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Samia returns home with Nkrumah’s lost diary

The daughter of Ghana’s first President has gone for her father’s lost diary which has been at the centre of a long legal tussle between an American businessman and an African scholar from Kenya.

Samia Nkrumah, an MP in Ghana for Jomoro constituency took advantage of a recent trip to the US where she gave a lecture in commemoration with the 40th anniversary of her father’s death to go for the lost diary which dates from the mid-1960s.

Samia is expected to return home with the diary on Monday April 30, 2012. The black diary contains personal and public information recorded by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah during his time as President.

New York businessman Robert Shulman and Kenyan-born amateur Investigator and Scholar Vincent Mbirika who is based in New York have fought over the diary for years.

Self-named the “Indiana Jones” of Africa, Mbirika dauntlessly tracked down and succeeded in retrieving the diary from the American who had had it for years.

Mbirika managed to convince the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania in the US that the diary rightly belonged to Ghana and to the Nkrumah family and should be returned to Africa.

The judge ruled that the diary was among the possessions of Dr Nkrumah when he died in Romania in 1972 and thus ordered that it be handed over to the Ghanaian ambassador in Washington for forwarding to Ghana.

The Kenyan invited Sadick Abubakar, a Ghanaian living in Washington and a director of the United African Congress, a US advocacy group for African expatriates, to help in contacting Nkrumah’s relatives back home to provide the necessary backings.

The diary has travelled around the world over the last 40 years from Ghana to Guinea to Romania and America.

The diary entries start from the mid-1960s, when Osagyefo was president, and run to the late 1960s when he had been deposed and was living in exile in Guinea as a guest of President Sekou Toure.

One entry, from 1966, the year Nkrumah was ousted by the military, mentions the purchase of military equipment from the Soviet Union.

In another entry, from 1968, when Nkrumah was living in Guinea, the former president instructs his wife, Fathia, to “take care” of their children – Gamal Gorkeh, Sekou, and Samia (who is now an MP in Ghana and chairperson of the Convention People’s Party founded by her father).

Possibly the most compelling entry in the diary (which is about the size of a small paperback and has a bookmark with the colours of Ghana’s flag stuffed in its pages), is one where Nkrumah, who had been Ghana’s head of state since independence from Britain in 1957, reflects on the abrupt end of his presidency.

It makes clear that Nkrumah was worried about Ghana and Africa’s future. He wrote: “Things will not go well for Ghana” and said his “vision” for Ghana would now be “lost”.

Upper Manya MP: My eyes are still fixed on registration exercise

With barely six days to the end of the ongoing biometric registration exercise, the Member of Parliament for Upper Manya, Stephen Amoanor Kwao says he has not taken his guard off monitoring of the exercise.

According to him, even as the forty day exercise draws to a close he continues to supervise the exercise with the same zeal that he did in the initial stages of the exercise.

Parliament over a month ago rose to enable Parliamentarians visit their constituencies to ensure that they educate their constituents on the need for them to register to qualify them vote in the upcoming December election which is expected to be keenly contested.

As the long queues that characterized the first and second phases of the registration exercise is absent during the current fourth phase, some of the MPs have relaxed their monitoring activities.

However speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, the MP for Upper Manya, Stephen Amoanor Kwao states that though the tempo of the registration has gone down considerably, he is not taking any chances but effectively monitoring the process in his constituency to ensure that no electoral laws are violated.

He described the exercise in his area as hugely successful so far as unlike other parts of the country where violence and other unruly conduct were recorded, his place has been generally peaceful.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Adenta MP:Volta & Brong Ahafo Varsities will definately start in September

The Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kojo Adu- Asare has said government remains committed to opening the two new public universities (University of Health and Allied Sciences (UHAS) in the Volta Region and the University of Energy and Natural Resources, Brong Ahafo region in September 2012 as planned.

According to him, despite some hiccups with respect to getting the infrastructural facilities of the universities in place, the two institutions of higher learning are set to take off in five months.

The Volta University made the news headlines last week when its Council Chairman, Prof. Kofi Anyidoho, stated that his outfit was dissatisfied with the temporary structures put in place to start the university.

According to him, the members of the Council were disturbed over the poor nature of the structures, and that inferior materials were used to put them up, and mentioned specifically, the administration block. “We cannot risk using that building as an administration block of the university,” he said.

He, therefore, called on the government to provide funds for the necessary corrections on the structures to be done. He also called for the construction of additional buildings for the university to gain acceptable standards for its smooth take off.

However speaking on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo show on Monday, the Adenta MP who is a member of the NDC party communication team stated that these challenges notwithstanding the government is poised to see the operationalization of the universities which is one of the Mills Administration’s major campaign promises.

He urged the opposition especially the New Patriotic Party (NPP) not to be excited about the current hitch that has confronted the school as government would do all in its power to see the school commence effective studies.

“The NPP elements are happy about the temporal setback facing the universities thinking that the schools will never take off, but they will surely be put to shame as the university will admit its first batch of 200 students in September 2012 to afford students in those two towns and their environs and opportunity to further their education in their own area’’ he said.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament urges further input from public into Intestate succession bill

Parliament is urging for further input from the public into the much talked about Intestate Succession bill.

A ten day fallow period is being allowed for the public to contribute to the bill which when passed will affect the extended family system in Ghana.
Part of the bill provides that the property of childless spouse who die Intestate should be given to the state and not to the relations of the dead person.
The bill will replace the Intestate Succession (PNDC Law 111) which seems not to address all the question relating to the succession of properties belonging to deceased family members.
At a press conference addressed by the Deputy Majority Leader Rashid Pelpuo and Minority Leader Osei kyei Mensah-Bonsu and the chairman for the constitutional and Legal Committee Hon Bandua were of the view that a further input into the bill which has already undergone first and second review by the public will deeply enrich the bill.
Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Saboba will deliver votes for NDC come december election – MP

As political activities heighten in preparation for the upcoming December general activities, the Member of Parliament for Saboba, Joseph Nikpe Bukari, has expressed confidence that the ruling National Democratic Congress(NDC) is sure to win the election for the second term.

According to him, Saboba will massively deliver the votes for the NDC due to the unprecedented development that the area has witnessed in the short but very impressive tenure of the Mills administration.

Speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Joseph Nipke Bukari stated that the government of the NDC has demonstrated ths commitment to improve the living conditions of the people of Saboba by ensuring the provision of infrastructural development in the area roads, schools and health facilities.

He noted for instance the upgrading of the Assemblies of God health center which prior to 2009 had only one ward and was thus woefully inadequate to serve the health needs of the inhabitants which currently has one additional ward, a mortuary, bungalow for staff and wheel chairs among other equipment.

Hon. Joseph Nikpe Bukari, recounted the poor state of the roads before 2009 which made the town practically cut from other neibhouring towns like Gushiegu and Yendi, but was quick to add that the roads have seen much improvement which has resulted in a boost in economic activities in the area.

He said touched by the good deeds of the government the people have assured of a landslide victory for the NDC in Saboba to enable the Mills administration continue with its laudable programmes.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

I wonder how Rawlings will campaign for Mills – Adenta MP

National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kojo Adu Asare is in awe of how former President Jerry Rawlings will campaign for the re-election of President John Mills after being critical of government.

According to him, former President Rawlings since the NDC took office has berated the President and his administration calling them “greedy bastards” and wondered what he [Rawlings] will tell Ghanaians to change their minds and vote for President Mills in the December polls.

“Ghanaians are not that gullible to swallow issues hook, line and sinker just because a particular person is saying it. People are wide awake; they can think and decipher issues. Ghanaians have gotten that sophisticated,” Kojo Adu Asare added.

Adu Asare was commenting on the frantic efforts being made by some Volta chiefs to reconcile Mr. Rawlings and President Mills to ensure unity in the party on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme Thursday.

Some eminent chiefs under the name Royals for peace and development met Mr. Rawlings and his wife, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings, at his Ridge office on Tuesday to ascertain first hand information about the root cause of the animosity between them and the leadership of the NDC.

But former President Jerry Rawlings is demanding among others the exit of the NDC General Secretary, Johnson Asiedu Nketia before he joining the 2012 campaign of the ruling party.

However, the Adenta MP said President Mills’ track record is enough to secure him a re-election in the December elections.

“2012 election is going to be about President Mills, his track record [and] whatever he has stood for in the last three and half years. His track record is enough to push him wherever he has to go,” the Adenta MP stressed.

Kojo Adu Asare also called on the Volta chiefs to also visit President Mills to listen to his side of the story.

Adu Asare noted that President Mills must wean himself from any external pressures and prove to Ghanaians that he can make it based on his unprecedented achievements in just three and half years in office.

The NDC MP indicated that Ghanaians would not be swayed by the vile propaganda intended to rundown the government by its detractors, but would reward President Mills with another term in office.

However, he called on the leadership of the NDC to expedite action on its relationship with the former first couple and decide whether the Rawlingses will be part of the 2012 campaign trail.

“For me as an individual I am getting worried because we must know by a certain time whether the [Rawlingses would be part of the campaign], we cannot keep second guessing. If he [Rawlings] will not go with the party then we will prepare to fill in whatever vacuum that would be created”.

Meanwhile, Political Analyst, Edgar Wiredu a co-panelist on the programme said nobody in the NDC should assume or pretend to have greater stake in the party than Mr. Rawlings.

He indicated that a lot of people are in the ruling party because of the Rawlingses hence any attempt to alienate them from NDC could spell doom for the party.

Edgar Wiredu cautioned that the former President Rawlings’ enormous influence should not be underestimated since it could have adverse consequence on the government’s chances of retaining power in 2012.


Nana Akomea: Ken Agyapong must sue gov’t at ICC

The Communication Director of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Nana Akomea has rubbished the decision by a group named Ghana Coalition of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to petition the court to investigate the genocidal statements made by the Assin North MP, Kennedy Agyapong.

According to him, the group’s attempt to have the ICC look into the matter is a worthless and fruitless exercise which is bound to fail as the ICC is only empowered to investigate such issues only when courts in countries that are signatories to the laws establishing the ICC are not willing to try such matters which is not the case in Ghana.

The three-member team from the Ghana Coalition Francis Kojo Arthur, Mr Eric Akomayi and Mr Fortune Sase, who travelled from Accra to The Hague, in its petition to the ICC also provided enough background to the current developments in Ghana. This includes recordings and press materials that show that leading members of the opposition New Patriotic Party who have endorsed and hailed Mr. Adjepong as a hero, have over the last 12 to 24 months engaged in the broadcast of hate speeches and inciting the youth to violence.

These include the NPP’s Presidential Candidate Nana Akufo Addo, NPP National Chairman Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, NPP Youth Organiser Anthony Karbo and NPP Deputy Director of Communication Samuel Awuku.

It is the strong belief of the Ghana Coalition that Mr. Adjepong’s statements make him liable for prosecution under Article 3c of the United Nations convention on the prevention of genocide.

However speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana programme on Friday, Hon. Nana Akomea who is also MP for Okaikoi South, stated that by petitioning the ICC the group has cast a slur on the judiciary of Ghana as it has questioned the capacity and credibility of local court to deal with the case.

He urged Kennedy Agyapong to rather sue the government of Ghana at the same International Criminal Court for his human rights abuses.

He noted that Hon. Ken Agyapong’s human rights was grossly trampled upon when the state(police) failed to grant the accused person bail after his arrest when the constitutionally allowed 48 hours had clearly elapsed.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

MP supports Police, Public institutions

The Member of Parliament for Bekwai, Joe Osei Wusu, has made available 30 computers in support of the efficient operation of the police and other public institutions in the area.

These include the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE), Circuit Court, Ghana National Fire Service (GNFS), the traditional council and some selected schools.

Added to the computers were 20 sewing machines and an equal number of hair dryers for distribution to some apprentice dressmakers and hairdressers.

They were bought from his share of the MPs Common Fund.

Mr Osei-Wusu handing over the items through the Bekwai Traditional Council at a durbar held to raise funds towards the construction of a modern recreational centre, said he was determined to do everything to bring development to the people.

He had already connectec the community library to the internet and spearheading a street lighting project at Bekwai.

A total of 150 electricity poles had been erected and fitted with bulbs to improve the illumination system and enhance security.

Mr Osei Wusu said so far, an amount of GHs 60,000 had been pumped into the project and that citizens living outside the community were also contributing to the project.

The Omanhene, Nana Kaakari Appau II, praised the MP for the tremendous effort he was making to aid the progress of the area.

He used the occasion to plead with the Youth and Sports Minister to help upgrade the Bekwai Gyamfi Park to meet international standards.

He wants the construction of a VIP and spectators stand.

The community, he said , had from its resources spent about GHs 104,000 to bring the stadium to its present level to allow for the hosting of premier league matches.

Teye Nyaunu apologizes to Rawlings

The Member of Parliament for the Lower Manya constituency has apologized profusely to former President Rawlings for spreading inaccurate information about the recent meeting between some Volta Chiefs and the ex President at his Ridge residence.

The outspoken MP in several interviews on radio stated that ex President Rawlings insisted during the meeting that the General Secretary of the ruling NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia, must be sacked and also wants President Mills to retrieve the GH¢51 million judgment debt paid to Alfred Woyome.

He claimed that Ex President Rawlings had indicated that the removal of the General Secretary among other conditions would ensure a speedy return to the President Mills campaign team for the 2012 elections.

But, in a sharp volte-face during an interview on Accra based Radio XYZ, Hon. Teye Nyaunu admitted that his earlier claims were not the case as no such demands and suggestion were made at the said meeting and apologized for any inconvenience that his initial assertion might have caused the Ex President.

He said the founder rather maintained his positions that the values and principles of the party have been destroyed.

Mr. Nyaunu however dismissed claims that he was apologizing after having pressured by the former first family adding that he made a mistake and want Ghanaians to pardon him.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Asuogyaman MP urges constituents to remain disciplined

As the fourth phase of biometric voters registration exercise begins tomorrow Thursday 26th April 2012, the Member of Parliament for Asuogyaman, Rev. Dr. Joses Asare-Akoto has urged his constituents to continue to remain disciplined to ensure the success of the exercise.

According to him, the registration exercise in the constituency since its inception on 24th March 2012 has been generally peaceful as no electoral malpractices have been recorded due to the maturity exhibited by the constituents.

The fourth phase which is the final stage of the registration exercise is expected to be well patronized by the public who are yet to register as the Electoral Commission has not yet served any notice of extending the closing date.

Speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, Hon. Rev. Dr Joses Asare-Akoto stated that the initially long queues that characterized the first few days of the registration exercise was due to the lack of adequate information by officials of the Electoral Commission(EC) on the exercise.

He admonished persons who are yet to register to take advantage of the last phase to get their data captured by the EC to enable them exercise their franchise in the upcoming December general election which is widely expected to be keenly contested.

Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh