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Gov’t abolishes Road Tolls

The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, at the presentation of the 2022 Budget Statement and Economic Policy on Wednesday, November 16, 2021 announced the abolishing of all road tolls on public roads and bridges.

He indicated that not only are these road toll collection points create congestions but also result in pollution.

“Mr. Speaker, our roads need fixing. Our roads are being fixed. It is true that more roads have been fixed and are being fixed over the last five years than any relative period in the entire history of our nation. We even want to do a lot more.

“That is why for decades, Government after Government imposed and maintained tolls on some public roads to raise funds for road construction and maintenance. This is the situation in many countries. Over the years, the tolling points have led to heavy traffic on our roads and lengthened travel time from one place to another, impacting negatively on time and productivity. The congestion generated at the tolling points, besides creating these inconveniences, also leads to pollution in and around those vicinities.

The abolition, he stated takes immediately effect after the Budget is approved.

He assured that a more innovative ways would be adopted to raise revenue for the purposes of road construction among others.

Meanwhile, the Finance Minister assured that personnel at the toll collection points would be reassigned.
He expressed confidence that the expected impact on productivity and reduced environmental pollution will more than offset the revenue forgone by removing the tolls.


Finance Minister to present 2022 Annual Budget estimate today

The Finance Minister, Mr. Ken Ofori-Atta would today Wednesday, November 17, 2021 presents the 2022 annual budget estimate and policy of government today.

The program is expected to begin at 10:00 am soon after the House is done with its preliminary activities in the order of proceedings.

When Ghanamps.com caught up with MPs from the Majority side of the House, they spoke in favour of the finance minister presenting a budget to address current economic issues, in the era of COVID-19 pandemic.

Whiles the Minority MPs were of the view that Ghanaians are already under excruciating economic hardship, and it would be out of place to introduce more taxes to burden them, more especially when workers’ salary has not seen any significant increment.

Both sides, however, agree that government would have to be prudent in its expenditure by prioritizing things that are of utmost importance and avoid wastage.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Domestic tourism to get boost

 Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Mohammed Awal said the Ministry through its implementing Agency, the Ghana Tourism Authority has refocused its attention on domestic tourism by putting the following measures in place.

A domestic tourism campaign was launched by His Excellency the President on 1st June, 2021 to create awareness on the need for Ghanaians to patronize our tourist and attraction sites.

 The campaign dubbed “ExperienceGhana, ShareGhana” is on-going. A Travel, Share and Win component of the campaign was also initiated to drive the Experience Ghana, Share Ghana domestic tourism.

Discover, write and win promotion is about to start. The public is required to select a tourist site or a must-see activity in their communities and write about it in such a way that it would attract visitors for tourism purpose.

Additionally, promotional materials, brochures, leaflet have also been printed and distributed across regional offices to boast domestic tourism.

Tourist Clubs have been formed across the Tertiary institutions, Senior and Junior High Schools through our partnership with the Tourism Society of Ghana (TOUSOGHA) to promote domestic tourism and encourage excursions to major tourist and attraction sites.

GTA, Tour Operators Union of Ghana (TOUGHA) and Ghana Hotels Association, he said are collaborating to package tours at affordable rates to various tourist sites. Already, TOUGHA has organized Familiarization (FAM) tours to Central, Ashanti, Volta and Western Regions to acquaint themselves to the current state of tourist sites in the country.

He said a tourist bus (Coach) has been acquired by GTA to promote City Tours starting from Accra. This is to be replicated in major cities in Ghana. So far, several people have patronized the Accra City Tour. We expect patronage to go up significantly during the Christmas holidays.

The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture is currently embarking on tourist sites upgrades through the provision of visitor receptive facilities, toilet, landscaping, and parking spaces to enhance visitor experience and encourage repeat visits to the tourist sites. So far, the following sites have been upgraded:

Tetteh Quarshie Cocoa Farm and Exhibition Centre

Tafi Atome Monkey Sanctuary and Cultural Village

Anomabu Heritage Site

 Nzulezu Visitor Facility

The following sites are to be upgraded soon. o Yaa Asantewaa Heritage Museum Rehabilitation

Project, Ejisu Pikworo Heritage and Slave Market Bonwire Kente Museum, Aburi Botanical Garden

Zenga Crocodile Pond, Paga Salaga Slave Market Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum

Craft Village upgrades.

Mr. Mohammed Awal indicated that domestic tourism arrival which plummeted from over 669,000 in 2019 to slightly over 200, 0000 in 2020, has been increasing since the domestic promotion campaign. The total domestic tourism arrivals during the first half of this year was 353,087, this is bound to increase significantly during the last quarter of the year.

This came to light when Member of Parliament for Kwadaso, Dr. Kingsley Nyarko wanted to know from the sector Minster measure put in place to promote and increase domestic tourism.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Tourism Ministry institutes 3 initiatives to attract foreigners in COVID-19 era — Minister

Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Mohamed Awal said COVID-19 has hampered international tourism globally.

According to him the sector Ministry though its implementing agency, the Ghana Tourism Authority has put the following innovative initiatives in place to increase international tourism arrival.


The Beyond the Return initiative is a 1year programme and a follow up to the successful “Year of Return” in 2019 that attracted Thousands of visitors to Ghana. It has seven pillars geared towards strengthening relations with the diaspora community and promoting tourism. So far, there have been campaigns and roadshows in North America to invite African-Americans and partner likeminded organizations not only to invest in Ghana but to visit our key attraction sites like the forts and castles and the historic sites. Through these partnerships, a road was recently named after Ghana in Bed/Study, Brooklyn by the Borough Council to further create top of mind in the US market about Ghana.

(ii) December In GH:

 These are endorsed events and activities organized in December to attract both international and domestic patrons especially the 2nd and 3rd generation Ghanaians born in Europe and America. Some of the popular events such as Afrochella, Taste of Ghana, Rhythms on the Runway, Glitz Fashion, TadiFest, Polo Beach club, etc. tend to attract Thousands of international visitors to Ghana to participate in events during the Christmas holidays in Ghana.

(iii) Emancipation Day and PANAFE T Events:

Emancipation Day is celebrated in July to commemorate the final abolition of Chattel Slavery British colonies. Ghana was the first African COUR, celebrate Emancipation Day, beginning in 199g attracts considerable African Diaspora to Ghana. Ty, African Historical Festival (PANAFEST) is a – festival which celebrates people of Africa and of descent in the Diaspora through arts, culture, music, and theatre.

 The PANAFEST attracts diaspora both within and outside to visit our forts and several international visitors attended this Emancipation and PANAFEST events in Ghana. So far, these initiatives are bearing fruit within – arrivals of 411k as at September, 2021. This is more than the total year end arrivals of 2020.

Member of Parliament for Kwadaso Dr. Kingsley Nyarko wanted to know measures put in place or is being put in place to attract foreigners to the national tourist sites and historical monuments in the COVID-19 era.


Renovation of national museum is about 95 percent complete—Minister

 The national museum gallery is about 95 per cent complete with its current rehabilitation, Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture, Mohamed Awal told Parliament on Tuesday, November 16, 2021.

The Minister who was responding to a question in the name of the Member of Parliament for Krachi Nchumuru Solomon Kuyon, who wanted to know the current state of the national museum of Ghana said the facility since its establishment in 1957 at the eve of Ghana’s independence, has not seen any major renovation work, and has therefore become necessary for it to be shut down in 2015 to give way for the much-needed renovation of the facility and reorganization of its permanent exhibition.


Measures in place to redevelop Salaga Slave Market and others — Minister

The Minister for Tourism Arts and Culture, Mohamed Awal has told Parliament the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), has prepared a draft memorandum of understanding (MoU) between GTA and the East Gonja Assembly and the Traditional Authority in line with Legislative Instrument (LI) 2393 for the redevelopment of the Salaga slave market, as well as Slave wells, and to convert a discussed receptive facility into a museum and guest facility.

Fortunately, he noted, some of the relics of the Slave trade are still available in the receptive facility.

 The Salaga Lorry Park and the Slave Market have been given out on contract under the President’s Special Initiatives and the contractors have been prevailed upon to landscape the slave market area as part of the development of the market.

 In addition, a consultant is being procured for the Slave Route Heritage site project under the Ghana Tourism Development Project funded by the World Bank which will involve Salaga.

This came to light when Member of Parliament for Salaga South, Zuwera Mohammed Ibrahimah wanted to know the Ministry’s plan to reactivate the Slave market and related tourist sites such as the slave wells that are associated to it.


Shortage of key materials delay electrification project in communities in Daffiama/Bussie/Issa constituency

Minister of Energy Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh has said the delay in the execution of the electrification project in the communities of Dakyie, Toyenpari, Kamahegu and Banonyiri in the Daffiama/Bussie/Issa constituency are as a result of the shortage of some key materials/equipment including stay equipment, stay wooden blocks LV poles.

According to him the Ministry has taken delivery of some of the materials and equipment and would arrange for the release of same for installation works to resume at the site.

The Ministry of Energy expects to complete the installation works in Dakyie and Toyenpari communities this year whereas works in Kamahegu and Banonyiri have been scheduled for completion by end of first quarter 2022.

He further noted that, the Ministry has ongoing SHEP-5 rural electrification project in the constituency in the Upper West Region.

High Voltage (HV) poles required for the communities have been supplied and planted and HV installation works have been completed at Dakyie, Toyenpari and Banonyiri communities. Most of the pole-top accessories for Kamahegu community have been supplied but stringing is yet to commence.

Again, 285 number of required Low Voltage (LV) poles for the projects have been supplied and planted in Dakyie, Toyenpari and Banonyiri communities, as stringing of conductors have been completed in the Banonyiri community.

