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South Dayi MP urges leadership to fast truck work on estimates

Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Etse Kwame Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor has urged leadership of Parliament to ensure that the various government agencies, departments and Ministries speed up their estimates to the various Committees of Parliament.

According to him pressure should be put on them so that that they can send their 2022 estimates to the Committees to work on as the budget for 2022 was presented on November 17, 2021; and from his experience in the House those estimates were supposed to be ready before the presentation of the budget.

In his contribution to the Business statement on the floor of the House last Friday, he further noted that his Committee, the Constitutional, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has to meet on Friday, December 10, 2021 to consider estimates for the Legal Aid Commission but that has not taken place.

 “Leadership should consider doing something so that the estimates come before us, we have been told we would be having extended sittings and we know what that means”.

But the Deputy Finance Minister, Abena Osei-Asare told the House that out of the forty-three (43) estimates expected, it is left with only four to be presented.

That of the Judicial Service and with that organ of government the president would have to assent to their budget before it would be brought to the House. “They brought a letter on Friday, we are working hard to present them to the House”, she stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Let us target working towards breaking on December 17, 2021”—Muntaka

The Minority Chief Whip Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka has urged the Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin to ensure the House works towards breaking on Friday, December 17, 2021 instead of the proposed Tuesday, December 21, 2021.

According to him despite being a member of the Business Committee that prepared the proposed date, he believes the Committees should be supported to work over the weekend so that, Monday, December 13, 2021 budget estimates of 2022 before the various Committees are presented on the floor of the House.

He made this remark on Friday, December 10, 2021 when the Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo Markin presented the Business Statement for the ensuing week on the floor of the House.

Mr. Mubarak Muntaka said, “it has been a very long working meeting, it would be very disappointing if we are unable to rise on the 17th of this month; let us work towards the 17th and if it becomes evidently clear that we need to extend the time, we can do that”.

The Business Committee proposed Tuesday, December 12, 2021 in view of the back log of activities the House is supposed to undertake.

Deputy Majority Leader responded by saying they had discussed it and Ministers had been whipped to make time for Committee meetings in the morning on Friday, December 10, 2021. According to him, major meetings had been shifted to 4:00pm and cabinet meetings have been shifted to enable Ministers to be with the House and not send directors.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Sawla-Tuna Kalba MP twisting facts on drilled borehole —Deputy Minister

Deputy Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Amidu Chinnia Issahaku has set the record straight on the allegations made by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Sawla-Tuna-Kalba, Dari Andrew Chiwitey, that five years on in the Akufo-Addo administration, only sixteen (16) boreholes had been drilled in Northern Region and zero had been drilled in the Savannah Region.

At a media briefing to respond to his colleague, the Sissala East lawmaker pointed out that between 2017 to 2020 the sector Minister Cecilia Abena Dapaah answering question on the floor of the House pointed out that, some five hundred and thirty-three boreholes had been drilled and fitted with hand pumps out of the planned six hundred and fifty four boreholes.

He said the Sawla-Tuna Kalba MP decided to restrict himself to one part of the two part answers provided by the sector Minister.

The Minister on the floor said, “ Mr. Speaker,  through the Community Water Agency under the Ministry has implemented the sustainable rural water and sustainable project additional financing from 2017 to 2020 in ninety four districts in 11 beneficiary Regions Central , Western,  Western North,  Bong East, Bong, Ahafo,  Upper West,  Upper East,   Northern , North East and Savannah to serve a total population of three hundred and seventy-three thousand seven hundred and three people,  the project was finance through a world bank project facility of forty five point seven million dollars”.

According to him, when one goes beyond the communities listed, it would be realized that nine of the pipe systems connected in the Central Region have been connected to several communities, likewise in other communities in Bono. “The answer had three aspects and he restricted himself to that of the Ministry but community water agency under the ministry had done a lot.”

There is also a water improvement project of the Ghana Spain Debt Swap Development programme funded by the Spanish government at a cost of three point seven million dollars. It was to expand access and ensure sustainable water supply and sanitation in thirty six rural and small town communities in the Ho West,  Agotime  and South Dayi,  “so this was also contained in the statement, and he decided not to bring this out”

“Boreholes and water system are not done by only our Ministry, Local Government and Rural Development had drilled a lot of boreholes, National Security, GNPC and Assemblies are using the Assembly common fund. But, the questioner asked, what the Ministry itself and its agencies have done? So the Minister responded to what they have done but there are other agencies of government who have constructed boreholes and small town water system which the Minister could not have brought in because the question was specific”.

