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Old Tafo to benefit from police post and Astroturf—MP

Constituents of Old Tafo are to benefit from the construction of a police post and an astroturf before the end of 2024, Vincent Ekow Assafuah, Member of Parliament for the constituency has revealed.

According to him, with the arrival of the MPs common fund about a month ago, which had been a worry to particularly first time MPs, he would soon commence these projects among others.

Speaking with Ghanamps.com in an interview on how he is addressing concerns of his constituents having been in office for almost a year as a lawmaker, he said, “I have plans but to make sure things are properly done there is proper consultation with the stakeholders”, adding that his predecessor Dr. Anthony Akoto Osei had training schools that was training artisans as he was interested in building up the capacity of young men and women to be self-reliance.

And further added that, in his case, he is looking at solving the insecurity issues in the constituency, which is dear to him especially in Tafo-Pankrono estate.

 “I am thinking of having a police post there with personnel that would help us monitor the security situation”.

Again, he added that sports is one area the youth are calling for support particularly sports infrastructure, and football being top on the agenda, an astroturf would be provided by end of his four year term.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“ECOWAS Parliament needs to visit Guinea as early as possible” —Snowe Junior

President of the ECOWAS Parliament’s Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Pear Review Mechanism (APRM) Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe Junior has said it is important, for the parliament to visit Guinea Conakry as early as possible.

According to him, they need to visit Guinea to see to the well-being of their former colleagues, whose national Assembly has been dissolved by the military junta in the wake of the military takeover.

“We need to make a decision, there were some people who were elected and were the representatives of the people, anytime the Executive has a problem and the government is overthrown, as in the case of Mali and Guinea, MPs are the one who surfer”.

Mr. Edwin Snowe emphasized the need to put in some mechanism in place to ensure that MPs are dully elected by the people and not dissolved by a stroke of the pen and should not take a military leader to say parliament is dissolved.

“We are working on a working visit to Guinea and the Gambia where we are feeling some political temperature, and we have a mission to visit member states and address somethings which we see are not in the interest of democracy”.

On the fate of the MPs who were elected before the military takeover, he noted that, “Authority of Heads of States and Government of ECOWAS had taken a decision and we are going to work in line with that decision, we would not work with any military representation unless we have MPs elected”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“We have to start planning for a new capital city” —Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings

The ever increasing population in the capital, Accra, coupled with other daunting challenges like the perennial flooding in most areas of the capital continues to form basis for Ghana to get a new capital city.

Joining the likes of other prominent Ghanaians like Nana Kwame Akuoko Sarpong, and planning experts, Dr. Zanetor Agyeman-Rawlings also added her voice for Ghana to get a new capital.

When the question was thrown at her about if the country should begin looking at getting a new capital, she responded saying, “it is such an interesting thought to consider, especially if you think about the fact that with the drive towards digitalizing, how do we distribute our resources to go down the path of having a new administrative capital?” And admitted that the whole idea requires a lot of money and planning, and certain things have to be considered including proper flow of water, and uninterrupted electricity.

“As a country, Ghana should start planning for a new city now, as its first President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah planned for Accra decades ahead of its time”, she stated.

According to Dr. Zanetor if the country had stuck to plans of its first president, we would be telling a different story about Accra, and may not be having a conversation about whether we should be looking at a new capital.

“The concept behind the planning was to ensure that, there was the possibility of expansion; of course we certainly have to look at getting a new capital, again if you start with one meeting to another in Accra, if you are lucky to have one productive meeting a day then you are very lucky, once you hit a particular time that is your threshold and it means we are not being productive as we have to be”.

She also wondered if as a nation, we should not be taking advantage of the internet for phone calls and meetings without physically having to be present at a place.

“If, COVID has taught us anything, it is the fact that,  a lot is possible via the internet; how are we strengthening our  internet capabilities with regards to internet connectivity between our various ministries, departments, and agencies; how are we ensuring that as we are going digital and  guarantee to a large extent our cyber security?”

