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SONA planning committee meets media ahead of address

Leadership of this year’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) planning committee met members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) to outline measures they had put in place to ensure a successful address by President Nana Akufo-Addo on Thursday 20th February 2020.

First Deputy Majority whip Moses Anim represented the Majority side as Benson Tongo Baba represented the Minority side on the Committee, with the briefing moderated by the Director of Public Affairs, Mrs. Kate Addo.

Mr. Moses Anim commended the media for the work they perform by taking the event of SONA to the door steps of Ghanaians and further explained that there is not enough space in the House and the media would have to manage well the small space allotted to them.

He further revealed that the media houses should take a second look at how they approach members when they want interview just after the Presidents delivery because there has been complains of harassment for interview by some MPs.

“We want to avoid unnecessary confrontations that would lead to misunderstanding where journalists would think he or she is not being treated well and allow to work, we want to you to work with the Director of Public Affairs”.

Again, wherever the President or his Vice goes, the National Security takes full charge of the environment, “we are trying to alert you to avoid any confrontation”.

On the issue of rubbish generated after SONA by the media who have their stands at the entrance leading to the main chamber, Mr. Anim noted that dust bins would be provided.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority walks out of SONA 2020 address

The Minority in Parliament walked out of the chamber before President Nana Akufo-Addo delivered his State of the Nation Address on Thursday 20th February 2020.

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu in the company of the Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu welcomed the President into the chamber for this year’s SONA and participated in the correction of votes and proceedings.

But before the Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye could welcome the president to deliver his speech, the Minority walked out, leaving behind their inscriptions on cards they were going to use for the occasion.

It did not take long before some members of the Majority quickly occupied their seats with the Second Deputy Majority Whip, Mr. Mathew Nyindam leading the crusade to take off papers on the seats of the Minority. The development obviously was aimed at avoiding empty seats and prevent the boycott from having a strong impact on the occasion.

When Ghanamps.com after thirty minutes caught up with Member of Parliament for Ningo-Prampram, Samuel George Nartey as to why they walked out he pointed out that, “If the President will not listen to Ghanaians why should we listen to him. He is still going ahead with the compilation of a new voters register, closing down of radio stations and victimizing businesses that are perceived to belong to the opposition National Democratic Congress members”.

Meanwhile, the Minority had served notice to hold a press conference immediately the President Nana Akufo-Addo is through with his SONA address.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Female representation in fifth ECOWAS Parliament not encouraging—SG

The crusade to get more female lawmakers into the yet to be inaugurated fifth Parliament of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was high on the agenda during the latter part of the life span of the fourth Parliament.

In an interview with the Administrative Head of the sub-regional Community Legislature, John Azumah on the female representation on the reconstituted list presented by fourteen out of the fifteen countries, he said: “the list is not encouraging”.

He indicated that the names of females in a current list of eighty (80) presented out of one hundred and fifteen (115), it was obvious they have a long way to go.

The Secretary-General also noted that the Supplementary Act says Parliaments are encouraged to give one-third (1/3) of their delegation to the female parliamentarians invariably this is not respected. There are so many issues involved in this in allocating positions especially involving our female folks”.

According to him, though men always talk about supporting women, “hardly do we practice it”.

Mr. John Azumah further confirmed to Ghanamps.com that in the reconstituted list of Ghana, there is only one female in the name of Mrs. Ama Pomaa Boateng.

Ghana, for example, has eight membership but there is only one female, “even if they were not given three slots, two should have been the case but a blind eye has been turned to that, and the same applies to other countries”.

He further revealed that for the allocation of the female MPs it is not being respected as in the regulations.

In an early interview with Leader of the Gambian delegation in the fourth Legislature Mr. Kebba K. Barrow he pointed out their reconstituted list to the fifth Parliament has only one female madam Fatoumatta Njai out of the five.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

MPs common fund not statutory – Majority leader

Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has set the record straight on the floor of the House by educating his colleagues that MPs Common Fund is not statutory.

According to him, he does not know of any statutory provision which makes the MPs’ common fund statutory.  “Let us not go into waters we are not familiar with, the fund is a practice and I know it helps MPs”.

Mr. Mensah-Bonsu noted that at the joint caucus and committee of the whole meeting that would be held next week, the issue of the delay in the MPs common fund would be addressed.

He made this remarks on the floor of the House on Friday after presenting the Business Statement for the ensuing week and was questioned by Ras Mubarak as to what is being done to pay the MPs common fund which was in arrears for two installments.

Ras Mubarak drew the attention of the house to an impending boycott of the State of the Nation Address by the Minority next week on Thursday when the President is expected in the House.

“We have a lot of problems at our constituencies, I am asking this question for myself and other members of the House”, he emphasised.

In a related development the Member of Parliament for Adaklu, Kwame Agbodza questioned why Presidential candidates who are strangers in the House are allowed to sit in the chamber at the back which is reserved for former Presidents?

In response, the Leader of Government Business pointed out to his colleagues that inviting visitors to the chamber is the prerogative of the Speaker of Parliament and he chooses those he want to be in the chamber and he has no hand in it.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Seven Ministers to answer eleven questions next week

Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu presenting the Business Statement on the floor of the House for next week on Friday noted that eleven questions have been tabled for seven Ministers to answer on the floor of the House.

Minister of Roads and Highways, Kwesi Amoako Atta would answer five questions, whiles Minister of Aviation, Kofi Adda as well as Ministers of Transport, Youth and Sports, Tourism Arts and Culture, Local Government and Rural Development and the Volta Regional Minister would take a question each.

In accordance with Article 67 of the 1992 constitution, H. E. the President Nana Akufo-Addo would be on the floor on Thursday 20th February 2020 to deliver the State of the Nation Address (SONA).

He entreated that Members would have to be punctual latest 9:15am, adding “it may not be courteous for members to exit the chamber after the President has entered”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

SONA debate likely to start on February 25 — Osei Kyei

Leader of Government Business, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has told Parliament that debate on the State of the Nation Address (SONA) would kick start on February 25 after the President has delivered SONA on the February 20.

According to the Leader, Government Business Committee would make that known when the Business Statement is presented to the House next week Friday.

He made this remarks after Presenting the Business Statement for the ensuing week.

His response followed request from the Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa who wanted to know when the debate on SONA would start since it was not stated in the Business Statement.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Assurance Committee visit Ekumfi pineapple plantation and factory

Government Assurance Committee has taken its verification tour to the Central Region where it members visited a pineapple plantation that feeds Ekumfi Fruit and Juice Limited.

Director of Operations at Ekumfi Fruit and Juice, Frederick Kobbyna Acquaah before the Committee visited the plantation walked the committee through the operations of the company from the growing of the pineapple, its harvest and processing.

And there was a question time where members of the committee sought further explanation. One of the key things that Mr. Acquaah told the committee members was that the factory under 1D1F was hundred percent Ghanaian owned.

He further revealed to the Committee members that the lands on which the pineapples are grown are leased to the company for thirty years, and the farmers and all those working are properly documented.

It was also revealed that the pineapple farms are not only located in Ekumfi but other places like Gomoa, Winneba among other places.

The Committee’s first place of visit after the briefing was a pineapple plantation at Ekumfi, whiles the last stop of the field trip on the third day of visit was the factory where the pineapple was being processed into juice.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Welfare of workers with non Ghanaian owned companies is my concern-Twumasi

A member of the Government Assurance Committee and a Member of Parliament for Sene West, Kwame Twumasi Ampofo has raised concerns with welfare of workers working for industries owned by foreigners in Ghana.
According to the Sene West lawmaker, he has not been satisfied with the way the Ghanaian workers are treated in some of the companies following their three days field verification trips the Committee has embarked on last week.

He, however, felt short of mentioning names of the companies in an interview and pointed out that despite the fact that the companies are getting, “our people jobs, they need to take care of our people, give them protective cloths and a place where they can eat”.

“As to how much they are being paid is not my focus, they went for interview and knew how much they would be paid. We visited a company were they are not allowed to bring food but they leave home very early and are forced to eat very early in the morning”.

Mr. Twumasi Ampofo was quick to point out that he was happy foreigners are setting up companies in the country under the 1D1F where government would get to tax them and get money for the building of this nation.

As to what the Committee would be doing this week, he noted that they would meet to map up their strategies for their next visits before meeting the sector Ministers, and further pointed out that the Committee’s work should not be politicized.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Don’t threaten us with gay rights when giving us aid”—Minority Whip

Minority Chief Whip, Mohamed Muntaka Mubarak has served a notice to the World Bank not to threaten Ghana and Africans with cutting aid if they do not uphold gay and lesbian rights.

According to the Minority Whip, not only are issues of gay and lesbian rights alien to Africans, but also less importance in the scheme of things.

“Europeans and those in the developed world do not accept polygamy, and we in Africa do not have issues with that. Just as you do not accept polygamy in your society, please do accept we do not accept gay and lesbian rights in our societies as Africans”.

He further pointed out that there is no need to split heads over this issue to the extent that when the World Bank wants to support African countries they should not be foot dragging, and wondered if Africa were richer than the developed world, would they accept polygamy before accepting Africa’s resources?

He made this remarks when the World Bank Country director to Ghana, Pierre Jean Laporte called on Speaker Professor Aaron Micheal Oquaye.

And pointed out that Ghana’s major challenge today is youth unemployment as the youth graduate from the Universities but they are unable to secure jobs, because the country is exporting raw materials without adding value.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Give leadership of Government Assurance to the Minority — Garu MP

Member of Parliament for Garu and a member of the Government Assurance Committee, Albert Akuka Alalzuuga is advocating for the leadership of the Committee which by the Majority to be changed to the Minority as the standing orders is being revised.

According to the Garu lawmaker, for the lifespan of the seven Parliament, three years has gone waste without the Committee embarking on any verification field trips despite promises given by Government and Ministers.

“We need to find out if government is really fulfilling its promise. This would let government sit up, but if the leadership of the Committee is in the hands of the Majority they do not want to expose their government”.

When questioned by Ghanamps.com if leadership style is not key, because Emmanuelle Bedzrah in the sixth Parliament despite being in the Majority made the Committee visible and vibrant, he acknowledged that point that Bedzrah was from the Majority and the Committee was vibrant and visible, and further commended the current chairman of the Committee Collins Owusu Amankwah, who took over from Yaw Frimpong Addo last quarter of last year for his performance.

“We would encourage Collins to do more so that the Committee does not only exit in name but we should be seen working”.

The Garu lawmaker spoke in an interview in the Central Region when the Committee visited Casa de Ropa, a company that produces bread, pizza, mosquito coil out of sweet potatoes, to ascertain some promises made by the Trade and Industry Minister, Alan Kyeremantey under the one district one factory (1D1F) programme.

Meanwhile, the committee has also undertaken a three day field visit to the University of Ghana Medical Centre, B5 Plus Limited, and the MP noted that “this is one of the best Committee that can help improve Ghana”, adding that when they visited B5 Plus, an Indian company in Ghana, they were able to verify for themselves how the management is treating their Ghanaian workers”.

He noted that whiles some workers fear to talk of the situation on the ground, others were bold enough to point out they were not having protective cloths and got them at the day of the visit of the committee, “this visit would let the management of B5 sit up”.

Again, the committee in its round looked at the source of the products and its quality as well as the local content, how many people from Ghana are being employed, he said.

Mr. Akuka Alalzuuga noted that he was impressed with the way things are going so far with the companies they had visited, pointing out that especially Ekumfi Fruit Juice Lt and Casa de Ropa which are one hundred percent Ghanaian owned.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com