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Minority directs PURC to suspend new service charges

The Minority in parliament has called on the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC) to immediately suspend the current prices hikes and resort to due process and ensure that the right thing is done.

Mr. John Jinapor, Ranking Member on the Energy and Mines Committee at a press briefing in parliament on Wednesday, February 16, 2022 complained that the price hikes in new services connection as being implemented by the distribution companies, ECG, and NEDCO is unacceptable.

He explained that “in accordance with the PURC Act, if charges or fees are going to be implemented the PURC ought to take into account social economic conditions, consult consumers in particular and other stakeholders and when any decision on charges, fees and its related services are adopted, same is communicated to the consumer and the general public before its implementation.

What we just realized is a clandestine, surreptitious and nefarious way of adjusting these charges without recourse to due process within the electricity sub-sector.

 They said inasmuch as the PURC has some level of independence, in the determination of fees and charges and tariffs, it cannot do that in a whimsical and capricious manner without due course to the law.

The Minority contends that the hikes are too astronomical that it defies logic. “They are charging about 1,920 for street service, 4,400 for pole extension, 2 poles extension 6,700. Some of these increments are getting to about 100 percent; it is unacceptable and we are waiting that the PURC would do what is proper, what is right. To attempt to take money from the individual’s pocket through the back door is unacceptable.

They, therefore, served notice that if the PURC failed to adhere to the directive, the Minority within the Mines and Energy Committee “shall use whatever legitimate parliamentary processes to ensure that the PURC is hauled before parliament”.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Technical and vocational education is the way to go as a country—Joseph Osei-Owusu

First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei-Owusu has said technical and vocational education (TVET) should be the focus of Ghana to reverse the practice of importing almost everything we find in any office in Ghana from a foreign country.
According to him such behaviour must change, and there should be a fresh start where Ghana would begin to produce such products in Ghana.
He further added that it is about time the country braced up to encourage itself by taking technical and vocational education seriously to help foster development, rather than the over concentration on grammar education.
The First Deputy Speaker made this call in an interaction with the Turkish Ambassador to Ghana, when she paid a courtesy call on him on Monday, February 15, 2022 as part of effort to strengthen Ghana-Turkey relations in terms of trade.
And added that those who learn vocation, if care is not taken we would be in this country and the Chines who are with us here would take over the vocational work.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

E-Levy introduction would address roads, unemployment — Effutu MP

Member of Parliament for Effutu, Alexander Afenyo-Markin said the introduction of the E-Levy would address two major things including youth unemployment and road infrastructure in the country.

According to him Government through the Ministry of Finance has been engaging Ghanaians on the importance of the introduction of the E-Levy and why it’s introduction.

On graduate unemployment, he noted that public sector cannot take on everybody so this year’s budget is seeking to create the opportunity for the Ghanaians young male and female to take advantage of the private sector. “Government is looking forward to support young entrepreneurs from the district level, way up. This would be the game changer”.

Addressing members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC), he further noted that the explanation being given to Ghanaians on the E-Levy they would appreciate the introduction of the levy as his colleagues lawmakers have been talking about the deplorable nature of roads in their constituencies.

And there should be a sustainable dedicated source of funding; “I chair the road fund, as we speak today what is in the fund that we are going to disburse next week, it is just around seventy five million cedis; what can it do,  how many contractors are you going to pay?”, he queried.

He noted that, the reality is that there are key aspects of the economy that as Ghanaians we should look for reliable funding.

Again, wastage in the public sector financial management should not be limited to the political class; solution would not be found, and believes right at the district assemblies we should have a way of collectively doing away with waste that is why they should embrace technology because many of the waste, the leakages are human related.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

I will explain myself on the 1% E-levy comment at second reading of the Bill—Haruna

Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu has set the record straight that he is not aware that any part of official records of the House has it that they have agreed to one percent on the much talked about Electronic Transfer Bill 2021, and can only be the imagination of some people with the Majority side of the House.

According to him at the appropriate time he would school the Majority side of the House on E-Levy as a former Communication Minister. He asserts that the charge on the E-levy rather 3.5 percent. “Rather the charge on E-Levy is 3.5 percent and not the one point seven five percent (1.75) being talked about”.

“What we call the back to back charges of the Telcos of one percent in and one percent cash out; it was within that narrative I was speaking to; but for the record nobody at our caucus has said one percent. I would explain myself when we come to the debate on the second reading” he told the House.

Responding to the Business presented by the Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin the Minority Leader expressed his disquiet about some ongoing developments with regard to the E-Levy where Finance Minister is engaging in town hall meetings to explain the E-Levy Bill 2021.

He explained that under Order 169, the committee of Finance shall be composed of 25 members to which bills and enquires would be referred to them,  other matters relating to finance and the economy generally the Electronic Transfer Bill was introduce in this House so far as they  are concern, a referral has been made to the finance committee. “My strong view is that search for views and input should not fall within the domain of Ken Ofori Atta but rather the finance Committee”.

And what the Finance Minister should do is under Article 106 in his explanatory memoranda which should accompany the Bill would explain, and he is not parliament or its committee, “if the bill had gone through a certificate of urgency, “would he be doing what he is doing now?”

“We should get things right, our rules put that authority on the committee of finance”, and urged the minister not to be usurping the authority of the House. “When you bring e-levy, we would wait for you, you are struggling and you would not let Ghanaians know you are struggling?” he queried.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Akim Oda: MP provides a week free health screening, NHIS card renewal for constituents

A one week free health screening, and national health insurance card renewal exercise which commenced on Monday, February 14, 2022 in the Akim Oda Constituency got residents elated.

The kind gesture by the Member of Parliament for the area, Alexander Akwesi Acquah, estimated at GHC 90, 000.00 is being held across all the 18 electoral areas in the Constituency.

The MP noted that there is no better love than ensuring his constituents are in good health, hence, the exercise is his Valentine gifts to the people to show his love for them.

He said the significance of the national Health Insurance Card to ensuring citizens access health delivery at affordable price cannot be overemphasized, and it is in that spirit that from time to time he tries to get his constituents to have active health insurance card. “I have a health committee, I have worked in the health insurance sector, and I believe in it. Even when I was not an MP, I was doing this for my people, so what won’t I do as an MP.”

According to him, they are looking at renewing about three thousand (3,000) insurance cards during this exercise while screening as many residents as possible that would avail themselves for the exercise.

He advised the people to avail themselves for the screening stating that it is prudent to screen and know you are safe, than not screening and not knowing you have a health condition that can degenerate.

Dr Akunyagra, a physician at the Community Hospital, Akim Oda who led the exercise at Aboabo, one of the centres noted that the screening focuses more on detecting diabetes and hypertension.

He indicated that their observation revealed that hypertension is on the rise among the people; unfortunately majority of residents screened were oblivious of having the condition. “So it is a very useful exercise that the MP instituted.”

Accordingly, most of the individuals with the condition have been referred to various health facilities in the area to undergo treatment or undergo further examination to treat them appropriately.

He advised all and sundry to take advantage of the health screening exercise to know their status and be given the needed health advice to guide them in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

He expressed delight that the exercise involves renewal of health insurance cards that provides the people to access free treatments from the various facilities.

Meanwhile, some beneficiaries expressed gratitude to the MP for his continuous support to the constituents, indicating that but for these some people would never have renewed their cards, while others would live with health conditions that may advance and cause major problems in their lives.

 Dominic Shirimori/Ghanadmps.com

“I am innocent, I believe in the courts, let us allow them to work”—Assin North MP

Embattled Member of Parliament for Assin North James Gyakye Quayson who was spotted in Parliament on Friday, February 11, 2022 granting audience to members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) said he is in high spirit and going about his parliamentary duties.

Assin North MP

According to him an innocent person has nothing to fear and that is all he can say to members of the PPC, when pushed to find out why he was running away from being served a criminal sermons.

“Did you throw away any bailiff who came to your house to serve you, I have said to you I cannot go beyond that.

Also when asked if he feels persecuted,  he declined to give further details, saying  “all I have said to you at this point as you are all aware, this matter is in court. I believe and trust in the judiciary system, because that is the way for people to measure their innocence”.

As to whether he has been dogging the court system, his response was, “you are making up your own story, all I can say to you is that I am not going to go into any extent to own up any information to you, all I can say is that the matter is in court, leave the court to do their work”.

He also asserts that his constituents know what he is doing both in parliament and at the constituency.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“E-Levy is being amended; and we are engaging Ghanaians”—Afenyo-Markin

Deputy Majority Leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin has clarified that the much talked about Electronic Transfer Bill 2021 has rather been amended and not withdrawn as communicated to earlier.

According to him the Minority National Democratic Congress (NDC) took a position that they would accept the E-Levy when it’s one (1) percent and one point seven five percent (1.75) and did a u turn later.

As they said they were no more going to support the E-Levy, “we are engaging Ghanaians and the Minority and we have come to one point five (1.5%). The Telcos have also reduced to  point two five (0.25%) –  all these should reflect in the Bill”.

Mr. Afenyo-Markin gave this explanation on Friday, February 11, 2022 when he engaged members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) when they wanted to know what was causing the delay in dealing with the E-Levy Bill.

He further added that certain people have taken partisan position on the subject matter and they are not ready to look at the reality; and added that people must understand the E-Levy. “So you realised that it has been back to back engagement and it is good for our democracy”.

Again, he noted turning the issue into politics he does not think Ghanaians want that, rather they want issues that would help them and “we should explain to them why the E-Levy as the General Secretary of NDC said they would introduce taxation when they get power but not E-Levy”.

“What are you talking about, so in real terms, a levy is a tax, so if you say as a party  you acknowledge the fact that should government authority get into your hands you would need taxation for the purpose of governance,  in any event what do we know about the history of our colleagues in opposition today,  they impose a lot of taxes we came to abolish?”

The Deputy Majority Leader again emphasised that since they came to government this is the first time that they are introducing a major tax policy, “we have reduced the burden on Ghanaians than we have imposed on them. During the NDC administration the cost of production of electricity was high, therefore the cry on government to reduce the electricity tariffs”.

