On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, the Speaker of Chamber of Deputies of Rwanda Rt. Hon Donatilla Mukabalisa was elected to preside over the 145th Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly being held in Rwanda.
In her acceptance speech she noted that every parliament has to pass legislation to enact to contribute to the economic and social transformation of their respective societies and in the same vain Parliament of Rwanda remain committed to its mission of doing its bit towards ensuring that equality remain high on the agenda in Rwanda.
And this cannot be achieved if their parliaments do not work with other parliaments, and this Assembly would make it possible for the Rwanda Parliamentarians share best practices with other parliaments and also learn from them which would enable them continue to be a more resilient parliament. Again, turning to the theme for the general debate on gender sensitive parliament as drivers of change for a more resilient and peaceful world, “I consider that the theme is well timed.
Gender equality in our various societies should start from our parliaments, because this would serve as an inspiration for our society with more women in Parliament working with men. It is easier to overcome complex challenges of the contemporary world”. Rt. Hon Donatilla further noted that, what they set out for themselves to achieve can come through joint efforts and people in all layers of our society can have their voices heard and their concerns addressed.
She remain convinced that these Assembly would be unique, it is a pivotal opportunity for them to share experience on how to tackle barriers to gender equality in our parliaments and hope the Assembly would help them come up with actionable plans and realistic resolution of which their parliaments would become more gender sensitive, and inspire our societies; and quoted the President during the international women day 2022, “equality is a right and not a favor, we must to even more and better to ensure that the next generation of our daughters and granddaughters inherit their aspiration has no limit”, to buttress her point.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com/Rwanda/Kigali