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Ellembelle MP poised for development in Aiyinasi -North

Chief of Kwesikrom in the Ellembelle district, Nana Bede Ntow, has lauded the Member of Parliament(MP) for Ellembelle, Mr. Emmanuel Armah-Kofi Buah, for supporting the prosecution of the district’s development agenda.

According to the chief, no MP has over the years visited the area to ascertain their needs and find solutions to them like Mr Buah.

Nana Ntow gave the commendation when the MP toured about 18 communities in the Northern part of the district popularly called “Aiyinasi North”, which had hitherto, been cut off from the rest of the district.

Some of the towns he visited are Aidoo Suazo, Kwesi Krom, Sentaso, Agyei Obeng Krom,Mandungban,Ewereko,New Basake and Bonzokrom.

He was accompanied by the District Chief Executive (DCE),Mr. Daniel K.Eshun, the Constituency Chairman, Mr. Kwesi Berveh and other NDC constituency executives.

Nana Ntow expressed gratitude to Mr. Buah for increasing access to cocoa growing areas to the rest of the District.

He also thanked the MP for connecting the area to the national electricity grid among others.

At Sentaso, some nurses at the health care centre said inaccessibility of roads and lack of a vehicle as some their problems.

At Ewereko, the chief said they produce a lot of cocoa yet credit was always given to Sameiboi and was happy due to the efforts of the MP to open up the area ,they can now send their cocoa to the district silo.

For his part, Mr. Buah assured the people of fulfillment of the Better Ghana Agenda and pledged to address all their concerns.

He asked the people to rally round the Mahama-led government to deliver its promises to Ghanaians and also retain the NDC in power in December 2012.

Mr. Eshun said as a social democratic government, the NDC is poised to bring development to the nooks and crannies of the country .

He said since he NDC government assumed power in January 2009, it had been its pre-occupation to open up the Northern part of the district to the South which is a predominantly cocoa growing area.


National Security must state position on Yaw Boateng’s tape – Dan Botwe

The Member of Parliament for Okere, Dan Botwe has called on the Military High Command and the National Security Outfit to immedeatly state their position on the comments by the National Organizer of the ruling National Democratic Congress(NDC) which was contained in a secret tape recording.

According to him the comments to a large extent adversly affects the neautrality and integrity of the two revered state security services.

Mr Yaw Boateng Gyan is heard on the tape assuring party footsoldiers that they would be enlisted into the Special Forces of the Ghana Armed Forces and also given National Security I.D cards to enable them freely move about and engage in all manner of assignments for the ruling party during the upcoming general elections.

However speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo show on Thursday, Hon. Dan Botwe stated he was not surpised of the comments made which is recipe for chaos during the elections, as he had always believed that the NDC party had always used such fake security personnel in all previous elections and by-elections that have recorded violence.

He recounted the Cherepone and the Agbogbloshie electoral violence in which none of the perpetrators who were seen engaging in criminality have been punished till now.

Hon. Dan Botwe urged President John Mahama to demonstrate his commitment to his pledge for peaceful election by acting immedeatly on the unfortunate and criminal utterances of Mr Yaw Boateng Gyan.

He called on civil society organizations and well -meaning Ghanaians not to only preach peace but condemn and demand action against such persons who make unguarded statement.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

NPP lacks moral uprightness to speak about leaked tape saga – Adu Asare

The Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kwadwo Adu Asare has said the New Patriotic Party(NPP) lacks the moral uprightness to speak about the leaked tape recording involving the National Organizer of the ruling National Democratic Congress, Yaw Boateng Gyan.

According to him, the NPP is guilty of propagating more disturbing comments than what has been captured on the tape which has been described by some persons as recipe for electoral violence.

Mr Boateng Gyan on the tape is heard assuring some party youth of getting them enlisted in the Special Force unit of the Ghana Armed Forces and also getting them National Security Identity cards to enable them infilterate the ranks of the National Security outfit for electoral gains. His comments have been condemned by many with the opposition NPP calling for his arrest and prosecution.

However speaking on Asempa FM’s Eko sii sen show on Thursday, Hon.Adu Asare stated that the NPP must shut up as several of its high ranking officials including its Presidential candidate who is known for his infamous all-die-be die mantra are guilty of the same ‘offence’.

“The NPP must keep quiet and allow well-meaning Ghanaians to talk, they the NPP are not better than we NDC when it comes to these matters” he said.

He however welcomed the investigation yet to be conducted by the National Security into the issue. Hon. Adu Asare was confident President Mahama was going to win the December election and it was important that such unfortunate issues does not mar the impending sweet victory.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

NPP is just ‘frustrated’ – Rashid Pelpuo

The deputy Majority Leader of Parliament, Rashid Pelpuo, has denied accusations by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) that the Electoral Commission was conniving with the National Democratic Congress (NDC) over the creation of the 45 new constituencies.

Speaking to Citi News, he described the NPP as frustrated ahead of the December elections which was why they had resorted to such allegations.

“I’m surprised they are using the word conniving,” he said.

“It is unacceptable in this context. In the first place we cannot help them if they are frustrated because the creation of the 45 new constituencies is not by government, nor by majority in Parliament. It is a Constitutional requirement and a Constitutional duty that is being performed by the EC.”

He mentioned that as long as they “are not allowed to control the EC as a majority, they can also not control them because they are the minority.”

Hon. Pelpuo added: “The EC is doing what they are supposed to do and we will support them as responsible citizens.”

By: Citifmonline.com/Ghana

Ask Afari Gyan who caused the flaws in CI73- Dan Botwe

The never-ending controversial issue on the Constitutional Instrument CI73 (later withdrawn and re-laid) which seeks to create 45 new constituencies continues to raise eyebrows from public figures, government officials, opposition parties and civil society organizations (CSO).

