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Computer literacy and application must be a major requirement at every stage of learning – Kate Addo

The Public Affairs Director of Parliament, Ms Kate Addo has emphasized the need to include social skills, negotiation, policy and effective communication in today’s educational structure, as requisite skills at the secondary level to adequately prepare students to meet tomorrow’s workforce.

Speaking at the launch of the 80th anniversary of Ebenezer Senior High School, Kate Addo underscored the challenges confronting today’s students and urged them to cooperate with their teachers and to learn outside school hours. She also underscored the importance of soft skills as a prerequisite for the world of work.

“Today’s students need education in social skills, negotiation, policy, effective communication and other soft skills if they are to be effective, relevant competitors in tomorrow’s workforce”. she stated.

As a past student of the school, she raised concerns about the poor access to ICT knowledge and further stressed the need to give precedence to ICT education as a means to enhance productivity and be abreast with the rest of the world. She called for deliberation and the construction of an ultra-modern ICT laboratory to improve computer literacy at every stage of learning towards preparing students for the future.

“ICT is a key ingredient for anyone pursuing any type of education. Now, in most learning institutions, work is done online. An ultra-Modern ICT lab for our school is imperative. Computer literacy and application must be a major requirement at every stage of learning since most of the information needed for knowledge acquisition in any subject can be found online. And it is a skill needed by our students for future work”.

Adding that, past students over the years have not done much in improving the image and physical structure of the school. She persuaded a communal effort ahead to uplift the image of the school.

The Ebenezer Senior High School was established in 1941 by RobertbTeiko Aryee with a current enrollment number of 2578. The school has seen the likes of Lawyer Ayikoi Otuo, Professor Jeffery Squire at Waterloo University in Canada, Prof Mills, and Ms Kate Addo among other distinguished personalities as past students.


Parliament is expected to adjourn sine die Thursday July 28, 2022

Parliament is expected to adjourn sine die on Thursday, July 28, 2022 baring any last minute changes, Majority Chief Whip, Frank Annoh-Dompreh told the House on Thursday, July 6, 2022 when he presented the Business Statement for the ensuing week. According to him fifty-five (55) questions have been programmed; forty-seven (47) are oral questions while eight (8) are urgent questions, and in accordance with order 72 the Speaker would allow statements to be made.

Mr. Frank Annoh-Dompreh urged Committee chairs and their rankings to assiduously work on referrals before them in the light of the time space left before the House goes on recess.
And further revealed that leadership is in talks and yet to confirm if next week Tuesday, July 12, 2022 the Minister for Food and Agriculture would come to the House to address issues relating to the poultry industry.

Additionally, leadership of the House is working to ensure that concerns to do with the National Identification Authority (NIA) and under the Interior Minister is addressed, whiles concern raised by MPs are also addressed by the National Security Minister.

He further noted that the Defense and Interior Committee have had discussions with the National Security Minister to find an appropriate date for him to come to the plenary and brief the House.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Resign or Parliament forces you out – Dr Kwabena Donkor tells Finance Minister

The Member of Parliament for Pru East, Dr. Kwabena Donkor has asked the Minister for Finance, Mr. Ken Ofori Atta to resign his position as a matter of national duty to offer the president the free hand to appoint a new capable hand to lead the country’s negotiation with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). According to Mr. Donkor, though Mr. Ofori Atta has excellent record as a private businessman who has contributed his quota to national development, his performance in the public sector leaves much to be desired.

He asserts that the Finance Minister having categorically stated a few weeks ago that this country would not go to the IMF and then beat a retreat and now we are in discussion with the IMF, “duty and honour requires that he steps down”. According to him, Mr. Ofori Atta has come to the end of the road, adding that though he has a lot of respect for him, “the national interest requires that he resigns for somebody else, another captain to lead the team towards the negotiations”.

Failure to this, he said the country would be negotiating from a position of weakness. “When a Minister says we would never deal with the IMF and he is dragged unwillingly before the court of public opinion to go negotiate with the IMF, he would be negotiating from a serious position of weakness and this country would not get the best out of that negotiation”.

He advised that the Finance Minister taking the initiative to tender in his resignation would save him the little honour left, and he can become an adviser to the government in the negotiations but not as the minister responsible for finance. The former Minister for Energy under the erstwhile John Mahama Administration also believes Ghana has gotten to a point in its governance system where ministers must begin to take responsibility.

“A minister who categorically states that we would never go to IMF cannot be dragged unwillingly to IMF to lead our negotiations; if we love our country we need somebody who would believe in what he or she is doing to lead the negotiations”.

He noted that If Ken Ofori Atta does not resign, “I believe the parliament of Ghana must keep faith with the people of Ghana; and the people of Ghana deserves better than this. Parliament has the power to ask him to go and parliament must act”.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Ghana head to IMF: “Blame Akufo-Addo and Dr. Bawumia” — Haruna Iddrisu

Member of Parliament for Tamale South Haruna Iddrisu has said the President Nana Akufo-Addo and head of the economic management team and Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia should be blamed for the country heading back to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) after exiting similar program just two years ago.

He said the government should take full responsibility for the country’s economic woes, a situation that has forced them to start discussions to seek bailout from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

According to him the quick turn around by government who early indicated that it would not go to seek bail out from the IMF agreement to re-structure its debt points out its reckless and irresponsible borrowing.

Addressing members of the Parliamentary Press Corps on Wednesday, July 6, 2022, he said government’s unjustified profligate expenditure has led Ghana to this journey.

Haruna Iddrisu said on the 1st of July, the President and his chairman of the economic management team, the vice president had to beat a retreat in formally announcing to the Ghanaian people the desire and intention of his government to engage with the IMF to bail out Ghana from its economic challenges and difficulties.

“They are behaving like a class six ( 6 ) pupil who tells the mother and father that last year I got ‘F’,  and I have marked the NDC’s John Mahama ‘F’, and after six (6) years they get an ‘F’ and they say,  my ‘F’ is better than your ‘F’; that is the childish behaviour they are into. As if they are right, they should stop any attempt to shift blame”.

The Minority further pointed out that the E-Levy remains an unpopular tax instrument and therefore the fact that it passed; it had no support of the Minority. They rejected it because it was not popular and it is much of double tax.

And in many jurisdictions, it would not stand constitutional acceptability; he cannot see why he takes his income, pay tax on income and sending two thousand to her mother on an electronic platform, “I still have to pay tax on it, so our position on it has not changed”.

He urged government to work on expenditure reduction particularly focusing on social interventions, while they reduce their opulent expenditure. “We are concerned as Minority because they arrogantly rejected every reasonable suggestion from us and other respected economist on working together to improve the economy”.

Mr. Iddrisu further noted that the current government should have learnt that once Ghanaians voted for a hang parliament the days of imposition were over.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Cross border crime in the Upper East Region under control—Interior Minister

The Ghana Police Service in collaboration with other security agencies has a robust crime prevention strategy in place to contain cross border crimes.

According to the Interior Minister Ambrose Dery crimes such as cattle rustling and stealing in the Upper East is currently under control.

This came to light when the Member of Parliament for Garu Albert Akuka Alalzuuga wanted to know the steps being taken by the Ministry to curb cross border crime in the country, with regards to cattle rustling in the Upper East Region.

“Mr. Speaker, the Upper East Region during the period of January 2021 to 31% March, 2022 recorded seven (7) cases of cattle theft. One of such cases was reported in Garu on 29″ January, 2022 involving a cross border theft of fifteen (15) cattle from Burkina Faso”.

 The Garu District Police command again apprehended two (2) Fulani herdsmen from Burkina Faso together with twenty (20) stolen cattle en-route to the Northern Region of Ghana, and the two herdsmen are currently being prosecuted by the Garu District Court.

In addition, other reported cases of cattle rustling are currently being investigated by the police whilst measures are being taken by the District Security Committees to control other cross border related crimes.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Police administration liaising with Kpando MCE to complete district headquarters—Minister

Minister of Interior, Ambrose Dery has stated that the Police Administration has been liaising with the Regional Command and the Kpando Municipal Chief Executive to expedite action on the stalled Kpando District Police Headquarters project.

The Minister answering a question by Mrs. Della Sowah, Member of Parliament for Kpando on the floor of the House on when the project would be completed could not give any definite timeline but assured that the administration would do its best to have it completed.

He noted that the project is a single story started in 2014 by the Kpando Municipal Assembly with the intention of serving as a Municipal District Police Headquarters but unfortunately it has stalled probably due to lack of funds.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Ejura Shooting: “Victims would be compensated when administrative process is complete”—Dery

Minister for the Interior, Ambrose Dery has indicated that the three victims shot at the Ejura shooting incident would be compensated when an administrative process is completed, and added that families of the two (2) deceased have been compensated.

According to him he is informed that the Attorney General and the Ministry of Justice has received the medical report from the Komfo Anokye Hospital on the injured persons to determine the parameters due the victims.

 Notwithstanding, the Office of the Attorney General has requested the victims to provide them with all the, medical receipt and which they are awaiting response.

In addition the AG’s office has requested the Health Ministry to set up a Medical Board to assess the current medical conditions of three injured persons and to state any permanent disability as consequence of the shooting incident.

This came to light on Wednesday, July 6, 2022 when the Member of Parliament for Ejura-Sekyedumase Muhammad Bawah Braimah wanted to know when compensation would be paid to the victims of the shooting incident including families of the two deceased persons.

He further told the House after the three-man committee set up to investigate the unfortunate incidence in Ejura had submitted their report, his  Ministry wrote to the Ministry of Health informing them of the three persons that sustained various degrees of injury during the Ejura disturbances on 29th June, 2021 to facilitate the process of compensating the victims.

 The Ministry of Health subsequently requested that the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital which attended to the victims submits a report on the extent of injury to the victims to inform the decision on the quantum of compensation due them.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

62 police guards assigned to MPs yet to be issued with pistols—Minister

Minister for the Interior, Ambrose Dery has told Parliament per available records sixty-two (62) police guards assigned to MPs are yet to be issued with pistols.

According to him this can be attributed to the fact that there has been exponential demand for the supply of arms from the armory of the police to the police personnel assigned as bodyguards for MPs, Judges of the Supreme Courts, Ministers of State and Senior Police Officers.

And efforts are, however, underway to procure additional arms and ammunition for the Ghana Police Service to enable them to cater for the remaining 62 bodyguards and others assigned to the Judges of the Supreme Courts, Ministries of State and Senior Police Officers.

Member of Parliament (MP) for Ejura-Sekyedumase Muhammad Bawah Braimah wanted to know from the sector Minister when bodyguards assigned to MPs would be properly equipped to carry out their mandate.

 Rt. Hon Speaker, said following his directive to the Police Administration to provide armed police guards for two hundred (200) Members of Parliament, the Police Administration established a Police Steering Committee to see to the implementation of the policy.

The Committee amongst others identified the logistical and accommodation needs of the personnel assigned as armed guards to MPs, the personnel were selected and taken through two weeks basic combat and weapon handling training at the Formed Police Unit (FPU).

 Upon completion of the training, most of the guards were provided with pistols and the necessary logistics required for the protection of the respective MPs.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Expect strong IMF program – Ato Forson to Ghanaians

Dr. Casse  Ato Forson has reiterated that Ghanaians should expect a very strong International Monitory Fund (IMF) program this time round. “This IMF program would differ from all the other IMF programs the country has had; in fact this would be the first time Ghana would do IMF program with debt restructuring. That means a lot, that means that Ghana would go through another face of HIPC, to the extent that we going to look at our debt and restructure it”.

Addressing the parliamentary press corps on Wednesday, July 7, 2022 Dr. Ato Forson said the government is unfortunately not articulating that fact. “They are trying to hide from what is happening by trying to blame Ukraine-Russia War, I do not accept it, and we cannot accept it as the reason why Ghana is in this mess. We are in this mess because of the government’s deliberate policy; the government has messed us up big time and they should take responsibility for it”.

He insisted that our economic condition is self-inflicted, and the people that took us to this mess must immediately take responsibility. The Ranking Member on the Finance Committee asserts that the Minority would never and can never accept the blame, a blame that suggests that they deliberately rejected government policy; adding that they rejected the government policy because their constituents do not believe in it.

“We told them that they should come to the table for us to design a bi-partisan policy to replace it, they never listened to us. So, I can only say that I saw this coming; most of us saw this coming” indicating that Ghana’s economy has had an accident and it would take a long time to repair. He said “Ghana’s economy needs body-works, big time body works; probably overhauling of the engine, and it should start from the economic management team, and called on the president to overhaul the entire economic management team.

He called on government to come clean and tell us what exactly the people of Ghana should expect instead of blaming external factors including Ukraine and Russia; stating that per the government’s narrations, the Ukraine-Russia war has affected Ghana more than Ukraine because “today as we speak all our economic indices as compared to Ukraine, Ukraine is better than us.


Toll workers petition Parliament

The Toll Workers Union on Tuesday, July 5, 2022 registered their displeasure about their living conditions since the cancellation of toll collection in November 2022.

Presenting a petition to parliament on Tuesday, Mr. Edward Duncan, Secretary to the Union said government has failed to deliver on its promises of reassigning members of the group, as well as paying their salaries until they secure new jobs.

According to him, government only paid two months’ salary to them – November and December, but failed to credit their accounts since January 2022 till date.

The situation, they contend is making life unbearable for the about eight hundred (800) of their members, thus the call on government to immediately pay their salary areas.

They asserts that the best solution to addressing the problem is for government to reintroduce the toll collection to enable them go back to work and contribute their quota to national development. This would enable government also improve on its revenue collection to aid development.

Mr. Duncan noted that the reasons adduced for the cancellation of the toll collection; one of which is the fact that the toll booth are the cause of vehicular congestion is not strong enough, adding that if government had engaged the workers they would have given them practical solutions.

Madam Lydia Seyram Alhassan, Deputy Majority Whip who jointly received the petition alongside her Minority counterpart, Ibrahim Ahmed expressed gratitude to the group for taking the path of democracy and deciding to convey their grievances to parliament instead of other tools to register their displeasure.

She assured the group that their concerns would be presented to the Speaker for swift response

Mr Ahmed Ibrahim on the other hand noted that as a country, whenever the two parties agree on something, there is success, but when they disagree the masses surfer.
It is in light of this that they were able as parliament in approving the District Assembly Common Fund (DACF) in which a portion (3%) was set aside for persons with disability.

He stated that the problem with the toll booth cancelation and the resultant challenges the workers are faced with is because they did not agree on it.

According to him, having presented a second petition, it would serve as a wakeup call for urgent action to address the problem and assured that they would do the needful to ensure the Speaker gets the petition and with the help of the leadership action is taken on it.
