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315 CMS cases recorded with 45 deaths — Health Minister

Minister of Health Kwaku Agyeman Manu briefing Parliament on Tuesday 19th May 2020 disclosed that the country has recorded three hundred and fifteen (315) cases of cerebral spinal meningitis (CSM) with forty-five (45) deaths.

According to him he presented to the House few weeks ago the situation with CSM when the country had recorded two hundred and seventy-three (273) cases in the Upper West Region and forty-three (43) deaths unfortunately.

He said majority of the cases had been caused by Neiserria Meningitidis (NM) Sero X of which there is no vaccine.

“Mr. Speaker in fact approximately sixty percent (60%) of the samples analyzed were NM a strain with no vaccine globally as at now due to its rarity at causing epidemics.

We have unfortunately recorded two more deaths since the last count two weeks ago, bringing the total numbers of deaths to forty-five (45) deaths. No death was recorded in both week 19 and 20”.

Again, Mr. Speaker, two weeks ago Jirapa Municipality recorded eight (8) cases within a defined window, this made the Municipality cross the alert as well as the epidemic line. Such episodic spikes trigger further strengthening of already activated public health activities in order to get hold on the trajectory of the disease.

Consequently, the number of recorded cases at the end of week 20, 17th May 2020 fell to 2 in Jirapa Municipality with Nadowli, Lawra and Nandom recording a case each. In all five (5) active cases are being managed in the Upper West Region with three patients on admission, all in a stable condition.

The Health Minister further told the House that the Regional Health emergency team together with the Municipal and District Health emergency team are still at work meeting weekly coordinating efforts of staff and community officers as well as sensitizing people on the need to report early to the clinic at the slightest sign of unwellness CSM.

Mr. Speaker, it is an endemic condition, our efforts would continue to be working at preventing outbreaks and in the unfortunate situation of an outbreak, coordinate the output of all stakeholders to speedily arrest the situation as has happened by the close of week 20, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Leadership of House to hold meeting with Committee Leaders—Majority Leader

Leadership of the House would today Wednesday 20th May 2020 hold a meeting with leadership of the various Committees in the House to determine priority Business of the House to be reported on by Committees for consideration at the plenary.

Majority Leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu made the disclosure when he presented the Business statement for this week as the House starts the second meeting of the fourth session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

The meeting would take place today on the seventh floor West wing of Job 600 where Leadership of the various Committees are expected to be present.

Contributing to the Business Statement presented on the floor of the, House Ranking member on the Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs Committee, Inusah Abdulai Fuseini urged government to present its Legislative programme.

“We need to know government’s Legislative programme so that the Committees would be on truck so that we do not get destructed, so that we can programme ourselves and ensure we accomplish our work”.

Member of Parliament for Okaikwei Central, Patrick Yaw Boamah appealed to the Business Committee to prioritize business of the House since there is a work load in this meeting and it is an election year also.

“We should regulate the admission of Statement on the floor as they take much of our time looking at the work load we have in this meeting”, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker directs Chairpersons of Committees to facilitate completion of works

Speaker of Parliament, Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has urged chairpersons of various Committees of the House to collaborate to complete the tall order of work in the second meeting of the fourth session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

He appealed to them to facilitate timeous completion of works on all referrals to the respective Committees.

In his welcome address, the Speaker indicated that plans are underway to mark the official conclusion of an important partnership to coincide with the official launch of a strategic plan for Parliament 2020-2024.

He announced to the House that the Parliamentary Service Board has approved of a new clerk-to the House Mr. Cyril Kwabena Oteng Nsiah at its 23rd regular meeting held on Thursday 7th May 2020.

He also directs leaders to ensure that there is one space (one chair apart) during sitting, adding that when there is an overflow, the whips would decide what to do.

“As we commence work for the meeting may I request MPs to continue to give up their utmost best and be punctual to all official engagements of the House.

Let us demonstrate in every way we are ready to work like soldiers at war for Mother Ghana, we shall face every emergency and responds to every call to duty never draw back as we support the Executive in the work of Ghana”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Members of Parliament, staffs to be tested for COVID-19 — Speaker

Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has urged Members of Parliament (MPs) to cooperate with him as the House takes measures to test lawmakers against the spread of COVID-19.

He further added that members of staff would also be tested for virus and assured that all the necessary protocols would be adhered to by the House when he welcome lawmakers back for the second start of the second meeting.

Supporting the Speaker, Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu emphasised the need to observe social distance and observe the needed protocols.

Again, “we are concerned of the growing numbers, we need to know if we are at the peak and we would not trade the health of our citizens; we should have discussions on post COVID-19”.

The Majority Leader urged his colleagues in the Minority to try and observe social distance and he did not see that with the Minority front beach when he gave his welcome remarks.

