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NPP supervising create, loot and share – Adjoa Ntoso

The Member of Parliament for the Karachi West constituency, Helen Adjoa Ntoso is accusing the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government of practicing what she described as “create, loot and share governance”.

The MP who is the former Minister for the Volta region alleged that the government’s mention of a non-existent project in the 2019 budget statement is an indication of what she described above.

According to her it was stated on page 269 of 2019 budget statement under the Northern Development Goals that a ten (10) seater water closet and ten (10) mechanized borehole for Sawla Nursing Training Institute was going to be built.

But surprisingly to her, there is no Nursing Training Institute at Sawla as mentioned in the budget, “and if this is not create, loot and share, then it’s what?” She asked.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

Let’s shift discourse away from trivialities – Speaker

The Speaker of Parliament, Prof Aaron Michael Oquaye has urged the need to shift national discourse away from irrelevance to matters affecting the total wellbeing of the citizenry.

He emphasis focus on politics of issues which is very important for National growth whiles urging the need for experts to always speak on topical issued to enhance development rather than same people who claim to know it all.

Speaking at the Speaker’s breakfast meeting which discusses Disability Inclusion in Ghana at Parliament House, the Speaker calls for a complete overhaul of the existing legal regime to make them relevant to the current needs of Persons living With Disabilities (PWDs).

Parliament he said is committed to the people through responsive governance and urged he need for attitudinal and behaviourial change to ensure inclusion.

The meeting he said was to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to know what has happened since the promulgation of the Disability Act, Act 715 in 2016.

The breakfast meeting was sponsored by Starr Ghana foundation.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com.

Access Bank to provide capital for Zongo business—Minister

Minister for Inner-city and Zongo Development, Dr. Mustapha Hamid has said his Ministry in collaboration with Access Bank and Ministry of Business Development are at the final stage of providing capital to businesses in Zongo communities.

According to the Minister the programme would be roll out in the first quarter of 2019 and we have a programme with an association of residents in the United States of America NGOs to provide books to schools in Zongo communities as a way of improving learning.

He further pointed out that next year the Ministry would embark on a programme to provide classroom blocks and furniture to schools in Zongo communities as a way of improving access to education.

Member of Parliament (MP) for Garu, Albert Akuka sought to know what programmes the Ministry is putting in place to help improve livelihood in the Zongo communities in the country.

And as a way of improving the socio-economic aim at developing the human capacity of people in the Zongo communities, the Ministry is working with the National Board for Small Scale Industries (NBSSI) to train selected women across Zongo communities.

In addition, the NBSSI also aims to provide accreditation to some of the women who shall become ready sources of provision of foods to conferences, meetings and hotels.

Mr. Speaker, there is also the Zongo coders programmer, which is to train, improve and redirect the ICT skills of the youth in Zongo communities into productive ventures.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Scrap National Security Ministry—Ranking Defense and Interior

Ranking Member on the committee of Defense and Interior, James Agalga is advocating for the scrapping of the National Security Ministry.

According the former Deputy Interior Minister the 2019 budget statement does not say anything about the Ministry in terms of policy direction.

He further contended that the move amounts to placing the Ministry above Parliamentary scrutiny and in view of that called for its scraping.

In addition, he challenged the deputy Defense Minister, Major Rtd. Derek Oduro who said “no country exposes its national security strategies”.

Deputy Chairman of the Defense and Interior Committee, Collins Owusu Amankwah said government has made provision for the Ministry and it is captured.

He made this remarks when he was contributing towards the debate of the 2019 budget on the floor of the House, and added, “Under John Mahama there was nothing like Ministry of National Security”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Minority to put pressure on government to reduce over blotted personnel

Member of Parliament (MP) for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has said the Minority would continue to put pressure on government to reduce the huge number of Presidential staffers.

According to the Ranking member of Foreign Affairs Committee, he is glad that the budget debate is not over and the estimates had not yet been approved, “there is still window of opportunity to correct the wrong”.

“We are going to continue the campaign, form a coalition to mobilize civil society groups to bring pressure to bear on government to amend the huge number of staffers of personnel’s working with government machinery”, he lamented.

He further added that whiles Ghanaians were not happy with the nine hundred and ninety-eight (998) in 2017, going forward government has increased the figure to one thousand six hundred and fourteen (1,614).

Mr. Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa made this remarks during question time at a press conference when ghanamps.com sought to know actions that they indicated in their press conference they would be taking to ensure that the huge numbers working with government machinery is reduced to save the taxpayer.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Provide arms for Immigration officers to patrol our boarders—Ntoso

Former Volta Region Minister and Member of Parliament (MP) for Krachi West, Helen Adjoa Ntoso has urged President Nana Akufo-Addo’s government to provide Immigration officers with arms to patrol the country’s borders.

According to the Krachi West legislator in 2016, Parliament passed the Ghana Immigration service Act, (Act 908) in which section 24 the personnel of the service for the first time in the history of the   country, officers were allowed to poses and use fire arms in line of duty.

She however expressed worry that two years on,  officers are not armed and in the 2019 budget there is no mention anywhere that officers of the Ghana Immigration Service would be provided with arms to patrol our, “borders”, she lamented.

