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“I am not under pressure”—Asante Akim North MP

Member of Parliament for Asante Akim North Kwame Andy Appiah-Kubi said on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 just after adjournment whiles on his way to the Majority caucus meeting that he is not under pressure after addressing the media calling for the sacking of the Finance Minister and Minister of State at the Finance Ministry.

“Do I look like someone under pressure? I have been in court this morning representing my client and back to Parliament to participate in business of the House”. As to what they would be discussing when they have their caucus meeting later in the day, he noted that as at the time of granting the interview there was nothing on the table he knew of up for discussion.

He further pointed out that when it comes to the general caucus, he does not speak for it but only speaks for the group within the Majority caucus that took the action to call for the sacking of the Finance Minister and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry.

Again, let me give this correction, “we are more than eighty percent of our number 137, he said in an interview with a section of the Parliamentary Press Corps.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

FoE – Africa’s petition to SIAT against agro-commodities companies’ violations in Africa yield results

The petition by Friends of the Earth – Nigeria, and its allies Youth Volunteers in Cote d’ Ivoire and Ghana, together with impacted communities to SIAT at its head office in Belgium about the negative impacts of the activities of their companies has yielded result, Madam Rita Uwaka, Coordinator of FoEA has disclosed.
Friends of the Earth – Africa (FoE – Africa) is a non-governmental environmental organization which operates in 72 countries around the world and 11 countries in Africa, (of which the West Africa sub-region is one) to check abuse and other human right violations by these multinational companies operating on the continent.

According to Madam Rita Uwaka, after the presentation of their petition against SIAT which operates plantations in the sub-region at their Head office in Belgium in June 2022, the head office of SIAT has agreed to send down a team by the end of this month from the head office in Belgium to visit Ivory Coast, followed by Nigeria and Ghana to see for themselves issues of abuse of human rights and environmental degradation being carried out by the multinational company.
“The companies are compelled to visit the communities; just last month they indicated they are coming to Ivory Coast by the end of this month to address the concerns they raised. So the head office is coming with an overall team to assess and understand the concerns raised and find a way of addressing those concerns”.

And further pointed out in a media engagement via zoom that communities in which these deforestation, land grabbing and the use of harmful chemicals are ongoing are getting more aggressive in defending their rights, and these communities are suing companies in courts over these developments,
Miss Rita further added that after their presentation at the plenary at the First Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Parliament, they visited some members of the European Parliament who are decision makers who are powerful in terms of decision making which would add on to the value of environmental issues.

Additionally, she said after their (Human Rights Environmental Defenders) engagement with the Community Parliament, they have been trying to reach out to national governments and policy makers within the West Africa sub-region to see how issues that were raised at the ECOWAS Parliament have been respected.

SIAT, she noted are mainly in the oil palm plantation, rubber plantation in West Africa mainly Nigeria, Ivory Coast and Ghana and also do cattle rearing in Gabon. Consistently in Africa, these companies pollute water bodies because of their agro-chemicals. She asserts that most of these companies operate within West Africa, and that is the reason they (FoE – Africa) appeared at the floor of the ECOWAS Parliament to point out these issue.

Furthermore, it is not only the environmental advocates whose rights are being abused but journalists who publish stories on the kind of abuse being perpetrated also do come under attack, she added.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Plenary to decide fate of Adwoa Sarfo

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin has directed the Clark of Parliament to list the motion on the order paper for the consideration of the House on the report of the Privileges Committee on the three Majority MPs referred to it for absenting themselves for more than 15 sittings during the first meeting of the second session of Parliament.

The MPs including; Sarah Adwoa Safo, MP for Dome-Kwabenya; Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, MP for Assin Central; and Henry Quartey, MP for Ayawaso Central. The Speaker ruled that the privileges Committee’s report on the 3 absentee MPs could not be accepted as the final decision on the matter but should be subjected to a vote on the floor of the house.

“…. the House, is well within its rights to receive and consider the report of the Committee and make a determination arising out of the recommendations. In the circumstances, it is my ruling that, the motion was rightfully admitted and the report of the Committee is subject to the consideration of the House.

Majority Leader

 It goes without saying that the preliminary objection of the Majority Leader to the admissibility of the motion for consideration of the report of the Committee, is hereby dismissed in limine”. Meanwhile, the Majority leader, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu disagreed with the Speaker’s ruling and gave indication that he would file a motion to challenge the ruling.


Parliament: Adwoa Sarfo to know her fate today

The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin is expected to give ruling on the fate of the Member of Parliament for Dome-Kwabenya, Sarah Adwoa Sarfo today Wednesday, 26, 2022. The Speaker gave the hint when he was presenting his formal communication to the Members of Parliament on the first day of work of the Third Meeting of the Second Session of the Eight Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana on Tuesday, 25th October, 2022.

Mr. Bagbin deferred ruling on the matter on the last day of the second Meeting following disagreements between the Majority and the Minority on how the report from the privileges committee should be handled. The Speaker in May this year referred three Members of Parliament including Mr. Henry Quartey, MP for Ayawaso Central, Mr Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, MP for Assin Central, and Madam Sarah Adwoa Sarfo, to the Privileges Committee for absenting themselves from 15 sittings of the House without his permission.

Rt. Hon Speaker

But the fate of the Member of Parliament for Dome-Kwabenya became a thorny one when in the report, it was stated that she was not available to give her side of the story after various attempts were made to contact her. And to that effect, the Majority side of parliament called for her seat to be declared vacant asserting that Madam Adwoa Sarfo failed to take advantage of the numerous opportunities to explain her absence without leave.

But the Minority thought otherwise and argued that she has to be heard to fulfil natural justice. More so, the Majority side thought recommendations as contained in the report was enough to declare her seat vacant, but the Minority believed that procedure was not appropriate as they needed to take decision on the report on at the plenary.


Minority Mourns Ghana’s economy, democracy

Clad in black attire on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at the commencement of the Third Meeting of the Second Session of the Eight Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana, the Minority in Ghana’s Parliament said they are mourning the current state of the country’s economy as well as the democracy of the Republic of Ghana.

Ranking Member on the Finance Committee, Ato Forson addressing the press said the country’s economy is in such a bad state, and if care is not taken, “we would crash this economy into a point of no return”, and that is why they have decided to mourn the state of the economy.

They also send a strong signal to the government that they will not chicken-out; stating that the economy is “our livelihood, and we will stand firm, for the people of Ghana deserve it. According to the Minority, the people of Ghana have done no wrong to be subjected to this kind of treatment and economic mismanagement coupled with ineptitude”

They accused the Vice President Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia of failing in his supervisory role as the Chairman of the Economic Management Team, and called for his resignation from such position.


Support the Minority to impeach Ken Ofori-Atta – Minority tells Majority

The Minority in parliament has called on their counterparts from the Majority side to support their motion on the floor to impeach the finance minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

Addressing the press on Tuesday, First Deputy Minority Whip, Ibrahim Ahmed said it is obvious that both sides of the House wants the Finance Minister removed, hence what they expect from their colleagues from the Majority is to support a motion to be moved by the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu to that effect.

He revealed that the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu served notice yesterday at the business committee to the Majority Leader that he was going to proceed with a motion to impeach the finance minister on the basis of poor economic management, inconsistency in policies non-performance and lack of performing even statutory obligations.

He said it is refreshing that even before the Minority Leader goes ahead with the motion of impeachment; their colleagues have had a presser to call for same. However, the Minority does not believe the action of the Majority is strong enough; and if they really believe and want the finance Minister removed, then they should help them secure the 183 members to push the finance minister out of office.

He indicated that if the Majority meant well, the day they went to cabinet meeting and president Nana Addo Danquah Akufo-Addo was not happy about their call for the Finance Minister to be sacked was the day they should have organised such a press briefing. He alleged that the position Mr. Ken Ofori Atta occupied is to compensate for using Data Bank to support the president’s campaign to become president; and that is the reason he cannot sack him.


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Sack Ken Ofori-Atta, Charles Adu Boahen now – Majority caucus

The Majority caucus in parliament has called on President Nanan Akufo-Addo to as a matter of urgency sack the Minister of Finance and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry or they be forced to resign.

At a press conference on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, addressed by Kwame Andy Appiah- Kubi, Member of Parliament for Asante Akim North who served as a spokesperson for the Majority group noted that they have had the occasion to defend the allegation of conflict of interest and lack confidence against leadership of the finance Ministry.

According to him the recent development within the Ghanaian economy are of greater concern to the greater majority of their caucus and constituents and their concerns have been made known through their leadership to the president and the leadership of the party without any positive response.

And to restore the downward trend of the economy, the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta, and the Minister of State at the Finance Ministry, Charles Adu Boahen should be changed.

The majority caucus, has however, threatened to abstain from any government business including budget presentation before the House if the president fails to heed their call.

“Meanwhile, we want to serve notice that until the persons mentioned are removed, we, members of the Majority caucus in Parliament would not participate in any business of government by or for the president by any other Minister”.

They hope those of them are the backbench would heed to this call and they would not be present for the budget hearing if their call is not heeded, neither would they participate in the debate.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Parliament resumes today

The Parliament of Ghana resumes today, October 25, 2022 to completing its business for the last quarter of 2022. This will be the Third Meeting of the Second Session of the Eight Parliament of the Fourth Republic of Ghana will commence on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at ten O’clock in the forenoon at the Parliament House in Accra.

The highlight of this meeting would be the Budget Statement and Economic Policy of government for the next year in the midst of the current economic challenges faced by the country. Meanwhile, the Public Affairs Director of Parliament, Madam Kate Addo, in a press release noted that this meeting would consider a total of 66 bills.

These include among others: the Ghana Housing Authority Bill, 2022; Minerals and Mining (Amendment), 2022; Small Scale Mining Bill, 2022; the Affirmative Action Bill, 2022; and the Petroleum Revenue Management (Amendment Bill), 2022.

Additionally, a Private Members Bill on the Constitution of the Republic of Ghana (Amendment) Bill, 2021, which was referred to the Council of State, will be presented before the House.


AKIM Oda: MP visits BECE Centers

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Akim Oda constituency Alexander Akwasi Acquah in the company of the District Chief Executive, Madam Victoria Adu and officials of the Ghana Education Service toured the Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) centers in the constituency to inspect and encourage the candidates as they have their first experience of external examination.

The MP in a brief interview with newsmen during his visit encouraged the candidates to put up their best since they shall inherit the future. He appealed to the candidates not to engage in any examination malpractices since that could jeopardize their future.

The MP reminded the candidates that, the only way to make it from Junior High School (JHS) to the Senior High School (SHS) successfully is to pass the exams with flying colours.

He thanked the teachers and all who had prepared the students through “thick and thin” for the exams and asked them not to relent in their efforts to help all students who pass through their schools.


Oda MP hands over medical equipment to Birim Central Municipal Directorate

The Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda Constituency and CEO of The Community Group of Companies, Alexander Akwasi Acquah has donated Maternal and Medical equipment to four Health facilities under the Birim Central Municipal Health Directorate.

The maternal equipments which included nams, nido, bathing gels, feeding bottles, wipes, diapers among others were given to the Municipal Social Welfare to be given to the vulnerable and the marginalized mothers in the Municipality for them to take proper care of their new born babies.

Also, he promised to bear the cost of all hospital bills of the shackle babies in their entire life. In a related development, the MP also presented a list of medical equipment: digital sonicate, episiotomy set, resuscitation set, surgical glove, trolley, calliope, ward Screen, stethoscope were handed over to the Municipal Health Directorate to be shared among the four new CHIP Compounds in the municipality, including Essam, Jamaica, Nyankomasu Chip Compound, and Mawuli Foundation.

The Beneficiaries and the health directorate all expressed their appreciation to the MP for his intervention and resolve to bring improvement to the life of the people.