Mr. Chinnia Issahaku Amidu emphasised that, “if his colleague had asked about the boreholes and water systems the NPP government has done, then the Minister would have stretched it beyond the Ministry?”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

President Akufo-Addo’s award puts Ghana on the global map—Samuel Jinapor

Member of Parliament (MP) for Damango, Samuel Abu Jinapor has commended President Nana Akufo-Addo’s recognition by Forbes magazine as African personality of the year 2021 and should be seen as an honor for the nation Ghana.

According to him every Ghanaian should take pride in the recognition as it puts Ghana on the global state map and further added that the recognition is to the people and government of the Republic of Ghana.

Again the hard work done which has attracted Forbes should be seen as work done collectively for the past five years which the president has led the country. “There has been men and women who had supported him to build this enviable record, a legacy past president of the Republic who have receive such an award”.

Contributing to a statement on the floor of the House, made by MP for Kwadaso, he noted that late former president Jerry John Rawlings got the hanger award and like President Kuffour when he got an award for his contribution to the development of Ghana, all of those need to be seen as national recognition.

President  Akufo-Addo’s vision for Ghana and the African continent and his attempt to change the structure of the Ghanaian economy from the Guggisberg economy to an economy which is self-sufficient, producing economy which is  industrialized economy; that has been his  position from his days as an opposition leader through his stewardship as president for the past five years.

“Mr. Speaker, President Nana Addo  has been on the front championing the reforms in the world economic order,  the world economic order which put Africa at the disadvantage and president Akufo-Addo has been the advocating  for the change so that,  “Africa can take its true place in the world economic arrangement”

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Majority caucus denied leaking Rt. Hon. Speaker’s medical and travel record

The Majority caucus in Ghana’s Parliament has dismissed allegation on social media that it leaked the purported medical and travel records of the Rt. Hon speaker Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin.

Majority side of the House

In a statement issued on Thursday, December 9, 2021 the caucus pointed out that it has no interest in such an irresponsible deed and to protect the Speaker’s integrity, the chair and Parliament of the Republic of Ghana, they find the said publication unfortunate and unwarranted, “we condemn them accordingly”.

“However, if the persons behind the publications intend to set the Speaker and the Majority caucus in the Parliament of Ghana on a collision course, we would not hesitate to offer the appropriate response”.

As the Majority caucus further clarified, the Majority Leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has not taken a dime from Parliament to seek or receive medical attention in Dubai. There is no scintilla of truth in the allegation, and should as such be disregarded entirely for its spuriousness and hopelessness.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Kwadaso MP congratulates President Akufo-Addo on his award

Member of Parliament (MP) for Kwadaso Dr. Kingsley Nyarko has congratulated President Nana Akufo-Addo on his recognition as the African of the year 2021 by African Business New Group owners of CNBC Africa and Forbes instituted four years ago.

According to him the award recognizes Africans who made the most impact and contribution to the continent and the global stage.

“Mr. Speaker, previous honourees of this prestigious award are H. E Paul Kagame-the President of Rwanda, who won it the first time it was instituted in 2018; Dr. Akinwumi Adesina-the President of the African Development Bank and Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala-Director General of the World Trade Organization.”

For winning this award, President Nana Akufo-Addo will feature in and be on the front cover of the Forbes Magazine Africa for the December-January (2021-2022) edition.

“This is an excellent and very well-deserved honour and recognition. As a leader, you continue to push the boundaries of what is possible for Ghana and the people of Africa. You are an embodiment of a remarkable ‘can do’ African spirit—a spirit of focused determination that seeks to make a difference in the lives of your people and unleash Africa’s true potential.”

Mr. Speaker, the award recognizes and underscores the impressive work and achievements by the President at home, on the continent and the world. It also gives credence to the socio-economic transformation happening in the country under the able leadership of the President and his government since they took over the reins of power in 2017, he stated.

The Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh  who presented the statement on behalf of the Kwadaso lawmaker noted that the massive infrastructural projects going on in the country, the boost in agriculture, the economic transformation, job creation opportunities, especially for the youth, human capital development, entrepreneurial skills development, digitization of the economy, industrialization through the one district one factory initiative, the free senior high school policy, increase in foreign direct investment, Ghana beyond aid among others, clearly show that H. E President Akufo-Addo has repositioned the country at a very enviable position.

He said according to the Forbes Magazine, “the Ghanaian President has repositioned the country in the global marketplace as one reliant on its own resources and strengths.”

The decision to raise more revenue from our domestic environment, pursue a targeted benchmark values regime to protect our local factories, the reconsideration of Agyapa aimed at using our minerals to benefit the country and the people among others underscore the President’s vision to cash in on our own resources and areas we have competitive advantage.

“Mr. Speaker, since 2017, several automobile companies such as Toyota, Volkswagen, and Nissan have established manufacturing plants in the country. The location of the African Continental Free Trade Area in the country is a worthy testament to the extraordinary and sterling leadership of our President.

