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Work progresses on the Dome-Kitase Road

For many people, government’s declaration of year of roads may mean one of those empty rhetoric to get the public excited, especially because of their experiences with poor road network in their localities. But for people who have evidence of road construction in their areas, that declaration means a lot to them.

Such is the people living in and around Dome through Kwabenya to Kitase where work is progressing on the Dome-Kitase road. The Dome-Kitase Road has been at the heart of residents around Dome-Kwabenya and others who ply the Accra Koforidua route for the simple reason that it offers a shorter link from Dome-Atomic Down to the Akuapem enclave, thereby cutting off the traffic at Haatso-Madina and Adentan.

It was therefore not surprising the jubilation that greeted the sod-cutting by the president, Nana Akufo-Addo on July 29, 2022. The GHC 195million road Project, expected to be completed within 24 months is being executed by Messrs. First Sky Construction Limited, a road construction company in the country.

Work scope include 16.3km single carriageway with asphaltic concrete surfacing; a 2.85km dual carriageway, a one-kilometre two-lane single carriageway for Ashesi University, the provision of 1.45km three-lane single carriageway with auxiliary lanes for drop off/pick up on both sides, and a 1.9km two-lane carriageway link.

Some residents expressed their delight about the project and hope it would not be a one-day wonder like previous ones, instead this time the contractor would stay until the completion of the road.


ECOWAS delegation to visit three coup member states

As part of the work programme of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Chairman of the Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Senator Edwin Mervin Snowe Jr., Rt. Hon Dr Sidie Mohammed Tunis and Secretary General John Azumah would pay a working visit to Guinea Conakry, Mali and Burkina Faso to meet the authorities and citizens.

Chairman Snowe Jr. in an interview noted that this is the role the Community Parliament is also playing to see how the three states return to constitutional rule. According to him they are very concerned with statements coming from authorities of Guinea Conakry towards ECOWAS and the security situation in Mali that is being supported by Russia; “Mali and Guinea military juntas are working together and there has been visit by the Guinea leader to Mali”.

Again, there is a situation in Burkina Faso and he was wondering which direction they are going, hence the need to be a little more vigilant. “Guinea for example, if ECOWAS had been strong on the military junta trying to resist what their former ousted president was trying to do, we may not have been at where we are today. We need to do more and fight more, we need to talk more and negotiate more, so that we can put a stop to it but again the situation of Russian presence in the country affected by military coup is quite alarming”.

He further noted that ECOWAS needs to do something; a country like Burkina Faso in the wake of their coup, they burning the French embassy destroying the visa section does not speak well of the sub-region, it works against the region. As to whether the chair of the Authority of Heads of States and Government has the full support of the Parliament, he responded in the affirmative and pointed out that he as chair of the Political Affairs Committee together with the Speaker had paid a working visit to the Chair of Authority of Heads of States and Government.

Again, the chair is former military personnel, he has been tough and pushing for additional sanction and shows that the screws are being tightened. There has been some resistant but ECOWAS would not be deterred about it. “We are fully behind the Head of States, we are Ecowas and we are here to ensure the right decisions are implemented and turn our region into a truly constitutional region”, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Afenyo-Markin advocates for direct transfer of ECOWAS levies

Following delays in some member states of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in transmitting the zero point five (0.5) levy they collect on goods imported into the West African sub-region that produce in the region, leader of the Ghanaian delegation to the Community Parliament, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin is advocating for a system to be put in place in this age of technology advancement, to ensure that levies collected from the various member states are transmitted straight to the West Africa sub-region block.

According to him there is the need for a political will from the ECOWAS Commission, Authority of Heads of States and Government or those responsible for coordinating to ensure that when the levies are collected, they are transmitted on time. “We should not allow bureaucracy in collecting the levies; there should be a network in place which ECOWAS would automatically receive funds ones payment is made.

A lot of our member states in their various ports charges go to respective institutions directly”. In an interview, as to how the delay of the payment of the Community levy can be resolved, he noted that the system he is advocating for when put in place is one way of resolving the problem to avoid excuse from member states who collect levies but delay in making sure funds are sent to the sub-regional body,

“it’s these levies that are used for capacity building and all activities for stability and work to progress, salaries for workers in all the community institutions depend on this levy; that is our only sources of income for funding to operationalize our activities in the sub-region and is the key thing that must be considered”. Mr. Afenyo-Markin further noted that the recent down turn in business is as a result of the economic crises leading to low import, more especially in the wake of the Russian Ukraine war, which set in just after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parliament Extraordinary Session has started on a good note—Afenyo

Leader of the Ghanaian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin has said the second extraordinary session ongoing in Lome-Togo has started on a good note.

According to him it has been fireworks in a positive sense; and a parliament where members are free to express their views and concerns is a good one since it’s the citizens of ECOWAS who brought them to the Parliament. In an interview, he noted that to him a Parliament that is all assertive is very positive despite the fact that the current Community Parliament does not have the enforcement powers, so the laws that are made there are not laws that they enforce.
“We are a deliberative chamber but as we assert ourselves and make ourselves heard, our superiors, being Head of States and Governments’ would see the seriousness in our effort; and they say the voice of the people is the voice of God and the voice of God manifest in the people”.

Also if as elected representatives they are able to assert themselves and bring out concerns of the people to the floor and express same and the community hear of it or the political leadership, Heads of government know that this is what parliament is saying and it is reflective of the views of the people. “Trust me there would be tremendous change, it would lead in a new policy direction and would be a guiding principle for our various Governments; so far so good, I want MPs to continue in that direction”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS states managing free movement as a result of security threat—Afenyo-Markin

Deputy Majority Leader in the Ghanaian Parliament and Leader to the Ghanaian delegation to the Community Parliament, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo-Markin has noted that the idea of Free Movement of Goods and Services in the West Africa sub-region should be welcomed and embraced by all member states. According to him this is to create an atmosphere where ECOWAS citizens would not be limited by borders; but was quick to point out that member stats do have their challenges in the wake of security and political instability.

Hence member states are trying to control Free Movement of People in a manner that they can manage to know who is coming in and going out and citizens in member states are supposed to meet certain conditions as they trade in the sub-region. In an interview on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, he noted that MPs should create the awareness for citizens to know the community protocols if they want to move from their home country to another.

“We should be able to interact and explain more to our people at the same time we should let our citizen appreciate the security challenges. My country Ghana for instance is much concerned about its Northern border with Burkina Faso, the instability in Mali and Burkina Faso is of great concern to Ghana. If we do not control the influx, it would undermine our own security in this case it cannot be that in controlling you put in measures to prevent an influx, you are breaching community protocol, there is an essential need to ensure there is security in your country”.

This , he said is important to ensure that people would not come into your Country under the pretext of ECOWAS citizen to distablise your country, and need to look at it in that contest of what is being done on the whole citizen in the sub-region to allow free movement to Togo, Ivory Coast, Benin and Nigeria. Also, traders move in and out generally, but he does not think citizens have been denied that opportunity that much, but there is the need to put in measures to ensure that extremist do not take advantage of free movement to “distablilise our sub- region”.

Again, there is a military, government in Guinea Conakry, Burkina Faso, it does serve the good of the sub- region in terms of democracy. “We need democracy. As a key imperative for economic growth you need democracy for stability, if there is no democracy and we allow adventurist to come in as and when they wish to influence by external and internal forces at the end of the day the whole idea and objective of the sub- region to ensure democracy and stability would get compromised”.

Furthermore, he noted, “we cannot say the sub-region should unduly interfere in the affairs of member states, but we should be mindful of the principle of responsibility to protect. It happened in the Gambia, where the sub-region was proactive and there was stability in the Gambia; Liberia, it got to a point the sub -region took control that led to stability in Liberia. And there are instances Ivory Coast for instance a situation even as the AU at the time has to come in, the sub- region was very proactive at the end of the day it led to the stability that we have in Ivory Coast.

“The sub- regional political leadership has the responsibility to protect, invoke some powers which if implemented in a united form will send a strong signal to those adventures who are thinking that ‘let us organise our self and organise a coup’, it would deter people who think I can always stage a coup and find an excuse to say there is going to be transition and the sub-region body cannot bit and can generally talk and all that. I think one must be looked at critically and urgently”, he noted.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parliament budget for 2023 has zero increase—Snowe Jr.

A member of the Ad Hoc Committee that prepared the Community Parliament’s budget for next year 2023, Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. has revealed that the budget has a zero per cent increase. According to him before the passage of their budget the Commission send a budget celling referred to as a budget circular; this year’s own is twenty-two million UA as they have been directed by the Commission to re-direct their programme as they cannot increase it.

“So what we have done is to condense some of our programmes. For example, where we had programme for 16 localized meeting, we have cut it down to four but all of the MPs would still be going , except that where staffs would have to be moved to different location, they would make one trip; we have cut that down”, he said in an interview with Ghanamps.com
The meeting on direct elections, they have cut down on activities also, some of the things like procurement of vehicles they do not need additional vehicles for next year, “we do not have to do structure works like we did last year, we had money in the budget for last year. We have made those adjustments to accommodate our programme apart from Nigeria, Liberia and Serra Leone, we have Parliamentary elections in Benin, Togo Guinea Bissau so there are six elections next year; three in presidential and three parliamentary”.

Chairman of the Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) noted that, they have accommodated those elections in their budget, they have accommodated all the oversight missions in their budget, as a matter of fact that is why beginning of next week after this session MPs would be making simultaneous trips in the region on fact finding missions.

“So, all of our programmes have been covered, we are concerned about the prevailing situation in the region; three of our member states are on sanction on military regime that also affect revenue the intake of the community levy”. So most of their activities have been affected, they were able to make the necessary adjustment in the budget so that we would be able to continue their work and the visibility of the parliament.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

GETfund ready to finish repair works on Attafuah, Oda SHS – MP

There were cheers and tones of applause when the Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda, Hon. Alexander Akwasi Acquah announced that a contract has formally been put together to finish the repair works of the Attafuah Secondary school and Oda Senior High School.

This was during the inauguration of the newly constituted Board of Governors of Attafuah SHS today in the school. The audience couldn’t help but to cheer on the MP when he also announced that prior to the arrangements of the contracts, he found it necessary to facilitate the repair works from his own resources.

He said he was proud to announce that all the repair works in the various basic schools and the ones at Attafuah SHS had been borne by him. Hon. Akwasi Acquah said he couldn’t bear watching the school kids being put together in a crowded classroom blocks when covid was in its critical stage..

Mr. Akwasi Acquah congratulated the old board and commended them for their excellent performance during their term of office. He singled out the former board chairman for his leadership role especially during the disaster that struck on the 5th of April 2021. He also advised the new board to contact the old board in all their deliberations.

To forestall the ravage visited on people and properties whenever there is heavy rain and storms, the MP announced that he would soon introduce a tree planting club to the school to help in their efforts at contributing to addressing climate change. Additionally, he said the tree planting would serve “perhaps as memorial for our passing through the school”, and would obviously stop the tendency of indiscriminately writing on school walls as a memory, which has been the practice.


Akim Oda: More residents benefit from free NHIS registration, renewal

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda, Alexander Akwesi Acquah has once again come to the aid of his constituents with his benevolent services. As part of the MP’s resolve to ensuring healthy population through easy and affordable access to quality health delivery, the office of the MP’s Health Working Committee has opened registration and renewal of National Health Insurance Cards.

The exercise which commenced on October 3 and expected to last till October 8, 2022 has designated areas for the exercise. The exercise is expected to register and renew about two thousand (2000) residents free of charge. Free registration and renewal of NHIS cards has become a regular feature in the various interventions the MP engages in to help ameliorate the sufferings of his constituents.

There was a similar intervention earlier in the year which also included free health screening exercises to help people know their health status and the necessary medical interventions provided. Mr Akwesi Acquah urged residents in the Constituency whose NHIS cards have expired for between 1-3 years to endeavour to avail themselves for the exercise.

The National Health Insurance Scheme recently reviewed and added some new medical conditions to be covered under the scheme. It is therefore prudent that people get registered to benefit when the need arise.


GETfund ready to finish repair works on Attafuah, Oda SHS – MP

There were cheers and tones of applause when the Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda, Hon. Alexander Akwasi Acquah announced that a contract has formally been put together to finish the repair works of the Attafuah Secondary school and Oda Senior High School.
This was during the inauguration of the newly constituted Board of Governors of Attafuah SHS today in the school. The audience couldn’t help but to cheer on the MP when he also announced that prior to the arrangements of the contracts, he found it necessary to facilitate the repair works from his own resources.
He said he was proud to announce that all the repair works in the various basic schools and the ones at Attafuah SHS had been borne by him.
Hon. Akwasi Acquah said he couldn’t bear watching the school kids being put together in a crowded classroom blocks when covid was in its critical stage..
Mr. Akwasi Acquah congratulated the old board and commended them for their excellent performance during their term of office. He singled out the former board chairman for his leadership role especially during the disaster that struck on the 5th of April 2021. He also advised the new board to contact the old board in all their deliberations.
To forestall the ravage visited on people and properties whenever there is heavy rain and storms, the MP announced that he would soon introduce a tree planting club to the school to help in their efforts at contributing to addressing climate change. Additionally, he said the tree planting would serve “perhaps as memorial for our passing through the school”, and would obviously stop the tendency of indiscriminately writing on school walls as a memory, which has been the practice.


Residents want Glefe lagoon desilted

Residents of Glefe, a community in the Ablekuma West constituency of the Greater Accra region, are calling on city authorities, to as a matter of urgency, desilt the Glefe lagoon in order to end flooding in the area.

According to the residents, each time it rains, the area gets so flooded that life virtually comes to a standstill. The Glefe Lagoon, which previously provided fish for consumption has now been turned into a refuse dump, a situation, residents say has made life uncomfortable for them.

They claim that, not even destruction caused by regular flooding in the area anytime it rains has changed the heart of those behind these unfortunate developments. The residents bemoaned the sorry state of the lagoon, blaming the activities of individuals who turned the lagoon into a refuse dump.

Meanwhile, the people complained bitterly about neglect, saying there are no social amenities in the area, adding that the MP who should be their voice for development is never available for them to discuss their plight.

They are thus calling on the Assembly and the central government to come to their aid to help improve their livelihood.


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