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Adenta MP counsels John Jinapor

The NDC Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kwadwo Adu Asare, has counseled the Spokes person for the Vice President, John Jinapor, to be more circumspect in responding to issues relating to the office of the Vice President.

The Spokes person in the past few weeks has received a lot of bashing from sections of the public for some inconsistencies in his answers to matters of public concern.

First was the issue of the Vice President John Mahama promising the Chiefs and people of the Western region during electioneering campaign in 2008 that should the NDC win power, 10% of oil proceeds will be given to develop the region.

In pursuance to this pledge the Western Region Traditional Council petitioned Parliament to allocate 10% of the oil revenue to the area, but the Spokes person of the Vice President John Jinapor refuted claims that His Excellency John Mahama ever made that statement.

However, the Vice President is reported as saying in far away Saudi Arabia on a visit to that country that indeed he made that statement and he stands by it.

John Jinapor, just last week had it wrong again when he hurriedly denied that the Vice President had not written any letter to some Chinese investors on collateralization some commodities , when indeed the Vice president had written that letter.

Speaking on Peace FM’s morning show “Kokorokoo” the Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kwadwo Adu Asare, noted it is important that the spokesperson takes time to crosscheck thoroughly his facts before making public statements as he occupies a very sensitive position.

“The press will always be pursuing you for news sometimes they almost become a nuisance, but you need to take your time and ensure what you put out is incontrovertible, his consistency in getting things wrong is a bit worrying”, he said.

Meanwhile the Vice President’s Spokesperson, John Jinapor has admitted making slippages in dealing with those issues, adding that he has learnt his lessons.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Fifa’s claim of interference is flawed -Nii Nortey Duah

Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, Nii Nortey Duah has taken a swipe at FIFA, after the world’s governing body warned the Ghana government to desist from interfering in Football administration in the country.

FIFA said last week that it was not happy with the developments in Ghana after investigating claims of intrusion.

The governing body said it was disappointed that Ghana football, which is seen by many as a good example for other countries, is reeling under government pressure.

Under Fifa rules, national football associations must not be subject to government control.

But the Ghana Football Association (GFA) has recently come under intense pressure from government over various issues.

The government withdrew its order to impose Abedi Pele as a candidate for a vacant Caf post after the GFA rejected the request two weeks ago. It is believed that this incidence may have triggered FIFA’s move.

Even though Fifa is pleased that sanity has been restored, the governing body warns that future attempts could have serious consequences.

But Hon. Nii Nortey Duah, Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports thinks FIFA did not do due diligence.

The Deputy Sports Minster told Citi News FIFA must conduct another investigation since its latest release is a non-starter.

“We need to throw it back to the GFA and ask them if really the so-called interference is happening. I think Fifa had it all wrong because how is Government interfering. In some other countries, their FAs are independent of Government but in Ghana the FA is dependent of Government.

The Deputy Sports Minister who is also the Member of Parliament for Ledzokuku believes that Fifa only came to that conclusion based on unsubstantiated allegations.

“Bad news travels fast so Fifa itself must investigate properly and come out correctly. This is a soft way of killing the sport in Ghana. What if Government decides that the FA should be on its own, what will happen? The sports will die. An FA is dependent of Government; government must know what happens in its operations” he said.

Source: citifm

Parliament approves harvesting of stumps in the Volta Lake

Parliament has endorsed the agreement between Government, Volta River Authority and Clark Sustainable Resources Development Limited (CSRD) a Canadian firm for the phase II of harvesting, processing and marketing of timber from the Volta Lake.

The project will enhance river transport and reduce accidents and frequent loss of life on the lake and create employment opportunities for the youth.

The agreement granted salvage right to CSRD for an initial period of 15 years which would be extended for another 10 years. The first Phase involved feasibility studies conducted in 2006 that ascertained the viability of the project.

It assessed the overall timber resources potential of the Volta Lake including diversity of species, the financial viability of extraction, processing, marketing and value added opportunities. The study also addressed transportation and safety issues and developed an overall strategy for the underwater timber harvesting industry on the lake.

