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GFA elections: “We hope it ends internal wrangling and marks a new birth”—Minority

The Minority on the Youth and Sports Committee of parliament has congratulated the new President of the Ghana Football Association Kurt E. S Okraku for his election as President.

According to the Minority on the committee it is their hope that the elections ends any internal wrangling and marks the new rebirth of a united football family under one great leadership of football in Ghana.

In a statement issued by the ranking member of the committee, Kobena Mensah Woyome noted that with a united Ghana football, Ghanaians would be the ultimate beneficiary.

He further pointed out in the statement that the Minority members of the committee looks forward to working with the new President supporting and guiding him to ensure that Ghana football moves beyond its current predicament.

At the extra ordinary congress on Friday October 25, 2019 the football people had spoken emphatically and elected their president, for the association after three rounds of voting.

After months of internal clean-up under the supervision of a FIFA appointed Normalization Committee, the football people have spoken, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


Anomena Ventures grabs award at ESEF 19 forum

At the just ended ECOWAS Sustainable Energy forum (ESEF 19) in Accra – Ghana, a Ghanaian based company, Anomena Ventures grabbed an award as champion in gender mainstreaming on energy issues.

Dr. Sabina Anokye  Mensah, owner of Anomena Ventures, producers of LP Gas stove based in Tema, said her organization aside the their core production also focuses on mainstreaming gender issues in the energy sector.

“We encourage women to move away from the use of fire woods in cooking, as mainstream gender energy champion”.

As to whether being presented with the award would propel her to do more, she said, “I am challenged to do more since I have been awarded, I have no choice than to work harder”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Exhibitors at third ECREEE forum impress with opportunity


Exhibitors at the third ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) have expressed satisfaction at the opportunity afforded them to be part of the forum as it has opened them up for new customers.

Interviews conducted by Ghanamps.com at the final and third day of the forum witnessed a lot of participants at the forum visiting the various stands.

Most of the exhibitors who have their headquarters in Europe and Asia indicated their intention of expanding their reach to the West African sub-region as most of them are already based in Nigeria, Togo and Ivory Coast.

The third and final day witnessed a lot of networking and question asking at the exhibition centre as most of the participation and owners of businesses who were interested in renewable energy took advantage of the opportunity.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Alliance for Rural Electrification ready to tap into West African market

Communications and Marketing Manager for Alliance for Rural Electrification, Ling Ng, said the company is ready to tap into the West African market in the energy sector.

Alliance for Rural Electrification is a Belgium based business that works mainly in Francophone West Africa in the energy.

According to the communications and marketing officer this year the company has been active in Togo and Ivory Coast and they are happy to be in Ghana for the just ended third ECOWAS sustainable energy forum.

“Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) is a viable partner to help us tap into the West African region.

In an interview Ling Ng noted that Alliance for Rural Electrification is a business platform that brings together members, as they have over one hundred and thirty members, and work in Asia and Latin America.

One of the reasons why people come to such conferences is to mobilize the private sector in the energy sector, we have seen a good network of people from Europe and around the world, again we have worked with EU funded programmes”.

She also expressed her company’s readiness to meet with the local business in the sector, meet potential investors and address challenges they face in the sector.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


# 12 EXPOSE: “My interest is in Akufo-Addo and Nyantakyi”—Mion MP

Ahead of Mion MP’s question being answered this week on the floor of the House by the Attorney General and Minister of Justice on the status of investigation into the #12 expose done by Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Member of Parliament Abdul Aziz Mohammed had told journalists in an interview on Friday, his interest in the case are in both the President Nana Akufo-Addo and Kwesi Nyantakyi.

“Not only that but the governance of this country; we want to ensure the family members of the president do not take five percent of contracts awarded in this country. This was specific allegation against the President so it is for the image of the president to be cleared; the AG is to appear before the House this week”.

Mr. Abdul-Aziz further noted that there had been specific allegations made against President Nana Akufo-Addo by then President of the Ghana Football Association (GFA), then the President Akufo-Addo decided to make a formal complain to the CID of police.

“I want to know if they have concluded investigations, if the President was vindicated in the case or the other way round, and if the AG would have the guts of investigating into the matter”.

The allegation bothers on the number one gentleman of the land, the CID works with the AG so she would be able to tell us if investigation has finished and if there is a court orders on the matter, he concluded.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Information Minister warns public against social media transactions

Minister of Information Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has cautioned against the use of fake social media accounts to dupe members of the general public.

In a statement, he advised the public not to transact any form of financial business with any unverified account supposed to belong to government officials.

According to the Minister the caution has become necessary to address the increase in the use of fake accounts, most especially on Facebook to dupe unsuspecting citizens of large sums of money.

The public is therefore advised to be more cautious concerning their activities on social media, and in the case of such an incident should report the matter to the police immediately.

In the meantime, the government is assuring the general public that security agencies and social media service providers are making the necessary efforts to clamp down on these nefarious activities.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com


“We need to give priority and work on urgent bills”—Majority Leader priority

Majority Leader and Leader of Government Business in parliament, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has said the House would have to give priority to urgent bills looking at the long list of bills before the House to be dealt with in this third meeting.

According to the Leader of Government Business, the third meeting is usually a budget meeting where financial policy of the government is considered.

There are forty-eight (48) bills before parliament for the third meeting of the third session of the seven parliament of the fourth Republic to deal with.

After presenting the Business Statement on the floor of the House, Member of Parliament for South Dayi Rockson Dafeamekpor pointed out that the Deputy Majority Leader Sarah Adwoa Safo in her welcome address indicated that there would be a tall order of business but in the business statement they cannot be seen.

But the Majority Leader responded and said chairmen of the various committees together with their rankings had been advised to touch base with their sponsoring Ministers of bills before the House to determine bills that are of urgent nature to be dealt with.

“We have barely four weeks to consider all these bills before the budget estimates and financial policy of government is presented”, he said on the floor of the House.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Tradeworks company ready to work with Assembly in solar energy sector

Tradeworks Company, an organization in the solar energy business and specialized in distributing high quality electrical appliances for homes and business base in the Ga East Municipality says it is ready to provide Assemblies with solar energy to address their energy needs.

The company exhibited in the just ended ECOWAS Sustainable Energy forum held in Accra Ghana, a third of its kind since the establishment of ECOWAS Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE).

Managing Director of Tradeworks, Randy Sey in an interview said his company is creating employment for the youth in the Ga East Municipality.

“The youth are employed and work with us directly whiles we have people who work with us indirectly through outsourcing of projects, being in the Municipality has helped us educate people on solar energy”.

He revealed that solar energy is not an extra ordinary technology or foreign but something that has come to stay with us in Ghana.

He also encouraged more people to be interested in solar power going forward to help deal with energy challenges in the country.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com

Elembelle MP to place injunction on December 17 referendum if…

Former Minister of Petroleum and Member of Parliament for Elembelle, Kofi Armah Buah has served notice that he would place an injunction on the impeding referendum on December 17th 2019, on whether Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) should be elected or not.

According to the Elembelle lawmaker if the Electoral Commission headed by Jean Mensah does not address challenges the electoral registrations exercise has brought about in the Western Region, he will head to court.

“We had about six thousand three hundred people registering in my constituency, but when the register was opened in June for Ghanaians to verify their names about five thousand names were not in the register”.

Mr. Emmanuel Armah Kofi Buah said there has been several demonstrations and formal petition written to the District Electoral Commission no avail.

He further lamented over the cumbersome nature his people had to go through before registering as some had to wake up as early as 2:00am to line up to register after the exercise, but in September when the EC opened the register for people to verify their names, the people could not find their names.

“If it were only Elembelle District maybe it might not be too much of a problem to address, there are a lot of districts outside Ellembelle”; he sounded worried in an interview with Journalists in Parliament House.

According to him, they got the District Electoral Officer just to understand what is going on,  “he told me they put all the information in a flash drive sent it to Accra”, but the EC’s answer in Accra when we checked was ‘go and register again’.

The EC does not care, it has gone ahead to announce a day December 17th 2019 for the referendum, what happens to almost half a million Ghanaians who have been disenfranchised?

As to what he wants from the EC, he said the EC has not explained itself about the incident and Ghanaians should be worried about that.

“How can people have their voters ID and the EC cannot explain why their names are not on the exhibition list?”

He further told journalists in Parliament that on Friday he raised the issue with the Speaker of Parliament for the EC chair to come to Parliament to explain issues of the challenges that has arisen.

“If that is not addressed, the EC does not have any business conducting any elections in this country, you guys should see how much money has gone into the exercise and for that to happen in the absence of any explanation and their attitude so far, it looks more deliberate”, he lamented.

“I cannot make this issue up it’s a serious”, he emphasized.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanadistricts.com

Appointment committee questions why Ghanaians were not told of acting information Minister

Information Minister designate, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah has revealed to the Appointment Committee that Minister for Regional Reorganization and Development Dan Kwaku Botwe is the acting Minister for Information.

This came to light when the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu sought to know if he held himself as the acting Information Minister. But the nominee before the Appointment Committee said no, and made the revelation.

Chairman of the committee, Joseph Osei Owusu questioned why this information had not been communicated to Ghanaians, as Kojo Oppong Nkrumah indicated that as a Deputy Minister in the absence of a substantive Minister, he is assigned to supervise, the nominee told the committee.

Mr. Joseph Osei-Owusu cautioned that it is very critical for Ghanaians to be informed about this.

The nominee before the committee indicated to the committee that the advice is well taken, adding the mistake would not be repeated in future.

By: Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/ghanamps.com