“Experience is the best teacher, our boarders especially from beat nine to pillar eighty three (83) is not easy to patrol without arms, smugglers are armed, the economic saboteurs the same. I have done this job for eight good years so I am speaking from experience, when you are armed to patrol our borders it is even not easy left alone without arms patrolling”.

Madam Ntoso made this remarks on the floor of Parliament when she contributed to the debate, for the House to approve the financial policy of government of Ghana for the year ending 31st December 2019.

She drew the attention of the Speaker that in the 2017 budget page 129 and paragraph 7589 there was a provision, again 2018 same page 134 paragraphs 758.

“Mr. Speaker, is the 2019 budget silent on providing arms for officers of the Ghana Immigration Service, something would have to be done about it”, she lamented in her contribution to the debate.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Parliament to establish Parliamentary Assurance Committee

As part of ensuring that there are reforms in Parliament and the institution works efficiently, Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has set up a working committee to see to the process of establishing Parliamentary Assurance Committee.

At a press briefing in Parliament, Majority Chief Whip, Kwesi Ameyaw Kyeremeh who is heading this working team indicated to the media that, they are mindful that the House already has a Government Assurance Committee.

According to the Chief Whip, with the Parliamentary Assurance Committee, what it seeks to do is to take on assurance given by Parliament and ensure that, Parliament works efficiently and also correct the mix conception some Ghanaians have about MPs and the workings of the House.

“We want to have introspection into the workings of the House, as to what is working well for us as a Parliament and what is not working well for us. Which areas can we improve to make Parliament effective and responsive to the needs of Ghanaians”.

Mr. Ameyaw Kyeremeh further pointed out that Parliament is instituting reforms to restore public confidence and enhance the dignity of the House as well as revising its Standing Orders to address the challenges of today as part of the reforms
He further pointed out that so far the working committee is consulting to get ideas on board with civil society, stakeholders like CDD, Ghana Integrative Initiative and the National Commission for Civic Education which have been consulted so far.

Members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC), the Majority Whip indicated would be consulted in the coming days.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“Despite oil revenue Mahama administration let debt for Akufo-Addo”—Atta Akyea

Member of Parliament (MP) for Abuakwa South, Samuel Atta Akyea had said it is heart breaking that despite an oil revenue of six point-five million Ghana cedis between 2013 and 2016, the Mahama government left a gargantuan debt for the Nana Akufo-Addo government.

According to the Works and Housing Minister there is a certified arrears of 5.4billion Ghana cedis which does not include statutory payments which should go to the National Health Service, and the District Assemble Common Fund.

He further pointed out that if these arrears were credit to the nation and invested in areas such as health, agriculture and energy, Works and Housing Ministries, “you do not need an economist to inform you on the effect it would trickle down, it would be job job and jobs”

Alleviating of poverty is one of the assignment of every government, “without a shadow of doubt, President Akufo-Addo inherited an anemic and dangerous economy for the Mahama administration”

The Works and Housing Minister made this remarks on the floor of the House, when he was contributing to 2019 budget statement that was presented to the House by Ken Ofori Atta.

“Let us put propaganda aside, was it not the case that during the Mills and Mahama administration that Ghana became an oil exporter, for four years we exported 13.4 billion dollars and earn 3 million dollars as revenue”.

He noted that with a short period of time because of what they inherited the previous government got three billion; this money, former President Kufuor never had at his time, “to whom much is given much is required”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

“MPs must stop using siren if advocating for road safety”—Ningo-Prampram MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Ningo-Prampram, Samuel George Nartey has cautioned his colleagues against using security emergency lights and siren in other to beat traffic.

According to the Ningo-Prampram lawmaker if MPs are to advocate for road safety, then they must equally desists from using emergency lights on their vehicles; “we need to be careful how we work on this advocate”, he lamented.

He made this remarks when the Transport Minister came to the House to brief MPs on the carnage on the roads.

“Mr. Speaker the advocacy should not become a media talk shop, but we go all out to ensure that the carnage on our roads is brought to an end”.

The lack of road markings on the Adenta-Madina stretch which stretches several governments and political parties, when restored would save a lot of lives as people crisscross on that road anyhow. People are not guided on the use of that road, he lamented on the floor of the House.

“We spend millions of dollars, we take loans as a country to build road and after building those roads, we sit aside and watch aloof whiles there is indiscipline on our roads, Municipal and District Assemblies are taking levy from hawkers on the road sides instead of building markets for them”.

He called on Assemblies to go in for loans to build markets which would see hawkers off the roads; we need to ensure that we clear the roads and make it free for motorists.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Arrest MPs who violate road regulations – First Deputy Speaker

First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Joseph Osei Owusu has charged the Motor Transport and Traffic Unit (MTTU) of the Ghana Police Service to arrest Members of Parliament (MPs) who violate road regulations.

The former Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) boss noted that carnage on the Ghanaian road is growing because law enforcement is nil, and called for the strengthening of MTTU.

“MPs who breach the rules should be arrested just as they would do to other public officials, no MP who is not a member of the security agency should be allow to put those security lights and siren in their vehicles”

He further emphasised that members who have done that should be prosecuted. However, MPs who were not happy with this directives on the floor sought for clarification and he affirmed his statement that, “yes arrest”.

“It is suggested that members should be ambassadors if you want to be an ambassador of road safety it is a responsibility to respect the rules and all members who want to see road safety improve accept this and behave on the road”.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com