The CSRD has the exclusive right to harvest, process and market timber submerged in the Volta Lake over a contiguous area comprising 350,000 hectares. Mr Gershon Gbediame, Chairman of the Committee on Lands and Natural Resources, who presented the report to parliament, said members were concerned about the environmental and social impact of the project.

He said the committee considered the fish stock in the lake and the livelihood of the communities living along the water resource. Mr Gbediame said the contractor was under the obligation to ensure that the environmental and social impact of the project met World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) standards.

He said the Environmental Resources Management Limited of the United Kingdom assisted in assessing the environmental impact of the project, which would be reviewed by the EPA. Mr Gbediame said as part of the project the CSRD would establish a sawmill in the Asuogyaman District to process logs that would be harvested from the lake.

Source: GNA

I don’t take politics serious – Hon. Kofi Jumah

For many Ghanaians who dislike Hon. Maxwell Kofi Jumah for his utterances, you may have to consider revising your posture about the outspoken MP for Asokwa.

The man has made what appears to be an uncommon revelation stating categorically, that he is not serious with politics although he finds himself in it.

Mr. Maxwell Kofi Jumah, who is in his second term as an MP, is known for his vitriolic attacks on political opponents particularly in the NDC.

He sometimes clashes with people within his party the NPP, with the latest being an attack on former Metropolitan Chief Executive for Kumasi, Patricia Appiagyei.

Mr. Kofi Jumah had made a statement on a Kumasi-based radio station suggesting that Madam Appiagyei traded sex to become the Mayor for Kumasi and that she could not do same if she had to contest him for the Asokwa seat as she intends to do.

The comment received widespread condemnation by women’s rights groups, NPP leadership and several well-meaning Ghanaians. Madam Appiagyei finally allowed the matter to rest after the MP had apologized explaining that he did not mean what he said.

Speaking to Eyewitness News on Citi FM on Wednesday December 1, the beleaguered MP reiterated that his infamous comment was only a slip.

“We all joke sometimes but it turned out to be a serious joke. In fact, until it was played back for me, I didn’t know how bad it was” he said.

On what appears to be a general perception that he is a controversial figure, the MP who is also known as Kofi Ghana said “Kofi Ghana is not a controversial figure. He is a very funny guy but people don’t see it because I don’t come across on radio as that.

But when you get close to me, you will realise that I am a different personality all together. I don’t take anything serious. I don’t take politics that serious. For me it’s not a life and death situation and I understand and agree that there all shades of opinion and who am I to judge if one is better than the other? That is the essence of democracy” he said.

Mr. Maxwell Kofi Jumah who has supported the presidential ambition of Mr. Alan Kyeremanten told Citi News he supports Nana Addo’s candidature irrespective of his earlier position.

He was optimistic Nana Addo will recapture power for the NPP in 2012 irrespective of what he calls diabolic attempts to mischaracterise his personality.

Source: citifmoline

Clamp down on cyber crime – Opoku Prempeh

The Member of Parliament for Manhyia, Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh, has urged the National Security Apparatus to step up its work to clamp down cyber crime which has persistently increased in recent times.

The crime which was until recently alien to Ghana has suddenly become widespread and it is mainly perpetrated by the youth.

The MP’s call comes in the wake of the revelation at the opening ceremony of the first West African Cyber Crime Summit (WACCS) in Abuja, Nigeria, that Ghana has been ranked among the top 10 countries in the world where cyber crime, popularly known as 419, is most prevalent.

Nigeria, by far, leads the African group with eight per cent rate of the crime, followed by Ghana and Cameroun with 0.7 and 0.6 per cent, respectively.

Speaking on Oman FM Thursday morning, the Member of Parliament for Manhyia, Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh, stated that the National Security with all its resources and expertise must rather busy itself with finding solutions to such criminal acts and not engage in trivialities such as going round to seize cars belonging to political opponents of the ruling government.

“The national security apparatus must be seen to be protecting Ghanaians irrespective of which party they belong to, and not be used as a political tool to harass political opponents’’, he said.

He noted that the tag on Ghana as one of the leading countries in the world where such fraudulent act is rife is most unfortunate since it lowers the esteem of Ghana as a country internationally.

