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Six basic schools benefit from renovation exercise

Knowing the importance of education in churning out the next future leaders, six basic schools in the Jomoro constituency have benefitted from a renovation exercise by the Member of Parliament in the the area Dorca Affo-Toffey.

The schools are Gyegyekro Basic School, Cocoa Town Basic School, Alenrezule Basic, Tikobo number 2 basic school, Anlomatuope Basic School and Mpaesem basic school and Elubo basic school all in the Jomoro Municipality.

At Mpaesem basic school, a four classroom unit block – raising the block, plastering and roofing the whole school was renovated. A cash donation of Ghc10, 000 towards the completion of the rest of the project was given to the people. The situation at Elubo Basic School was overcrowding, where one classroom could house over 100 pupils, so sand, roofing sheets and an amount was given for the completion of two uncompleted classroom blocks that they had.

At Tikobo Number 2 Basic School, the building had not been painted for the last 20-years so I got both the Primary and Junior High School blocks painted, in addition metal poles were erected for both the Football pitch and the Volleyball court she added.

The Alenzule Basic School was another big challenge, the school was part of the schools under trees, therefore, the community decided to put up their own building from primary one to six. Due to lack of funds, the project was halted, alaso there was no water in the school for the construction but now water has been extended to supply to the school and gave them money to complete the project.

Gyegyekrom basic School was a mud building with no plaster, which the residents and the school authorities say “was an eye saw and not conducive for teaching and learning”. I bought four packets of roofing sheets and 40-bags of cement to complete the project so no one would notice it was a mud building she further said.

At Krono 2 Basic School, the school for a long time didn’t have access to water, therefore, children walk for several kilometers to fetch water but pipes were purchased to extend water from the town to the school.

Mpohor MP donates items to skills training beneficiaries

The Member of Parliament for the Mpohor constituency in the Western Region, John Sanie has donated hair-dryer each to some twenty-one (21) graduands who had successfully undergone skills training with the Mpohor District wing of the National Hairdressers and Beauticians Association.

The beneficiaries were drawn from Mpohor, Adum Banso and Adum Dominase respectively as part of the MP’s commitment towards job creation and skills development in the constituency.

This benevolence gesture by the MP is done yearly for young people in the district who undergo skills and job training such as dressmaking, hairdressing, artisanal skills such as welding and fabrication, carpentry and joinery, auto mechanics and electricians, the list is endless.

This, according to the MP will curtail vices indulged in mostly by the youth because most of them would be financially independent through their skills.

John Sanie implored the beneficiaries not to relax after graduation but make a difference to be distinct among their peers.

Irene Kwakye/Ghanamps.com

Hawa Koomson Inaugurates National Aquaculture and Commercial Farms

The Minister for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson (MP), has on June 8, 2023, inaugurated the National Aquaculture and Commercial Farms.

The inauguration which took place at the project site in Amrahia in the Adentan Municipality of the Greater Accra region saw in attendance the president of the Republic, His Excellency Nana Akufo-Addo as the Special Guest of honour.

The facility comprises aquaculture indoor structures, classrooms, students and staff accommodation, mechanic workshop, packaging and cold storage facilities as well as constant power supply and parking lots.

The project is one hundred percent (100%) complete, and is set to transform aquaculture in the country, augment local fish production and reduce fish import.

The structure will also provide training and startup to over 300 Aquaculture entrepreneurs, as well as provide 50,000 metric tons of fish within the first year of establishment.

Irene Kwakye/Ghanamps.com

MP Joins Odupong SHS at SRC Week Celebration

The Member of Parliament for Awutu Senya East Constituency, Mavis Hawa Koomson, made a memorable appearance at the Odupong Senior High School (SHS) SRC Week celebration symposium.

In a remarkable show of support, she contributed cash donations and 200 bags of cement to assist the school’s development projects and foster an improved learning environment for the students. The MPs presence at the Odupong SHS SRC Week celebration symposium demonstrated her unwavering commitment to education and youth empowerment.

She shared her efforts that secured the school Bus for the school and now collaborating with appropriate ministries to transform the school into a boarding facility, showcasing her dedication to improving educational opportunities.

She expressed her admiration for the students and their pursuit of excellence. She reiterated her dedication to supporting educational institutions and empowering the youth, emphasizing the importance of quality education for a prosperous future.

Irene Kwakye/Ghanamps.com

Sissala East MP calls on MMDAs to intensify communal mobilization to execute projects

The Member of Parliament for Sissala East in the Upper West region, Amidu Issahaku Chinnia, has identified community mobilization; and not always contract, as key to the realization of community projects.

He said in the event where funds were not readily available, community leaders and politicians could mobilize the people and other resources for such projects, to reduce cost, and avoid undue delays in their execution.

“Let’s not always award contracts; Community Mobilization is key to communal projects,” Mr. Chinna said, and cited some projects he has accomplished in the constituency through community engagement rather than contracts.

The MP who is also the Deputy Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, said it’s time communities and leaders acted swiftly on development projects, especially those in relation to water, sanitation and hygiene.

In an interview with the Media, Mr. Chinna called on all Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to play their supervisory roles effectively in the implementation of WASH projects.


Afransie community Mining Scheme launched

The Member of Parliament for Tarkwa Nsuem, who doubles as the deputy Minister for Lands and Natural Resources George Mireku Duker, on behalf of the Sector Minister, has launched the Afransie Community Mining Scheme in the Wassa Amenfi East District in the Western Region of Ghana.

In his delivery, he urged the Directors of the scheme to prioritize safety practices as they mine accordingly as enshrined by the Minerals and Mining Act 2006, Act 703 and also cautioned that mining should strictly occur within the dedicated and approved concession and no further, otherwise, the license will be revoked.

He further tasked the Directors to contribute to the development of the Municipality through contributions towards reshaping roads, schools etc.

The Western Regional Minister, Kwabena Okyere Darko Mensah in his remarks, urged the youth to capitalize on the scheme to create employment for themselves and indulged managers of the Scheme to mine responsibility and sustainably.

Addressing the durbar of Chiefs, opinion leaders, District and Regional officers of the Minerals Commission and the good people of Afransie, the Municipal Chief Executive, Fredrick Korankye, expressed his profound gratitude to the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for such an insightful initiative and requested that, more of the schemes be implemented in his Municipality.

The Chiefs and Elders of Afransie indicated their support towards the success of the scheme, as they expressed their gratitude for the implementation of the policy in their traditional area.


MP Pledges support to Banso Community

The Member of Parliament for Atiwa West and Minister for Roads and Highways Mr. Kwasi Amoako Atta has pledged to support a yet to be constructed maternity ward with 500 bags of cement and a cash of GH 100.000.00 This was announced at a fund raising durbar held at Banso to climax the 50th anniversary celebration of the enstoolment of Barima Kwaku Kyei as the chief of Banso.

The MP commended the chief for his stewardship and called on Nananom to emulate the good example shown by Barima Kwaku Kyei and become agents of change in order to bring reverence to chieftaincy in Akim. He urged the people of Banso to continue to live in peace and rally their support behind the chief.

Addressing the gathering, Barima Kwaku Kyei indicated that the durbar was to raise funds for the construction of a maternity ward to cater for the health needs of women who had to travel long distances for such services when in labour.

He thanked the Chiefs and people of Akim Abuakwa Traditional area for the support given him over the years and asked for their support to make his dream of building a maternity ward for the community a reality.

The Eastern Regional Minister, Mr. Seth Kwame Acheampong who also pledged to support the project with 200 bags of cement, commended the chief for such an initiative and asked for God’s guidance and protection for him.


Shake up in the Minority front in Parliament

There is a major shakeup in the leadership of the Minority in parliament.

The Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu has been replaced by Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, the Member of Parliament for Ajumako Enyan Esiam, while Mr. James Kluste Avedzi, the Member of Parliament for Ketu North who until this announcement was the Deputy Minority Leader has been replaced with Emmanuel Kofi Armah Buah, the Member of Parliament for Ellembele.

The new Minority Chief Whip is Kwame Agbodza, the Member of Parliament for Adaklu; replacing Mohammed Mubarak Muntaka MP for Asawase.

Meanwhile, the Ahmed Ibrahim and Confort Doyo Ghanasah retained their positions as First Deputy Minority Second Deputy Whips respectively.

The changes which were contained in a letter sent to the Speaker of Parliament and signed by the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey also charged the new leadership to recommend consequential changes in the Ranking Membership to the party headquarters for approval.


Suspend debt exchange programme – Minority to Government

The Minority in parliament has called on government to suspend the Domestic Debt Exchange program it intends to undertake with the hope of reviving the ailing economy.

The Minority at a press conference on Monday, January 16, 2023 addressed by the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu said the programme is already failing following the numerous rejections by various stakeholders. Mr Iddrisu asserts that the suspension is inevitably critical to engage in deeper consultations and allow for greater transparency in the initiation, adoption and acceptance of whatever remedies we collectively may agree to.

Minority MPs supporting their leader

In order to save Ghana’s economy the Minority Leader contends that Ghana’s economy is being managed as though it were a private entity but reminded the managers that this is about people’s lives and livelihoods, and investments; adding that even the accompanying legislation on investment in bonds require that 75 percent of it be invested in those government treasuries.

Deputy Majority Leader and Ranking Finance

They said the implications of the debt exchange programme has dire consequences on various sectors as follows:
a. Implications on entire financial / banking Sector. Ghana’s financial sector will be severely and adversely impacted by the Domestic Debt Exchange Program. With over GHS 60 billion locked up in government bonds, the non-receipt of any interest this year and paltry sums in subsequent years, will prove the undoing of some banks. In the case of some state-owned banks, as much as 70% of their annual revenue comes from their investments in government bonds. Not paying them any interest in 2023 would effectively sound the death knell to these banks with its attendant consequences on depositors and employees who would have to be laid off. Restructuring domestic debts will undermine the health of the banking system since Capital Adequacy will become a challenge

b. Effects on Pension funds- Pension funds will suffer a significant drop in value especially, Tier 2 and 3 pension payouts will drop further from their already low levels. Tier 1 (SSNIT) reserves will drop in value and SSNIT’s capacity to pay will suffer. Reserves of Insurance companies will fall with implications for benefit payments Effects on individual bondholders- the inclusion of individual bondholders in the Domestic Debt Exchange, contrary to initial assurances from both the President and his finance minister, would all but wipe out Ghana’s middle class and impose harsh suffering on them, their families, and dependents. We now know that the reality is different. What Minister Ofori-Atta announced is different from what is being implemented. Ghanaian individuals have started receiving text messages from their banks. Yesterday, about 1.3 million affected individual bold holders petitioned Parliament for a reversal of the Government’s Debt Exchange Programme. This must be the largest and voluminous petition on a single matter ever presented to Parliament in our country’s history. It is inconceivable to accept that individual bonds will be affected. From the outset, there have been clear inconsistencies in pronouncements and the actual implementation. The haircut is real.
The NPP Nana Addo /Bawumia Government should give us a break!

Deputy Minority Leader

The Minority notes as follows that:

1. It is obvious that the Domestic Debt Exchange Program will create extreme hardships for millions of Ghanaians and existing financial institutions. It is also quite clear, that it was entirely avoidable had the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government heeded wise counsel from the opposition and Civil Society on prudent management of our finances and economy.

2. It is obvious that the Akufo-Addo/Bawumia is transferring the responsibility to address the debt burden it has created through reckless borrowing and populist fiscal policies to only innocent Ghanaians and the financial sector. For instance, the 2023 budget projects a primary surplus of only 1% which means that we will be reducing the public debt by only 1% of GDP this year. This also means that not enough expenditure cuts are being made by government at a time when it is almost forcibly asking bondholders to forfeit interests and principal payment due them. We demand further demonstration of responsibility from government through more substantial cuts in non-essential expenditure and a reduction in the humongous size of government.

3. We are at a loss as to why individual pension contributors have not been offered the same exemptions that Tier 1 and 2 contributors have been given. This anomaly must immediately be rectified.

4. The inclusion of individual bondholders in the DDE is the biggest transfer of funds from the pockets of Ghanaians to the government and will leave affected persons, mainly the middle class, impoverished while worsening the plight of the poor. This must immediately be stopped.

5. The Akufo-Addo/Bawumia government is simply imposing an almost 80% tax in present value terms on the savings of Ghanaians and our bank balances without any consultations with affected individuals

6. They are also imposing about 80% tax in present value terms on bank capital and deposits.

The Minority while calling for suspension of the programme also called on all stakeholders for a national dialogue on the State of our economy and debt exchange programme with the view to achieving the most workable and the least punitive steps that protect Ghanaians and households from the disastrous effect of the DDE programme as currently designed.


Establish yourself economically before venturing into politics – Oda MP advises the youth

The Member of Parliament for Akyem Oda and the Vice Chair of the Trade, Industry and Tourism Committee in Parliament, Alexander Akwasi Acquah has advised the youth who are interested in taking political office in the future to establish themselves in their own businesses before pursuing any political office in the future.

He said the notion that politics can make you rich over night is false. The Akyem Oda MP said with a vibrant civil society and several corruption control mechanisms in the country, the youth will be disappointed if they get attracted to the use of political power to enrich themselves. Mr. Akwasi Acquah was contributing to the 4th edition of Ekosiisen National Dialogue series which was on the theme: Youth Entrepreneurship, the catalyst to Ghana’s Development and Financial Independence.

He said entrepreneurship is taking advantage of governmental initiatives to establish busineses to ease the country’s wage bill;. adding that it is not for nothing that the NPP is often touted as champion of property owning democracy since the party believes in creating the enabling environment for private businesses to start and to thrive. The MP who himself is an entrepreneur, said all the thematic policies of the current government are geared towards private sector development.

The founder of The Community Hospital Group which owns chains of hospitals in the country have always lauded the NPP government for introducing the national health insurance scheme, a policy which has resulted in the growth of private medical care in this country. He said young entrepreneurs who find themselves in politics are able to serve their constituents well with the state resources put at their disposal

Other government officials at the event who took turn to explain various government policies and how they relate to the development of private businesses included the Dep. Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr. John Kumah, the Deputy Minister for Trade and Industries, Hon. Michael Okyere Kofi Berfi, the CEO of Masloc, Hajia Abibata Shanno Mahama Zakariah, CEO of National Youth Authority, Pius Enam Hadjide and the CEO of National Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program, Kofi Ofosu Nkansah. The popular entrepreneur, Dr. Daniel Mc Korley graciously chaired the function.
