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Blame party executives for wranglings in NDC party- Jirapa MP

The Member of Member of Parliament for Jirapa, Dr Francis Bawaana Dakora has blamed the National Executives of the ruling National Democratic Congress(NDC) for the current internal party wranglings.

He said the heirachy gave a deaf ear and failed to see the early warning sign and act decisively to avert the the current situation when the Ex President Rawlings started expressing his concerns in the party, a situation that has resulted in the impasse between the two leaders .

Former President Rawlings has on several occassions crticicised President Mills for his governance style and also complained about he the founder of the NDC being deserted or ostracized from his own party while CPP elements have rather hijacked the party.

President Mills and EX President Rawlings are reported to have appered before the Ashanti hene Otumfuo Ose Tutu Ababio, to settle whatever differences that exist between the two personalities but little was achieved at the end of the meeting.

Political watchers have viewed the on going rampus as a development that may affect the chances of the NDC retaing power in the impending 2011 general elections.

Speaking on e.tv’s Break fast TV show on Friday 8th April, 2011, the Member of Member of Parliament for Jirapa, Dr Francis Bawaana Dakora called for calm in the ruling party as the status quo is not the best for effective administration of the country.

He said with the current situation the NDC is sure to go to opposition.
Dr Dakora noted that the current wranglings in the party appears to have taken center stage over shadowing the many developmental projects that has been highlighted during the President’s regional tour.

He noted that the NDC government need a united front to deliver the Better Ghana Agenda that it has promised Ghanains.

Story by: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Ghanaians lack confidence in NDC government-Nana Akomea

The Member of Parliament for Okiakoi South Nana Akomea says there is general lack of confidence in the Mills led government by a huge section of Ghanains including leading members of the ruling National Democratic Congress(NDC) party.

According to the MP, a significant number of NDC supporters led by EX President Jerry Rawlings does not believe in the ‘Better Ghana Agenda’’ that President Mills has promised Ghanaians.

President Mills last week stated that he remains focused and committed to delivering his electoral promises and nothing is going to distract him from achieving his goal.

His comment has been interpreted by political analyst to be a sharp response to the barage of criticizms from former President Rawlings.

Ex President Rawlings has variously attacked President Mills and his government accusing them of incompetence and superintending over corruption.

Contributing to a panel discussion on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show on Friday, 8th April, 2011, the Member of Parliament for Okiakoi South Nana Akomea, states that the general dissastisfaction of the performance of the NDC government is reflected in the utterances of persons like President Rawlings and Dr Spio Garbrah and the actions of the footsoldiers.

He notes that this has led to the sitting President of Ghana for the first time in history being challenged at his own party congress to elect a presidential candidate.

Nana Akomea says the criticisms of President Mills is so severe and intense that he (President) is constrained to come out and assure Ghanaians that he remains focused on governing the country.
‘’I feel sorry for President Mills, the man is constantly under attack from no other than his own party members, his statement is merely a cry for help’’ he said.

However the Deputy Minister of Communications, Samuel Okudjeto Ablakwa who was also on the programme commended President Mills for his resilience in the face of a sustained attack.

He noted that President Mills is on course to delivering the Better Ghana Agenda and nothing is going to stop him from doing that.

Story by: Kwdawo Anim/ghanamps,gov.gh

Kade NPP MP raises red flags over aspirants

The NPP Member of Parliament for Kade in the Eastern region has accused party executives of sidestepping requirements for contesting parliamentary primaries.

Ofosu Asamoah alleged that two out of four aspirants contesting the constituency parliamentary primaries were not card-bearing members of the party and therefore were unqualified to contest the primaries.

He said regional party executives were aware of the incident but were silent on the matter.

He told Joy News the development was against the constitution of the party.

The Eastern Regional Chairman of the NPP, Samuel Yaw Annoh however, said he was yet to receive any petition on that allegation.

He said the vetting committee cleared all aspirants after thorough deliberations between the national, regional and constituency executives.

Meanwhile, the General Secretary of the Party, Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie has said the nationwide primaries will be held on April 30.

Source: Joy News

Amenfi West MP appeals for calm in NDC

The Member of Parlaiment for Amenfi West, John Jatuah, has appealed for calm in the ruling National Democratic Congress(NDC) party.

He said the internal party wranglings between the Ex President Jerry John Rawlings and President Evans Attah Mills if not checked could spell doom for the government as the 2012 elections approaches.

Ex President Rawlings since the election of President Mills in 2009 has severally criticised him for his bad governace style that he claims does not meet the expectations of the teaming NDC supporters who voted for him.