Hon. Dr Mathew Opoku Prempeh, called on the National Security to effectively collaborate with the relevant stakeholders to ensure that the canker of cyber crime is brought to an end completely or curbed.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Minority to expose Vice President

The Minority in Parliament have threatened to expose some dirty secrets about the Vice President John Dramani Mahama if he fails to apologies over his harsh comments on the conversationalist of Ghana’s oil.

Addressing a group of some NDC youth over the weekend, John Dramani Mahama expressed surprise that the Minority NPP is vehemently against any attempt to collateralize the oil, with the excuse that oil is a blessing and that it shouldn’t be collateralize in advance.

The Vice President described as “foolish, baloney” the Minority’s position that the state must not be allowed to use the country’s expected oil revenue as collateral for securing loans for infrastructure development.

Addressing the media in Accra on Wednesday December 1, Mathew Opoku Prempeh, NPP MP for Manhyia said the Minority will reveal the main interest of the Vice President in the collateralisation of Ghana’s oil if he fails to apologise for his unsavoury remarks.

A letter made available to Parliament by Dr Opoku Prempeh and signed by the Vice President indicates that John Mahama had assured some Chinese investors and made some giant promises to collateralise Ghana’s oil to enable their companies undertake some infrastructural developments in the country.

Meanwhile, in a sharp response to the threats by the Minority and the subsequent letter presented to parliament, Spokesperson to the Vice President, John Jinapor rubbished the allegations made by Mathew Opoku Prempeh.

John Jinapor questioned the authenticity of the said letter, describing it as “fictitious.” He said a complaint had been lodged with the Police to commence investigations to unravel the source of the said letter.

He stated categorically that the Vice President did not sign any letter to collateralise Ghana’s oil to any company. According to John Jinapor, the move by the Minority is a propaganda gimmick to dent the President’s reputation.

Mathew Opoku Prempeh, in the opinion of John Jinapor, is not a “serious MP” and challenged the Minority to carry out their threat to expose any dirty secret of the Vice President.

He maintained that the Vice President’s remarks did not sound insulting, adding that John Mahama is not ready to apologise to anyone.

Kabral is playing politics with NMC – Namoale

The NDC Member of Parliament for La- Dadekotopon, Nii Amasa Namoale, has accused the Chairman of the National Media Commission (NMC) Kabral Blay- Amihere of playing politics with the Commission, which is required by law to be neutral.

According to the MP, the Chairman’s recent public criticism of the Police and the Serious Fraud Office, now known as the Economic and Organized Crime Unit, is most unfortunate and condemnable.

Kabral Blay- Amihere at an event to mark the first anniversary of the 6th commission in Accra has lashed out at the Police and the Economic and Organized Crime Unit for engaging in acts that impinge on press freedom.

He accused the Police of ‘miraculously resurrecting an old law- causing fear and panic to cow the citizenry,’’ and the Economic and Organized Crime Unit of harassing and intimidating key personnel of the media.

Kabral Blay- Amihere noted that the doings of the two states institutions were clearly in disregard to the public pledge of the President not to do anything to muzzle the press.

However, contributing to a discussion on e.TV Ghana’s morning show today, Hon. Nii Amasa Namoale, stated that with the vast experience that Mr Blay- Amihere has gathered, he must rather be seen to be building and strengthening an august body such as the National Media Commission.

He noted that Mr Blay-Amihere making such a comment is problematic, as he is supposed to be a neutral judge in his position as the Chairman of the National Media Commission.

“This man has once been an Ambassador and he should know what kind of statements he puts out, if he has any problem with any law the reasonable action to take is to proceed to court, no matter how old the law is, once it remains on the statutes book, it makes that law operational’’ he said.

Hon. Nii Amasa Namoale is added that Kabral can also encourage cabinet to begin a process to expunge that law, if it will affect press freedom.

Story by: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Dan Botwe worried about increasing crime rate

Mr Dan Botwe, the Member of Parliament for Okere, has expressed worry about increasing crime rate in the country despite large presence of churches and other religious organizations. “It is unfortunate that at the time that church and other religious bodies are springing up daily, armed robbery and other criminal activities are rather on the ascendancy”.

Mr Botwe therefore appealed for concerted efforts from religious leaders to help address the challenges confronting the state. Speaking at the 12th ordination of the Ghana Bible College at Abiriw Akuapem over the weekend, Mr Botwe attributed part of the situation to the ambition of the youth to get rich overnight.

He also put some of the blame at the doorstep of religious leaders who concentrated their preaching and teaching on prosperity, creating the impression that “if one goes to church, getting wealth is a must”. The MP appealed to the graduates to make their life style to be in line with the teaching of the scriptures and cautioned them against exploitation of the poor.

The Akuapem North District Director of Education, Mr Ben B. Cronze, in an address read on his behalf, said many Ghanaians were now questioning the intention of people who go into the pastorate due to activities of some ministers of the gospel.

He said reports of conflicts between Junior and Senior Pastors, rift between pastors and congregations, backbiting and other unfortunate things were the order of the day.

Mr Cronze urged the graduates to be guided by the tribulation of the early apostles who, in spite of their suffering, did not compromise their faith in Christ Jesus for earthly gains. “Be role models not in terms of material wealth but how diligent you will be in your ministry,” he said

Source: GNA

Veep Should Be Ashamed Of Himself – Nana Akomea

NPP Member of Parliament for Okaikoi South, Nana Akomea says Vice President John Dramani Mahama needs to be ashamed of himself for describing moves by the Minority in Parliament to prevent the amendment of the Petroleum Revenue Management Bill as “foolish and baloney”.

Speaking on CitiFm’s Eyewitness News, Nana Akomea said the vice president’s language was terribly unfortunate and atypical of him, and opines that Mr. Mahama probably made those remarks because of the extreme pressure being exerted on him by members of his own party, the NDC.

“I know that if John Mahama himself reflects on what he said, he himself will be terribly ashamed of the remarks that he made. The remarks that he made are terribly unfortunate and quite atypical of the vice president, I don’t know if the pressures that are coming unto him from his own party has conditioned his mind to speak the way that he did,” he said.

The NPP MP said the Second Gentleman’s choice of words does not help in efforts at building consensus on matters of national concern.

“Just look at the situation, the government itself has brought a bill to parliament and before it got to parliament, it had received approval from cabinet of which the vice president is a member…Parliament is now deliberating on it so if you have changed your mind on the bill, instead of convincing the other stakeholders, you go on to insult the other stakeholders, especially the NPP, because the NPP has not changed their minds like you,” he added.

The former Minister of Manpower, Youth and Employment in the erstwhile Kufuor administration chastised Mr. Mahama for his choice of descriptive words of the opposition, when, according to him, the Vice President, a few minutes earlier, had raised concern over rising insults on his person and the Mills’-led administration.

“You brought the bill yourself so if you want to change anything, should you be behaving in a hellish, baloney or foolish manner? If you want to have a consensus with the major stakeholders, do you achieve that by insulting them? Mind you it is not only the NPP that is expressing reservation about what the government wants but civil society is worried, the TUC and even Christian Council have also come out.”

“…What makes the remarks unfortunate is that John Mahama in some few hours earlier was talking about insults rained on his person by people from his own party…as greedy bastards and Team B and he wasn’t happy about that because they were insults and personal attack. And in the next minute, he goes ahead to use words like ‘what the hell’, ‘baloney’ and ‘foolish’ on the same platform,” he added.

Source: peacefmonline.com

Parliament ratifies Ghana’s membership of AFC

Ghana has officially become a member of the African Finance Corporation. It follows Parliament’s ratification of the country’s membership on Tuesday.

It also approved 50 million dollars for the acquisition of shares which would give the country a place on the corporation’s Board.

Even though Ghana is a founding member of the AFC, it has had very little influence.

The Chairman of the Finance Committee of Parliament, Mr James Avedzi who is also the Member of Parliament for Ketu North said that henceforth whatever dividends that accrue to the corporation, Ghana will benefit as a shareholder.

He added that apart from the dividends that may accrue to Ghana, the country can also borrow for development projects at low interest rates.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh