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Special Prosecutor requires special skills set- Inusah Fuseini

Ranking member of the Committee of Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and Member of Parliament for the Tamale Central constituency, Alhaji Inusah Abdulai B. Fusieni is advocating the staffing of the proposed Office of Special Prosecutor with specialized skills sets to adequately perform the intended function effectively.

He was of the view that since the office is a specialized agency, the eventual Special Prosecutor must be allowed to identify and recruit staff with the requisite skills and knowledge on the subject of corruption if necessary from existing institutions to deliver the mandate for the betterment of the state.

Fighting corruption he noted is a difficult, hence the need to recruit people with the requisite skills and ability to investigate cases and enforce laws in the cases for which people are charged.

‘’The decision of whether to prosecute or not to prosecute is the cornerstone of any criminal justice system, the decision depends on a thorough investigative process’’…he said.

The Special Prosecotor’s Bill he said must provide an aura of protectability around the staff who recruited to assure the integrity of the office and reputation of the officers in the performance of their duties without fear or favour.

He said the law must give the special prosecutor that ability to appoint such caliber of people hence the Special Prosecutor must not be appointed by the President but by the Attorney General.

Alaji Fusieni made the call in an interview with ghanamps,com at the sidelines of the just ended two-day stakeholders conference hosted by the Committee on Constitutional. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs where some Civil Society Organisations have proposed a composition of a taskforce to compliments the office in the performance of its functions.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Kpando MP marks My First Day at School’ with pupils

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Kpando Constituency Mrs. Della Sowah together with the Kpando Municipal Education Directorate marked ‘My First Day at School’ across the Municipality in the Volta Region.

The Education Directorate created two teams for the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) Mr Elvis Kwaku Djampoh and the MP to work with.

This provided an opportunity to interact with the new pupils in Kindergarten (Kg) one and two and Primary one with special focus on the new entrants into the formal education system.

Teachers in the Municipality and kids were thrilled to begin the new academic year with such distinguish visitors.

Interacting with the pupils, the MP MrsSowah, said “It is my hope that the turnout of pupils in the schools will improve over the week and also the parcels received and the presence of dignitaries in the schools will encourage other parents to send their children to school”.

Bags, artworks for coloring, color pencils, confectioneries, were given out to the pupils to mark the day.

The MP encouraged them to stick to their books and thanked the teachers for their support in helping to shape the lives of the kids.

Alice Abubakari/Ghanamps.com

MP encourages Pupils in her constituency

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Weija-Gbawe Constituency in the Greater Accra Region,   Madam Tina Naa Ayeley Mensah has encouraged pupils in her constituency to see learning as a pleasant experience.

She took the opportunity when she visited the school to donate some books and stationery item to them.
During the visit, to Oblogo M/A 2& 3 Public Schools in her constituency, the MP stated that, children are to be encouraged to see learning as the only means to acquire knowledge, skills and attitude which are essential components of every human. “Learning should not be seen as punishment” she remarked.

She questioned why children these days do not like to learn.  Gone are the days when learning was seen as enjoyable experience and every child loved to read a book. Parents in those times love to see children read a story, she recounted.

“Education in this constituency is dear to my heart and would do everything possible to see education thrive under my watch as Member of Parliament for the constituency” she stated explicitly.

She sat among them and demonstrated with pupils how to read some simple sentences from their textbooks. The children were happy to see their MP sit side by side them to learn.

Alice Abubakari/Ghanamps.com

Examine those calling for scrap of MPs common fund-George Nartey

Medical examination should be conducted on those suggesting that, Members of Parliaments’ (MPs’) common fund should be scrapped and rather directed towards the free Senior High School (SHS), George Nartey MP for Ningo-Prampram said in an interview.

“Whoever said that is not thinking far, the person should be called and lashed, when you come to the constituency common fund is about 53,000 Ghana cedis, it does not meet demands made on the MPs for even two weeks”.

He questioned, if someone has funeral, would you ask the person to go and take the dead body and place it on the desks use for free SHS? Again when someone is ill and comes to you for support, will you tell the person to go and sit in the classroom and he will have his healing?

“If you do not think through a policy well, you want to punish MPs for your inefficiency, at the end of this month we are in the third quarter we have common fund for only first quarter”.

Clearly government is rushing this policy, how do we pay for students who come to us for support for their school fees hospital bills, he lamented.

Given the complexity of the policy and if you want to do it well take your time, the appropriation bill will come, we are here just first year you having this challenges then when the second and third year comes on board we will see, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Special Prosecutor to deal with those who embezzle public funds?

Member of Parliament for Gomoa West, Alexander Kodwo Kom has indicated that in the future those who embezzle public funds will be prosecuted by the office of the special prosecutor, when the Public Accounts Committee is through with its work.

He noted that suggestions have come in that direction, as the Bill is being worked on likely to be passed before the end of the year.

His comment comes in the wake of Ghanaians expressing frustrations, as to what next when the PAC concludes with findings there is no action taken against those who embezzle public funds.

Mr. Alexandra pointed out that, the committee is a fact finding one and does not have powers to prosecute, what it does is to send its report to the plenary. As what is left to be done is for the Attorney General to carry out the prosecution.

Again in terms of infractions things are changing, unlike previously we had humongous figures, when people get the indication that they will be hauled before the committee, they rush to pay before they appear before the committee, he said.

As to when the committee will make public gains they have made with people rushing to pay back monies they have taken illegally, the Gomoa West lawmaker noted that, he will suggest it when they meet in conclave.

He was however quick to add that it is difficult to know the exact amount paid back since the public hearing started because, “those payments did not pass through us, we may not be able to render account properly to the general public”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

We have no plastic rice on Ghanaian market – Professor Duodu


Professor Alex Duodu acting Executive Director of Ghana Standard Authority, has assured members of the Public Account Committee (PAC) that there is no plastic rice on the Ghanaian market made of rubber, as published by a section of the media in recent times.

He confirmed that, his outfit placed a call to the Food and Drugs Authority and they have given a green light that there is no such case.

This came to light when GSA made appearance at the ongoing public hearing of the Public Account Committee of Public Corporations and Boards.

Member of Parliament for Aowin, Matthias Kwame Ntow and a member of the PAC asked this question at the committee sitting.

The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), has rubbished claims that there is a so-called plastic rice on the Ghanaian market as alleged through videos circulating on social media and elsewhere.

Similar reports have surfaced in other countries in the sub-region including Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast and Nigeria.

Indeed, in 2016, customs officials in Nigeria confiscated 2.5 tons of what it called “plastic rice” smuggled into the country by unscrupulous businessmen.

Some videos circulating also seem to show these food items being manufactured, whilst some other videos show people performing improvised tests to confirm the plastic nature of the rice.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Culture of impunity by political vigilante should end-ABA Fuseini

Member of Parliament (MP) for Sagnarigu and Ranking member on communication, Alhassan Bashir A. Fuseini is lamenting over the culture of impunity of political vigilante groups in the Northern part of Ghana. affecting development.

His comments comes in the wake of pro New Patriotic Party(NPP) youth group in Tamale, Kandahar boys attacking the Sagnarigu District Assembly complex vandalizing properties.

“It is their government nobody will arrest them, if the police want to effect arrest they will do, even when you put a pin in your pocket they will see it. But if they do not want to arrest you, you can have an elephant in your pocket and they will not see it”.

According to the Sagnarigu MP, this is not the first time that such an issue has happened. The interior Minister has been engaged on such matters and assurance has been given that the issue will be addressed but comes to nothing.

“We must have an end to this lawlessness, the police are disenable from taking action notwithstanding all the promises given by the President that, the police have been given a free hand to operate”.

And added that a lot of apple have been made to stop this culture of impunity, if other youth groups counter what is going on, you can imagine the chaos we will witness in the North, he lamented.

He noted that the Assembly is a new one which was completed just last year, it was good that the attackers did not meet the District Chief Executive at her office.

Meanwhile, the Northern Regional Police Command’s Public Relations Officer, Mohammed Yussif Tanko, said the police has begun investigations to apprehend the perpetrators saying that the appropriate authorities should be allowed to conclude their investigation into the matter.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

New standing orders to strengthen Parliamentary committees – Majority leader

Leader of Government Business and Majority leader, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has revealed that when work is done on the revision of the standing orders of the House, it will strengthen the various committees of the House.

He noted that, committees as they stand now have not been strengthened enough to stand the test of time, and pointed out that, the committee working on the revision of the standing orders has one more meeting to conclude on its work and present it to the plenary; and promise it will be approved before the end of the year.

He lamented over the delay in presenting the revised standing orders to the plenary, saying the standing orders have under gone some workings, under four different Speakers.

As the current Speaker Professor Mike Aaron Oquaye is very determine to ensure that the House has a new standing order in place to stand the test of time.

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs pointed out that, the constitution mandates the President to appoint majority of his Ministers and Deputies from Parliament, hence majority of the MPs in power are appointed and leaves few of the MPs on the majority side to serve, and this, does not make the committees strong.

He further added most MPs do not come to Parliament to learn as lawmakers, but rather come to the House with the hope that their party will capture power and they will be appointed as Ministers or Deputies.

“They pass through Parliament without learning, instead of allowing Parliament to pass through them”.
He advocated for resources to be made available to Committees to carry out their work whiles the capacity of MPs’ are developed to work effectively.

He lamented over a practice where MPs on various committees are not on top of issues, so when Ministers are appearing before them they see it is as a normal appearance. But in other jurisdictions where the committees are strong and well vest on issues, Ministers fear and shiver when appearing before committees.

He observed that the situation does not help our democracy because if a Minister comes to a committee and realized that the committee members do not know what they are about. This is why we want this changes to ensure that we strengthen the various committees, he added.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

SHS students will suffer If – Ningo-Prampram MP

Students of the free Senior High School (SHS) will be the people to surfer, if the “fear of men is being put in head teachers”, Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram Samuel George Nartey said in an interview.

He noted that, government has not provided a blue print to the policy where it is spelt out what the head teachers cannot charge.

The Deputy Minister met these head teachers at Ho, they asked for a blue print and they were told it will come soon, so “why are you punishing them”, he questioned.

Rather those head teachers should be praised and rewarded, they are trying not to sabotage the free SHS programme, “it is just giving a dog bad name and hung it” he said.

As a head teacher if students are being made to attend your school, you do not have desk and class rooms what do you do, it is just the failure of government in its implementation of the policy plan. “You ask yourself do they have enough facilities to support the project, how many students did they expect did they plan for it?”

When there is a problem with a policy, you do not punish the technocrat rather the political head should be held responsible, he lamented.

And further added that the Minority has various options open to them when the House reconvene first week in next month.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghatamps.com

All we ask for is broader consultation on free SHS – Minority Leader

Minority leader and Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Iddrisu said they are not against the free Senior High School (SHS) policy introduced by the ruling government, but all they are asking is broader consultation.

In an interview with Ghanamps.com, he noted that “We will not call for complete scrap of the SHS there should be national consultation to build a conscious on this issue, how do we finance SHS and sustain it”.

He further added that, there are well respected expects in the educational sector who should be consulted to ensure that the policy becomes a sustainable one.

According to him, the introduction of the free SHS policy will rather go to weaken secondary education and make students poorer.

The Tamale South lawmaker said the introduction of the free SHS can best be described as scholarship for first year students and further indicated, the Minority will be vindicated with time on issues they have raised with the free SHS.

As for senior high school (SHS) we have an interest and we think the President must walk cautiously, he said.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com