oil Refinery (TOR).
She assured of governments commitment to ensure that the right thing is done to guarantee constant supply of the commodity to the fisher folks.

Regulation 22(2)(a)(i) of the National Premix Fuel Committee Regulations, 2016 (L. I. 2233), the position of the Chief Fisherman as the Chairman of the Landing Beach Committee is explicitly stated.

Furthermore, regulation 22 (2) (a) (ii) to (v) also specifies the composition of the Landing Beach Committee as a representative of Canoe Owners, representative of Fish Mongers, a Fisherman nominated by the Ministry in consultation with the District Assembly and a representative of the District Assembly.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Caucuses must establish research centres -Majority Leader

In order to enhance Ghana’s Parliamentary democratic practice, there is an urgent need for the caucuses of Parliament to establish research centers, Minister responsible for Parliamentary Affairs and Majority leader, Osei Kyei Mensah –Bonsu has said.

According to him it is crucial that legislators resort the use of accurate research data to effectively function in their line of duty.

The only way to ensure availability of that data is for the caucuses of the house to have research departments.

MrOsei Kyei mensah-Bonsu who is the Member of Parliament for Suame in the Ashanti region made the call during the Information Week celebration by the Inter- Departmental Research and Information Group (IDRIG) of Parliament.

He acknowledged that those working in research and information department play very key roles in making parliament more functional.

The leader of government business in Parliament also advocates building network among all stakeholders especially civil society organization to enable Parliament work effectively.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Ghana risks food insecurity if no action is taken- Mion MP

The honorable Member of Parliament for the Mion constituency in the Northern region, Mohammed Abdul-Aziz has warned that if government fails to immediate steps to curb the increasing rate of armyworm infestations, Ghana is likely to face food security challenges in 2018.

He feared Government`s inaction on the development is a worrying situation that has potential threat to the future of the country.

According to him, Agriculture employs majority of Ghanaians serving their economic well- being and must therefore be protected to thrive.

He expressed worry about the lack of urgency on the part of government through the Ministry of Food and Agriculture to respond swiftly to the armyworm menace.

The young lawmaker has therefore challenged government to take immediate action in order to curb the situation.

Army worms have in recent times invaded several farms across the country destroying food crops.

Some of the areas worst affected includes the Dangbe East Distrct in the Greater Accra region and several maize farms in the Sunyani Municipality andenvirons of the BrongAhafo region.

The worms infested water melon farms, sorghum, tomato, pepper and other vegetable farms in

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com