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ECOWAS Parliament to hold 2nd Extraordinary Session virtually

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament would hold its second Extraordinary Session virtually from July 20 to 25, 2020 after early postponement due to technical challenges.

In an interview with the Speaker of the Community Parliament, Rt. Honorable Sidie Mohamed Tunis he pointed out that he has directed for the conveying of the Session to get the participation of the entire membership to discuss important referrals received from the ECOWAS Commission.

Also the meeting would enable the Community Parliament to input into the implementation of the Community levy, with certain documents which are going to be tabled by the Commission at the Head of State meeting.

Speaker Tunis revealed that this would be done through the Bureau of the Community Parliament, which consists of him and his four deputies who have the power to review and approve the document on behalf of parliament in line with the Supplementary Act 2016, but says he feels the right to get the input and thorough scrutiny from the Community lawmakers.

Meanwhile, the first inaugural session of the Parliament was held in Niamey, Niger, early this year by the Chairman of the Authority of Heads of States and President of Niger, His Excellency Mahamadou Issoufou.

The second extraordinary session of the Parliament in 2020 which is going to take place virtually from 20th to 25th July, 2020 will have the composite activities lined up as follows:
1.    Meeting of the Bureau: 20th July 2020
2.    Meeting of the Conference of Bureau: 20th July 2020
3.    Extraordinary Session: 21st to 25th July 2020

Furthermore, the meeting of the Conference of Bureau on the 20th July 2020 shall consist of the Bureau, the Chairmen and the first Rapporteur of each of the Standing Committees. They work with the Bureau of the Parliament to prepare the draft annual work-plan taking into account the priority of Community programmes.

The ECOWAS Parliament is composed of one hundred and fifteen (115) seats from each of the fifteen (15) member states.

This particular 2nd extraordinary session would be held via videoconference apparently because of the dreadful impact of Coronavirus in the West Africa sub-region.

The Coronavirus Pandemic has caused all ECOWAS Members to shutdown entry points, and because of social distancing, conveying individuals for the extraordinary session is impossible. However, the Parliament based on the directive of the Speaker, Rt. Honorable Sidie Mohamed Tunis has resolved to hold a videoconference session.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Government wants to sale terminal 3 to cronies — Agbodza

Ranking Member on Roads and Transport, Governs Kwame Agbodza has taken a swipe at government for its intention to privatize the country’s airport terminal 3 to its cronies.

According to him that is why government is saying Ghana Airport Company is broke just to test the waters and know the response of Ghanaians, hence the claim of strategic investor is required to help government improve infrastructure.

“As we speak, Kotoka International Airport is under capacitated, it is so much that we may not be able to have its full use in the next five to six years. Terminal 2 is not even in use, Ho Airport completed under lock and key, Wa and Kumasi are under full capacity”.

In an interview the ranking member questioned what the so-called investor would be adding to terminal 3, and added that the statement by the Aviation Minister Joseph Kofi Adda that  building of terminal 3 got Ghana Airport Company broke was very unfortunate, reckless and show how incompetent the current administration is.

Mr. Agbodza noted that the previous administration put in money to build airport infrastructure to get the various airports in place, and the least the current administration could do was to manage the facilities.

He again pointed out that in their interaction as a Committee with the Ministry of Aviation, it never came out that Ghana Airport Company has missed payment of any of the loans they have contracted to build terminal 3 or ventures they had embarked on.

As to what the Minority would do next, the Ranking Member noted that the move is not in the interest of Ghanaians and when the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) comes to power it would take a second look at whatever agreement the investor would have reached with the current government should they go ahead with their intentions.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Let us not politicize coronavirus spread, rather work against its spread”—Ursula

Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West Ursula Owusu-Ekufful has said for the country to fight against the spread of coronavirus its best for the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) not to politicize issues to do with the virus.

According to her, Carlos Ahenkorh cannot be prosecuted as the General Secretary of the NDC Aseidu Nkertia is calling for unless one can show he had the virus and infected people during his monitoring of the voter registration exercise.