His criticisms has intensified in the last two weeks after his wife Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings declared her intension to contest President Mills during the party’s congress later this year.

Two days ago the ex-president Rawlings accused unnamed individuals within the NDC of running down his party in order to build the Convention People’s Party (CPP) an assertion which was flately denied by government.

However speaking on Adom FM’s Dwaso Nsem show on Thursday 7th April 2011, the Member of Parliament for Amenfi West, John Jatuah called on the two leaders to immediately solve whatever differences exist between them.

He said the Ex President as the founder of the NDC cannot me marginalized or ostracised from the NDC and it is important that his concerns are listened and addressed to help the party grow, while he also allows President Mills the peace of mind to effectively govern the country.

‘’ This is the time that we need all hands on deck, we cannot afford to fight amongst ourselves as that will send us to oppostion come 2012’’ he said.

He noted that there are lots of challenges bedeviling the country most worrying is the high unemployment situation and there is the need for a concerted effort to address these concerns.

Story by: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Bantama MP welcomes new investigations into death of Ya-Na

The Member of Parliament foir Bantama, Cecilia Abena Dapaah, has welcomed the decision by the Inspector General of Police (IGP) to conduct fresh investigation to unravel the killers of the Ya-Na, Yakubu Andani II.

She said it is a great challenge that the IGP has taken upon himself and the entire country awaits the out come of the investigation.

The IGP, Paul Tawiah Quaye has stated that the move is to establish whether there were lapses in previous investigations and what additional evidence could be obtained to nail those who are alleged to have murdered the Ya Na.

“We will look for pieces of evidence that should have been collected but were overlooked or certain witnesses who should have been called but were not, as well as other areas that should have been covered in order to do a thorough job,” he declared.

The IGP said, “If there is the need for forensic investigations, it will be done, but first of all the police need to know what went wrong with the investigations.”

An Accra Fat Track High Court last week aquitted and discharhged 14 persons suspected to have been the killers of the Ya-Na, a development that sparked anger among the Andanis in across the country particularly in Yendi

Speaking on Net 2 TV on Thursday 7th April 2011, the Member of Parliament for Bantama, Cecilia Dapaah who sounded skeptical about the new investigations to be carried out wondered what new findings would be found out at the end of the exercise.

‘’ i dont believe anything new or persons are going to be found out, is it the case that the police earlier did not do a good job and sent the wrong persons to court’’she asked?

She however added that she hoped the announcement by the IGP is not just meant to a move to only calm tempers of aggrieved Andani/NDC youth who feel let down by the ruling government.

Story by: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Ignore Justice Kpegah’s comment, he is a politician – Atta Akyea

Lawyer for the 15 persons who were last Tuesday acquitted and discharged by a Fast Track High Court in connection with the murder of Ya-Na Yakubu Andani II, Mr Samuel Atta Akyea, has said comments on the ruling by a retired Supreme Court judge, Justice Francis Kpegah are mischievous, ambivalent, inconsistent and politically motivated.

He said Justice Kpegah, had, through his public utterances and conduct, demonstrated clearly his sympathies for the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) and his belief that anything and everything concerning the party must be worshiped.

Following the ruling by the court presided over by Justice E. K. Ayebi, the retired Supreme Court impugned the integrity of the presiding judge, arguing the ruling which freed the 15 was nothing but a travesty.

Describing Justice Ayebi’s decision as a “bad ruling,” Justice Kpegah, speaking on Metro TV’s Good Evening Ghana Programme Tuesday, said there was enough evidence to warrant the conviction of the suspects and yet the presiding judge let them walk free.

“They should not have been acquitted…someone must be held accountable for this [murder of Ya-Na]. …there is enough evidence against them,” he asserted.

But Mr Atta Akyea said Justice Kpegah’s arguments flew in the face of the law and ought not to come from a retired Supreme Court Judge.

Quoting from Justice Kpegah’s own 1993 ruling on a case, the Republic versus Adu-Boahene, the lawyer said the retired judge “discussed the burden on the prosecution [to] prove beyond all reasonable doubt,” its case against the accused, but was now seeking to lower this legal bar simply because the case involves the NDC government.

Mr Atta Akyea, who is also the NPP Member of Parliament for Abuakwa South, told Joy News’ Israel Layea that if a prosecution parades before a court of law, witnesses who have given testimonies on three different cases – Wuaku Commission, Yidana trial and the trial of Mbadugu and others – and their testimonies are as contradictory as they are inconsistent, how can anybody expect that the evidence given by such witnesses can be reliable, credible and honest and based on which the court can reach a verdict that favours the prosecution.

“The testimonies of the prosecution witnesses were so discredited and manifestly unreliable, that, according to law, it will not even be safe for you to leave such discredited evidence to the jury to pronounce on it. So what is he (Justice Kpegah) talking about? Has he actually read the decision? he asked.

Responding to Justice Kpegah’s call for a commission of inquiry to be set up to conduct fresh investigations into the 2002 incident that lead to the killing of the Overlord of Dagbon, Mr Atta Akyea said that call by itself was a tacit admission on the part of Justice Kpegah that the evidence presented by the prosecution in court was insufficient to convict the suspects.

He said the fact that prosecution, after closing its case, came back to court asking to be allowed to introduce fresh evidence into the case demonstrated clearly the lack of diligence and the shoddiness of the entire prosecution process.

In his opinion, the 15 accused received resounding justice and politicians who wish to exploit the unfortunate murder of the Ya-Na for parochial electoral purposes are entitled to do so, but they must remember that justice is dispensed by judges in accordance with law and due process and not at the behest of politicians.

Joy News

300 STX houses for MPs

Three hundred housing units from the STX housing project will be allocated to Members of Parliament (MPs) and parliamentary staff, Vice-President John Mahama has announced.

He said “the move is to ensure the safety and security of the MPs, besides providing them with decent accommodation”.

Speaking during a courtesy call on him at the Castle, Osu, by Dr. William F Shija, Secretary General of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA), Mr. Mahama said the completion of renovation works on “Job 600” (State House) project would also provide decent offices for the MPs.

He noted that one of the impediments to the smooth functioning of MPs was the lack of decent places for use as offices, describing the current situation where offices of MPs were scattered as unacceptable.

Mr Mahama said the number of women parliamentarians in Ghana was insignificant compared to some other countries and hoped that the Constitution Review Commission would look at a provision which would facilitate increase in their numbers.

Dr. Shija said the CPA was supporting the establishment of a Ghana Parliamentary Institute to provide formal training for staff of the Parliamentary Service to enhance their work.

On the issue of low women representation in Ghana’s Parliament, he suggested that the political parties should reserve positions for women to contest for seats in Parliament.

Deputy Majority Leader in Parliament, Alhaji Rashid Pelpuo, welcomed the announcement by the Vice-President to make available some of the STX housing units to MPs as good news.
However, the Minority Leader, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, thinks otherwise.

Mr. Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu explained that Parliament was not aware of such an arrangement. “Indeed if Parliament were part of it, then the leadership of the House should have been involved in a discussion about it”.

He reiterated the minority’s reservations about the financing of the construction of the project and also questioned what type of bedroom facility would be made available for the MPs with big families.

Mr. Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu said “we have been told that the Minister of Water Resources, Works and Housing has travelled to Mexico to inspect some facilities. `What about the drawings that were made available to us as prototypes?’”

Haruna Bayirga (P.N.C-Sisala West), on his part welcomed the announcement as good news, explaining that MPs faced accommodation problems and the new initiative would go a long way to alleviate those problems.

Mr. Bayirga said the housing units should be delivered promptly.

Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi (NPP Asante Akim North) urged the government to rather provide accommodation in the various constituencies for MPs under the STX housing deal.

This, according to him, will save MPs the trouble of looking for accommodation in Accra at exorbitant prices.

He said government paid rent allowances to MPs every four years which could be avoided with the provision of accommodation in the various constituencies.

He expressed his misgivings about the proposal and said, “I hope it is not a calculated attempt to shut the mouths of the MPs, especially those of the minority who rejected the deal because of the unwillingness of government to disclose the source of its funding”

Source: Ghanaian Times

All is set for Paragliding festival – Sena Dansua

All is set for this year’s hang paragliding festival which comes off from the 21st to 25th April 2011 at Kwahu in the Eastern Region.

The event which is held annualy during the Easter festivities over the last six years has brought together a host of Ghanains from all walks of live to witness the wonderful spectacle.

The Hang paragliding is a recreational and competitive flying sport. A paraglider is a free-flying, foot-launched aircraft. The pilot sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing, whose shape is formed by its suspension lines and the pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wings.

The passengers are flown across the Kwahu range which gives them the opportuinity to see the aerial view of the Kwahu mountains, which is a first time life experience for most Ghanains.

Speaking on Adom FM on Wednesday 6th April, 2011, the Minister of Tourism and Member of Parliament for North Dayi, Akua Sena Dansua stated that her Ministry is in touch with the Ghana Airforce to be on stand by for any eventualities that may occur, even though an incident free event is expected.

She said the revenue acrued after the event continues to improve over the years even though government spends more on the event as it foots the bill of the pilots who are flown down from abroad, a situation which comes as a huge cost to government, and called on the private sector to come in and sponsor the event.

Hon. Akua Sena Dansua stated that in the near future local pilots will be trained to fly the aircraft which will reduce the burden on government.

She called on all Ghanaians to patronise the all exciting event promising fun and effective security of any persons who visits the venue.

Story by :Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Dont give Gbagbo asylum in Ghana -Kwame Osei Prempeh

The Member of Parlaiment for Nsuta Kwamang Beposo, Kwame Osei Prepeh says he is opposed to Ghana granting asylum to the beleagured Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo.

He says President Gbagbo’s stay in Ghana will be a source of worry as he can easily forment trouble in Ivory Coast using Ghana a neighbouring country as a base.

The Ivorian Leader has come under fierce attack from pro Ouattara forces who have conquered the Capital Abidjan and has beseiged the official residence of Laurent Gbagbo forcing him to seek refuge in the basement of his official residence.

He was earlier reported to have asked his military heads to broker a deal by lobbying for his exit from Ivory Coast as he surrender power to the internationally accepted President elect, Alhassan Ouattara.

But in a swift turn of events,he refuted reports that he intends to exit power, saying he is still in power and does not intend to go anywhere.

Speaking on e.tv’sBreak fast TV show onWednesday 6th April, 2011, the Member of Parliament for Nsuta Kwamang Beposo, Kwame Osei Prempeh urges President Mills to call his friend President Gbagbo to quit power to end the fighting between the Ivorian army and the pro Ouattara forces which has claimed the lives of over a thousand Ivorians.

He notes that President Gbagbo’s exit from power now and a plea for immunity may prevent him being hauled before the International Criminal Court where he may be charged for war crimes against humanity.

“The International Criminal Court was not establish for only African Leaders to be prosecuted, but block heads like Gbagbo give themselves up so easily to be prosecuted’’ he said.

He adds that the United Nations should ensure through legitimate means that the once very peaceful Ivory Coast returns to its former glory and continue with its development.

Story by: Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

NDC will go back to opposition if… NDC MP

Lower Manya MP Michael Teye Nyaunu has accused President John Atta Mills, elected to office on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), of pursuing an agenda which is likely to send the NDC into opposition and bring the opposition Convention People’s Party (CPP) back to power.

The NDC MP indicated that the Mills-Mahama government has deliberately placed people of CPP extraction in key government positions all in a bid to nurture them back to power.

“What is the root of his Excellency the president,-CPP, where does the vice president come from- CPP, what of the minister of finance – CPP, and other ministers.

“Nobody has to tell us this, we see the NDC giving way gradually to the CPP, we know what we’re talking about and that is the worry of all of us. So if we see that people of CPP origin who helped us in one way or the other are rather being given more important positions than those who founded the NDC, do you think we shall be happy people?” he told Citi News.

The Lower Manya MP revealed that Party members expressed serious disappointment and resentment about recent developments in the country during a tour of most parts of the country he undertook recently.

“People are not happy at all,” he told Citi News, “and definitely the former President would also not be happy”, in reference to former President Rawlings’s withdrawal of support for President Mills’ second term bid. He fully supports Mr Rawlings’s stance.

According to the NDC’s Ashanti Regional Youth Organiser, Mr. Rawlings told some regional and constituency executives in a closed door meeting at Kumasi on Monday April 4, that he would not support President Mills’ second term bid.

The private meeting has been interpreted by some of the party executives as a subtle campaign strategy for Mrs. Rawlings who has admitted publicly that she intends running against President Mills in the party’s presidential primary.

Hon Nyaunu, who sees Mr Rawlings’s action as long overdue, told Citi News in an interview that the ruling NDC has suffered a lot of defection into the main opposition NPP and the CPP since President Mills became leader.

Meanwhile, a group advocating support for the re-election of President Mills-Friends of Atta Mills for 2012-has expressed disappointment with Mr. Rawlings over his comments.

Organiser of the group, Gabriel Agah pleads with the Rawlingses not to split the front of the party.

“We want to beg them that they should allow us to worship the party with or without them. For now, President Mills is the President, they should tone down. (NPP flagbearer) Akufo-Addo has started campaigning so they should allow President Mills to finish his eight year term so that the party would be stronger.

“If care is not taken, the NDC would go into opposition at the next election.
“Former President Rawlings must desist from inciting members of the party against the current leadership because some of the things he’s going round saying would eventually affect the party”, he added.