But it took the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government for that to be realised, as industry enjoy much rebate as much as  30 percent  and household 17 percent and these are realities,  “the NDC should not create impression that they would have done better, they said  they could not reduce electricity tariffs”

“They came to power to  reduce it and have not increased it as  Ghanaians are better off,  the utility that they were increasing Ghanaians would have been worse off if  they had maintained the tariffs that NDC introduced, “ point to any other tax, we have introduced since we came to power? “

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Business Committee programmes State of the nation address to March 3, 2022

The President, Nana Akufo-Addo has been programmed to deliver on his constitutional mandate on the March 3, 2022 by giving the State of the Nations Address.

Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo said the above date has been given by Parliament but they are in touch with the presidency as they need to get it done within the constitutional frame work of time.

“We are aware the president is not within the jurisdiction, we are in a global village we need to engage and reach out,  that is the only way you can leverage and get the necessary investment into your country. I do not think any president takes pleasure in traveling out of the country”.

And added that, same with MPs any travel must be essential and what the president is engaged in is rather an essential travels. Again, he noted that as a country we must be bold and address issue of travels and aircrafts if democracy would require institutional pillars and needs resources to build a workable democracy.

He was addressing members of the Parliamentary Press Corps on Friday, after adjournment, and responding to comments made by the North Tongu MP criticizing the president for using private jet instead of what the state has purchased.

So again, “when you say why would MPs drive in a four wheel, its waste, use that money for something else,  it  really would not add up; same with chief directors having  official vehicles,  why would parliament be in a chamber as flamboyant and  big   why don’t we gather under a canopy and do business, that money would be a waste; we should not trivialize issues?”, he advised.

The Effutu lawmaker further noted that as a country we should agree that certain structures should be in place, “I would not question anybody asking for accountability and a certain line of travel but to create the impression as if the president traveling on an aircraft rather than that procured by the states means he is insensitive would rather beg the question”.

He disagreed with that and noted that it is over populism and would not help but rather incite   people to react in a certain way,  but if we all agree that as a nation the governance we have chosen for ourselves we require certain structures, then we should openly debate.

“What, we need to support our democracy, aircraft to facilitate government business, not the one that we cannot rely on for long distance travel” he addeds.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Let anyone with technical competence challenge me on 3.75% E-Levy” — Haruna

Former Communications Minister in the former National Democratic Congress (NDC) government has thrown a challenge to any one with technical expert to challenge him that the E-Levy that government is seeking to pass in Parliament is not 3.75 percent.

According to him contrary to the perceive impression in the public domain that the E-Levy when it comes into force would be 1.75, the actual percentage is 3.75.

“Anyone who understands telecommunications should contradict me on this matter, we do not have any hesitation letting you know that where we stand on this matter, we are against the E-Levy, and we would not support it. But we would support other measures to fiscal consolidate the economy. At the second reading of the bill I would explain my position”.

Again, the Bill withdrawn before parliament was  even technically incompetent, adding he has heard the Finance Minister tell the world that the Telcos have  agreed to grant him point two five percent (.0.25%), but queried that figure stating that Vodafone cash is currently point zero, so where would the finance minister get his point two five percent?”

“We have concerns and we would look into the merit of your concerns, the E-Levy  is disincentive for the growth of our economy and let us subject the concerns to a thorough debate and we would vote against it”.

Mr. Haruna Iddrisu made this remarks on Thursday, February 10, 2022 when the Speaker of Parliament was petitioned by the youth wing of the NDC and some concern coalition members who are against the E-Levy passage.

“We would stand counted with the Republic to reflect your aspiration and views while commending you for a peaceful and successful demonstration. This is what happens in a democratic society; there must be avenue for citizens to articulate their legitimate concerns on matters of the E-Levy”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Coalition presents petition on E-levy to Parliament

The Youth Wing of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and a group of people including kayayei and concerned students in tertiary institutions on Thursday, February 10, 2022 presented a petition on the Electronic Transaction Bill (E-Levy) to the leadership of Parliament.

Mr. George Opare Addo, who presented the petition on behalf of the Youth Wing, noted that as representatives of the People, Parliament must not hesitate to reject the E-Levy when it is re-introduced on the floor of the House.

According to him, the NDC is demonstrating in the interest of many Ghanaians who are against the introduction of the E-Levy even if it is reduced from 1.75% to 1.5%.

The Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annor-Dompreh who received the petition on behalf of the Leadership of Parliament commended the demonstrators for registering their protest very peacefully without any unfortunate incident.

The National Chairman of the NDC, Mr. Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo; Member of Parliament for Ningo Prampram; Mr. Sam George; Deputy General Secretary, Peter Boamah Otokunor; and National Organizer, Joshua Akamba were among the leaders who presented the petition.

The youth of the NDC who demonstrated through some principal streets of Accra before ending it in Parliament House also registered their displeasure against the government’s inability to resolve the ongoing University Teachers Association of Ghana (UTAG) strike action that has lasted for about a month.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com