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Take free vacation class serious -Ablekuma North MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Ablekuma North, Nana Akua Afriyieh Owusu has urged Senior High School (SHS) students within her constituency to take the free vacation class seriously.

In an interview with Ghanamps.com,she noted that parents of other wards within the constituency are paying between GHs300 and GHs400 for a similar vacation class.

Over 400 senior high school students in form 2 and 3 are enjoying the MP’s sponsored class in the constituency.

‘Spend quality time with your books to ensure that everything that is being taught would be profitable, do not say it’s free so you will put your books somewhere”, she said.

According to the Ablekuma North MP, she is impressed with the seriousness exhibited by the students with this vacation class being the maiden edition and the commitment of parents to ensure that their children take the classes serious. Likewise the conducts of the students towards teaching have been encouraging.

As part of sustaining the vacation class going forward, she stated that “I will write to other organizations to assist”.

Mr. Peter Awise, one of the teachers who taught the students in an interview noted they appreciate the effort of the MP and all they can do is to put in their best in teaching the students.

He noted that they were overwhelmed with the number of students that showed up for the vacation class and said the teacher plays a crucial role when it comes to classroom activities.

He noted that when the vacation class is sustained there would be a lot of transformation in the constituency when it comes to education at the SHS level.

On behalf of the students, Hannah Forson thanked the MP and teachers for their time and efforts that had been put in to ensure they enjoy such an opportunity.

She further noted that at their various schools, teachers do not take their time to teach them to understand so they will not take whatever has been taught them for granted.

By:  Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP donates to CHPS compounds in Pusiga District

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Pusiga, Hajia Lardi Ayamba,on Friday donated items to CHPS compounds in some communities in the Pusiga District, to help boost health delivery.

The items include 10 hospital beds and mattresses, blankets and 20 chairs.

Hajia Ayamba said the donation was in fulfillment of a promise she made during her political campaign, to help improve health services in the constituency.

She urged the people to bury their differences and focus on improving their lives and uniting to develop the District.

She advised young girls to take their education seriously and aim higher in academia or any vocation of their choice before they got into marriage, saying they would make better wives and mothers if they had good education.

Mr Azure Benson, the Pusiga District Director of Health Services, who received the items, commended the MP for the kind gesture and promised to make good use of them.

He said the MP had been helping the health sector in various ways to improve services, adding: “She has the welfare of the people at heart and should be seen as a mother to all, one to be proud of.”

Naaba Apambilla Mohammed, the Chief of Nakuom, one of the beneficiary communities, urged the people to rally behind Hajia Ayamba to help her carry out her development agenda for the area.


Ekumfi MP urges youth to take advantage of 1D1F initiative

The Member of Parliament for Ekumfi constituency, Codjoe Francis Kingsley Ato in the Central region has called on youth in the area to advantage of the government’s “One District, One Factory”(1D1F) initiative, which is aimed at providing jobs for the teaming unemployed youth in the country.

He made the call when speaking at Friday’s launch of the nationwide initiative and a sod cutting ceremony to commence the construction of a new pineapple factory in the area, first factory to be constructed under the new industrialization drive.

According to legislator, the policy was specifically and specially designed by the ruling government to flood the country with jobs through a massive private sector led industrialization drive, which will empower communities to utilize their local resources in manufacturing products that are in high demand both locally in internationally.

He said it is therefore important for youth in the area to grab the opportunity by the government to help change their fortunes.

He revealed that the new pineapple factory will provide over 250 direct jobs and 5000 more indirect jobs for the youth, when duly completed.

`By:Emmanuel Frimpong/Irene kwakye/ghanamps.com

Minority shocked over Deputy Agric Minister’s tribal comment

The Minority in Parliament said the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, William Quaitoo has demonstrated ungratefulness to the people of the three regions in the north by suggesting that they are “difficult people”.

According to the Minority leader, Mr. Quaitoo’s comments amount to subjecting the people of the three regions in the north to such a “profound level of insults, ridicule and indignity”.

Mr. Quaitoo while reacting to complaints from farmers in the north on how their farms have been destroyed by fall armyworm and subsequent appeal for some forms of compensation, stated that: “if anybody who is in the Northern and said his farm was destroyed by warm invasion the person must prove it. Our brothers (in the North) it is so difficult to deal with them, I lived there for 27 years I speak Dagbani like a Dagobah and all that”.

“They are very difficult people nobody can substantiate if anybody says that his farm was destroy by armyworm, the person would have to come and prove it. We have no records of that, it is just a way of taking money from the government that’s what that do all the time” he said.

Meanwhile the Deputy Minister later issued a statement apologizing and retracting claiming he did not think about the possible consequences of his comments.

The Deputy Minister later issued an apology and retraction claiming he did not think about the possible consequences of his comments.

In a statement issued on Monday, the Minority leader described the apology of the Deputy Agriculture Minister as “grossly inadequate, insincere, hypocritical” and not deep enough to assuage the profound pain and huge damage done to the good image and integrity of the people of the three regions in the north.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MP appeals to NGOs, philanthropists to assist provide school blocks.

Mr Moses Anim, the Member of Parliament of Trobu in the Greater Accra Region, has appealed to philanthropists and non-governmental organisations to assist the Government in the provision of school blocks.

He said schools must be cited within or at short distances from the community to protect the pupils.

In an interview with Ghanamps.com, he said it was dangerous to allow a very young child to walk a long distance to school; adding, part from putting their lives in danger, the situation does not promote learning as the pupils may be tired before getting to school and same apply to their return home which may negatively affect their ability to attend to their homework.

Mr Anim made the call at the third graduation ceremony of Genuine International School at Oduman in the Ga West Municipality.

It was on the theme: “Enhancing Education for the Betterment of the Future.”

Mr Anim urged parents and guardians to prioritise their children’s education by providing them with their learning needs.

He appealed to the Ministry of Education to supply the School with textbooks and computers to improve on academic work and the study of Information and Communication Technology.

Irene Kwakye/Ghanamps.com

Farmersaffected by armyworm must be compensated- Asunafo South MP

Ranking Member of Parliament’s Select Committee on Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs and Member of Parliament for Asunafo South in the BrongAhafo region, Eric Opoku has called for acompensation package for farmers who lost their produce as a result of the fall army worm devastation.

According to him the nation has no option than to compensate the farmers because they have lost almost everything they had toiled for.
“we have no option but to compensate these famers for losing their livelihood, they lost everything they toiled for” Mr.Opoku lamented.

The MP said this when members of the committee toured some of the affected farms in the Ashanti and BrongAhafo regions to familiarise themselves with the extent of damage suffered by the farmers.

Over 13,000 farms were affected by the insects destroying food crops and other farm produce.

The farmers complained that the delayed delivery of agrochemicals to help control the armyworm invasion worsened their plight.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Parliamentary Training Institute begins training program

The Parliamentary Training Institute (PTI) of Ghana’s Parliament has officially begun building the capacity of Public sector workers to enhance their competence and productivity levels.

Over thirty (30) individuals selected from thirteen (13) public institutions including Parliament, the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA), Ministries, thesecurity services among others benefited from the first exercise which focuses on customer service.

Addressing participants during the opening ceremony, Head of the Civil Service, Nana Kwasi Agyekum-Dwamenare minded workers in the public sector that they are rendering service on behalf of the general public and must do so with integrity without circumventing the rules of engagement.

“It is imperative for those working in the public service to appreciate the fact that they are rendering service to the public and must do so with integrity” he said.

According to him the populace needs satisfaction from public servants in the performance of their work at all times hence the need for them to always aspire for the good of the public.

He detest the phenomena where public servants demands bribes before they perform their lawful duties.

Nana Agyekum-Dwamena who was the Guest speakerat the inaugural event described lateness as a bad customer service that must be eschewed by public sector workers.

He urged beneficiaries to take issues of customer service seriously whiles challenging them to leave the three day training as change agents at wherever they found themselves.

Acting Director of the Parliamentary Training Institute, Gloria Sarku Kumawu said the training seeks to highlight the importance of customer service and care and imbue beneficiaries with the ability to think customer centric at all times.

It also seeks to equip trainees to align behaviours to organizational expectations relating to customer service and develop understanding on the subject matter.

The course is expected to help eliminate barriers, provide structured approach to customer service and provide means of measuring results based on service levels.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Let’s all protect our oaths – Assin South MP

The honorable Member of Parliament (MP) for the Assin South constituency in the Central region, Rev John Ntim Fordjour has urged all Members of Parliament and all government officials who swore an oath of office with either the Holy Bible or the Holy Quran to jealously guard that promises.

According to him, all those Holy books and Ghana’s Laws, cultural values and traditional norms are all against homosexuality hence the need for all especially those who swore to endeavor to live by their pledges to preserve the country for posterity.

He said these vehemently in protest against calls on Ghana by some individual for the decriminalisationof homosexuality which he described as unedifying and fundamentally unlawful.

The MP has therefore called on all well-meaning Ghanaians to rise in defence of the constitution and resist any attempt to pressureGhana to do otherwise against Godly legislation.
Speaking at a press conference on his personal accord as a citizen of the land, the Pastor/Lawmaker stated unequivocally that homosexuality, lesbianism, and bestiality are abominable acts that must be condemned.

“Without prejudice to the position of the Parliament of Ghana, the Government of Ghana, any religious body nor any political party on the subject of homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality, the following views are being espoused as my personal position on the subject, premised on my deepest convictions and principles as a Christian, a Reverend Minister, a proud advocate of Jesus Christ and Legislator,” he said.

He observed that, in the Constitutional framework of Ghana, not only are the practices of homosexuality, lesbianism and bestiality unedifying, but they are also fundamentally unlawful.

According to him, whereas it was undeniable fact that we lived in a world that keeps evolving, it was of utmost importance that as a people we did everything possible to safeguard morals and values that defines our identity.

The Assin South lawmaker reminded all not to allow Globalization which is expected to augment the strengths and values of nation-states to compromise the cultural and moral values therein.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Bole-Bamboi MP impacting lives positively

Since assuming office some eight (8) months ago, the honorable Member of Parliament (MP) for Bole-Bamboi constituency in the Northern region, Alhaji Yussif Sulemana has impacted lives positively with very significant initiatives in his area.

As moves to help improve healthcare delivery, the MP has donated several logistics and equipment including laptop computers, medicines: consumables, and non-consumables to the Bole district hospital.

Free health screening exercise was held in addition to on radio health sensitsation programmes on radio as part of efforts to improve health delivery in the constituency.
Mr.Yusif also acquired three tractors to help improve the agriculture activities of famers in the District.

He has ensured the provision of boreholes to enhance water delivery whiles also ensuring that sanitation facilities are provided for Bole Township.

He said he had provided 1034 mathematical sets to the immediate past BECE candidates to help improve their performance.

The Bole-Bamboi lawmaker is also working assiduously collaboration with local authorities to improve the road networks in the area and expand electrification to more communities that are not lighted.

On the floor of Parliament, the first timer MP has also been very vocal on issues of the kayaye menace, trade and youth employment urging the new government to devise new strategies for job creation.

He has also read a number of statements on the floor including a tribute to the memory of the late Bolewura.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Sawla-Tuna-Kalba MP promise to leave a legacy

The Member of Parliament for the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba constituency, Andrew Dari Chewitey has assured constituents of his determination to leave great legacy for the present and yet to come generations.

He has accordingly pledged his resolve to help improve on water, sanitation, health, education and electricity delivery for communities within the constituency.

The MP who disclosed these when he addressed some residents of the Nakpala, Dorgekora, Korle, and Kpanyiri communities during a thank you tour’ said the delivery of the above essentialswas not an option but a must for the development of the area.

Mr Chiwitey also assured to work with all irrespective of their tribal affiliation for the growth of the community which is multi-ethnicity in nature with over three ethnic groups.

“I am MP for all tribes here not for one particular tribe” he said.

The MP who is a member of the opposition NDC also assured his constituents of his determination to fight for their well-being even though his party is out of power.
“I will not fold my arms because my party is out of power,”.

In his bid to improve standard of education in the area, He had donated 1000 mathematical sets to this year’s Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) candidates ahead of their exams so to relieve parents off that burden.

Also, he introduced a scheme to award three best students who will emerge from this year’s BECE. The overall best was to take home a citation and GH₵1000, and a computer for his or her school, the second runner up, a citation and GH₵ 500, and a computer for his or her school, and the third runner up, a citation and GH₵300.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com