The ruling NDC party has however pointed fingers at the NPP for sabotaging the passage of the CI by staging a walk out of Parliament recently.

It is on this same issue that the Member of Parliament (MP) for Okere Hon. Dan Botwe has categorically stated that the NPP is not against the creation of the new constituencies saying that the CI73 would have been passed after 21 days should there be now flaws in it.

Hon. Dan Botwe who was speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo programme this morning recounted that, as per regulations of Parliament, MPs including the Minority were supposed to be on recess but they had to cut short their break to return to Parliament due to their preparedness to collaborate effectively with their colleagues for the adoption of the CI into law.

“It’s not true that NPP want to sabotage the creation of the new constituencies,” Hon Dan Botwe said firmly.
He explained that the NPP has rather kicked against the CI to be passed with all its flaws adding that posterity would not have forgive them should they have allowed it.

He however called on the Electoral Commissioner, Dr. Afari Gyan to tell Ghanaians who was responsitble for the mistakes in the CI.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Minority damns EC

The Minority in Parliament has accused the Electoral Commission of being inefficient in the discharge of its duties concerning the upcoming general elections especially the publication of the provisional voters register.

According to the group, Constitutional Instrument (C.I 72), 21(2) states that a copy of the provisional register shall be given to each registered political party in the form determined by the commission, including posting the provisional register on the website of the Commission.

Addressing a Press Conference in Accra, the Minority Leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu noted regrettably that almost 6 months from the end of the registration period and three months before the general elections, the parties have not been provided with the provisional register.

He said the EC is not only dislocating the electoral calendar but is also in flagrant breach of the provisions of Public Elections (Registration of Voters Regulations 2012).

Hon. Bonsu noted that the provisional register is being exhibited without much public education and information even though this is an entirely new and complicated exercise and adequate budgetary support has been provided.

The Minority Leader added that it is becoming obvious that with the exhibition of the provisional register during the first 16 days of September 2012, the EC will not be able to publish a certified register to replace the existing voters register as required under regulation 26 of CI 72 by October 2012.

He added that without the certified register by the beginning of October 2012, candidates for the elections may be compelled by the EC to file their nomination with the provisional register contrary to the regulation on elections which states that nomination paper for each candidate in an election to parliament shall be witness by the signature or mark of two registered voters and supported by 18 other registered voters all of whom shall be registered voter of the constituency.

The Leader again noted that the Minority in Parliament and the New Patriotic Party are not against the creation of additional constituencies per se, but find it distressing, reprehensible, the process in timing of the creation of the new constituencies.

He called on all Ghanaians and other stakeholders to join the minority in appealing to the conscience of the powers that they to save this nation from experimentation.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Minority walk out of Parliament over C.I 73

The controversy surrounding the creation of 45 new constituencies continuous to deepen by the day as the minority in parliament staged a walked out of Parliament on Monday to demonstrate their opposition to the Constitutional Instrument (CI) creating the constituencies.

The minority argued that the House prior to going on recess witnessed the laying of C.I 73 by the Electoral Commission but when the House was reconvened on monday September 3 for emergency sitting, the MPs were furnished with a new CI 77.

The opposition MPs led by their Leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu called for an explanation of the turn of events claiming that the origional C.I that was laid on 15 August had been changed an as such the new document could not be worked on until properly laid in the House.

He concluded that the two document were entirely different and if the Majority Leader Cletus Avoka wanted the House to consider the C.I 77, then he needed to properly lay it before the House.

The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Joyce Bamford Addo ruling on the issue referred the document to the Assembly Press for the right date and gazzeting number to be corrected.

Just before vacating her seat, She however dissagreed with the minority insisting that it was the same document and that the change in date and gazzet number did not affect the document.

Upon resumption of the Speaker’s chair by the First Deputy, Edward Doe Adjaho, the minority continued with their argument but after realizing they were not making any progress they walked out of the House before it was adjourned.

Kwadwo Anim/ Ghanamps.gov.gh

Nkwanta South MP assists schools with computers

The Member of Parliament for the Nkwanta South Constituency, Gershon Kofi Bediako Gbediame has assisted two senior high schools in the Nkwanta South District with computers.

The MP provided fifty (50) computers and accessories which were distributed to the Nkwanta Senior High School and the Ntrobonang Senior High School.

Chief Executive of the Nkwanta South District, Joseph Nyofam Ninkab in an interview with Ghanamps.gov.gh commended the MP for his effort adding that the intervention was timely to avoid students from being left behind in information and communication technology skills which is very essential in every field of human life today.

He said though government’s commitment to improving access to acquisition of ICT skills is unquestionable, there is still need for support from private or institutions to accelerate the process.

Mr Ninkab said education has received substantial assistance ever since the National Democratic Congress came to power all with the view of improving education standards for accelerated development.

He assured that government will continue on the same principle by providing more infrastructure and logistics to enhance teaching and learning.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament to reconvene on Monday September 3

Parliament will reconvene on Monday- September 3 2012, to continue with unfinished business in the House. Parliament went on recess on August 16 to allow members of Parliament travel to their various constituencies to launch effective campaigns for the upcoming December general elections.

One of the major task to be taken care of by parliament is the Legislative Instrument(LI) 73 establishing the 45 new constituencies across the country. The LI was laid in Parliament on August 15 and requires 21 sitting days to mature.

There has been mixed reactions to the laying of the LI, while the ruling NDC government is all for the establishment, the opposition and other Civil Society Organizations have strongly objected to creation of the constitencies since they believe with four months to go for the election the time is too short for the political parties to prepare candidates for the new constituencies.

Though parliament has been sued against sitting for the 21 days the Majority Leader Cletus Avoka has indicated Parliament would go ahead to sit.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh