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Ghana-China trade volume hits $6.6 billion – Annor- Dompreh

Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament, Frank Annor-Dompreh has lauded the trade relations between Ghana and China over several decades.

According to him quoting news sources, trade volumes between the two Nations as at the end of 2017 has reached US $ 6.6 billion from US $ 5.6 billion recorded in 2014.

Mr Frank Annor-Dompreh who is Member of Parliament for Nsawam- Adoagyiri in the Eastern region stated this on the floor of Parliament where he made a statement on the new dawn of the Ghana- China bilateral trade relations.

China’s investment in Ghana as at 2017 amounts to $123 m including a $50 m Fund for the construction of a proposed James Town fishing Port complex in Accra.
Mr Annor-Dompreh lauded the current Akufo Addo led government for signing eight Ghana-China cooperation agreements valued at US $ 2 Billion to help improve various sectors of the Ghanaian economy.

The MP urged his colleagues to embrace the $2 billion Sinohydro facility which he described as a welcome news that needs a bi- partisan approach for the interest of the nation.

China and Ghana have been partners in development dating back to the days of Ghana’s first President, Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah and Zhou Enlai in the 1960s.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Public Universities have lost focus- Haruna Iddrisu

Minority leader in Ghana’s Legislative arm of Government Haruna Iddrusu has expressed grave concern about what he called a ‘loss of focus’ by Ghana’s public universities in the kind of programmes they offer.

Mr Haruna who is the Member of Parliament for the Tamale South constituency emphasised the urgent need to call the universities to order.

According to him each of Ghana’s public universities was established to achieve specific objectives for the national economy but have lost their original objectives for which they were established.

In making a contribution to a statement on the impasse between Authorities and students of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), the Minority leader expressed worry why almost all public universities have shifted attention on humanity Courses rather than their core mandate.

He was not happy KNUST for instance which was established to produced more science and technology oriented graduates to help solve national challenges and create the much needed employment is producing more students in the humanity programmes including Business and Human Resource graduates.

Mr Haruna Iddrisu also advocates the urgent need for Parliament to interrogate the books of all public universities to ensure they are accountable and are delivering on their mandate whiles challenging his colleagues to identify and debate based on issues that are national in character devoid of partisanship inclinations.

By christianKpesese/ ghanamps.com

Let’s avoid dependency on others- Rashid Pelpuo

The honorable Member of Parliament for the Wa Central constituency, Dr Rashid Pelpuo has expressed concerns about the continuous dependence of Ghana on others without ensuring reciprocity.

The lawmaker is worried that the one sided relationship where Ghana is always a beneficiary is not healthy and emphasis the need for mutual agreements where Ghana stands as a mutual partner.

Contributing to a statement on the floor of the House on the trade relations between Ghana and China, the MP called for a paradigm shift from the dependency to avoid losing the country’s sovereignty to others.

Dr Pelpuo who was the Minister of State in-charge of Public Private Partnership (PPP) under the erstwhile Mahama regime urged Ghana’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to explore other means where China can also benefit rather than the dependence on loans and grants by Ghana.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

We must ensure synergy – Madina MP

A minister of State at the Office of the Vice President, Alhaji Abu-Bakar Boniface Siddique is advocating nations to pull their resources in synergy for benefit of their people.

The Member of Parliament for Madina said Ghana and China in their relations must create synergy where each benefits from their competitive advantage in Synergy for mutual benefit.

His call came in the wake of claims that Ghana-China relations has always been one sided where Ghana is at the receiving end without China benefiting.

Making a contribution on the floor of parliament, the Madina lawmaker acknowledged that the US $ 2 billion synohydro agreement Ghana has signed with China is a bilateral barter agreement where Ghana is giving out its bauxite for other infrastructure deficits.

He noted a Ghana-China relation has been enhanced over the years under succeeding governments.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Ghana must protect local businesses- Dr Kwabena Donkor

Former Minister for Power during the erstwhile Mahama administration, Dr Kwabena Donkor is advocating the need for Ghana to protect local businesses to become competitive in the global world.

According to him for Ghana to become truly competitive and comparable to other economic giants of the world, local businesses must be protected before opening up the local economy to world.

The Member of Parliament for Pru East asked “What is our strategy to grow our local businesses like China did before opening up to the world?

Dr Donkor urged the need for Ghana to learn best practices from the likes of China, Singapore and Malaysia about how they were able to protect their economies to become what they are today.
“What methodology can we learn and apply to our circumstances”. He concluded.

The MP was speaking on the floor of Parliament in a contribution to a statement on the trade relations between Ghana and China.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

We must study Chinese development model- Samuel Ablakwa

The Ranking Member on the Foreign Affairs Committee of Parliament, Samuel Okudzeko Ablakwa has stated the urgent need for Ghana to study the development model adopted by China to reach its current status as economic giant in the world.

Contributing to a statement on the floor of Parliament on Ghana- China trade relations, the North Tongu Member of Parliament lauded the rising levels of trade volumes between the two nations but stated that Ghana’s greatest lesson is to study the Chinese model of development.

China he said is continually marveling the world in its advancement and wondered how China was able to get to higher heights in just four decades since 1978.

According to Mr Ablakwa the Chinese miracle despite the several name callings must awaken the consciousness of the nation to work hard.

The young MP said the Rwandan example must also be an inspiration to Ghana on what model we aim to adopt for our rapid development saying Ghana can make it with the right commitment and vision.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

We must look for resources to maintain roads- Adaklu MP

The Ranking Member on the Roads and Transport Committee, Kwame Governs Agbodza has challenged government to raise the needed resources in order to build and maintain the road networks of the country.

“We must look for the resources to build and maintain our roads” Mr Agbodza stated.

Contributing to a statement on increasing spate of avoidable road accidents on the floor of parliament, the Adaklu Member of Parliament acknowledged the nation lacks adequate resources but urged the need for the nation to raise the needed capital in order to meet its road infrastructure deficits.

The mp is also advocating the building of a befitting air ambulance service to help argument the existing land ambulance service and save lives.

Members of Parliament have variously expressed worry about the alarming rates of road crashes resulting in several deaths and injuries.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

We need more action, less talk on roads- Sam George

The Member of Parliament for the Ningo-Prampram constituency in the Greater Accra region, Samuel Nartey George is demanding more action with less talk from government on the state of Ghana’s road network.

According to him the state of Ghana’s overall roads portrays a certain lack of maintenance culture.

Speaking on the floor of Parliament on the alarming rate of road crashes and deaths, Sam George said the motorway is full of huge holes which are not comparable to potholes making it very deadly to travel on.

The lawmaker expressed concern that some citizens have begun a campaign on social media that they will not pay toll at the Tema motorway if the holes are not fix.

He urged the Ministry of Roads and Highways to fix the potholes on the motorway which is a major highway with high speed limits in order to prevent avoidable accidents whiles urging the general public to exercise discipline on the roads.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Stop abusing use of sirens- Asante-Akim Central MP

The Member of Parliament for Asante- Akim Central, Kwame Anyimadu Antwi has asked his colleagues MPs and politicians who abuse the use of sirens to desist from the act.

According to him most people including politicians who are not authorized to use sirens have mounted same on their vehicles.

He expressed worry the development partly contributes to the increasing rates of accidents in the country.

The lawmaker challenged all unapproved users to desist from the act whiles urging the police to crack the whip.

Mr Antwi who was contributing to a statement on road accidents on the floor of Parliament urged discipline on the roads whiles calling on the law enforcement agencies to enforce the laws of the land in order to ensure sanity.

By Christian Kpesese/ ghanamps.com

Osei Owusu cautions MPs about inflammatory statement on KNUST

First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei-Owusu who chaired affairs of the House on Wednesday cautioned Members of Parliament (MPs) not to make inflammatory comment contributing to statement made on Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

“I would take any one off who makes comments that would degenerate into heated debate on the floor of the House”.

The first Deputy Speaker made this remarks when Member of Parliament (MP) for Ningo-Prampram Samuel Nartey George made a statement on the current impasses on KNUST campus.

He noted that the statement made by the Ningo-Prampram lawmaker was one of the good statement made on the floor of the House.

Mr. Samuel Nartey George noted that it is worrying how a policy aimed at increasing female intake has ended up reducing the number of males in traditionally male halls.

“Increased of female enrollment must not come at the cost of several decades of tradition, there are several novel ways by which this issue can be addressed the tradition also preserved, he lamented.

The first Deputy Speaker from time to time had to draw MPs attention to the caution he gave when they were drifting from the statement made.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com