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Freda Prempreh grants 20 students scholarship

Hon. Freda Prempeh, Member of Parliament for Tano North Constituency in the Brong Ahafo Region, has granted scholarship to 20 students to pursue various courses in Senior High Schools in the country.

Hon. Freda Prempeh who made this know to Ghanamps.gov.gh scholarship package was to motivate students in her constituency to put up their best.

She said the move was to give brilliant but needy students a chance to further their education since they could not afford the cost involved.

In another development, Hon. Freda Prempeh has donated two roofing sheets to the Methodist church at Bormaa and 2 motorbikes to the fire service personnel at Duayaw Nkwanta all in the Tano North constituency.

She has also paid the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) levy for the aged, deprived and vulnerable in her society to enable them benefit from free healthcare

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliamentary Select Committee on Education ends induction workshop in Koforidua

The Parliamentary Select Committee on Education has ended a two-day induction workshop in Koforidua aimed at providing in-depth orientation for members on the wider education context and the mandate of the committee.

Star-Ghana funded the workshop, which also aimed at validating the Education Legacy document and to develop a two-year work plan and priorities, which would also be supported by Star-Ghana.

Mr Alex Kyeremeh, a Deputy Minister for Education noted that, education in Ghana had made significant progress in creating access to and participation in spite of all the challenges encountered, through several strategic policies and directives to bridge the gap between the deprived and non-deprived in the country.

He said those achievements could be mainly attributed to the massive implementation of several Pro-Poor Policy Interventions.

Mr Kyeremeh mentioned some of the interventions as the capitation grant, removal of schools under trees, provision of free exercise books, nationwide school feeding programme and the construction of teachers’ accommodation across the country, especially in the deprived areas among others.

“Implementation of the new education reform also seeks to quicken the attainment of Universal Primary Completion (UPC) by 2015 and streamline the management and delivery of Education through the introduction of the National Inspectorate Board (NIB), National Teaching Council (NTC) and National Council for Curriculum Assessment”.

Mr Kyeremeh also mentioned the implementation of specific measures to achieve gender parity particularly in areas with low enrolment of girls.

“These include the establishment of girls’ education unit in the Ghana Education Service (GES), construction of gender friendly washroom facilities in schools, provision of take home food ration for girls in the three Northern Region and scholarship for girls, as well as the provision of free school bags.”

Mr Kyeremeh indicated that those interventions had also aided to move Ghana closely towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals two and three.

Mr Ibrahim-Tanko Amidu, Programme Manager, Star Ghana, said the workshop was the fourth in the series, under a five-year programme, to support Parliament and Civil Society Organisations (CSO) for accountability and to leverage influence in linking other select committee groups for effective partnership.

He noted that, education had the potentials to unlock ways to sustainable development hence the need for concerted and coordinated national dialogue.

Professor Dominic Fobih, Ranking Member, Education Committee, urged the GES to take a closer look at the Primary and Junior High School (JHS) education to ensure that Ghana does not produce half-baked literates in the system.


Offinso North MP constructs Health Centre at Nkwankwa

Member of Parliament for Offinso North, Hon. Collins Ntim Still has constructed a Health Centre at Nkwankwa in his constituency to satisfy the health needs of the people.

The centre has two nurses quarters attached to it to accommodate the health personnel who will be working there.

Hon. Collins Ntim hopes to complete the toilet facility and extend electricity to the centre in the course of the year to make it fully operational.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, he stated that he has also lobbied for the establishment of a National Ambulance Service Training Centre in his constituency.

According to him his decision to lobby for the setting up of the health training centre in his area is born out of his commitment to ensure an improvement in the quality of health delivery in his vicinity and the country as a whole.

Currently personnel to man the centre are being recruited, adding that the centre is expected to operational in the course of the year.

Paramedics are expected to be trained at this centre to enable them dispense emergency health services to victims of accidents and other emergency cases to avoid loss of lives.