“It would be difficult to establish that, it is say but would you have the evidence to prosecute if its punishment we want the former Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry has laid down his position do we want to beat a dead horse what would we achieve by his prosecution?”

Again the coronavirus is not bias for one to put a blood on his or her door step like in the bible story, where the virus would pass over NDC people and infect NPP supporters, “we should be careful it is simple to obey the protocol”.

“I would urge the largest opposition party to work with government to ensure that we all observe the protocols and expose those who do not respect the protocols do the right thing, instead of pointing fingers and hoping to score political points”.

And gave an example of driving along the street of Accra where some Ghanaians put their facemask on their chin and others holding their facemask without putting it on, and added that she signals them to mask up.

“Let us all take it upon ourselves to educate people on the importance of the facemask, I am sorry for what has happened to Carlos it can happen to anybody, again I had a problem with the media at the recent primaries held in Dome/Kwabenya were social distance is not observe whiles interviewing you crowd yourselves”.

Mrs Ekufful reiterated that the former Deputy Ministers of Trade and Industry should be applauded for taking personal responsibility of his action as hardly would a person in position accept when they go wrong.

She further gave an example of herself when her husband returned from the UK because the virus was high there she demanded that he goes into mandatory quarantine and isolate himself from the rest of the family.

Ones you know you have the virus it is imperative that you isolate and added that if one does not do that he or she might unknowing spread the disease so one needs to take the necessary precautions.

“Unfortunately at the heat of the moment Carlos felt compelled to monitor the ongoing registration exercise despite the fact that he said he took all the necessary pre-cautions, it was incumbent on him to isolate whiles fighting the virus. My heart goes out for him, he is an excellent material in the Ministry”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Soldiers are not entering houses in Oti and Volta Regions”—Deputy Defense

Deputy Defense Minister (Major Rtd) Derrick Oduro has denied claims by the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu and his colleagues that the military in the Oti and Volta Regions are entering into peoples’ houses and becoming Ghanaian citizen inspectors.

According to him the military has never taken sides in any political endeavor, they did not do that yesterday and would not do that today either.

In an interview in parliament he explained that the soldiers have been at the borders since last year. There was no complain and further pointed out that the North Tongu lawmaker Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa demanded that the Interior Minister comes to the House to brief it of steps being taken for terrorist not to attack Ghana as Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali had been attacked. He thus pointed out that the Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery did exactly , and indicated to the House that troops had been deployed  to the borders and they had been there since last year, “ No one complained, why the complain now?”

He further explained to journalists in Parliament that when the Ghanaian borders were closed, the Ghanaian soldiers went to the borders to assist the Ghana Immigration Officers to ensure that no one with coronavirus enters the country to spread it.

He also emphasised that the Minority is propagating untruth and whatever they claim they can go ahead to do their propaganda, it would not help them.

“The opposition NDC is going round with past military exercise video, if you want to come to the country and you are a Ghanaian go through the proper channels we have embassies in Togo, Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast. Those who are not Ghanaians and foreigners when we sending them back to their country we take them through the proper channel”

And emphasized that the security agencies at the borders would not allow any one come through unapproved routes and if anyone makes such an attempt the person would be arrested and handed over to the appropriate authority for the appropriate measures to be taken after investigation.

“Are soldiers cooks to be visiting peoples kitchens, they are deployed to the borders and not peoples bedrooms and homes. If there is a video making the round someone can generate this video and circulate”.
Major Rtd Oduro pointed out that with the exercise going on, the military commanders at all levels are also going round to ensure that the soldiers are performing their duties.

Meanwhile in a related development, the Member of Parliament for Ellembele Emmanuel Armah -Kofi Buah said that soldiers were seen in pickups intimidating voters despite the place is not a border town.

The Deputy Minister said it is untrue because only soldier deployed were engaged in “operation calm life” to ensure arm robbers do not have a free day to perpetuate their crime, and all the opposition NDC is doing is to tarnish the image of the Ghana Arm Forces (GAF).

“Let me tell the Minority we have only one Ghana Arm Forces they should stop tarnishing their reputation today they are in opposition tomorrow they would be in power”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com.

“If parliament shutdown the country would shutdown”—Speaker Oquaye

As Government institutions shutdown down with the scare of COVID-19, Speaker Professor Aaron Michael Oquaye has said if the House shutdown the country would shutdown.

“Parliament has to sit to approve money for the running of the country, so it cannot be shutdown as people are calling for”.

According to him other government departments can operate separately and individually, but in case of emergency the last stop is parliament.

“If no parliament, no country; we are in a critical situation, let us operate as such and get anyone who does not have priority business in Parliament out. His comment follows the presence of an auxiliary staff in parliament who said an MP asked him to come to the House.

“We have a duty to perform, anyone who is not supposed to come to the House and comes the person would be picked up by the marshal, we are going to be very tough about this”.

Professor Oquaye further added that the experts have said there would not be mass testing and if anyone feel symptoms they should immediately report to the parliament clinic.

He also reminded the house that on Monday dawn, the chamber was fumigated fully and would be done again Monday July 13, 2020 and urged MPs to refrain from asking their research assistants from coming to the House and rather work electronically, because those who would flout the rules would be dealt with, and no MPs should come to plead on behalf of anyone.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Parliament to debate motion on private members’ bill

A motion is expected to be moved on Thursday, July 16, 2020 for the adoption of a proposal of enhancement of Private Members’ Bill.

Majority Chief Whip, Kwesi Ameyaw Cheremeh announced this on the floor of the House on Friday, July 10, 2020 and urged his colleagues to come to the House in their numbers on the said date so that they can contribute meaningfully to enrich the debate towards a far-reaching decision.

He further emphasized that starting next week Monday July 13, 2020 the House would be sitting as announced on Friday, July 3, 2020.

He further announced to the House that the Business Committee has not scheduled any Minister to appear before the House to answer questions but pursuant to Order 70 (2), Ministers of state may be permitted to make statements on government policies.

He later added that his attention has been drawn to the fact that the Speaker’s office has admitted some questions and in the cause of the week some Ministers would answer questions on the floor.

Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu noted that asking of questions helps with the oversight responsibility of the legislative arm of government.

And added that there would be public office accountability bill which would also be taken, and advised that though they are in the constituency working they should avail themselves on Thursday.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Postpone BECE and WASSCE amidst COVID-19—Ranking Education

Deputy Ranking Member on the Committee for Education, Dr. Clement Abas Apaak is advocating for the postponement of this year’s Basic Certificate Examination (BECE) and the West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) in the light of COVID-19 spread in some senior high schools (SHS) across the country.

According to him Kenya and Nigeria have postponed examination of final year students of secondary schools to next year.

He noted that government held consultations with stake holders who were not in favour of reopening of SHS and JHS because of the outbreak of COVID-19, but the government gave assurance of putting measures in place to ensure there is no spread of the disease.

“Government promise to fumigate the various campuses, provide PPEs, sanitizers, veronica buckets, running water and thermometer guns and medical persons attached, unfortunately most of these things have not been met, some schools had their PPEs just this week”.

And added that at the various campus there are issues of schools recording positive COVID-19 cases. The media has not heard of it because students’ mobile phones have been taken away, how do they report when one is infected, and questioned if students can be in the right frame of mind to write their final exams with some of their colleague testing positive and they do not know who had the disease.

“Why are we keeping students on campus to write their exams, when cabinet of the President Akufo-Addo administration has suspended on suspicion that the virus is present among high government officials”.

Dr. Apaak said comments made by the Health Minister Kwaku Agyeman Manu indicates that government has lost the fight against COVID-19 and added that government should be held accountable because it has the responsibility to ensure that the safety of Ghanaians is guaranteed.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority cautions security to stop intimidating and asking for citizenship

 Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu has cautioned the Military and the Police to stop intimidating and asking people in the Volta Region undergoing the registration exercise for voters ID if they are Ghanaians.

According to him if the security have any issue with any ones citizenship they should follow the due process as stipulated by law as the Minority have received complains of intimidation and harassment across the country.

“Our caution to the Ghana Police and Ghana Armed Forces is that they should stay neutral as a state institution and rather work to secure the peace and stability of the country and not be a political appendage of the ruling government”.

Mr. Iddrisu again emphasised that the calling of the police and army do not have any authority under the laws of Ghana to ask any person of his or her citizenship.   “We would not sit aloof for them to continue to intimidate our party supporters and innocent Ghanaians to aid government at its voter suppression, their role is defined by law”.

He indicated that there had been instance that a colleague of theirs was brutalized, harassed and abused by the security, up until now there has not been any arrest.

On the issue of the EC registering students, he advised that the Electoral Commission works hand in hand with the EC for the purpose of transparency and accountability.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Transport Fare Hikes: Agbodza calls for reduction of taxes on petroleum products

Ranking Member on Roads and Transport, Governs Kwame Agbodza has called on the government to consider reducing taxes on petroleum products following recent hikes in transport fares.

According to him members of the general public who use public transport are suffering and he puts himself in the shoes of commercial transport drivers who are suppose to break even because they run a business.

“If they don’t increase fares they can’t buy fuel and spare parts, government should be sensitive to Ghanaians. What happened to the sixteen billion cedis approved by Parliament? This can be used to cushion commercial drivers and Ghanaians. I do not know the level of insensitivity of this insensitive government and what they are perpetuating”.

Mr. Agbodza in an interview asked if the Vice President Dr. Bawumia is still part of the government economic management team that is bringing this hardship to Ghanaians as he is not heard on economic issues. He only comes out to do politics. “I wonder what they discuss at their economic management meetings”.

“We should not be seeing transport fares going up, rather they should be coming down because a lot of people have lost their jobs and are not working, and you are now telling me to pay more”.

He further pointed out that the free water enjoyment announced by the current government people in his constituency, Adaklu did not enjoy it, what they partly enjoy was the electricity. “What about the frontline health workers? Zero. What has government done with the sixteen million?”

“They are sharing money to party executives in my constituency. They ask them to fill a form and they are sent a mobile money of two hundred Ghana cedis to their phones. We need to ensure that the life span of this government does not go beyond January 7, 2021 for a better government which care for the people under John Dramani Mahama to take over this country”.

He added that the cedi is not doing well on the international market against all major currencies. A dollar to six Ghana cedis; spare parts would go up, and commercial drivers are suffering. Triple jeopardy and when they asked for fifty percent price up, they have been given fifteen.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

COVID-19 scare: “Close down Parliament if you have done that for others”—Agbodza

Member of Parliament for Adaklu Governs Kwame Agbodza has taken a swipe at the current government under the leadership of President Akufo-Addo for being insensitive to Ghanaians in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

He expressed worry that while the seat of government and the Finance Ministry is being closed down, the legislature is still working.

According to him Parliament House should have been closed down with the scare of the coronavirus spread as the Jubilee House, the seat of government has been closed and staffs are working from the House, same with the Finance Ministry.

“Again the registration exercise should have been stopped to ensure that we are safe even if we do not have jobs, we should ensure that we are alive and not dead as that would be better because there would be a better tomorrow”.

As to whether he suspects that the Government’s economic management team is not working because they have been advised to work from home and senior officials infected with COVID-19,  he noted that government cannot be trusted.

“Whenever they tell you everything is alright, it is until you see them falling down, it is sad for anybody is sick, those of my colleagues who have been infected I wish them speedy recovery. Compare the presidency and the Finance Ministry closing down but the registration for voters ID is going on”.

He noted in an interview that he finds it amazing that the seat of government which is more secure with people coming and going have been shut down, and they find the polling station more “secure” than Jubilee House and the Finance Ministry?

“This government does not care about the security of the people of Ghana and are so insensitive by allowing the registration to go on”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com