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ECOWAS Parliament joint committee adopts report and make recommendation

 ECOWAS Parliament’s delocalised joint Committee meeting of Administration, Finance and Budget, Macroeconomic Policy & Economic Research, Public Account, Trade, Customs & Free Movement in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso have adopted report and make recommendations having extensively discussed and deliberated on the topic “Cryptocurrencies as Facilitator for Trade and Investment in West Africa”.

The meeting noted that Cryptocurrencies offers investment opportunities, but it however, pointed out that it comes with many risks, but with the risks, all relevant stakeholders (Investors, State authorities and Central banks) are expected to play a vital role in mitigating the dangers linked to Cryptocurrencies.

Consequently, the Parliamentarians on the joint Committees made the following recommendations to the plenary for consideration and recommendation to the Commission.

 1.The ECOWAS Commission should immediately carryout necessary studies to better understand the implications of Cryptocurrencies on regional economies. WAMA, the Central banks and National Assemblies of member states should be implicated in these activities.

  1. The ECOWAS Commission should propose a legal and regulatory framework for regulating, where necessary, the use of Cryptocurrencies in the region; It should propose frameworks for Compliance and Regulation using KYC and KYT (Know Your Customer and Know Your Transactions) procedures on the public blockchain infrastructure. It should include all stakeholders in the Cryptocurrency ecosystem, such as centralized exchanges, blockchain data analytics consultants, cybersecurity experts, expert in social engineering, and Non-profit organizations.
  2. The ECOWAS Commission should immediately commence studies on the possibility of establishing a central bank digital currency (MDBC), which could be used in parallel with the ECOWAS common currency, ECO.
  3. The ECOWAS Commission should immediately propose a communication strategy for increased sensitisation and training of all stakeholders on the use of Cryptocurrencies. A high-level Blockchain and Cybersecurity Training for policymakers and compliance stakeholders should be considered.
  4. The ECOWAS Commission should recruit in-house blockchain, social engineering, and Cybersecurity personnel that will be continuously trained by leading experts in the industry, considering the rapid-evolving nature of the technology. The in-house personnel would explore the current global threats of Cryptocurrencies, how other nations are tackling these threats, and adapt them to suit the peculiar problems in West Africa. (B) Recommendations to ECOWAS Parliament:
  5. Recommend regional bodies (ECOWAS Commission, WAMA and the Central banks) to carry out necessary studies to better understand the implications of Cryptocurrencies on regional economies;
  6. Reflect on a legal and regulatory framework for regulating, where necessary, the use of Cryptocurrencies in the region;
  7. Reflect on the possibility of establishing a central bank digital currency (MDBC), which could be used in parallel with the ECOWAS common currency, ECO;
  8. Parliament should advocate for increased sensitisation and training of all stakeholders on the use of Cryptocurrencies. In this vein, Parliament should organize for a high-level Blockchain and Cybersecurity Training for policymakers and compliance stakeholders.


“We need fire drills in Parliament House” —Amenfi-Central MP

Member of Parliament for Amenfi-Central Yaw Peter Kwakye-Ackah is calling for Parliament as an institution to institute a fire drilling exercise in the House.

According to him, in his past four years in the House, there has never been an occasion for fire drill to be conducted in the House.

The former marine engineer questioned where people are supposed to assemble in the House, in the event there is a fire outbreak in the House.

According to him as a former marine chief, every week without fail they conducted a fire drill on the ship to test their capability and their equipment and how fire alarm sounds for every one to know and that constant fire training is done.

“So, if fire occurs in a ship, you cannot run away, you have to face it and fight it, should there be a fire outbreak in the chamber everybody would run away, by the time fire service comes with their water fire might have engulfed the place because we are now going to have the fire truck driver woken up in his sleep, same with the others”.

He raised the issue on the floor of the House on Friday, July 7, 2021. And during an interview with Ghanamps.com he pointed out that “there are 275 MPs, their research assistants and workers; Parliament is a whole community.”

And further stated that, there is the need to get five groups of people in Parliament every mouth to help get everyone prepared on what to do during fire outbreaks. “We should know how to use the fire extinguisher and we should know the difference between water, fume and CO2 in case of electrical fire”

And added that if a person does not understand these how does he or she go out there to put out fire, stating that the Makola fire calls for adequate preparation otherwise a spark of fire would bring a whole building down.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Annoh-Dompreh collaborates with stakeholders to establishs brewery

As he promised his constitutes to ensure that they have their faire share of industries under the One District One Factory (1D1F) policy initiative introduce by the President Nana Akufo-Addo’s administration that saw the revival of the collapsed Astek canned fruits into Nano Foods Limited months back, the MP is again in the process of achieving yet another feat in this regard.