Mr. Ras Mubarak on his part appealed to the Majority Leader Osei-Kyei to consider a virtual parliament as the House is talking about physical distance and in view of the impending mid-year review of the budget.

“We should have a situation where MPs can contribute to debate from their offices, we do not want to see the chamber being full when it comes to presentation of midyear review we have the chamber being full”.

Professor Oquaye noted that the idea was good but members should bear in mind that the House per its standing order needs to form a quorum and there are MPs who would raise the issue of quorum.

Mr. Joseph Osei-Owusu first Deputy Speaker of the House before adjourning the House announced to the House that testing begins today Wednesday.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker must direct MPs to wear facemask before speaking — Ayariga

Member of Parliament for Bawku Central Mahama Ayariga has urged the Speaker of Parliament Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye to direct lawmakers in Ghana’s chamber to wear the facemask when speaking.

According to him it is uncomfortable wearing the mask and sometimes when speaking in the chamber lawmakers are seen taking off their facemasks.

He made this remarks on Tuesday, 19th of May 2020 when the House resumed for the start of the second meeting of the fourth session of the seventh Parliament of the fourth Republic.

Second Deputy Speaker, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin pleaded with the House to allow him take his facemask off to contribute to a debate on the floor.

Members on the Majority side said no he had to put the mask on to debate but along the line he had to pull off his facemask.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com


B5 Plus Ltd donates free oxygen to hospitals

As part of helping the nation fight against the spread of COVID-19, B5 Plus Ltd, a steel manufacturing company located in the Prampram Industrial enclave is giving free oxygen to both government and private hospitals in need of it at this critical time.

Salvation Army Hospital at Agona District in the Central Region and LEKMA Hospital in Greater Accra took delivery of twenty-four (24) filled free oxygen on Friday 15th May 2020.

Mr. Mike Thakwani, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of B5 Plus Ltd in an interview noted that in these difficult times of COVID-19 outbreak, his company would want to give free oxygen to Ghanaians.

The motivation for this kind gesture, according to Mr. Thakwani is that “Mother Ghana has given us a lot, this is the time to give back towards the poor in society, who are not able to afford. “Let us push ourselves a little trying to help mankind. If we are able to do this Ghana becomes the winner”.

He further pointed out that Hospitals from Ashiaman where most of the workers from his company come from have benefited from the free oxygen by providing cylinders and taking deliveries.

“Private Hospitals taking delivery of this free oxygen should also reduce their prices as a way of reciprocating so that more and more people can benefit from the free oxygen. Initially, we said the free oxygen was up to 31st of this month but we have extended it to the duration of COVID-19”.

He added that the government’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is encouraging and believes the country will soon get the pandemic behind it. He also pledged to continue to support the government in these trying times.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority urged Ghanaians to resist attempt by EC to change citizenship law

The Minority in Ghana’s Parliament is calling on Ghanaians to resist attempts by the Electoral Commission to amend the citizenship laws of Ghana through a backdoor by using an inferior instrument to amend an Act of Parliament and by extension the Constitution.

According to the Minority, this would disenfranchise Ghanaians thereby denying them their fundamental rights to vote as provided by the 1992 constitution of Ghana.

In a statement signed by the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu noted that the EC is determined to compile a new voters’ register to be used for the 2020 Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Ghana contrary to good counsel from civil society groups.

“Their justification for the compilation of a new register is that the existing voters register is bloated and does not make room for facial recognition as a necessary concomitant to the bio data collected of existing voters on the register”.

The statement further noted that for a new register, the EC has to introduce into Parliament a Constitutional Instrument (CI) No 126 (Public Elections Regulations of Voters) (Amendment) Regulations, 2020) intended to amend the sub-regulation (3) of Regulation 1 of the Public Elections (Regulations of Voters) (Regulations (C. I. 91). Sub-regulations (3) of Regulation 1 of C. I.  91 establishes the primary documents required for verification of a person who presents himself for registration as a voter.

“EC is trying to limit primary documents to only the Ghanaian passport and a national identification card issued by the National Identification Authority. A voter identification card, which drivers its legitimacy from the constitution and particularly Article 42 of the constitution of Ghana, is excluded from the list of primary documents”.

The EC has not brought to Parliament a C. I for the purpose of capturing the facial details of prospective voters, as it has a far reaching consequences for the enjoyment of fundamental rights of citizens and especially privacy rights.

Again, the technological determinism can have a disastrously invasive negative effects on the lives of Ghanaian failure of the EC to avert its mind to the needed regulations to guide this exercise is disconcerting.

Mr. Iddrisu also noted that another omission by the EC is the lack of limited consideration or thought given to the consequences of the proposed amendment in C. I. 126 as it has an effect of unsettling the citizenship laws of Ghana.

The Citizenship Act 2000 (Act 591) presumes a person born on or before 6th March 1957 to be a Ghanaian provided either parents or grandparent was born in Ghana, therefore establish whether a person is prima facie a Ghanaian one needs to look at the person’s birth certificate.

“Unfortunately, EC will have none of this and has unwittingly changed the presumption any person who appears at the registration centre without a passport or national identification card issued by the NIA is presumed not to be a Ghanaian unless two people can vouch for that person”.

In effect, a child who was born to parents and has a passport but whose parents have no passport or a national identification card issued by the NIA would have to be vouched for by the children. And the child would impliedly confer Ghanaian citizenship on his parents contrary to the express provisions in the constitution of 19192 and the citizenship Act 2000 Act 591.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Ghana needs a structural reform in the legal education sector—Kulendi

Supreme Court justice nominee Mr. Emmanuel Yonny Kulendi has said the nation needs a structure reform when it comes to legal education considering the huge numbers that seek admission to the law school and the number of universities providing legal education.

According to him, he is involved in post course legal training and internship programmes instituted by the law school.

“Lawyers in my office do not know I am an examiner at the Ghana Law School, all the noise you hear about examiners’ who pay themselves a lot of fees fail those seeking legal education it is not true, I have performed this duty as a civic duty I do not collect money for it. I set questions and mark them I am in that field and I have followed the conversation”.

Whiles before the Appointment Committee of Parliament, he pointed out that the legal educational system was designed sixty (60) years ago and has not seen any substantially re-engineering.

Hence, there was bound to be a problem because as our population increases with democracy rule of law has come to stay and legislators want to become lawyers for them to function in their lawmaking process.

“In my view every member of the Executive arm of government should have a working knowledge of the law we need some level of legal education, in the last few years accreditation has been given to a lot of universities to run faculty of law in my time in 1994 it was only Legon”.

Again, you do not need to be a prophet to know there would be a back lock and casualties, adding that there is urgent need for reform with increase for appetite for law.

Mr. Kulendi further noted that as a country there is the need for a conference to think through the problem of legal education as demand is over taking supply.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Parliament to consider 36 bills as the House resumes today

The second meeting of the Fourth Session of the seventh Parliament is scheduled to start today Tuesday 19th May 2020, and the House is expected to be presented with thirty-six bills.

These Bills include Affirmative Action Bill, 2020, Criminal Offences (Amendment) Bill,2020, National Ambulance Service (Amendment) Bill 2020, Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2020 and Borrowers and Lenders Bill, 2020 etc.

Currently, there are eighteen Bills at the Committee level and are expected to be worked on during this meeting. Among them are, Public Universities Bill, 2020 (Committee on Education), Intestate Succession Bill, 2018 (Committee on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs), Conduct of Public Officers Bills 2018 (Committee on Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs), Legal Profession (Amendment) Bill 2018 (Committee on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs), Exemptions Bill 2019 (Finance Committee.

The Ghana Cocoa Board (Amendment) Bill, 2017 which is with the Committee on Constitutional Legal and Parliamentary Affairs will be taken through a second reading.

Whiles the Educational Regulatory Bodies Bill 2019, Pre-Tertiary Education Bill, 2019 the Land Bill, 2018 among others are at the consideration stage.

In a statement by the Director of Public Affairs, Madam Kate Addo, she noted that motions, debates and statements would be admitted by the Speaker during this meeting as sector Ministers are also expected to attend upon the House and answer questions pertinent to their ministries.

“Parliament would like to assure Ghanaians that the House will observe the social distancing protocols during this meeting”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

First Deputy Speaker’s conduct has taken burden off me — Suhuyini

Member of Parliament for Tamale North, Suhuyini Alhassan Sayibu has said a burden has been taken off him with the conduct of the chairman of the Appointment Committee, Joseph Osei-Owusu’s unnecessary protecting and disallowing questions asked nominees of the Supreme Court judges.

According to him, Ghanaians who initially were thinking he was a problem would now revise their note because whatever he sought to resist at the time when the seventh Parliament started its work has been manifested.

“Sometimes this is done against members of the Committee on the Majority side of the Appointment Committee, I am personally not happy that these things are happening”,

Mr. Suhuyini said this in an interview when Ghanamps.com wanted to know if the Minority side on the Committee was okay with the conduct of the chairman of the Committee disallowing a question asked by the North Tongu lawmaker.

“I am convinced with the protest that I initially mounted when we started work working at a Committee, I think the chairman of the Committee must understand that it is not the intention of members of the Committee to embarrass nominees unnecessarily”.

Mr. Sayibu emphasised that the Minority side is doing its work and as gate-keepers, their probing work that they do is only giving opportunity to nominees to clear themselves of issues that have been hanging over them or years; they are given the opportunity to clear themselves.

“We do this without malice, we just want them to clear allegations since they would be working for Ghanaians, when we walked out during the vetting of the Supreme Court nominee, we did that for cool heads to prevail and we came back to continue with the vetting”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com