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Minority fears Ghana is heading in the direction of Sri Lanka

The Minority in parliament has raised concerns about the current economic challenges the country is faced with. At a press briefing on the “current state of insecurity in Ghana in the wake of economic meltdown under Nana Akufo Addo’s presidency” the Minority said it is alarmed by the unprecedented economic meltdown the country is currently faced with and its implication for our national security.

In an address delivered by the Ranking Member on Defence and Interior Committee, James Agalga, they indicated that official data sources indicates that Ghana’s annual inflation rate accelerated for the 17th straight month to 37.2% in October 2022. However, the reality on the ground is that in some specific cases inflation is well above 50%. These figures represent the highest inflation rate the country has seen in several decades.

“Even more alarming is the country’s Debt-to-GDP ratio. The World Bank in its Africa Pulse report released in October, 2022 projected that Ghana will end 2022 with a Debt-to GDP ratio of 104%. The Ghana Cedi on the other hand has now been adjudged by Bloomberg as the worst performing currency in the World, overtaking bankrupt Sri Lanka’s rupee having slumped by more than 45%. Currently one needs almost GH₵14.00 to purchase 1USD”.

The Minority noted that the increase job losses spike in transport fares and general hardship suffered by Ghanaians without doubt portends grave danger for our country’s security. They warned that “if care is not taken, Ghana, our beloved country will soon be heading in the direction of Sri Lanka, a South East Asian country which went bankrupt in recent memory due to economic mismanagement which eventually resulted in mass protests and demonstrations and the eventual collapse of that country’s government”.

The Minority thus, reiterated the call for the sacking of the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta without further delay to allow for new thinking to be brought to bear on the ongoing negotiations with the IMF. “Such a step will make it unnecessary for the minority to proceed with its much anticipated motion to censure, Mr. Ken Ofori Atta, the Minister for Finance”.


EDUCATION: Krachi West MP wants gov’t to assist island communities to improve education

The Member of Parliament for Krachi West, Helen Adjoa Ntoso said it is about time government put some premium on the plight of residents in island communities in her constituency. She said the conditions under which the people in island communities live need to be improved through government interventions particular in critical areas like education, health, and road infrastructure in order to assure them of some better lives.

Speaking with Ghanamps.com, Madam Ntoso noted that government is paying little or no attention to education in these island communities which spell doom for the future of most of the children who would aspire to become something other than the traditional jobs of their parents.

She said it took her intervention to assist about 95 percent of the schools in such communities through self-help projects to be built using mud (clay). She encouraged and supported them with the supply of cement, roofing sheets and wood.

But for the self-help initiative and her (MP) supports communities like Chenekope, Basare, Asutuare, Volivo, Okumah, Mauritania, Odumankuma, Adankope, Kponfre, Akweba, Gamorkope, Aglakope, Old Chantai, and Old Dobeso would not have a school.

And in recent times, when some of these schools have their roofs ripped off, she had to step in once again and has already provided about 300 bags of cement and 40 packets of roofing sheets, and next week, a lot more of the communities will have theirs.

These are Ghanaians, and they are entitled to the national cake, so government must distribute the resources to get to them too. They lack a lot of social amenities required to make lives better for them”, she emphasised.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

President and Vice President of Panama Assembly visit Ghana’s Parliament

The legislatures of Ghana and Panama have committed to deepening cooperation for the growth of both countries.

In pursuit of this, the President of the Panamanian senate, Dr. Christians Aldames Navarro has paid a courtesy call on the First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei  Owusu  who stood in for the Speaker  Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, on Friday, November 4, 2022.

According to him the geographical positions of the two countries make an alliance a win-win in terms of tourism, agriculture and trade.

First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei Owusu  said beyond the official engagement, the Accra- Panama City alliance must be brought to the door step of the citizens.

He embraced a suggestion from the Panamanian Senate president for the establishment of a Friendship association in both legislative assemblies.

 Minority Leader Haruna Idrissu touched on the harnessing of export of horticultural products to the two countries; and called for more transparency in multilateral dealings in Panama.

 Majority leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu expressed his admiration for the fast economic growth of Panama.

He commended the transcontinental country for great work it does with the Panama Canal, a major Shipping route.


A Year after Demonstration: Potholes still ‘decorate’ Ayi- Mensah-Danfa-Otinibi roads

About a year after that infamous demonstration in which the Member of Parliament for Madina, Francis Sosu led residents of Ayi Mensah-Danfa-Otinibi and surrounding areas to draw government’s attention to the bad nature of their road networks, residents say the government is yet to undertake any significant improvement on their roads.

It was a demonstration that resulted in some altercation with the police where attempts were made to arrest the MP because according to the police the people erred in blocking portions of the road; and the MP being the organizer and leader of the demonstration would have to bear the brunt of such lawlessness.

A visit to the area revealed that very little has happened.
The contractor, Messrs Kwame Boadi, who actually moved to site immediately after the demonstrations started some works, but that was short lived.

He was only able to construct a gutter around the Kweiman Basic School which is less than a kilometer, and then abandoned the project, leaving the people to their fate.

The abandoned drains, residents say also brings its challenge as it causes the school to get flooded when it rains including people’s homes because the wtyer cannot get its path to move smoothly.
Residents say the road became so bad at a point especially during the rainy season that it took the intervention of the Member of Parliament to improve those seriously affected portions to make them motorable again.

Speaking with the MP on the seemingly no action on the roads after everything that had happened, he said it appears they are also becoming either victims of the general hardship, because almost all road contractors have not been paid for some time now.

However, government is becoming a bit discriminatory when it comes to payment of those contractors, because they can still witness some improvements in some parts and some quarters. “So why do we have a situation where some quarters are able to get some improvements and others are not able to get anything at all; that is where you see like there are some discriminatory ways of distributing the national resources and that is absolutely wrong and unacceptable”, he lamented.

He said it is his hope that government will improve its work and improve equitable distribution of national resources to ensure that places like Madina get its fair share.

According to him, roads in Madina have not seen any major improvement in the last six years except for Madina West and part of North Legon “but beyond that every part of Madina is messed up, and government doesn’t seem to really care about it”.

He disclosed that he was compelled to start the self-help project where he rallied some members of the community to use part of his SIF to get a grader to improve some portion, adding that that small stretch caused them about GHC120, 000.00.

He expressed hope that the government would be able to take some steps to be able to address the concerns of the constituents.
Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Training of mercenaries: Agalga wants gov’t to speak to the exposé

Ranking Member on the Defense and Interior Committee of Parliament, James Agalga is urging government to speak on the alleged training of mercenaries in the country; whether it’s true or not. He stated that a US-based Ghanaian journalist, Kelvin Taylor, in his exposé called “The Big Scandal” mentioned that some mercenaries have been brought into the country by the NPP government and are being trained at Asutsuare.

And he (Kelvin Taylor) cites DCOP Asare of the Jubilee House as the one responsible for the training of these mercenaries. The exposé also provided details of where the said mercenaries are being kept, including the Accra City Hotel. But Mr. Agalga speaking to the issue, said the development is very disturbing and referenced the Ayawaso West Wuogon bye-election incident and the death of some 8 Ghanaians in the run up to the 2020 elections, and till now no investigation has been conducted to unravel the circumstances that led to the murder of those 8 persons.

According to the Builsa South Legislator, if these allegations are true then the government has election 2024 in mind and is preparing to disrupt the polls or tilt the outcome in favour of the NPP party. “The Minority takes very serious views of the exposé and would invite this government to say a word about the exposé. Is it true that mercenaries have been brought into this country and are being trained at Asutuare; they are taken by escort to Asutuare every morning by bus?”.

He queried about who the people are and want to know if they are part of the mainstream security. “If not are we not flouting the constitution; are we not raising a parallel armed force contrary to the dictates of our constitution?” He asked. He affirmed that it is important an independent probe is conducted into the matter “as it is worrying and we can’t just go to sleep”.

Mr. Agalga said it’s been 3 days since this was made public and was expecting the National security Minister, Interior Minister to speak to the issue. The deafening silence on the part of government is worrying and calls for an independent probe to ascertain the veracity of the allegations made by Ekow Kevin Taylor.

He also used the opportunity to invite the International community, African Union, ECOWAS and National Peace Council to take a serious view of this matter. They should not wait but speak up as these are dark clouds gathering over our political landscape, he stated.


Get up and solve the deteriorating economic conditions – Krachi West MP urges gov’t

It is about time government sits-up to arrest the deteriorating economic conditions in the country because things are getting very though. This is according to the Member of Parliament for Krachi West, Helen Adjoa Ntoso. She said the frequent fuel price increases coupled with high food prices is making live unbearable for a lot of people, and this will get worse if nothing is done to arrest the situation.

The MP disclosed that she used to fuel her car with an amount of GHC500.00 to get to her constituency and still have the fuel gauge at quarter. But now with GHC1, 500.00, she still has to top up at Dambai to be able to get to her constituency.

She stated that as a representative of people who are mostly farmers and fishermen, there is always this relieve when farmers are harvesting their produce. The pressure of people coming to seek financial assistance from the MP for school and other thing reduces; but now because things are very difficult for them, the pressure of paying school fees, medical bills among other financial assistance is mostly pushed on them (MP).

And with the peculiar nature of her constituency; a resettlement community with many island communities doted all over which are only accessible by boat, the unavailability of premix fuel has also become a daunting task adding to their cost.

And because the MP cannot ignore the needs of these communities, she is compelled to visit these island communities at an exorbitant cost having to buy their own petrol and engine oil, mix the two to have their premix. And added that it would take her not less than GHc10,000 to embark on tour of the island communities with current state of affairs.

She said no one is spared the effect of the current economic turbulence in the country, but they, the representatives are not finding it easy at all as they have to always respond to the challenges of their constituents in many ways.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

“GNPC has become cash cow for each government”—PIAC Vice Chair

Vice chairman of the Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) Nasir Alfa Mohamed said the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (GNPC) has now become a “cash cow for each government”.

According to him Parliament should do more scrutiny when it comes to GNPC otherwise, “if you allow it, they would run us all down. It’s more or less a cash cow for each government, if any government comes to power”.

“If you allow GNPC freedom, it will become like the cash cow of the government so parliament will have to put in more stringent measures to ensure that GNPC is on the right course”.

He made this remark on Saturday, November 11, 2022 when PIAC had an engagement with the media to present its semi-annual report in Koforidua.

PIAC is an independent statutory body mandated to promote transparency and accountability in the management and use of petroleum revenue in Ghana.

Eric Keyman Defor

Chair of the Communications sub-Committee Eric Keyman Defor expressed shock when a member of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) pointed out that the books do not look good. He said it’s news to him because at the time of writing their report, the data provided by GNPC to them which they verify did not give them that indication.

“So I do not know what more parliament has seen but it is parliament  that approved the work plan of GNPC,  so when GNPC provide us with data on what they have received and how they are spending, we critic and when we make findings we advice parliament”, he said.

Participants at PIAC workshop

 And one of the things that they (PIAC) have observed is that GNPC in its revenue projection,  it project to recover loans it has given to other government agencies that is impeding their cash flow; they use that to support the projected revenue from the petroleum revenue holding  fund. Now,  when they get approval, it is turning in that, year in year out they are never able to make those loan  recoveries but because the budget is approved or let me say is balanced between projected revenue and expenditure.

Ones it is approved, it means the expenditure side has also been approved. They did not get the revenue, they take the discretion to spend on line items that they prefer, so they are advising parliament to look at that; the projections they make should be critically assessed, it should not be just accepted on the face value because GNPC has submitted before a three year recovery plan saying that, year one they would recover this, year two same and year three same.

They submit this to parliament but when they fail to recover, and then they change the recovery plan and come up with new structure meanwhile expenditures keep going on within the cash they receive.

Mr. Eric Keyman Defor further noted that to be more practical, if GNPC want to build a research center and the cost of the building is stated in it, they expect that if revenue falls, they must adjust their expenditure to meet the revenue on a pro rated bases, but they may chose to do the research centre or something else which they may find not to be a core activity of GNPC.

Again, you may find that because of this short falls they may go for loans to meet the core activities stead of relying on what they were allotted. If we do not embark on these our core activities which are urgent, it will affect us; meanwhile the resources have been applied to a non-urgent matter and now creating room to go and borrow.

He said these things happen because they see how they are practically getting free money on a regular basis; and then they end owing. “Now they are doing prospecting in the Volta basin, and should concentrate on that and stop giving loans to other state institutions”, he pointed out.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Cost of building toilet to beneficiaries of GAMA and GKMA remain the same— Eng. Aseidu

Despite hikes in the cost of building materials in recent times, Coordinator of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project, (GAMA SWP) and Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area Sanitation and Water Project, (GKMA SWP), Engineer George Asiedu said beneficiaries can access toilet built for low income communities at initial subsidized price.

According to him the cost of poor sanitation cannot be over estimate, for this reason they do not play games with the need to access toilet.

So, despite the fact that prices of material are going high, they do not see the need to increase the contribution from the beneficiaries as this would deter them.

“And if we happen to fall sick or get into pandemic regime just as we had with COVID -19 you know the cost that government had to incur, so as a result of this what we are doing is to bear the additional cost and government is taking up the additional cost of materials so the subsidy contribution is  absorbing the extra cost  and the cost to the beneficiary remains the same”, he said in an interview with Ghanamps.com

No  additional cost has been added to the beneficiaries,  so if you need the stand alone it is still the thousand two hundred, (GHc 1,200)  if you need the digester with seat is still seven hundred Ghana (GHc 700),  if you have to get a large digester still eight hundred Ghana cedi (GHc 800).

“We would urge everybody to take steps to access these facilities; government is making it affordable and easy to access because we are dealing with low income populations”.

According to the GAMA Coordinator, when it comes to sanitation, the Ministry and the Minister have resolved “we should not increase the burden to the beneficiaries, they are paying that to the toilet builders and they are not having problem at all”.

Either than that, they would have been out of business, adding that they are still negotiating as the prices go up and “I am sure government is doing its best the cost of doing business and material and we would not want this to affect the project; and the project is going on as planned, and the cost of accessing the toilet remains the same. The project has strategist to some of the cost as subsidy and paying to the contractors”, he added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Lawmakers run from excruciating fuel price hikes

The Member of Parliament for Asuogyaman, Thomas Ampem Nyarko could no longer bear the brunt of the fuel price hikes on his pocket and that of his colleagues.

And the MP did not mince words when he expressed this sentiment on the floor of the House on Friday, 4th November, 2022 during the presentation of the Business Statement for the ensuing week.

According to him, the last time he went to fill his fuel tank, he spent GHC3000.00 and which he didn’t plan for, and it took the help of one of his colleagues to send him money to top up.

“So Mr. Speaker looking at the kind of business that we have, is it not possible to concentrate, we can stay for six hours a day instead of coming two hours we go back, drive here two hours we go back; pack the day even if it is eight (8) hours, we would be able to stay , do the business like two days and then… That way, we can save like GHC500 on fuel every week.

His suggestion he indicated is in line with the proposal by the former president John Mahama to organisations to allow those who can work from home to do so “because the fuel situation is killing us Mr. Speaker.

However, in a sharp rebuttal, the Majority Leader, Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu described the call as an “apocalyptic declaration” from the Member of Parliament, and queried what the impact would be on national productivity, and the effect on GDP. “I think it is an unfortunate call on us that we should be working for just two days in a week”.

He asserts that it is in difficult times that we should work harder to get ourselves out of it.

It used to be the burden of car owners each time fuel prices go up, but now even commuters that patronize commercial vehicles are not spared.

Recent fuel price hikes have resulted in astronomical increases in transport fares, as it appears transport operators keep increasing their fares on daily basis.

Unlike the usual practice, the driver unions seems to have lost control of their members and are unable to regulate how fares are increased.


“New standing orders to be introduced first meeting of third Session”—Majority Leader

Majority Leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu has hinted that by his own estimation, work on reviewing of the New Standing Orders should be concluded by the Committee working on it and introduce to the House in the first meeting of the third session of the eighth Parliament.

According to him work is still ongoing in reviewing and they should be able to bring closure on it soon as there are few issue to be attended to. “I am not sure that it would too much pre occupy us; my own thinking is that into the first meeting of the third Session we should be able to finish up and introduce it to the House”.

He made this remarks on Thursday, November 4, 2022 in a leadership engagement with members of the Parliamentary Press Corps (PPC) to brief journalists on what to expect in this meeting.

 He added that the main issues have been sorted out, and there are a few matters that need decision to be taken on them.

When asked at which stage is the Affirmative Action Bill,  he noted that it has been advertised, and  is also one sensitive thing and if one looks at the agenda it is the first in this third meeting of the second session the bills for presentation.

 And further noted that, if they are not able to deal with it, in this meeting and it is introduced next year, it will not have the date 2022; it will be Affirmative Action Bill 2023.

“I know cabinet has been considering it and the Legal and Governance Committee of cabinet is still dealing with it, I have missed the last two meetings and I must confess I am not able to update you on where we are on that. The last time I was there it was about nearing conclusion. May be it could be introduced to the House for the relevant committee to start its consideration, but I am not too sure of where it is at cabinet level”, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com