I hope that the essence of this unique honour will not be lost on us and posterity since this is the first time a Ghanaian has won it, and the second President on the continent to receive it. I must also say that this honour would further cement our relevance on the continent and continue to enhance the image of the country on the global stage”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“I didn’t see any sings of vote-gigging in Gambia election”—Sharka

A Member of the Sierra Leone Parliamentary delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Sharka Musa Samato who observed the Gambia presidential election has said that he did not observe any violence or vote-rigging.

He was also part of the ECOWAS Commission’s Election Observation Mission (EOM) that was in Gambia.

According to the provisions of the ECOWAS Supplementary Protocol on Democracy and Good Governance (2001), His Excellency Jean Claude Kassie-Brou, President of the ECOWAS Commission deployed an Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) to observe the presidential election as part of the ECOWAS support to the democratic process in the country of The Gambia with a core team of four experts, twelve long term observers, and sixty-two short term observers.

Explaining his observations of the presidential election in The Gambia, Sama said, he we can only report from the polling stations that I covered or  on the polling center where I was assigned, five polling centers.

“I only witnessed counting in the polling center which I visited. They are still using the marble system. I realized that it was very fast to count. I know and can testify that the counting was transparent and I did not see any sign of vote-rigging in those centers,” Sama said.

He added that none of his colleague observers also reported observing vote-rigging or malpractice in the process, or acts of violence, emphasizing that, “ when we had the debriefing session on the 5th December 2021, no observer reported  that there was violence or vote rigging.”

 In the observation of the ECOWAS Mission, we saw that the election was peaceful, but it is not for me to comment further on whether the elections were credible or not, that is the job of the Head of Observer Mission to give the final comment.

On the issue of acceptability of the outcome of the election that saw incumbent President Adama Barrow winning reelection and the disposition of the ECOWAS before, during, and after the elections, Hon. Sama said,   “ECOWAS did very well.”

He further said contrasting views are always going to emerge from election observations, noting that, when one looks  at a country’s population, you have politicians and leaders of political parties and the voters who belong to different political parties. Naturally, those whose political parties won will accept the outcome of the election, and those who lose, some of them will have questions to ask, that is natural.


“I would defend resourcefulness of Ghanaian teachers every single day”—Dr. Osie Adutwum

Minister for Education Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum has said Ghanaian teachers are one of the best resourceful teachers across the world considering their performance and attitude towards their students.

According to him he would defend that statement every single day and added that once teachers are provided with the opportunity of learning and teaching materials, they would do fantastic job.

Dr. Adutwum used this year’s West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results to justify his assertion for identifying the resourcefulness of the Ghanaian teachers’, “especially with tremendous high passing graded which is over fifty percent (50%) of the total students who sat for the examination.

At a press briefing on Thursday, December 9, 2021 after answering a question on the floor of the House, he told members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) the Ministry would do everything to ensure that education becomes the most important agent for socio economic transformation.

He further noted that to push up the economic transformation was going to start with science, technology and engineering; “whatever we embark on, if done well the end result would ensure transformation”, he added.

Again, he emphasised that the educational system would become the important vehicle for socio- economic transformation, and “we want to say quality education should be accessible to every Ghanaian in this country”.

 Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

NPP did zero bore holes in Savannah only 16 in North Regions—Sawla-Tuna Kalba MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Sawla-Tuna Kalba Dari Andrew Chiwitey has taken a swipe at President Nana Akufo-Addo and Vice President Dr. Mahmud Bawumi led administration for not providing the whole of the Savannah Region with a single borehole within the five years in power.

According to him he filed a question in July of this year and when finally the Sector Minister for Sanitation and Water Resource Cecilia Abena Dapaah appeared before the House on the number of boreholes constructed under the current administration, “she excluded the areas which they had worked in her answer. I had to push further and she tabled a document, it contains a number of boreholes constructed in constituencies; Northern Region only 16, with Bono East two, Ahafo four, Volta Region only three North East Dr. Bawumi’s Region zero”.

At a media briefing after the Minister’s answer, he said their complaints are not politically motivated, but bothers on things worrying their people.  “With everything the fact is that some NGOs have done some boreholes in this regions and constituencies so if you see them being done in some of these constituencies you are likely to think that it is the government doing that. For me I would always praise the NGOs within my constituency; as an MP within the five years period, I have done forty boreholes, thanks be to God I had global communities coming to my area”.

Again, Dr.  Bawumia and Akufo-Addo have not done a single borehole in my constituency; the whole of Savannah Region they have Salaga North and South Central Gonja and West, Bole Bamboi, that is why in my budget debate I said, “vice president should be woken up to tell us where and when he did the boreholes. Get to the table office to get the document, the cost and criteria use to citing the borehole”.