LV poles for Kamahegu Community, and full complement of pole-top accessories to allow for the execution of the outstanding LV installation works in Dakyie and Toyenpari are yet to be supplied.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghananmps.com

Dr. Tunis leads ECOWAS Parliamentary delegation to Niger on direct elections into Parliament

Speaker of the West African sub-regional Parliament, Rt Hon. Dr Sidie Mohamed Tunis is leading a delegation of the ECOWAS Parliament, comprising Members of the Ad-hoc Committee on study for Direct Elections of Members into the ECOWAS Parliament to Niamey, Republic of Niger from today Tuesday, November 16, 2021 to Saturday, November 20, 2021.

The week-long study visit is tailored with the intention to hold discussions with the Chief Advocate and Assistant Chief Advocate for the direct elections of Members into the ECOWAS Parliament, as well as provide an opportunity for the Advocates and stakeholders to brainstorm on its attainment.

 His Excellency Mohamadou Issoufou, former President of the Republic of Niger and former Chair of the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of States & Government was appointed as Chief Advocate for the roadmap to direct election; and His Excellency Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, former President of the ECOWAS Commission, former Secretary-General, Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP) and the former Special Representative for the Secretary General and the Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa was appointed Assistant Chief Advocate.

The week-long meeting in Niger would showcase the pivotal role of an elected parliament in facilitating the participation of the people in regional governance, amongst others, by voting and being voted for.

It could be recalled that the Speaker of ECOWAS Parliament, during the inauguration of the 5th Legislature identified the election of Members by direct universal suffrage as a key policy agenda of his tenure.

Accordingly, an Ad-hoc Committee with all 15 Parliamentary Member State delegations being represented was established to consider the prospects of electing Member by direct universal suffrage within the shortest possible time.

Consequently, an inaugural meeting of the Ad-Hoc Committee was held on 8th – 12th December 2020 in Lagos, Nigeria to look at previous work done on the direct elections of Members and as well determine the Committee’s next steps.

Amongst the Recommendations made by the Ad-hoc Committee was the consultation of key stakeholder such as the Authority of Heads of State, Council of Ministers, ECOWAS Commission and the Court of Justice.

Furthermore, during the 2nd Parliamentary Seminar from the 13th – 15th October 2021 in Winneba, Ghana, the Rt. Honorable Speaker, Sidie Mohammed Tunis, had the honor to appoint His Excellency, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana and Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State & Government of ECOWAS as champion for the attainment of direct elections of Members to the ECOWAS Parliament.

Therefore, it is clear that this meeting in Niger is an opportunity for stakeholders to brainstorm on the salient aspects of holding direct election.

The expected outcome of it all is to enable authorities, stakeholders and members have improved knowledge of the Mode of election of Members to the Community Parliament.  It will also sensitize the Nigerien Authorities on the mode of election and facilitate deliberations on the strategy to have it achieved.


Outstanding works on Tamne Dam to be completed when funds are available—Minister

Minister for Food and Agriculture Dr. Afriyie Akoto has told Parliament there are outstanding works on the Tamne Dame in the Garu constituency that needs to be completed but that can be done only when funds are available for completion.

According to him there is a spillway channel that is to be completed and the contractor can through a third and final phase of the project deliver that within eighteen (18) months of the commencement of the phase 3 namely; Irrigation canals, farm roads, culverts and drains, a scheme office for the Water Users Association (WUA) necessary for setting up a scheme management unit to be stationed on the project site at Tamne

And would keep the farmers on the path of irrigate agriculture as envisaged.


The construction of twenty-two (22) houses determined to be either below the full supply level or too close to the reservoir and that challenge stemmed from the fact that, the cost of constructing the 22 houses was not factored in the project budget.

Because the consultant had not undertaken the requisite study and that delayed arrangement for payments, and further slowed progress of implementation and further compounded by stoppage of completion works on the embankment formation.

However, the stoppage was needed to sensitize and ensure residents in the reservoir area about their safety before the dam wall was completed.

In the cause of time, prices escalated due to inflation leading to fluctuation which accounted for dwindling project budget.


Mr. Speaker the main issue now is securing government approval of funds to fix the unexpected spillway subsoil weakness over the stretch of 350m. This is critical for protecting the irrigation syphon carrying irrigation water under the spillway.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

$40m ECG, L&R Prepaid Meters Contract: I’m waiting for outcome of discussion—Minister

Minister of Energy, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh has told Parliament he is waiting for the outcome of discussion between the Electricity Company of Ghana and L&R investment and Trading Company limited which is scheduled for Wednesday, November 17, 2021.

According to him this is contained in a letter written to ECG as at November 9, 2021 to discuss necessary proposals for taking delivery of prepaid electricity meters, a contract entered into since 2016 to supply the meters which are in high demand.

He was responding to a question filed by the Member of Parliament for Nsawam-Adoagyiri, Annoh Dompreh who wanted to know the outcome of the contract entered by ECG worth 40million dollars.

“Mr. Speaker I want to know from the Minister why ECG has left the said materials at the port without verification done and if it makes economic sense that the product is not being used?”

In his answer, Dr. Matthew Opoku Prempeh noted that, ECG has indicated to him that they are still interested in the meters hence their call to the contractor to hold a discussion.

So that they can take possession of the necessary things and the Minister noted that he can further talk after the discussion by ECG and those who brought the prepaid meters in.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com