The Klottey-Korle lawmaker re-emphasized the need to move the country’s capital, but stressed that a lot of things need to happen at the same time to achieve this feat.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Election of MMDCEs would solve nomination agitations in Ghana—Old Tafo MP

The Member of Parliament for Old Tafo, Vincent Ekow Attafuah is confident the election of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) would go a long way to address the usual agitations that greet the announcement of MMDCEs.

Ghana, since the beginning of the fourth republic has battled with agitations from disgruntled party loyalists whose choices for candidates for MMDCEs were not chosen leading to destructions of properties and other ill-mannered bahaviours. The recent announcement is no different either.

But speaking in an interview with Ghanamps.com, the Old Tafo MP pointed out that when they are subjected to elections the agitations would stop. “It would be the same process MPs go through to get elected”.

He further noted that with the various political parties when one becomes a parliamentary candidate, and goes on to become the MP elect and people want another person, since you were voted for, they have to wait till the next four years.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

South Dayi MP hands over CHPS compound at Kpongbonikofe

Member of Parliament for South Dayi, Rockson-Nelson Dafeamekpor on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 handed over a new chips compound at Kpongbonikofe in his constituency for the use of the people.

The District Director of Health and Assemblyman for Tongor-Dzemeni West received the facility on behalf of the people.

As at the time of handing over the facility, there is no electricity connected to the facility.

However, in a post on his twitter account after engaging in a communal labour with the people, the MP noted that the people of Kpongbonikofe would make do with the facility for now.


Old Tafo MP calls for education to curb chaos associated with MMDCE nominations

Member of Parliament for Old Tafo, Vincent Ekow Assafuah is calling for education and sensitisation of the citizenry to appreciate the mandate of the president in appointing Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executive (MMDCEs).

He said the role of the citizenry is through their elected assembly members who are clothed with the power to approve the president’s nominees through voting.

His call follows the chaos that greeted the announcement of the president’s nominees for the various MMDCEs in some parts of the country leading to the destruction of properties by aggrieved supporters of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP).

According to him article 234 of the 1992 Republican Constitution of Ghana “has given the sole prerogative to the president of the land to appoint and disappoint” and further pointed out that “the fact that the president disappoint does not mean he hates someone”.

In an interview with Ghanamps.com, he pointed out that, the president’s agenda for the next four years he believes these are the persons he needs to make sure he delivers on his mandate.

“Ghanaians and party supporters of both the NPP and the NDC need to agree and come to terms that it is the president’s vision and all of us are supposed to buy into, and we should do that in solidarity and sense of loyalty; if that is understood, we should not be having some of these problems as a nation”.

He condemned the violence that had occurred in Chereponi, Odododiodio, Tema and other places as a result of the nomination, stating that “if you are indeed a party supporter, this is the time for the test of your loyalty and not individualistic agenda, it defeats the party principles, party is supposed to be for all and not individuals”.

“President Nana Akufo-Addo is exercising his prerogative, it is for the good of Ghanaians, we should accept what the president has done’, he admonished.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Arrest those vandalizing property in protest against MMDCE nominees—Daniel Botwe

The Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Daniel Kwaku Botwe has served notice to the police to arrest persons who will cause mayhem or cause destruction to properties following the announcement of Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs).

According to him, any such group of trouble makers should be regarded as “lawless citizens”

Mr. Daniel Botwe, who is also the MP for Okere, on Sunday, released the full list of MMDCE nominees at a press conference in Accra.

 Some disgruntled NPP youth, prior to and after the announcement of the these MMDCEs, went on the rampage when they realized that their preferred candidate’s name was missing.

Some youth in the Odododiodio Constituency embarked on a protest on Saturday, burning car tyres in the process. Police have announced the arrest of four persons said to be ringleaders of that disorder in Jamestown.