He further said as MPs they visit their constituency and they know their challenges, and still have people who walk five to four kilometers to fetch water from the Black Volta and compete with animals,  “so it cannot be said that those communities have water; that is why they have not been given water”.

Additionally,  he said he serves on the Works and Housing Committee as Deputy ranking at the committee level and ask the number of boreholes the government has done since they came into power, as then vice presidential candidate of the NPP said two years when they come to power there would not be a community that has water challenge and toilet problem.

“We visited some committees in the North as a Committee, many communities in 2018, we were there as a committee, we listened to the people, and noted that there was the need to appeal to the ministry to do a lot on those areas of sanitation and water”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOFEPA delegation calls on Senate President and Deputy Speaker

Newly elected executives and members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Female Parliamentary Association (ECOFEPA) on Wednesday, December 8, 2021 paid a courtesy call on   Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim Lawan, President of the Senate, Chairman National Assembly Federal Republic of Nigeria, and Senators and the Ahmed Iddris Deputy Speaker House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Presenting the delegation, Senator Biodun Christine Olujimi (Nigeria) 1st Vice President-elect ECOFEPA and facilitator of the visit said that ECOFEPA went to pay a courtesy call on the Senate President despite the impromptu nature noting that they held their election the day before and the old Executives stepped out and a new one is to take over.

“We thought it fit to come to the National Assembly to see the owners of this country and especially our Parliament and of course, the Presiding Officer in the person of the Senate President, Sen. Dr. Lawan, and that is why we are here today,” she explained, adding that currently, only two women are representing Nigeria in the ECOWAS Parliament.

Madam Memunatu Ibrahima (Togo), Third Deputy Speaker ECOWAS Parliament in her presentation to the Senate President and Senators said that they were happy to inform the President and Senators that they are just coming out of a successful ECOFEPA election and that she was happy to note that the meeting was the first high-level engagement they have had while   appreciating the Senate President and Senators for agreeing to see them.

In addition, madam   Ibrahima said although the First elected President was unavoidably absent, the Bureau is excited and looking forward to the prospects of the new leadership that has been elected noting that it is of great advantage to the Bureau to have a Nigerian in the person of Sen. Olujimi. She said this means that Nigeria with its size, population, and importance in the sub-region and the continent is of great moment.

And with Senator Olujimi at the helm of affairs as 1st Vice President-elect in her new position, they believe “that it is going to take us to new heights.”


Their first project is an ambitious one – they look forward to hosting a grand conference of female Parliamentarians within ECOWAS to see how we can explore ways for the development of women and corporation within Parliamentarians.

 She explained, adding that, certainly their next project would be to try to monitor and support female representation within Parliaments within the ECOWAS sub-region and above all for Nigeria,

“We are looking forward to seeing how we can encourage the participation and inclusion of more female parliamentarians within the National Assembly”.

Mrs Ibrahima noted that, thirdly, they would   also like to embark on projects that protect the girl child to be able to monitor them and track their progress to adulthood. “With that, we look to the Senate for support on all these three projects which we look forward to leaning on the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to be heavily involved in these projects.”

She concluded by registering that the ECOWAS Commission has budgeted for all these projects; but noted that they look towards the Senate President to see how they would be able to render more support towards the realization of these projects.

She once more thanked the Senate President for receiving the ECOFEPA on a very short notice whilst anticipating a cordial working relationship in the pursuit of their aims and objectives.

In response, the Senate President Sen. Dr. Lawan on behalf of all the Senators welcomed the ECOFEPA delegation to the Senate of the National Assembly expressing that he was very pleased to have them.

Sen. Dr. Lawan said:  “I am very happy to receive you with my colleagues. I should congratulate you for the elections,” adding that he knows that Sen. Olujimi was also elected among the member of the new Bureau.

The Senate President said “this is a very good development for Nigeria and I want to congratulate the ECOWAS Parliamentarians for electing Sen. Olujimi, one of our very distinguished Senators. We are still trying to see if she remains fully and legislature because she moves in and then out.  She was here in the House of Representatives in 2003, then later became a Deputy Governor and now, she wants the whole and real thing but, whatever it would be, we pray for her and wish her the best of luck in whatever endeavor she chooses. But one clear thing is that the Nigeria Legislature needs people like her because she has the experience and given the kind of numbers, a very discourage a number of women in the Nigerian Parliament  or National Assembly, I believe we have to have more and more like her.”

He recalled serving also with Hon. Linda in the House of Representatives in 1999 adding that she also has a wealth of experience   which should be harnessed to have more women in the Nigeria National Assembly.

Sen. Dr. Lawan said that at the moment, Nigeria is reviewing its 1999 national constitution, noting that, “I know that there are some efforts that provide for more women’s representation. We hope that by the time the constitutional review is concluded, they would have provided a platform for more women to be at the National Assembly”.
