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Three new MPs from Guinea Bissau sworn in

The opening of the Second Ordinary Session of the fourth legislature on Wednesday November 19, 2019 witnessed three new lawmakers from Guinea Bissau being sworn in as members of the fourth legislature.

They are   Gabreiela Alfredo Fernandes, Cariamo Camara and Narciano Indi who took their oath of office in front of their colleagues in Abuja Nigeria.

Mr. Mahtarr M. Jeng from Gambia drew the attention of the Speaker Mustapha Cisse Lo that colleagues who have served the fourth Legislature and are leaving should be given an appreciation letter in recognition of work done by outgoing colleagues.

His remarks caught the attention of his colleagues on the floor of the House who clapped to show support for his contribution.

Speaker Mustapha Cisse Lo acknowledged his contribution as laudable and promised to forward his sentiment to the appropriate body for a decision to be taken on that.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Abuja

We need more female lawmakers home to reflect in next ECOWAS Parliament—K. Sesay

As the life span of the fourth Legislature of the Economic Community of West Africa Stats (ECOWAS) come to an end next year February, a female lawmaker of the Sierra Leone delegation, Veronica Sesay is advocating for thirty percent female representation in the various National Assemblies.

According to Sesay if the fifteen countries that form ECOWAS get thirty percent representation of female lawmakers it would increase, female representation of the fifth Legislature of the West African sub-regional Community Parliament.

In an interview, she pointed out that even as she is a new member of the fourth legislature, it’s mainly male dominated and there is the need to increase the female representation.

“Charity begins at home, in my country we are working hard to enact law thirty percent female representation in the National Assembly, let me tell you what men can do women can do better, you can attest to that”.

She cited an example of country report of Cote D’ivore presented by a woman, “we are mothers, and we are makers and partners in development, we should be seen working side by side with our male counterparts.

Biblically we were taken from the ribs of men therefore you should recognise that fact that we can do things better, if we encourage more women in the community Parliament it would be a vibrant Parliament”.

In the first  Ordinary Session, when the only female among the Ghanaian delegation Ama Pomaa Boateng presented Ghana’s country report she received loud recognition from both male and female colleagues.

Second Deputy Speaker Aminata Kamara Toungara questioned why Ghana has had only a female representation among its delegation to the ECOWAS Parliament.

She further revealed that language barer is another thing militating against the women caucus of ECOWAS Parliament to come together to fight for more female representation.

“We are trying to see if the Parliament can organize for us to learn French and Portuguese, which are the official languages used in here, at least the basics with that we would be able to pass our messages across”.

And lamented that sometimes when they go for their meetings, they do not have translators, “how do you express yourself that is a problem. The Parliament should give us thirty minutes to learn these languages.”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Abuja

ECOWAS Parliament is welcomed to Guinea for its fact findings — Souleymane Bah

A member of the Guinea delegation to the Community Parliament, Alpha Souleymane Bah has defended his countries report on the floor of the House, despite criticism from his colleagues on the political situation in his country.

According to Souleymane, the political and security committee of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament is welcomed to his country any time to assess the political situation in his country.

In an interview, he noted that the President does not intend to stay in office after his tenure in 2020. “The President has never said that so if this is a problem we have nothing to hide”.

He further added that the committee from ECOWAS Parliament should speak to government side and the opposition.

In addition the ECOWAS Commission has asked someone to intervene in the person of Dr. Ibn Chambas to speak with government and the opposition.

“There is no problem, now the opposition wants to come to the table to talk, my country is peaceful, since independence we have been peaceful we have never been at war”, he assured.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com/Abuja

Finance Minister bounces back to include Volta roads in 2020 budget

Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta bounced back to Parliament less than the forty-eight hours the Minority gave for the Volta Region to be included in critical roads the 2020 budget was going to address.

According to Finance Minister his attention was drawn by the Volta Regional Minister and Energy Minister to an omission of the Volta Region from the list of critical roads in  table 21  of the budget statement.

He noted that all the Regional Ministers were asked to submit list of critical roads which required immediate attention. In the case of the Volta Region, three (3) road projects were prioritize in the budget.

It turn out that on page 160 of the budget the region was inadvertently left out, “I am here to amend table 21  to include the critical roads in the Volta Region as originally agreed on for the avoidance of doubt, the critical  roads for the Volta Region are; Asikuma-Have (45km), Have-Hohoe-Jasikan (83km and Ho-Dzodze-Denu (99km). This would not increase the 2020 appropriation because they are already included in the budget estimate of 2020.”

He further used  the opportunity to inform members in the House of some other important roads projects in the region programmed for 2020 as indicated in paragraph 867, 868 of the budget statement.

In addition there would be dualisation of Ho main roads, construction of the Ho bypass, replacement and expansion works on the lower Volta bridge at Sogakope and construction of bridge over the Volta River at Volivo and Dufor Adidome-Asikuma junction road.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta bounced back to Parliament less than the forty-eight hours the Minority gave for the Volta Region to be included in critical roads the 2020 budget was going to address.

According to Finance Minister his attention was drawn by the Volta Regional Minister and Energy Minister to an omission of the Volta Region from the list of critical roads in  table 21  of the budget statement.

He noted that all the Regional Ministers were asked to submit list of critical roads which required immediate attention. In the case of the Volta Region, three (3) road projects were prioritize in the budget.

It turn out that on page 160 of the budget the region was inadvertently left out, “I am here to amend table 21  to include the critical roads in the Volta Region as originally agreed on for the avoidance of doubt, the critical  roads for the Volta Region are; Asikuma-Have (45km), Have-Hohoe-Jasikan (83km and Ho-Dzodze-Denu (99km). This would not increase the 2020 appropriation because they are already included in the budget estimate of 2020.”

He further used  the opportunity to inform members in the House of some other important roads projects in the region programmed for 2020 as indicated in paragraph 867, 868 of the budget statement.

In addition there would be dualisation of Ho main roads, construction of the Ho bypass, replacement and expansion works on the lower Volta bridge at Sogakope and construction of bridge over the Volta River at Volivo and Dufor Adidome-Asikuma junction road.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to hold post-budget workshop in the House Saturday and Sunday

Majority Leader and Minister of Parliamentary Affairs Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu presenting Business Statement on the floor of the House on Friday urged members to come in their numbers as a post-budget workshop would be organized for all members on Saturday and Sunday.

The post budget workshop would be held at the justice D. F. Annan auditorium of the Job 600 building.
The Business Committee implore all members to participate in all the aspects of the consideration of the budget.

He further told the House that debate of the 2020 budget would start on Monday 18th of November 2019.

Second and Ranking member of finance committee has been allocated twenty minutes to speak, other committee chairpersons and ranking members have been allocated fifteen minutes whiles ten minutes had been allocated to other members.

The Business Community has stretched as follows: 18th November 2019, the debate would be around Finance and Agriculture; Tuesday the 19the, Communications, Energy, Trade and Industry.

Education, Health, Employment and Development Initiative would be the next to be  debated on Wednesday the 20th of November 2019, Defence, Interior, Environment, EC, NCCE and the Judiciary would be next.

Friday the 22nd of November the debate would be around Youth and Sports, Tourism Culture and Chieftaincy, the following day would be Roads, Local Government, Works and House and Sanitation.

Leadership of the House would conclude the debate on the 26th of November 2019, the House is expected to have extended sitting from Monday the 18th of November 2019.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Unavailability of Communications Minister pushed her question to Friday

The unavailability of the Minister of Communications Ursula Owusu on Thursday has put the House in a position to take her question either on Friday or in two weeks time.

According to the Majority Leader, the Ministry of Communications had a programme slated on Thursday that clashes with Parliament’s time for her to be on the floor hence her unavailability and pleaded that House gives her another time to come before the House.

He further told the House Thursday was a cabinet meeting and later in the day the Minister would attend cabinet and he would relate to her the sentiment of the House, as the Business committee had planed that there would be no question time next week as the period would be devoted to the 2020 budget debate.

Checks conducted by Ghanamps.com in Parliament indicates that the Minister has been programmed to answer a question on the floor of the House that Thursday.

Member of Parliament for Afadzato South, Angela Oforiwa-Tay wanted to know when nine communities in her constituency would be provided with mobile telephone network connectivity.

Mr Joseph Yieleh Chireh commenting on the situation noted that the letter the Minster wrote to the House did not state when she would be available in the future, advising that Ministers should indicate when they would be available in such situations.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Speaker advices Mion MP to direct question to National Security Minister

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has advised Member of Parliament for Mion, Mohammed Abdul-Aziz to direct his question on visa racketeering scandal at the Australia Commonwealth game to the National Security Minister.

This happened on Thursday the 14th of November 2019, when the Mion MP wanted the investigation made public by the Youth and Sports Minister and wanted the ruling of the Speaker when not contend with the sector Minister’s answer.

According to the Youth and Sports Minister, on the 6th of April 2018, the matter was referred to the National Security Minister for investigation and he was not in position to speak further on the issue.

Speaker Oquaye noted that if the Youth and Sports Minister had anything on the matter it was before the National Security Minister and a question should rather be filled to him.

The Mion MP wanted the Youth and Sports Minister to answer the question because the National Security Ministry was not a court.

However, not happy with the ruling of the speaker and thinking the Speaker has allowed the Youth and Sports Minister off providing critical answers, some Minority MPs kept shouting at the background.

Some murmured what the NPP government was hiding when other MPs from the Minority side of the House who wanted to ask critical question were turned down by the Speaker.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Volta Caucus gives gov’t 48hours to apologize to chiefs and people of Volta

The Minority Volta Caucus in Parliament is demanding an apology within forty-eight hours to the chiefs and People of the Volta Region from the President Nana Akufo-Addo government for excluding them in road projects in the 2020 budget.

At a press conference addressed by the Ranking member on Roads and Highways Governance Kwame Agbodza on Thursday after adjournment, the Volta Caucus demanded that the region be considered for its fair share of projects, “Under Governments critical road projects failing which the Minority will announce its next line of actions and advice itself”.

We wish to remind the President that he took an oath to defend the constitution of Ghana, which forbids discrimination and insists that government takes all necessary actions to undertake an even and balanced development of all regions, the statement indicated.

“This is what the NDC has always pursued anytime we are in Government and we refuse to accept the lame unconvincing excuse of the mistake. This is a grand scheme to discriminate against the region because of our voting pattern”.

“The question is when, was this obvious mistake detected and “how come no corrections have been effected as we speak? For a government that touts its credentials of having the men, never mind that they ignored the women, it is unfathomable that such mistake would be allowed to occur up to this point”.

The Minority Volta caucus produced excepts from the 2020 budget that was presented by Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta; table 21 which itemized critical regional road projects programmed for construction in 2020 with all the fifteen regions including the new Oti region having their share except the Volta Region.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Prime Minister of Barbados to address Parliament today

Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has urged Members of Parliament to be on time today Friday 15th of November 2019 as the House welcomes the Prime Minister of Barbados Honorable Mia Amor Mottley.

According to the Speaker the Prime Minister would be in the House 3:00pm to address the House.

This was when the Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu announced to the House on Thursday before adjournment of the House the coming to the House of the Prime Minister of Barbados.

Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu on his part urged the Women caucus on the House to be at their best to receive the Prime Minister who is also a woman.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority and Majority go overboard during 2020 budget presentation

Despite Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye’s directives that during important occasions on the floor of the House, Members of Parliament should be decorous, the rule was flouted on when the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta whet statement and economic policies of government to parliament on Wednesday, November 13, 2019.

The Minority displayed placards with inscriptions “Bye Bye Budget by way of telling the ruling government that was the last budget they were presenting after the 2020 elections.

Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye had to struggle on many occasions to maintain order on the floor of the House.

On a number of occasions, the second Deputy Minority whip Ibrahim Ahmed had to be up on his seat pleading with his colleagues to tone down but that did not go down well with his colleagues at the back bench who kept interrupting and displaying their cards.

The Majority side back benchers equally not happy with what was going on, on the floor of the House also resorted to singing on the floor of the House acknowledging that the budget presented by the finance Minister was good.

Whiles the Minority were putting across that no matter what the Majority side does former President John Mahama would bounce back as President of Ghana, the Majority side also passionately indicated to their colleagues that the former President would never come back to power.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com