In the past four years there have been series of road accident which has claimed the lives of innocent Ghanaians partly due to the fact that the victims did not receive immediate medical attention, while others loss their lives because they were poorly handled by bystanders minutes after the accidents.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament to enhance mode of accountability in public finances

A draft of the Public Financial Management (PFM) Bill, is expected to get to parliament by the end of year.

The Bill will among other things seek to bring to book fiscal indiscipline arising from public sector managers.

The passage of the PFM law is a key requirement under the country’s ongoing economic reforms programme under the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Finance Minister Seth Terkper told journalists that the passage of the PFM Bill will bring about an enhanced mode of accountability in institutions that receive funds from government.

Speaking to the media after a stakeholders’ forum on the draft Bill, he said  one of the main functions of the PFM law will be to prescribe defined roles for individuals such as chief directors of ministries, budget officers, Treasury officers and others who play key roles in budget preparation and implementation.

With the aid of the Attorney General, Terkper said it is hoping to introduce a system that penalizes public sector managers who fail to discharge their duties as far as implementation of the Public Financial Management law is concerned.

The draft Bill is currently being prepared by the Finance Ministry with assistance from the Attorney General’s Department and two experts provided by the Department for International Development (DFID).

Titus-Glover wants additional access road at Manhia

Residents of Manhia will very soon breathe a sigh of relief as the Member of Parliament for Tema East Constituency; Hon. Daniel Titus-Glover is facilitating the construction of two (2) additional access roads in the area.

He said the construction of the two new access roads would complement the first one by helping to reduce traffic congestion within the Manhia Township and around the VALCO industrial area, which will go a long way in improving productivity whiles ensuring safe and faster road network to and from any destination.

Although the population of the area had increased to about 60,000, according Hon. Titus-Glover, the current road since its inception over 50 years ago has received no major facelift or attention at all describing the situation as pathetic especially during peak hours.

The MP who made this known to Ghanamps.gov.gh’s Godwin Allotey observed that most patients in need of critical at health centres such as the Tema General Hospital among others usually lost their lives due to the nature of the road and the traffic situation on it.

According to Hon. Titus-Glover the above situation does not auger well for the constituency considering its strategic location and also serving as one of the major transit points within the country having so many benefits.

For this reason, he said he had consulted the Ministry of Roads and Highways for the initiation of the project whiles promising to leave no stone unturned for the fruition of the project.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Bembi-Bunkpurugu road might be inaccessible in rainy season-MP

The Bembi-Bunkpurugu stretch in the Northern region is currently in a worse condition making transportation a sheer nightmare for travelers in the area.

Mr. Boar Namlit Solomon, Member of Parliament for Bunkpurugu in the wake of the bad nature of the road has even expressed fears that the district capital, Bunkpurugu might be cut-off when the torrential rains set in by June this year.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Mr Namlit Boar indicated that Bembi-Bunkpurugu stretch which is a major road and the gateway to the district capital has been identified as one of the worse roads in the North that require urgent attention.

He said two years ago, the road was awarded on contract for reconstruction to essentially reshape it to boost transportation, but recounted that the project has been abandoned abruptly without any material improvement on that road.

He revealed that the contractor assigned to discharge works on that particular road only neglected construction after removing the rocks on certain spots on the road.

Meanwhile the Ghana Highways Authority in the district had seemingly turned a blind eye to the concerns of residents on the bad state of the road which directly falls under its ambit, since the project was abandoned.

The MP is therefore calling on government, through the Ministry of Roads and Highways to as a matter of urgency ensure that the contractor assigned to roll-out the road project will return back to site and accomplish it for travelers to enjoy smooth transportation on the road.

Jonathan Adjei/Ghanamps.gov.gh

MP vows to stop galamsey activities in Jaman South

MP for Jaman South, Hon. Yaw Afful has vowed to do everything possible to stop the influx of galamsey activities in the area.

According him, information available to him proved that some galamsey operators who have disguised themselves as small scale miners have invaded the area claiming to have operating permit from the minerals commission.

Hon. Afful  was of the view that, not only would the population of the miners increase but their activities would end up destroying most farming lands and crippling economic activities in the area.

“Our lands will be damaged and foodstuff production decreased whiles there would also be a lot of pressure on infrastructure,” he added.

Although the miners have not yet begun any serious work, Hon. Afful claimed that about 80% of indigenes in the Jaman South constituency were against such activities hence calling on authorities to have the situation resolved.

The MP said he has however urged the Queen Mother of the area to collect as many as possible signatories of opposers of the galamsey activities in order to forward their grievances to the Minerals  Commission and the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources to have their licenses revoked.

Hon. Afful made this known in an interaction with Ghanamps.gov.gh.

Godwin Allotey Akweiteh/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Akim Swedru MP set to complete all abandoned projects

The Member of Parliament for Akim Swedru Constituency, Hon. Nyarko Osei Kennedy has indicated that funds have been secured to complete projects which were left uncompleted by his predecessor.

He said the constituency could benefit significantly from these projects if necessary attention is directed in other to complete those projects to ensure their intended purposes.

According to the legislator, a one storey library building at Akim Swedru which was left uncompleted under the former MP’s regime is set to be completed before the end of the year.

He further revealed that the project could cost additional GHs 7,000 to ensure its completion, adding that part of the said amount was secured from the Ghana Education Trust fund (GETfund).

Hon. Osei Kennedy was optimistic that ultra modern edifice could go a long way to boost teaching and learning when duly completed.

He reiterated that few other projects which had just started or neared completion before his election as new Member of Parliament for the area are set to receive funding towards their completion.

Emmanuel Frimpong Mensah/GhanaMPs.gov.gh

Adu-Asare: Mills will not be a one term president like Sarkozy

The Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kojo Adu-Asare has said the wave of politics in some parts of the world where in recent times sitting presidents are voted out of power just after a term of office will not happen in Ghana.

According to him, there is no way Ghanaians are going to vote out President John Evans Atta Mills during the upcoming December general election due to his good deeds.

Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda was late 2011 voted out of power after just a term in office with out-going President of France, Nicholas Sarkozy also being voted out of office on Sunday 6th May, after just a single term.

Some supporters of the leading opposition party (NPP) are of the view that the wave of defeat will surely be replicated in Ghana as President Mills is to set a record in Ghana’s democratic rule of being the first President to exit power after a time in office.

However speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo show on Monday, Hon. Adu- Asare stated that those who think President Mills is going to lose the upcoming elections do so is a figment of their own imagination, as the factors that contributed to the loss of power for the world leaders mentioned is entirely different from what pertains in Ghana.

“President Mills will not go for monies from dictators like Gadaffi as outgoing President Sarkozy did which partly resulted in his defeat in France’s just ended polls; the president is steadily on course to win power for a second term’’ he said.

Hon. Adu-Asare stated that majority of Ghanaians are fully aware of strides that the Mills Administration is making in improving the living conditions of ordinary Ghanaians, adding that this has endeared him to many Ghanaians who will in turn vote him back to power.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Impasse delaying rehabilitation of roads in Mpohor – MP

The Member of Parliament for Mpoho in the Western Region, Alex Agyekum has bemoaned the impasse between the Office of Department of Feeder Roads and mining companies in the area, which he assert is impeding development in that constituency.

 According to him, the Department’s decision not to allow private institutions to rehabilitate damaged roads in his area has resulted in roads which are in poor state being left in that state for a long time and also making the roads inmotorable.

Speaking to Ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Alex Agyekum stated that the mining companies operating in the area realizing that their heavy duty vehicles have destroyed the roads, have resolved to reconstruct the roads as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility but the Department of Feeder Roads has consistently refused them.

He said in spite of the capacity of the mining companies to construct the affected roads, the institution charged with ensuring the good condition of the roads are rather insisting that the mining companies provide money so that they(Feeder Roads) construct the roads.

Hon. Alex Agyekum noted that as the MP for the area, he is deeply worried by this development and intends to raise concerns with the issue on the floor of Parliament by asking for a clarification on the matter from the Minister of Roads and Highways.

He expressed confidence that this will bring finality on the impasse and pave way for rehabilitation of the damaged roads.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh