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Minority to hold dialogue on Mid-year economic performance

Ahead of the Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta presenting the Mid-Year review on Thursday the 19th of July, 2018 on the floor of the House, the Minority is organizing a round table breakfast dialogue.

The Minority caucus in Parliament would hold a roundtable breakfast dialogue on their perspective on the Mid-Year Economic performance and projections.

Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu and Ranking member on the Finance Cassiel Ato Forson would address the media in Parliament before the main proceedings in the chamber starts.

In an interview with ghanamps.com most of the Minority Members of Parliament indicated that they are going to give the real state of the Mid-Year review.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Legal Aid Commission passed into law

Parliament has passed into law the Legal Aid Commission Bill, 2017, which is awaiting Presidential assent to become law.

The Bill seeks to provide workable guidelines to access legal aid and to also introduce the option of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in granting an application for legal aid.

In memorandum written by The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, Gloria Akuffo forwarded to Parliament during the consideration of The Bill, stated that, Regional and District Offices and Community Mediation Centre’s are provided for, to deliver legal aid where it is most required.

According to her, “the conditions of service for the legal and other staff of the Commission are also a new feature introduced by The Bill, clause I to 4 deal with the establishment of the Legal Aid Commission.

The Commission may also enter into agreements for the provision of legal aid to citizens in proceedings outside the country with bodies which perform functions outside Ghana similar to those of the Commission. Clause 4 deals with the independence-of the Commission.

“Except as provided by the Constitution, the Commission is not subject to the direction or control of any person or authority in the performance of its function”. .

A sound legal framework for the provision of a legal aid will benefit the poor and vulnerable and ensure the achievement of liberty, equality of opportunity, freedom and justice as well as the protection and preservation of fundamental human rights and freedoms as stated in the preamble to the Constitution”.

The purpose of the Bill is to revise The Legal Aid Scheme Act, 1997 (Act 542) to establish The Legal Aid Commission to provide legal aid and other legal services to individuals in accordance with Article 14, 17 and 294 of The 1992 Constitution of Ghana.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

CSOs appeal for quarterly interaction with leadership of Parliament

Chairman of the Governing Council of Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition, Nana Osei Bonsu has appealed to the leadership of Parliament to make provision for civil society groups to meet them quarterly to interact with them so that they could share ideas.

According to the chairman in that process CSOs would be briefed by leaderships of the House on activities the House is embarking on, whiles CSOs would share with them expectations of CSOs and suggestions they can also make.

He further called for the code of conduct of Members of Parliament to be made public, as the image of Parliament is very important.

Speaker of Parliament Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye on his part indicated that there is a code of conduct which the leadership of Parliament would handover to chairman of the governing council of Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition.

“We are very much aware of our public image, sometimes some of the things that people say about Parliament are not correct, we are strengthening the processing in other to be able to account to the people and also make others account to us on behalf of the people”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Let us start Regional blocks to achieve continental Africa—Information Minister

Minister of information Dr Mustapha Hamid has said for Africa to achieve a continental united Africa, it is important for Regional blocks to be strengthened, a move our fore bearers did not do.

He congratulated members of the West African Parliamentary Press Corps (WAPPC), for taking the giant stride by forming a West African Journalist Association.

According to the Information Minister, it is important to think outside the box because the world has become such a difficult one for countries to operate in isolation, “we ought to operate as a global collective for us to achieve united Africa”.

Dr. Mustapha Hamid, indicated that fore leaders of Africa failed in their move to unit Africa before because, they did not start mobilizing like the Regional blocks, East Africa, West Africa and South Africa.
“If they had started organizing the various blocks, by now we would have achieved a continental Africa, whiles we concentrate on developing the various blocks”, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“Do not throw professionalism to the dogs”–President WAPPC

President of the West African Parliamentary Press Corps (WAPPC), Andrew Edwin Arthur, has urged Journalists reporting from Parliaments within the West African Sub-Region not to throw professionalism to the “dogs”.

According to the President of WAPPC, some recent developments is eroding the pride the media holds as the fourth estate of realm and gains made two decade ago.

“In the past the marginalized in society were able to run to the media, but that cannot be said of the media today because of some developments and changes”, he said

He further added that politicization and polarization of the media have become endemic, such that media practitioners have compromised their professionalism with impunity for anything that gives them personal comfort.

He made the observation at a two day media symposium and summit of the West African Parliamentary Press Corps in Accra, that brought together participant from Gambia, Liberia, Nigeria, Togo and Bennie.
Again he noted that this has affected the influence and trust of the media, “a thing that must stop else we risk losing the pride of place as the fourth estate of the realm”, he lamented.

Mr. Andrew Edwin Arthur further added that, for a sustainable democracy to grow strong there is the need for a vibrant media to hold Members of Parliament accountable to their mandate.

In recent times some MPs fail to attend to sittings deliberately, they would rather chose to engage themselves in their private activities there by denying their various Assemblies from forming quorum to conduct business on the floor of the House, he said.

The Media that operate in our various Parliament have closed their eyes to this development, while the MPs continue to do this, “the question is what is the role of the media in helping curb such practices whiles eroding the gains made over the years?”

A case in point is when a particular media made it a point to draw attention to the attendance of MPs as well as those who were in the House to warm the seats; this caught the attention of Ghanaians.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Eleven Ministers to address twenty-two questions this week

Eleven Ministers of the Akufo-Addo government would be in Parliament House to address twenty-two questions in their names, including two urgent questions and twenty oral questions to be addressed.

Prominent among them is the Minister for Roads and Highways, Kwasi Amoako Atta who would address five questions; Railways Development Minister, Joe Ghartey four questions; and Sanitation and Water Resources Minister, Kofi Adda would tackle three questions.

To address a question each would be the following Ministers, Monitoring and Evaluation, Transport, Lands and Natural Resources, Trade and Industry, Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration and Youth and sports.

Minister of Health and Interior would also be allowed to take two questions each on the floor of the House.

Majority Leader, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu in presenting business for the ensuing week, told the House, the committee has planned that the extended sitting would continue whiles the House sits on Mondays beginning this week.

Per order 70 (2) the Speaker would allow for statements to be made on the floor of the House, whiles order 119 of the House would allow Bills, papers and reports to be presented on the floor of the House.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

No issue would affect Homowo festival celebration—Minister

Minister for Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, Kofi Dzamesi has told Parliament currently there is no matter before the National House of Chiefs for adjudication or cause on the Ga Chieftaincy dispute or issue affecting the celebration of the Ga Homowo festival.

According to the Minister, Ga Mashie comprise of many quarters but falls under two traditional areas, Ga Traditional Council and Ngleshie Alata Traditional Council, which they all have roles to play in the celebration of the Ga Homowo.

He further informed the House the constitutional provisions on Chieftaincy Article 272 of the 1992 Constitution and Chieftaincy Act, 2008 Act 759 mandates the Nation House of chief to superintend or supervise and control the celebration of traditional festivals such as Homowo.

“Mr. Speaker, the presumption of disputes occurring during the Homowo celebration in the Ga Mashie is derived from the fore boding, that there is the likelihood of disruption which should not arise in the first place.
Duty is imposed on citizenry to abide by the laws of Ghana, if there is the linking of nay activities by certain persons to mar the beauty, sanctity and significance of Homowo or any other traditional festival, it should be reported to the law enforcement agencies to provide the necessaries to ensure the celebration of the festival.”

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Privileges committee to hold public hearing today

The Privileges committee of Parliament would this afternoon hold a public hearing of the alleged contemptuous conduct of the Assin Central Member of Parliament, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong.

According to a statement released by the Public Affairs Department of Parliament and sign by the acting Director Kate Addo, the public hearing would start at two pm (2:00pm) at the new administration block.

The Assin Central legislator was referred to the Privileges committee, which had a first sitting to look into the issues whether it had merit to be looked into, the committee after hearing the Minority Chief Whip, Mohamed Mubarak on the issue fix today for public hearing.

When Mr. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong appear before the committee today, it had to report its findings and recommendation to the plenary for the necessary action and follow ups to be taken.

Ghanamps.com would update readers on the turn of event at the public hearing in its subsequent, write ups.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Two new Bills introduce on the floor of the House

With only eighteen days more before the House goes on recess, two new Bills have been introduced on the floor of the House.

The Conduct of Public Officers Bill 2018 on Tuesday the 3rd of July, 2018 went through first reading and Chartered Institute of Bankers (Ghana) Bill 2018 was also read for the second time.

Minister for Education, Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh and Attorney General and Minister for Justice, Gloria Akuffo were both not in the chamber, and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs had to stand in for both Ministers.

Conduct of Public Officers Bill 2018 was referred to the committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, whiles committee on Education and leadership of the Finance Committee are supposed to deal with the Chartered Institute of Bankers (Ghana) Bill 2018.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Let us start Parliament on time and hold Ministers to it—Speaker

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye had admonished Members of Parliament to be on time for the House to start proceedings on time, in other to hold Minister to it.

According to the Speaker he is tempted to be sympathetic to Ministers who do not show up on the floor of the House because the Minister would say, “we do not start on time, let us start on time and hold them to it”.

He further added that with this, when Parliament complains it would be a genuine complain.

He made this remarks when Minister of Education Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh and Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection were not available on the floor of the House to answer questions in their name.

Professor Oquaye noted that the House would have to maximize the time on their side to have the very best of time, since there is a very heavy load of work to be done and time was of essence.

“What we do in the chamber from now, time is of essence, we need to be assured that tomorrow we start exactly 10:00 am, Majority Leader kindly inform Ministers accordingly”, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com