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Suhum MP gives motorbikes to circuit supervisors

The quest for quality education without doubt requires putting in place a number of measures including improved infrastructure, logistics, teaching and supervision.
This requires collaborative effort from all stakeholders since the education sector is such a huge one.

One area that has been identified as very challenging in propelling quality education is supervision. This usually becomes difficult because of lack of logistics that will aid the movement of supervisors. To address this, the Member of Parliament for Suhum, Frederick Opare-Ansah has distributed five motor bikes to Circuit Supervisors in the area.

In addition, the MP is gain in the process of procuring more motor bikes to be distributed to sub-coordinators this year across the constituency.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Opare-Ansah said the motorbikes he believes will make it easy for supervisors to easily access every school and make sure teachers spend quality time with the students and do their work as expected of them.

Ghanamps.gov.gh/Dominic Shirimori

Group challenges Parliament to reject tax increase

The Centre for Freedom and Accuracy, a civil society organisation, on Wednesday requested Parliament to reject the re-introduction of stabilisation levy by government.

The centre said though it appreciated the difficulties of the economy, an re-introduction of the levy and increase in existing tax was inappropriate as it would impose further hardship on citizens.

Mr Andrew Awuni, Executive Director of the Centre, made the call at a press encounter to highlight the views of the group on recent developments on the economy and the national revenue base, in Accra.

He challenged the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning to respond to the recommendations by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the 2011 Auditor General’s Report, to recover losses in the country’s revenue system before imposing additional levies.

“The Auditor General’s Reports (2009, 2010 and 2011) is loaded with stories of how some Ministries, Departments and Agencies and the Controller and Accountants General’s Departments appear to have shirked their responsibilities and have literally thrown away millions of dollars belonging to the country,” he said.

Mr Awuni alleged that in the 2011 Auditor General’s report, there were stories about how poor treasury management resulted in the loss of over GH¢75 million in Bank charges alone.

“Also an amount of GH¢5.8 million of non-tax revenue, which was supposed to be paid into the Consolidated Fund, has since not been paid, what have we done about recovering all these monies”.

Mr Awuni said if government was committed to recovering the lost revenue as indicated in the report, there would be no need to put anymore burden on the public.

He called on government to strengthen the tax collection structure to capture details of businesses and the revenues generated, to widen the tax net.

Mr Awuni said taxes are rather paid to individuals than government, and asked “When revenue collectors go out and collect revenue from shopkeepers, salons, market women, do these monies really get to their destinations?”.

He explained that the Centre’s position was based on the works of the Auditor General and the PAC, adding that Parliament would weaken itself, and make their paper work irrelevant, should it approve of the proposed increase in tariffs.


MPS charge Insurance Companies to insure fisher folks

Members of parliament on thursday urged insurance companies to fashion out insurance policy that will assist and relief fishermen in times of trouble.

According to them, the absence of such a policy for the fisher folk makes it very difficult for fishermen who suffer accidents to put their lives together once again.

The Legislators were commenting on a statement made on the floor of parliament by MP for Effutu, Alexander Affenyo Markin in relationship to a devastating rainstorm that recently hit Winneba and surrounding areas that destroyed over 50 canoes and several outboard motors with over GHC 400,000.

He called on government to assist the victims to enable them make ends meet. Hon. Affenyo Markin also urged goverment to expedite action on the construction of various landing beach sites accros the country to boost the local economies of these areas. Adding his voice to the statement, MP for Central Tongu,Joe Gidisu urged his colleague MPs from coastal areas to use their good offices to educate fishermen on the need to insure their business so that in times of any calamity, the could have some relief.

He added that this is very important as goverment cannot always come to the assistance of such victims. MP for Tema East, Titus Glover on his part wondered why Insurance Companies are reluctant to go into such risk areas.

He noted that fishermen contribute soo much to the national economy and the need for them to be helped. MP for Dome/Kwabenya, Hon. Adwoa Safo noted that though fishing contribute immensely to the economy, fishing areas lack development especially in terms of education.

She bemoaned the situation where children in fishing areas loiter around during school hours. She called on government to assist these areas with all the necessary ammenities to develop the areas.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Asene MP receives support to complete new sch project

A.  K. Wood Company Limited, a leading ply-wood manufacturing company in country has presented 200 pieces of ply-woods to the Member of Parliament for the Asene- Manso- Akroso constituency, Hon. Boateng Owusu Yaw in a bid to assist him complete a new six unit classroom block project for the Asanteman Presbyterian Primary school.

The ply-woods which worth about GHs 2,160 also forms part of the company’s cooperate social responsibility to assist the completion of the new classroom block project to replace the school’s temporal make-shift structure.

Managing Director for the company Mr. kelvin- Gu, in an interview with GhanaMPs.gov.gh indicated that his outfit has for the past eleven years of operation delivered on its social responsibility and added that the company will unremittingly do its possible best to improve upon that.

He was however optimistic that the move could go a long way to improve education in the community and the constituency in general.

He disclosed that though the company had already employed about 240 workers in the company efforts were still being made to employ more as part of measures to decrease the ever-growing employment rate in the country.

Mr. Gu also lamented that the recent power fluctuation has become a major source worry to the company, though he noted the company was recently awarded by the Electricity Company of Ghana as the most valuable company due to their prompt payment of bills.

He said the development has caused the company’s export rate to diminish and therefore called on the ECG to fulfill their promise of delivering their valued customers with quality services.

Meanwhile, MP for the area, Hon. Boateng Owusu Yaw however commended management of the company for their support to improve education in the area and said more could be done to improve teaching and learning in various parts of the country if cooperate organization and individuals assist government in its quest to improve education.

Also on his part, Assemblyman for the area, Hon. Bright Ofori Ampofo expressed appreciation to the MP and A.K Wood Company for their immense contributions in getting the new school block completed by the end of the year.

He however called on other investors to deliver on their responsibility to ensure the forward march of the community and the constituency as a whole.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Agona East MP constructs markets for 3 communities

Three communities in the Agona East Constituency in the Central Region have been provided with ultra modern market facilities in a bid to improve socio-economic activities, Member of Parliament for the area, Hon. Queenstar Pokua Sawyerr has disclosed.

According to her, the move was specifically aimed at ensuring that farm produce from the various communities are not left in the farms to rot in the farms but are rather convened to these various market centers for sale.

The Legislator however, made this known when speaking in an interview with GhanaMPs.gov.gh’s Central Regional correspondent to highlight various projects which has been executed by her so far in the constituency.

She mentioned Brofrease Junction, Quansahkrom and Mankrong Junctions as beneficiary community of the markets.

Hon. Pokua Sawyerr expressed optimism that the move could go a long way to improve economic activities in the beneficiary communities and its surrounding environs.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/Ghanadistricts.com

Ahafo-Ano North MP charges mining companies to employ locals in mining

National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament (MP) for Ahafo-Ano North, Mr Kwasi Adusei, has warned plans by government to tackle illegal mining activities will not succeed unless greater quota of employment in mining companies is allocated to the local people in mining areas.

Mr Adusei told Joy News he is personally leading a crusade to get local authorities to stand up against mining firms that refuse to grant employment opportunities to indigenous people.

Government has set up an inter-ministerial taskforce to address the issue of illegal mining but the MP believes not much will be achieved.

The Ahafo-Ano North MP said the people in the mining areas are not treated fairly especially when it comes to employment.

He said when skilled indigenes apply to the mining companies in the community they are usually blatantly denied employed.

He suggested that because the people who are denied employment have skills to mine, their only resort is to go into galamsey.

“The number of people employed in galamsey is so huge that should one ask them to stop the [activity], I don’t think they can find [good employment] “, he stated.


Krachi Nchumuru needs ambulance service – MP

The Member of Parliament for Krachi Nchumuru, John Majisi is advocating for the extension of the national ambulance service to the area to help improve health delivery.

Krachi Nchumuru he noted, has no hospital, and the whole area is dependent on the St. Lukes Clinic at Thindiri and this, aside challenges with distance is also inundated with patients on daily basis.

He said introduction of ambulance service will enable referral cases to other well equipped health facilities especially to the Krachi Hospital to be facilitated to prevent unnecessary deaths.

The MP said he has started making the necessary contacts with various stakeholders to ensure ambulance service is extended to the area.

Touching on the welfare of physically challenged persons in the constituency, the Member of Parliament noted that the assembly is collaborating with some non governmental organizations to offer training programmes for the physically challenged to equip them with some skills that will enable them get into productive economic activities to fend for themselves and their families.

Ghanamps.gov.gh/Dominic Shirimori/Eric Dzormeku

MPs charge African leaders not to pay lip service to achieving African unity

Members of parliament on Wednesday challenged African leaders to move beyond paying lip services to the dream of a united Africa but rather work hard to realize it.

According to the MPs, African leaders over the years have turned the annual OAU/AU conference into a talk-shop yielding very little results in the quest for African unity.

The legislators were contributing to a statement made on the floor by MP for Subin in commemoration of this year’s AU day which fell on 25 May, 2013.

Contributing to the statement MP for Asawase, Hon. Mohammed Muntaka stated that after 50 years of existence of OAU/AU the walls of division have been deepened more.

He bemoaned the situation where the African leaders have given themselves passports which allow them to move freely among African countries while fame cannot be said of the ordinary African citizen who like travelling throughout the continent.

On her part, MP Sowutuom Shirley Ayorkor Botwe lamented the low levels of trade among African countries.

She disclosed that Africa as a continent imports nearly 50 billion dollars worth of food annually when trading could have done among member countries to boost the African economy.

She further emphasized the need for a revival of the new partnership for African development (NEPAD) to ensure the economic development of Africa.

Adding his voice MP for Wa West Hon. Yieley Chireh, called for the establishment of a common standard for African countries by which performance of countries on good governance, corruption could be measured.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Nanton MP secures two social projects for constituents

Mr. Ibrahim Murtala Mohammed, the Member of Parliament for Nanton in the Northern region is earnestly leaving no stone unturned to enhance the social lives of his constituents with the provision of some essential infrastructure in the area.

In order to aid the people realize some developmental gains in the constituency, Mr. Murtala Mohammed has supported and completed a decent mosque building for the people of Kaduwa, a small community in the district.

He disclosed that the facility has been duly accomplished for the Muslim fellows in the community, and therefore cited that he was able to finish off such project with an amount worth GHS 4,500 from his own pocket.

Also in the quest to promote and secure the goodwill between the political heads and the traditional leaders in the constituency, Mr. Murtala Mohammed has invested at least GHS 8,000 for the construction of an apartment for the Zogu Chief in the palace.

He said this project is intended to open up the palace and give it a satisfactory look as it will relatively improve accommodation and add some basic facilities at the place.

Jonathan Addjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Asante Akim North MP cautions government

The Member of Parliament for Asante Akim North constituency of Ashanti Region, Kwadwo Baah Agyemang says the daily press briefings introduced by the government, is a clear attempt to distract the public attention from the ongoing election petition before the Supreme Court.

According to the MP, the NDC government knew the court proceedings were exposing how they allegedly “connived with the Electoral Commission, to steal the mandate of the people, which is slowly unfolding in the court hearing”.

The Government in a statement signed by the Deputy Minister of Information and Media Relations, Felix Kwakye Ofosu, said the government will from Thursday, May 16, 2013 hold press briefings at the Flagstaff House in Accra.

The statement added that the press briefings will reflect the Government’s commitment to fulfill the fourth pillar of the government’s manifesto.

But the Asante Akim North MP told The New Statesman that the government was fast losing its popularity and would want to do anything to save the little left.

“First it was an attempt to halt the live broadcast of the petition, which was vehemently opposed by majority of Ghanaians. Now they want to introduce daily briefings in order to cover up their acts. But I can tell you that Ghanaians are discerning and will not be distracted by this propaganda,” he said.

He further asked the various accredited media organizations participating in the briefings not to shy away from the 2012 election petition hearing but continue with their broadcast.

“What is happening at the Supreme Court is a very important event for the nation’s democracy and we are ready to oppose any attempt or whatsoever from the government to stop the live broadcast,” he cautioned.