Mr. Frank Annoh-Dompreh, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Nsawam- Adoagryiri is again working assiduously with stakeholders for the establishment of another 1D1F project in his constituency.

Work, he noted, is steadily progressing on the new project, and expressed delight with the progress of work after visiting the site and twitted on his handle.

On Thursday, May 20, 2021 during the inauguration of Nano Foods Limited in his address he said, there is a brewery factory going through the process to be commissioned which would be the third factory in the constituency since the 1D1F policy was initiated to deal with unemployment situations, and ensure value addition to our raw products.

He urged the teeming youth and the people of Nsawam Adoagyiri to exercise restraint as he is committed to getting the government to provide more jobs.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

9-member ad hoc committee to investigate Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines purchase set up

Parliament has constituted a nine-member ad hoc committee to investigate into the procurement contracts between the government of the Republic of Ghana through the Ministry of Health and Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, and one other for supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines and submit a report for the consideration of the House.


  1. Alexander Afenyo Markin- Chairman
  2. Mintah Akandoh – Vice Chairman
  3. Bernard Ahiafoh
  4. Kwame Anyim-Adu Antwi
  5. Nana Ayew- Afiriyie
  6. Ernest Henry Norgbey
  7. Elizabeth Ofosu -Agyare
  8. Umar Farouk Aliu Mahama
  9. Sheila Bartels

Terms of reference

  • To determine whether or not the transaction with respect to the procurement and supply……qualifies as an international business and economics transaction under article 181(5) of the constitution and if so whether it was subjected to prior approval by parliament;
  • To determine the procurement process that was followed, and the propriety of same
  • To determine whether the services of a middleman was procured in the transaction, and if so the propriety of same having regard to the relevant laws;
  • To ascertain the cost of the vaccine, the justification of the cost of vaccine, and whether the transaction guarantee value for money for Ghana;
  • To determine whether or not any consideration has passed from government of the Republic of Ghana to the middleman;
  • To determine whether or not the Ministry of Health misled parliament during the consideration of the transaction for the procurement of the vaccine;
  • To enquire into any other matters connected with the purchase and supply of the Sputnik-V vaccine in the agreement between the Government of Ghana and the other parties.


The Minority Leader, and a member of the 7 MPs who file the Private Members’ Motion stated that their quest is to ensure that “the people of Ghana have value for money, for the use of the taxpayer’s money, particularly that as a country we’ve not been able to cover a significant part of our population; only 450, 000, less than one percent of the population with over 19 billion is worrying.”


Mr. Haruna Iddrisu together with six other MPs from the Minority side of the House, including Alhaji Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, Dr. Sebastian Ngmenenso Sandaare, Mr.  Samuel Okudzato Ablakwa, Dr Mark Kurt Nawaane, and Ernest Henry Norgbey on Thursday, July 8, 2021 filed a private member motion urging the House to constitute a bi-partisan Committee to investigate the procurement contracts between the government of the Republic of Ghana and Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, and one other for supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines and submit a report for the consideration of the House.

The Committee has 3 weeks to present its report for consideration by the House

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Parliament to investigate into Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines

Parliament has adopted a private member motion to constitute a bi-partisan Committee to investigate the procurement contracts between the government of the Republic of Ghana and Sheikh Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum, and one other for supply of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccines and submit a report for the consideration of the House.

This decision came up, when Haruna Iddrisu, minority leader together with six MPs from his side   called on Speaker of Parliament to constitute a committee to investigate into the price of COVID-19 vaccine which the government of Ghana through the health ministry is buying the vaccines at a cost of $19 and $26 Dollars per doze, whilst it has been accepted internationally at $10 Dollars per doze.

Meanwhile, the House is expected to constitute the committee on Friday, July 10, 20221 with its terms and refences

The members behind the Private Members’ Motion are as follows:

  1. Mr. Haruna Iddrisu
  2. Alhaji Mohammed Muntaka Mubarak
  3. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh
  4. Dr Sebastian Ngmenenso Sandaare
  5. Mr. Samuel Okudzato Ablakwa
  6. Dr Mark Kurt Nawaane
  7. Ernest Henry Norgbey

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

MP advocates for a bill to deal with swollen shoot disease and farmers compensation

The Member of Parliament for Offinso South and a former Managing Director of Ghana Cocoa Board, Dr Isaac Yaw Opoku is calling for a Bill to sustain payment of compensation to cocoa farmers and also to empower government to cut down all cocoa trees that are affected by swollen shoot disease across the country in order to get the disease completely out of Ghana.

Making a statement on the floor of Parliament on Wednesday, July 7, 2021, Dr Yaw Opoku   explained that, since time immemorial, Western Region of Ghana has been a major contributor to our cocoa production but due to swollen shoot disease that has affected most Cocoa farms in the region, it has also affected cocoa production negatively in the region.