At Chereponi in the North East Region, the NPP youth destroyed some structures after the nomination of Zuwera Mada Nashiru as the District Chief Executive was announced.

Speaking to the media, Daniel Botwe explained that the party will not entertain such rude behaviour and anything that seeks to undermine the peace and stability of the country.

“The president in his wisdom and in consultation with fellow party elders has nominated various MMDCEs so if you don’t support the president’s nominee; the best thing to do is to reach out to your party executives than resort to violence. I entreat the police to do their work and arrest perpetrators of violence or any group of persons that will want to take the law into their own hands and cause violence,” he added.

The nominated MMDCEs are expected to be subjected to voting by assembly members in their various MMDAs for approval before they will be issued with appointment letters.

Per Article 243 (1) of the 1992 Constitution, the chief executive for every MMDA shall be appointed by the President, with the prior approval of not less than two-thirds majority of members of the assembly present and voting at a meeting.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOWAS Parl: “We need to be a little proactive on early warning in member states” —Snowe

Leader of the Liberian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Edwin Snowe Junior has said, parliament needs to be a little more proactive, when it picks up early warning signals in member states that are likely to distort the democratic system in the sub-region.

 According him there is the need to engage member states, “we cannot afford to go back to the days of the Sani Abacha’s, Jerry Rawlings and Samuel Does where those days our regions was represented by military regimes”.

And further emphasized that the days of Yahya Jammeh of Gambia are long gone, hence the need to be proactive; and was happy that under the leadership of the current ECOWAS chairman, Nana Akufo-Addo, Authority of heads of states have been very, very proactive with their meeting in Accra and visiting Guinea.

Again, he noted that the Foreign Minister of Ghana Shirley Ayorkor Botwe has been around the region as chair of the Council of Foreign Minister.

In a related development, Speaker of the Community Parliament, Rt. Hon Sidie Mohammed Tunis is leading a Parliamentary fact-finding mission to the Republic of Cape Verde and the Gambia, as the mission would reveal the electoral system pre-election situation and the state of preparedness for the forth coming elections in both countries.

The delegation would also gather information from all stakeholders on the electoral processes in both countries, with the view of identifying the good as well as possible shortcomings.

“We would put forward useful recommendations that would strengthen the democratic system in both states, we are convinced that the more we engage state actors, the more regional democracy will thrive”, the Speaker said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Tarkwa-Nsuaem MP presents interest free loan to 200 women

The Member of Parliament for Tarkwa-Nsuaem, George Mireku Duker has presented interest free loans to two hundred (200) women in his constituency who are engaged in small and medium scales related business activities to support and expand their operations.

According to him this is the first phase of such gesture in his second term as an MP in line with his women empowerment modules.

And indicated that as the facility would boosts the capacity of individual traders, it is envisaged to contribute towards the growth of the local economy of Tarkwa-Nsuaem to a greater extent and also improve upon the standard of living of families of beneficiaries.

He urged the beneficiaries to put the money to a very good use and payback with no hustle as he keeps serving the interest of the constituents.


Akim Oda market women rush to assembly to write down names

Affected market women of the Akim Oda fire outbreak on Thursday, September 16, 2021 rushed in their numbers to the Birim Central Municipal Assembly to write down their names with the hope of getting support from the government.

Mr. Clement Attafuah, an assemblyman in the municipality was unhappy that a directive that was given by NADMO for names to be written down had been leaked by a radio station hence the rush to the assembly which generated some confusion, forcing the MP to cut short his working visit to encourage JHS final year students writing their pre-mock to address the women.

In an interview, the assembly man noted that he had tasked market queens of the various products in the market that got burnt to write down names of their members who were affected and ensure that, those who are not supposed to be part of the list are identified.

And further added that despite the fact that all the women in the market had rushed to the assembly to write their names, his directives would still hold as the names that were written would be cross-checked with that of the queen mothers who know their members and those affected by the fire outbreak.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com