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Namoale begs for forgiveness from NDC

Member of Parliament for Dade-Kotopon, Nii Amasah Namoale has written to the leadership of the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) to offer his unqualified apology for the unruly behavior he exhibited to the regional executives of the party after the November 21 polls.

In the said letter dated December 7, 2015, a copy of which is in possession of Kasapafmonline.com, Mr. Namoale said “I write to offer an unqualified apology to the Leader, National Executives and the entire membership of our great party for the things I said in the aftermath of our primary election in the Dade-Kotopon Constituency.”

The letter dubbed “Letter of Apology to the party I love” and addressed to the National Chairman and General Secretary also stated “I recognize that my statement did not reflect the united front our party seeks to promote. I must state that I am a keen believer in the tenet of our party and I have absolute faith in its structures. I am therefore by this letter apologizing for the said remarks, which were made in the exuberance of the events following our elections. Please accept the assurances of my highest respect and regard.”

The Dade-Kotopon legislator is currently on suspension from the NDC on grounds of indiscipline.
Namoale, according to the party, flouted various constitutional provisions of the NDC during the November 21 Presidential and Parliamentary polls.

His suspension took effect December 1, 2015, pending the hearing by the Disciplinary Committee of the party.

A letter dated December 1, 2015, which was addressed to him in part read “On 21st November, 2015, you contravened article 40(8c) when you granted interview to the media accusing the regional executives of perpetrating fraud to the benefit of your contender and calling some of the executives as “fraudsters and pickpockets”.

“The Regional Party and its Executives find this act as an affront to democracy and attempt to drag the party’s image into disrepute. These anti-party conducts or activities has embarrassed the party and has brought the party into hatred, ridicule and contempt; hence must no go unpunished in order to protect the sanctity of Article 40(8b) and 41(3a) of the party’s constitution.”

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana

Job 600 leaks; elevators, security scanners broken down

Two elevators in the State Tower Block, popularly known as Job 600, are not functioning.

This is as a result of water that seeped into the motors of the equipment during the last couple of rains and in the process, affected the traction of the cables and counterweight systems of the elevators.

The roof of the 252-room office complex, Kasapafmonline.com understands leaks anytime it rains.

The situation, this website is told, has brought more pressure on the remaining four elevators in the building.

That aside, security scanners installed at the entry point of the Block have also broken down.

Visitors are now subjected to physical body checks before being granted access to the facility.

The scanners and elevators, according to inside sources, broke down two weeks after the facility was inaugurated by President John Dramani Mahama on November 7, 2015.

The State property was refurbished by the China State Hualong Construction Company Limited.

It has 252 offices for Members of Parliament and also boasts of a three hundred seater auditorium, a gym, restaurant, a clinic, a mosque, a fire station, VIP common room, video conferencing room and banks.

NPP dares Bagbin: Prove that we are behind delayed arrival of power barge

The opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) has challenged the Majority Leader in Parliament, Alban Bagbin to substantiate his allegation that the party was responsible for the late arrival of the Karpower barge into the country.

The experienced Legislator has claimed that NPP was behind the delay in the arrival of the power barge, after it sent a delegation to Turkey to convince the authorities not to bring the barge to Ghana, in its bid to use the power crisis to campaign against the Mahama-led government.

Bagbin, made these wild allegations on Accra based Neat FM after Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia,NPP’s vice presidential candidate questioned the importance of renting a barge for ten years when government could have bought it.

According to him, its needless wicked propaganda did a great disservice to the country as government had to send another delegation to Turkey to rubbish the NPP’s unpatriotic act, following which the way was paved for the smooth sail of the power barge to Ghana.

“Mahamudu Bawumia is aware that a team from their party even went to Turkey to convince the authorities not to send the power barge so government had to send a team to Turkey to tell them what they were told was untrue” he alleged.

He emphasized that the members of NPP should be the last people to complain about the power crisis the country is facing now.

“If there is anybody to blame for the delay of the power barge it is NPP for their backbiting against the government “he indicated.

But speaking to JOY FM, the Communications Director of the NPP, Nana Akomea, berated Hon. Bagbin for his baseless accusations against the NPP, adding that such unfounded allegations must not come from someone who holds a high office as the Majority Leader.

He stated that this claim was a wild allegation against the NPP which he (Bagbin) must be made to give evidence to back that assertion.

Nana Akomea noted that the NPP will gain absolutely nothing from such an unpatriotic act which is tantamount to sabotage, adding that Mr Bagbin who is fond of making such unsubstantiated allegations and getting away with it, must this time around be made to prove his case.


Parliament to be tough on non-compliance with disability provisions

Parliament on Thursday indicated a strong move to ensure that public and other entities complied to provide structures and other disability friendly facilities as a10-year moratorium in the Disability Act gets to a close.

“We have visited most public buildings and other public places, and we observe that very little had been done with the provisions in the law,” the House was told in a contribution to a statement.

The statement by Mr Isaac Osei, Member of Parliament (MP) for Subin, was to commemorate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, which falls on December 3, on the theme “Inclusion matters: access and empowerment for people of all abilities.

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD) has been commemorated since 1992 to promote awareness and mobilize support for critical issues relating to the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society and development.

The Day works to promote action to raise awareness about disability issues and draw attention to the benefits of an inclusive and accessible society for all.

Mr Joseph Amenowode, Chair of the Parliamentary Select Committee on Employment, Social Welfare and State Enterprises, who was making the contribution, noted that the new Job 600 Building has access for the disabled.

He said a visit to the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, indicated that the hospital was aware of the provisions in the Disability Act, but provision is yet to be made for the facilities.

Mr Amenowode, who is also the MP for Afadjato South in the Volta Region, emphasised the need for more education on the Disability Act before the end of the moratorium.

Governments, UN agencies, civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector are encouraged to partner with organizations of persons with disabilities to arrange events and activities to commemorate the Day.

The estimated one billion people living with disabilities worldwide face many barriers to inclusion in many key aspects of society. As a result, people with disabilities do not enjoy access to society on an equal basis with others, which includes areas of transportation, employment, and education as well as social and political participation. The right to participate in public life is essential to create stable democracies, active citizenship and reduce inequalities in society.

By promoting empowerment, real opportunities for people are created. This enhances their own capacities and supports them in setting their own priorities. Empowerment involves investing in people – in jobs, health, nutrition, education, and social protection. When people are empowered they are better prepared to take advantage of opportunities, they become agents of change and can more readily embrace their civic responsibilities.

Banda MP crowned district best farmer

2nd Deputy Majority Chief Whip, Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim, was Friday, crowned best farmer in the Banda District Assembly.

Mr. Ibrahim, who is the Member of Parliament (MP) for the area beat twenty four other farmers to win the prestigious district award that recognizes individuals with best farming practices.

He was lauded for cultivating 25 acres of yam, 50 acres of agushie, a half acre of okro, a half acre of plantain, 50 acres of cashew, 60 acres of cassava, 50 acres of beans, maize among other crops.

Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim, receiving his prize as the best farmer, Banda District.

He took home a motorbike, a set of roofing sheets, agro-chemicals, a knapsack sprayer, wellington boots, and cutlass among other things.

Charles Addo and Ama Nsiah were also recognized as first and second runner ups respectively.

They also took home a mattress, a set of roofing sheets, bicycles, agro chemicals, and Knapsack sprayers.

All the awardees were given a certificate that recognized their immense contribution to the agricultural sector.

The event which took place at Drobor was the third in the history of the district since its creation in 2012 and formed part of the 31st National Farmer’s Day celebration across the country.

Presenting the award to the legislator, the District Chief Executive, Jacob Boateng, said the Ghana to take-off industrially and achieve development, the agricultural sector forms the basis.

The three best farmers in the Banda District. From left, Ama Nsiah (Second Runner Up), Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim (Overall district Best Farmer) and Charlese Addo (Ist Runner Up)

To this end, he said the Assembly will continue to support the agricultural sector since about 75% of the indigenes engage in farming as a source of livelihood.

He bemoaned the mass migration of the youth in the area to other countries, especially, the Middle East, to seek for greener pastures but ends up being subjected to all forms of inhumane treatment.

That aside, he called on the people to change their attitude towards the environment, drawing their minds to how climate change has affected the rainfall pattern in the agricultural sector.

“We can do this by practicing more organic farming and avoid cutting down trees, especially, for charcoal purposes. We should also be careful in handling fires so that our farm lands and crops will not be lost as the dry season starts,” he noted.

Mr. Boateng also appealed to the farmers to cultivate the habit of savings to enable financial institutions to come to their aid whenever they needed funds to expand their farms.

Hon Ahmed in a brief remark after receiving the award challenged people holding key positions in the country, especially, politicians, to show leadership by going into farming to serve as an example to the youth.
Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim donating the motorbike he won as the prize for the best farmer, Banda District, to the Omanhene of the Banda Traditional Council, Nana Okokyeredom Kwadwo Sito I

Hon. Ahmed Ibrahim donating the motorbike he won as the prize for the best farmer, Banda District, to the Omanhene of the Banda Traditional Council, Nana Okokyeredom Kwadwo Sito I

“It is about time politicians in Africa, especially, Ghana go into the farming business. They must exhibit leadership with example for the youth to follow. Go to some countries and see what those in leadership positions are doing in the agricultural sector. Even in neighbouring La Cote d’Ivoire, all the big men have farms,” he noted.

He also challenged the youth to remain focused on whatever dream they are pursuing, noting “there is hope in Ghana. If we will remain steadfast and do our work well, we shall surely succeed.”

Hon Ahmed, therefore, cautioned the youth of the area not to be swayed by none existing jobs abroad but rather channel all their energies into agriculture to make a living.

The motorbike he won as the topmost prize was donated to the Banda Traditional Council to assist with their land surveying activities in the district.

By: Kasapafmonline.com/Ghana

“Presidential oath by Speaker of Parliament is absurd”

Some political pundits have described as “absurd” Article 60 (12) of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana which requires that the Speaker of Parliament be made to take the oath of the Office of the President before commencing to perform the functions of the President in the absence of the President and Vice-President.

According to them, although they respected the decision of the Supreme Court that obliged the Speaker to take the oath of the highest office of the land, there was the need to question its practicality.

They have therefore, called for a rewording of Article 60 (11)-(12) of the constitution.

Speaking on Accra-based Joy FM, the Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akomea, stated that, “I have a problem with the ruling, especially the practicality of it… I think it’s absurd this provision in the constitution. The Vice president, he takes the oath once. Doesn’t he? Why can’t we let the speaker…?”

“I remember on one occasion, Parliament was summoned at midnight so that Peter Ala Adjetey could take three minutes to recite the presidential oath,” he recalled.

Nana Akomea further proposed that “for the practicality, going forward, we need to maybe change the wording and stipulate that the speaker has to take the oath once and reword the provision so that that once suffices for the four years. Now, that is what we have but going forward…I think we have to reword the constitution.”

Deputy Communications Minister, Felix Kwakye Ofosu, shared the same opinion as Nana Akomea, noting, “I’m on all fours with Nana Akomea on this one”.

According to him, “Perhaps at the time that the constitution was being framed, it appeared a good measure to ensure that there’s some continuity and that there’s no vacuum created in terms of the exercise of executive authority. But in this day and age, it is not necessary at all”.

He also proposed that going forward; there was the need to have a relook at that provision in the constitution since “it does not reflect the current trend.”

“I think that it’s not necessary for somebody else to take over the work of the president immediately because he’s out of the jurisdiction. We all agree that wherever the president is he can perform his function,” he said.

Managing Editor of the New Crusading Guide, Kweku Baako Jnr also noted that, “The Supreme Court judgment appears to have vindicated the lines some of us took.”

He recalled two occasions in which the then Speaker of Parliament, Justice Annan declined to take the oath when he acted as President.

Nonetheless, Mr Baako noted that the action by the Mr Adjaho was “a clear violation of the constitution, what I call constitutional lawlessness.”


The SC on Thursday declared that the Speaker of Parliament was obliged to swear the oath each time he assumed the Office of the President.

This followed a suit filed by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Citi FM, Mr Samuel Atta-Mensah seeking among other things, an interpretation of Article 60 (12) of the Constitution after the Speaker had on two occasions on November 5 and 7, declined to be sworn in to act in the capacity of the President in the absence of both the President and his vice.

Mr Adjaho declined to take the oath of office on the basis that since he had taken the same oath on October 19, 2013 when the President and his vice were out of the country, there was no need for him to do so again.

But the nine-member panel, presided over by Mrs Justice Sophia Akuffo maintained that the Speaker of Parliament should always, before assuming the functions of the Office of President when the President and the Vice-President were unable to perform their functions, take and subscribe to the oath set out in relation to the Office of the President.

Daily Graphic

Stop abusing tax exemption policy – Napo tells Finance Ministry

Member of Parliament for Manhyia South, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh, has accused the Finance Ministry of abusing the parliamentary process of exempting taxes to companies contracted by the government to render services to the public.

He said since Parliament has hardly turned down a request for waiver of taxes on goods imported and or procured locally for use by the general public, the Finance Ministry has taken advantage and abusing the process.

“This House has to be careful. Even before the minister comes to the House with an exemption policy, these things should be granted on arrival where the true assessment is made. How many times has Parliament rejected a tax waiver? But when these things have not arrived and or are being produced locally and you are asking for tax exemptions, Mr. Speaker, who are we deceiving?”

“I think this is an abuse of the parliamentary process. The tax waivers should only be brought when the items come into the country where a true and proper assessment is made. I have had the opportunity to sit in a meeting where the amount quoted as tax waivers are ridiculous,” he said.

Dr. Prempeh made this observation when contributing to the motion for the adoption of the Report of the Finance Committee on the request for waiver of Import Duty, Import VAT, Import NHIL, ECOWAS Levy, EDAIF, and other project related imposts amounting to US$40,171,308.21 on materials, equipment and services to be imported and or procured locally under the agreement between the Government of Ghana and Credit Suisse International for the construction of 5,000 affordable housing units by Construtora OAS Limited for the general public.

He further told the House that the waiver be suspended until the Finance Ministry is able to give a fair assessment of the items they are requesting to be exempted from taxes.

Bunkpurugu clashes:Police must be fair – MP

Member of Parliament for conflict-prone Bunkpurugu-Yunyo in the Northern Region, Solomon Namlitt Boar, has appealed to security forces keeping peace in the area to be fair in the maintenance of law and order.

His appeal follows intensified security presence after two men were killed during curfew hours on Sunday.

Police and military forces say they have stepped up security in the area to avoid a reprisal attacks.

Joy News is also learning that Interior Ministry, Mark Woyongo, may extend the existing 6am to 6pm curfew in the area, however, the MP for the area.

Solomon Namliit says although the feuding factions are reluctant to agree to a truce, security forces should be lenient with residents.

He said police “must be very professional in whatever they are doing.”

“I have confidence in the police,” he adds.

He has further warned that the situation could result in the vacation of the town by teachers and other public servants if the attacks persist and urged the feuding factions smoke the peace pipe.

The recurrent conflicts in the Bunkpurugu-Yunyo district has been blamed on a long-standing land and chieftaincy dispute between the Bimobas and Konkonbas.

A similar conflict erupted between the two ethnic groups in September last year and resulted in the death of about six people and the destruction of houses.

Houses were set ablaze in the recent clashes, causing many women and children to flee the town.

Similar clashes between the two groups were recorded in 1985, 1986 and 1989 during which a number of casualties were recorded and many people were displaced.

Muntaka must run unopposed – Asawase NDC urges members

Constituency Executives of the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) at Asawase in the Ashanti Region have asked members not to endorse the nomination forms of any aspirant for the seat except for the incumbent Member of Parliament, Muntaka Mubarak.

The constituency Chairman Alhaji Musah Abubakar and the Municipal Chief Executive for Asokore Mampong, Nurudeen Hamidan told a large crowd who followed them to pick nomination forms for the Majority Chief Whip to rally behind him.

According to them, the MP has brought a lot of development to the area and deserves to remain in parliament.

They also said the party has drawn a succession plan and it is Alhaji Muntaka’s turn to run and pleaded with other people who are planning to run to rescind their decision.

The NDC primaries are scheduled to come off in November.

Meanwhile the leadership of the NDC has stated that no region or constituency has the mandate to vary the filing fees and election procedures agreed by the National Executive Committee, for both the Parliamentary and Presidential Primaries.

A statement signed by the General Secretary Johnson Asiedu Nketiah warned there would be sanctions if any region or constituency fails to stick to the rules.

It follows the imposition of a so-called development levy on all aspirants seeking to challenge NDC incumbent MPs in some regions.

Extremist gruops in Ghana must be monitored – Parliament

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Defence and Interior has emphasized the need for the intelligence agencies to closely monitor all extremist and fundamental groups in the country.

According to the Chair of the Committee, Fritz Baffour, it is important that the activities and movement of such groups are critically observed to avert these scoundrels engaging in acts that could easily threaten the security of the state.

Ghanaians woke up to worrying news of Nazir Nortei Alema, a graduate of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) with a degree in Geography and Rural Development, joining the dreaded Islamic extremist group, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

He is said to have begun his fateful trip to joining the terrorist group on 2nd August 2015, soon after his completion of the mandatory National Service in Ghana, which he undertook at the Statistical Service.

He reportedly sent a whatsapp message to the family indicating that he was on his way to Prestea from where he would proceed to Takoradi on an official assignment.

He later sent another message indicating that he had lied to the family and that the truth was that he was on his way to join the ISIS.

This prompted further investigations in the matter which revealed that there were potential ISIS recruits in Ghana who hold regular meetings at a specific house around Palm Wine Junction in Accra.

The meetings are said to often take place on Fridays and Wednesdays, but occasionally meet on weekends.

Mr Fritz Baffour told Fiifi Banson on Anopa Kasapa on kasapa 102.3 FM that he was not surprised by the development but was quick to add that the security agencies had the capacity to crush the springing up of such grouping in the country.

“We should be very vigilant, but I know there are strategies to combat this phenomenon. These groups are not mainly Islamic as many think; it will be unfair for anyone to think it’s a Moslem problem. We also have a lot Christian groups that are fundamentalists who are prone to violence and so we need to cast our searchlight wide to monitor very broadly. The Security agencies are aware of the existence of persons will call non state actors in destabilizing countries for their parochial interests”.

He further added that this issue has brought to the fore the need to find employment for the youth and have their future secured, adding that “if we continue to do things they way we are doing now, then we’ll be in trouble in the nearest future’ he noted.

Kwadwo Anim/GhanaMPs.gov.gh