Dr Opoku used the occasion to commend government of Ghana and the Chief Executive Officer of Ghana Cocoa Board, Joseph Aidoo for the hard work and increase number of extension officers that are helping in various capacity and also taken up the fight against the Swollen shoot disease across the country, especially where government is paying One Thousand Ghana Cedis (Ghc1,000) per hector as form of compensation to farmers whose affected cocoa trees are being cut down whilst new seedlings are planted to replace the old one.

He finally suggested that, necessary measures should be put in place to address farmers concerns to minimize their opposition to treatment. Compensation to affected farmers must also be further improve to make it reassuring for affected farmers to cooperate, while special national service and NABCO groups should be trained to assist the disease control program.

He finally called for a law to be passed by Parliament to make the treatment of affected farms compulsory.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Government urged to fast-track value for money audit process to achieve its loan purpose

Member of Parliament for Okai Koi Central and vice Chairman on the Finance Committee of Parliament, Patrick Yaw Boamah has urged government to adopt means to fast track the processes of value for money audit on loans in order to get government projects executed on time for the benefit of the Ghanaian citizens.

Mr. Boamah cited Anyinam Trauma Hospital and Dome – Kwabenya Roundabout to Aburi Keta-ase Road project as examples of some government projects which Parliament has given an approval to its loans about a year or two ago, but value for money audit processes alone is still keeping such projects unattended to.

He advised that, government through the Ministry of Finance must subject organizations that are contracted to carry out such processes to timelines, be it Crown Agent, Institute of Engineers, K.P.M.G and East and Young in order to get government projects done on time.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Wa: Soldiers involved in molestation spree lose ranks

Soldiers who molested some civilians in the Upper West Regional capital, Wa, in search of a missing mobile phone, have been punished by the Military High Command, Minister for Defense, Dominic Nitiwul has revealed.

While some of them have had their ranks reduced, others have been awarded thirty (30) days each in detention with others said to be on schedule for transfer out of the region.

For instance, the Orderly Sergeant who was a Staff Sergeant has had his rank reduced to Corporal. The Guard Commander who was a Corporal has had his rank reduced to Private. The Sentry on duty who was a Lance Corporal has also had his rank reduced to Private.

According to the defense minister, the punishments were meted out to the soldiers after they were charged and tried by a Disciplinary Board chaired by the Commanding Officer. The trial of the Duty Officer who is a Lieutenant, Mr. Nitiwul added, will however, commence on or before Wednesday, July 14, 2021.

“All the trials are without prejudice to the outcome of the subjects under other forms of investigations. Eight other soldiers who were deeply involved and or visibly identified in various videos brutalizing some residents have been charged, tried and awarded thirty (30) days each in detention by a Disciplinary Board chaired by the Commanding Officer”, he noted.

Mr. Nitiwul made these observations when he briefed Parliament at a sitting on Thursday, July 8, 2021, about the actions taken by the Military High Command following the alleged brutalities by young soldiers of the 10 Mechanized Battalion in Wa township.

What triggered the alleged brutalities?

According to the defense minister, on June 30, 2021, one of the soldiers alleged that his mobile phone had been snatched from him at about 18:00 hours at Tindama Junction, a suburb of Wa. He then informed his colleagues on Thursday, July 1, 2021, at about 12:30 hours who in turn informed the Duty Officer on the same day.

The Duty Officer then permitted the troops to go to town to search for the missing mobile phone at about 12:45hours.

“This consequently led to the brutalities in Wa Township”, he noted.

According to Mr. Nitiwul, eleven (11) persons suffered various degrees of injuries out of which four (4) were admitted at the Wa Municipal Hospital.

Three out of the four (4) were treated and discharged with the fourth person identified as Mr. Gafaru Mohammed, later transferred to the Upper West Regional Hospital where he was successfully operated upon.

The victim, he added, is currently responding to treatment, stressing that he has personally paid all the medical bills of the victims and further promised to bear any additional bills that come up.

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu, welcomed the swift disciplinary action taken by the Military High Command against the young soldiers and expressed the hope that it will serve as deterrent to others.

Leadership’s respond to the briefing 

The Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh, commenting on the issue commended the Defence Minister for the swift intervention in investigating the matter.

However, he said that there is the need to go further to heal the seemingly damaged relationship between the military and civilians.

“We need to do more than just investigating and then churning out deserved punishment. We must up that relationship between civilians and the army. That for me is important. Regardless of the fact that the role of the army is defined – maintaining territorial integrity. They need the people of this country to survive and to execute that constitutional mandate”, he noted.

He urged Mr. Nitiwul to continue to keep his eyes on the situation, stressing that “we don’t want to wake up one day and hear that the matter has gotten out of hand”.

The Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu also commending the action of the Military High Command for the disciplinary measures called for reduction in armed military personnel in civilian matters, which ideally is the duty of the police.

He supported any measure at equipping the police to meet the expectations of the citizenry in the discharge of their duties.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Gender Ministry snubs invitation of PAC

The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MOGCSP) has been cited for several  infractions in the 2017 Auditor-General’s Reports of the Public Accounts of Ministries, Departments and Agencies.

But officials of the Gender Ministry failed to appear before the Public Accounts Committee on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 to provide answers to these infractions.

Last Wednesday was the last sitting of the Committee to look at the audited report of the Auditor General for Ministries Department and Government Agencies (MDAs) 2017 report.

Chairman of the Committee, James Klutse Avedzi noted that the Ministry had not written to them and they do not have any option but to report to the plenary to prescribe the appropriate action.

Transport and Highways as well as the Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General that were scheduled for Thursday 25th June 2021, had to be postponed to Wednesday, July 7, 2021 as PAC brought its proceedings to a close.

The Report indicted the MoGCSP for unauthorized investment of GHS 16,000,000 Ghana School Feeding Programme funds in Dalex Finance and Cal Bank, failure to pay withholding tax of GHS 9,461,880 to the Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) and unretired impress of GHS79,500  contrary to Regulation 282 of Financial Administration Regulation 2004.

Other infractions the Report detected include payment of unearned salary at its Sekondi Social Welfare Office and an unearned salary totaling GHS 6,047.64 paid to a Social Development Assistant at Accra Head Office after the officer vacated post from January to December 2016.

When the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development took their turn to respond to their queries, it was established that the Regional Director of the Fisheries Commission at Kumasi failed to use a competitive process to select a supplier for the purchase of fish feed.

The Auditor-General could not therefore ascertain the reasonableness of the contract awarded Raanan Fish Feed West Africa amounting to GHS 23,260 and therefore urged the Commission to comply strictly with the requirements of the procurement law.

However, the Committee absolved Phillip Attakpah, a former National Project Coordinator for the implementation of FAO/GOG Co-operative Programme who was cited for receiving unearned salary of GHS 31,480 because it was found out that he actually worked during the period.

The Attorney-General and Minister for Justice Godfred Dame flanked by his two deputies and top officials of the Ministry had little difficulty explaining the Auditor-General’s query of three payment vouchers without relevant supporting documents totaling GHS 6,371.90.

He however disclosed that the Delta Force vigilante group who stormed the Kumasi Circuit in 2017 to free 13 of their members facing charges of causing mayhem but were discharged by then Attorney General for nolle prosequi are still under investigation by the Police Criminal Investigations Department (CID).

The Roads and Highways Ministry led by the sector minister Amoako Attah apart from failing to meet specification in the construction of a modular ferry in respect of ladders with non-slip square rungs and manholes in the Damen Modular Pontoons had a smooth sail before the Committee.

The Audit Report revealed that the Modular Ferry constructed by Messrs Damen Ship Building Netherlands at a cost of EUR 2,788,500 failed to meet the required specifications the Committee found out that the anomaly was corrected when the Contractor was recalled to site.

While the Committee commended MDAs that appeared before the panel and those that responded to their queries, it lamented that many agencies have refused to comply with accounting systems put in place by the Office of the Accountant-General which is largely responsible for fraudulent transactions by some MDAs.

The Deputy Minority Leader James Klutse Avedzi who is the Chairman of the Committee therefore tasked the Auditor-General to ensure that agencies of government comply with the accounting systems and procedures specified by the office of the Accountant-General.

He announced that the plenary would consider the eventual recommendations of the Committee after it comes up with a document that neatly outlines and summarises them for consideration including its recommendations on government agencies that failed to honor its invitations.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

South Dayi MP to file writ today on payment of salary to spouse of President, Vice

Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Etse Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor has given indications that by the close of Thursday, July 8, 2021 he will file a writ at the Supreme Court to interrogate the issue of whether the spouses of the President and Vice President are entitled to salaries.

According to him the Committee that recommended review emoluments of Article 71 office holders acted outside their powers by including spouses of the first and second gentlemen of the land in their report.

In an interview, he noted that Parliament could not have done anything about the report that was brought before it more especially it came at a time when MPs were preparing for the Presidential and Parliamentary elections, when that portion was smuggled into the report and the Executive arm of government were the sponsors.

He requested that members of the parliamentary press corps check the hansard in which the Minority Chief Whip, Muntaka Mohammed Mubarak raised issues on the matter, but in the seventh parliament because they did not have the numbers they were not listened to.

In the wake of the public outcry on the issue he pointed out that it was not Parliament that made the recommendation, the report was brought to the House to be approved and if the Executive decided not to delete that part from the report which their side raised issue with it is their business.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com