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Akim Oda MP inagurates keep fit football league

The Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda constituency, Yaw Owusu Boateng has inaugurate a Keep fit football league at Akim Oda in the Birim Central Municipality with a pledge of jersey, footballs and hundred Ghana cedis cash to support the league.

The league which was organised by Akyem Oda Keepfit clubs Association brought about nine hundred people comprising ten keep fit clubs during the inauguration ceremony which took place at the Methodist school park.

Inaugurating the league, Hon. Yaw Owusu Boateng encouraged the youth to exercise more often as there are lots of benefits in doing so.

He noted that regular exercises to a large extent helps one to prevent or manage a wide range of health problems and concerns, including stroke, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer and arthritis.

He also advised the youth to take the football very seriously as the game has now become a money making venture and he was confident that a great footballer can emerge out of the local league in local Akim Oda.

The secretary of the association, Maxwell Kobina-Aurther admonished members not to politicize the association since it is a non-political entity which was set up to arouse interest of the youth in doing regular exercise.

He therefore took the opportunity to acknowledged radio biyac (94.1), which was the media sponsor and other sponsors such as, one-step mineral water, first-star mineral water, u-love mineral water.

Withdraw STX deal – Adu Asare

Kojo Adu Asare NDC Member of Parliament for Adenta, has come out boldly and called on the government to withdraw its sovereign guarantee, for the STX Korean housing deal.

According to him, the delay in the execution of the project and the boardroom wrangling between the Korean and Ghanaian partners indicate clearly the deal had failed and he’s therefore urging government to withdraw the sovereign guarantee it granted to STX immediately.

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) government, intransigently signed agreements with STX for the construction of 33,000 housing units to improve the huge housing deficit the country is encountering despite the opposition NPP calling for due diligence to be made on the Korean partners.

Stunned by power struggle between the partners – STX Engineering and Construction Ltd and STX Construction (Korea) – the project appears to be on hold since no work has been down on the project sites after over a year of signing the deal.

Speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo Monday 22nd August 2011, Kojo Adu- Asare, stated that though he was among the key supporters of the deal from the very beginning based on evidence that the company had the capacity to deliver, he had now come to the realization that the deal will not come to fruition.

The MP said it was unacceptable to allow a few individuals to “toy with the sensibilities of Ghanaians” and maintained that the country cannot wait for officials of STX to sort themselves out before delivering on their mandate.

“This country should not wait for any group of people to come to terms with themselves [before pushing through with the project]”, he insisted, adding: “It is immoral to wait any longer [because we don’t know when this boardroom wrangling will end.”

He urged government to take a serious look at the unfolding events concerning the deal and withdraw its sovereign guarantee, stressing that it was important that government takes a firm stand to ensure that others do not destroy the image of the NDC and thus its Better Ghana Agenda.

“I love NDC… I have gotten to a point [where] I think two, three, four or five people should not take 24 million people for a ride or toy with a party’s agenda,” since the consequence would be devastating.

By : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Government to develop energy-demand-labelling system for buildings

Government will soon develops energy-demand-labelling system for buildings to serve as a requirement before they are constructed for sale in the country.

This is part of government’s efforts in ensuring that all newly developed housing estates are built to high environmental standards, and based on energy efficiency and water conservation.

Mr Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, Minister of Water Resources Works and Housing (MWRWH) announced in a speech read on his behalf at the launch of Ghana Green Building Council (GHGBC), in Accra on Wednesday.

It was on the theme: ”Green Building – An Instrument of Transformation for National Development”.

The Council aims at transforming the built environment in the country towards sustainability through the manner communities are planned, designed, constructed, maintained and decorated.

Mr Bagbin said the use of solar energy would also be encouraged through partnership with mortgage providers, as well as the development of a National Rain Water Harvesting Policy to be mandatory for all public buildings to have rain water harvesting facilities.

He stressed the need for Ghana to adopt the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to convert existing buildings to environmentally friendly Green buildings to help reduce global carbon gas emissions by at least 1.8 tonnes per year.

Mr Bagbin said UNEP revealed that buildings consumed between 30-40 per cent of global energy, adding that there was no single larger global contributor of carbon than the building sector, which also employed 5-10 per cent of workforce in most countries.

“This tends to support the theory that greening our buildings will not only tackle climate change, but will play a crucial role in meeting local socio-economic needs which includes job creation,“ he added.

Mr Bagbin advised that the pace of behavioural condition changes be increased to prevent massive deterioration of the ecological conditions in many places in the country, and that standards should be set and enforced within the construction industry.

Ms Sherry Ayittey, Minister of Environment, Science and Technology observed that the way out to transforming an economy to a green one was to re-direct policy in the building and infrastructure sectors, stressing the need for substantial public investment to restore and maintain public buildings.

She said the private sector should take advantage of the availability of new technologies and invest in it.

“There are opportunities in the sector and the development of green buildings will create downstream employment for millions of people within the shortest possible time“, she said.

Mr Foster Osae-Akonnor, Chief Executive Officer of GHGBC, said the launch marked the beginning of greater commitment of the Council, saying it would organise courses to sensitise the public on their activities.

Mr Osae-Akonnor noted that the Council would partner government and industries in the sustainability of buildings by adopting the greening strategy.


Tain MP: Agyenim-Boateng’s choice of words foul

The Member of Parliament for Tain constituency, Ahmed Ibrahim has endorsed the contention by Communications Director for Nana Addo’s campaign team, Nana Akomea, that he felt insulted by the comments of Deputy Tourism Minister James Agyenim-Boateng on Joy FMs’ Newsfile programme Saturday.

James Agyenim-Boateng and Nana Akomea turned a contest of wits and intellect to one of insults, while discussing the hotly controversial mystery tape in which a voice alleged to be that of deputy Information Minister, Baba Jamal is heard promising some journalists cars and cash as reward for doing government’s bidding.

In statement to buttress his position, Mr. Agyenim-Boateng said “I think it betrays the intelligence of those who addressed that press conference to come up with something as ridiculous as that.”

Nana Akomea harshly responded “You are a stupid fool. If you will sit on this programme and call me unintelligent. You are a stupid fool, and you are a minister”.

But according to the NDC MP, words such as those used by James Agyenim-Boateng cannot be used on the floor of Parliament, since it could be described as insulting.

Speaking on Adom TV’s breakfast show, “Badwam,” on Multi TV on Monday, Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim called on Nana Akomea to reconsider the issue as well as consider his position and apologise.

The two men however refused to apologise to each other when they were interviewed on Monday on the same programme.

Source: Asempa FM

NPP endorses President Mills assurance

The New Patriotic Party has welcomed the assurance given by President John Evans Atta Mills that he would ensure that the 2012 elections are free, fair and devoid of all acts that could derail the current peace the country enjoys.

President Mills gave the assurance on August 18, 2011 when he addressed the 3rd General Assembly of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana Themed: ‘Integrity in Missions and Ministry at Ho.

He additional pledged his commitment to ensure that the country remained as peaceful as it was when he took over the administration of Ghana on January 7, 2009.

He cautioned that persons who have intentions of creating disorder during the elections in 2012 would be severely dealt with.

Speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show on Friday 19th August 2011, on the President’s assurance, the Communications Director of the NPP, Nana Akomea stated that he was pleased that the President had called for a concerted effort to realize this dream, adding that the President’s dream would be achieved when incumbency is not employed to intimidate and harass other people from opposing political parties.

He noted that the NPP with a track record of peacefully handing over power when it had lost an election by the skin of the teeth is equally committed to ensuring a peaceful elections and nothing would stop the party from playing a positive role in that regard.

Nana Anomea who is also the Member of Parliament for Okaikoi South, called on government to punish those found to have engaged in electoral violence and irregularities.

By : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Halt STX housing deal – O.B Amoah

Osei Bonsu Amoah, the Member of Parliament for Aburi/Nsawam has urged government to halt the execution of the STX Korean housing deal and further investigate the controversy surrounding the deal.

His call comes in the wake of the dismissal of the Country Director of STX Engineering and Construction Ltd, Mr Bernard Kwabena Asamoah, which had deepened the uncertainty over the carrying out of the government’s affordable housing project.

The latest development is the result of a long protracted disagreement between the company’s Ghanaian and Korean directors over funding for the housing project.

An unsigned notice was posted on the entrance wall of the company detailing his dismissal.

The notice read: “Dear Guest, on August 18, 2011 the Board of STX Engineering and Construction Ghana Ltd has approved a resolution to remove Mr B.K. Asamoah from the Chief Executive Office and Mr George Padi from the position of Deputy Chief Financial Officer. They are not working in the office anymore.”

Contributing on the issue on e.tv Ghana’s BREAKFAST TV show on Friday 19th August, the Member of Parliament for Aburi/Nsawam Osei Bonsu Amoah stated that it was important that government does not rush in implementing the controversial deal in the face of glaring disagreement between partners of the company responsible for the execution of the project.

He noted that the opposition in calling for due diligence to be made on the STX Korea company prior to the contract being signed, did so with a clear mind since the minority realized all was not well with aspects of the deal.

“ The Minority have been vindicated, we raised series of objections about this deal in parliament, but the majority bulldozed their way through to approve the deal due to their numerical advantage, but now we all realize that the STX housing project is turning out to become a fiasco, after a year of sod cutting to commence the project, not even a single block has been laid’’ he said.

Hon. O.B Amoah advised government not to go ahead with the deal because of political gains but consider the negative implications on Ghana should the deal be executed.

By : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Majority to decide way forward for STX deal

As Parliament reconvenes on Monday 22nd August 2011, one major issue which will be begging for immediate discussion on the Majority’s side will be the STX Korea housing deal, which has been fraught with controversy ever since government made clear its intention to work with the Korean company.

The Chairman of the Works and Housing Committee of Parliament, David Tetteh-Assumeng, has said his committee will convene a meeting to deliberate on the latest controversy that has rocked the STX company, which many people fear may negatively affect the execution of the deal.

The country director of STX Engineering and Construction Ltd, Mr Bernard Kwabena Asamoah, on Thursday 18th August 2011 was dismissed, deepening the uncertainty over the execution of the government’s affordable housing project.

The project which will provide the country’s security personnel with about 3,000 housing units has failed to take off after a year of sod cutting to begin the project.

The opposition had some concerns over the deal when it came to parliament for approval, raising several issues including the sort of sovereign guarantee that had been given the Koreans, which the majority side dismissed.

The latest development is the result of a long-running dispute between the company’s Ghanaian and Korean directors over funding for the housing project.

In an interview, Hon. David Tetteh-Assumeng stated that the Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing, Alban Bagbin and his deputy must go every length to find a solution to the stalemate between the directors of STX or be forced out of office.

He expressed his displeasure about the fact that the ministry had been unsuccessful in solving the impasse between the partners, describing it as a big bother to government.

Hon. David Tetteh-Assumeng however noted that government is committed to ensuring that the project is executed despite the present challenges facing the deal, saying ‘funding which is a key component of the project has already been secured’.

By : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Asaga slams Nduom on Better Ghana criticism

The Member of Parliament for Nabdam, in the Upper East region, Moses Asaga has hit out at the 2008 flagbearer of the Convention Peoples Party (CPP) for claiming that the living conditions of Ghanaians have deteriorated under the Mills administration.

Hon. Moses Asaga speaking in an interview on the Citi News, dismissed the claims by Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, saying it was disingenuous for Dr Nduom to make such comments since he failed to better the economy during the various ministerial portfolios he held under the erstwhile Kufuor administration.

Dr Ndoum in an interview with Citi News on Wednesday August 17 urged the NDC government to stop trumpeting vague achievements with the use of micro economic statistics and rather concentrate on improving on the living conditions of Ghanaians.

He said the Mills administration can only boast of its successes if it is able to improve on the living conditions of Ghanaians, which includes providing potable water, affordable housing and improved health conditions for the ordinary Ghanaian.

According to him, the CPP would measure the performance of a government by the improvement in human values and not by the use of economic indicators.

“We prefer to determine the performance of a government by human values, by the improvements of the living standards and the living conditions of the people.

“So when we understand an administration such as what the Mills administration is doing to trumpet achievements using statistics in terms of inflation that has gone down, GDP that has gone up and so on: what we say is that why don’t we try to measure improvements in certain human values, such as health, affordable housing.

“Are we able to take care ourselves if we are sick and ask everybody if the standard of living of the people have changed”.

However, Moses Asaga says contrary to Dr Nduom’s claims, the Mills administration has done immensely well in improving the well-being of Ghanaians.

He noted that President Mills has chalked a lot of success in terms of developmental projects in the country. He argued that the downward trend of inflation indicates that the economy of the country is stable.

He urged the CPP and Dr Nduom to commend President Mills and his administration rather than criticize it, insisting the NDC government is on course to deliver the Better Ghana Agenda that it promised Ghanaians.

Source: Citifmonline.com

30 volunteer camps established across the country – Humado

Mr Clement Kofi Humado, Minister for Youth and Sports, on Tuesday said government had established 30 volunteer camps throughout the country in its bid to raise the spirit of leadership and volunteerism in the youth.

He said reviving the spirit of volunteerism was crucial in nation building and urged voluntary organizations operating in the country to make the youth their core focus.

Mr Humado said this at the just ended National Cadet Leadership Training Camp at Takoradi in the Western Region.

He said leadership training is needed to propel the nation forward in the 21st century.

The objective of the training camp was to encourage and aid Ghanaian youth to develop discipline, life skills and to teach values such as patriotism, respect, discipline, love, self-reliance and kindred virtues.

He said the training programme would also broaden the horizons of the youth through hands-on training and guide them to become mature and responsible adults.

Mr Humado said the ministry was involved in exchange programmes with both local and international partners.

He said the holistic development of the youth was crucial adding, “we do not only deal with disciplinary issues but also the behavioural and emotional issues that cause adolescents to act out of the norm”.


NPP urges Mills to relocate to Jubillee House

The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has urged President John Attah Mills to jettison his so called principles and relocate from the Osu Castle to the Flagstaff House, which is the official seat of government.

The NPP and well meaning Ghanaians have on countless times questioned why President Mills prefers to stay at the Osu Castle while the multi-million dollar Jubilee House wastes away.

The NPP’s call comes in the wake the rumpus surrounding reports that President Mills has accepted a ‘mansion’ as a gift from the Regimanuel Gray Estates, an assertion that the Presidency has vehemently refuted saying the on-going project is a two bedroom structure for the security personnel at the President’s private home.

The security officers are currently lodging in tents and ease themselves in mobile toilets.

Speaking to Citi Eyewitness News on Tuesday August 16, the Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and MP for Okaikoi South, Nana Akomea stated that controversy over the President Mills building would not have arisen if he lived in the Jubilee House which have been built as residence for the President.

He also questioned the hypocrisy on the part of the NDC who raised objections when the Ex President Kufour asked that his personal residence be renovated because he would be working from there instead of the Osu Castle. The NDC who took exception to the moves by the President took the issue the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) for investigations.

There were several contradictions from the Communications Director at the Presidency Koku Anyidoho who earlier quest to defend the initial reports as to whether it was a gift or a rented facility to be paid for by President Mills or government.

By: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh