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Be prepared to face my wrath if you go wrong — Speaker tells MPs

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Bagbin, has warned Members of Parliament (MPs) that they risk incurring his wrath, henceforth, should any of them flout the rules of engagement of the House.

Indisciplined members, he noted, will no longer be tolerated, stressing that grave consequences await any member who unnecessarily interrupts proceedings of the House or misconducts himself while sitting is ongoing.

“Conducting ourselves in an ethical and principled manner should be our creed. We must identify out values as individuals and as a collective and live by them. We are aware of how events of the dawn of January 7, 2021, have left a sour taste in the mouths of most observers of parliamentary process. We are also conscious of the fact that misunderstanding of parliamentary processes has at times led to suspicion of impropriety on the part of some Members of Parliament. It will require a sustained hard work to erase these misconceptions I am talking about a conscious effort at remodeling the profile of the Ghanaian MP, through what we are seen to be doing, the transparency and integrity that govern what we do and the outcomes and impact we achieve. We need to work together on this”, he noted.


Rt. Hon. Bagbin made this observation on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, in a formal Communication to the House.

Commenting further, the Speaker reminded Members about the Code of Conduct for Members which enjoins them to “rebuild public confidence in our political system in a period when citizens of this country and elsewhere are losing faith in politics and politicians”, stressing that “it is our duty to restore their trust through our conduct in the performance of our duties as politicians and public office holders”.

“We need to do more in this regard”, he underscored.

He urged all Members to subscribe to their organizational vision of making Ghana’s Parliament a model in Africa, and one of the best Parliaments in the world.

“This we cannot achieve if we continue with the “business as usual” approach to our work. We need a step change, and this will come with us taking ourselves a little bit more serious. Ours is a strong institution with a strong culture. What we need are a few changes here and there and we will be on a path towards achieving our vision”, he noted.

He added, “we need to give the citizenry enough reasons to keep addressing us as Honourable Members of Parliament. As such, we owe it a duty to our compatriots and to ourselves to handle this house with the decency it deserves. We cannot afford to lower the standards of Parliament and lead this country into an attitudinal decay”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

National Security Minister better placed to give cost of Presidential travels —Minister

The Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori Atta, has told Parliament that his office has no details about the cost of Presidential air travels.

Such details, he noted, could best be accessed from the Office of Government Machinery which is headed by the Chief of Staff, and that of the Office of the Minister for National Security.

He told Parliament on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, when he appeared before it to respond to some questions in relation to the cost of Presidential air travels that the Ministry of Finance, as has been the practice, releases quarterly funds to the Heads of Departments, thus, Office of Government Machinery, for all operational activities of the office.

“Mr. Speaker, to facilitate the safe coordination of the President’s travels, domestic and foreign, the Office of Government Machinery and the National Security Secretariat work together to achieve this. The President’s domestic and international travels are matters to do with National Security. The National Security Minister is best placed to furnish this Honourable House with the details needed”, he noted.

Ofori Atta’s comments were in response to an urgent question filed by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa.

Ablakwa had sought to find out from the finance minister how much the President’s recent official travels to France, Belgium, and South Africa in May this year, cost the Ghanaian taxpayer.

A similar question was also filed by the New Patriotic Party (NPP) MP for Dormaa East, Paul Apreku Twum-Braimah, who had also sought to find out from Mr. Ofori Atta the cost of air travel of the President using chartered flight between 2013 and 2016.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Ad Hoc Committee investigating Health Minister cautions Joy FM and TV3 over headline

Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee investigating the Health Minister’s purchase of Sputnik-V COVID-19 vaccine, Alexander Kwamena Afenyo Markin, has cautioned Joy FM and TV3 on their reportage as they cover the workings of the Committee.

According to him as a committee they cannot control and would not control the editorial of the media, but was quick to point out that deliberate attempts to quote witness out of contest, they would not hesitate to take a decision.

“If you do that, you are being unfair, I plead with Joy FM and TV3 to critically look at their headlines”.

Again, he pointed out that the work of the Committee should not be prejudiced and advice that the whole story should be narrated and they should not subject the health minister to public radicle as they brought the media into their working for Ghanaians to know what is going on at the Committee.

“This is not a criminal trial neither is it a court trying an individual on some matter with liability, we are making an enquiry into a matter of public interest and when we are done, we would present a report to the plenary”, he stated.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

I am confident 200 loan beneficiaries will pay back —Jomoro MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Jomoro, Dorcas Affo Toffey has expressed confidence in the two hundred (200) women she has supported in her constituency to secure a loan facility from the Jomoro Rural Bank, which she launched on Sunday, July 18, 2021 will pay back for other women to equally benefit.

According to her the bank has taken its time to explain the whole concept of the loan, and if they do not pay back that would be the end of it and they have understood it.

Throwing more light on the loan intervention with Ghanamps.com, she pointed out that the loans were given out in groups and there are coordinators in charge of the cheques that were given out, and if one person refuses to pay the loan back it would affect the whole group.

Madam Toffey further explained that, the loan is a campaign promise, but it would not have come at this time, but was quick to point out the closure of the land border and the resultant hardship that it has brought to her constituents especially those around Elubo forced her to fast-track the whole process.

As to whether the whole thing is not politically motivated, she explained that, “I am the MP for the whole constituency, I am not just an MP for NDC sympathizers; again, I did it so that everyone would benefit and it was given out in groups. I did not go out there to hand pick anybody, they did it themselves”.

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Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Kofi Buah to lead colleagues make Nzema land best tourist attraction destination in Ghana

Former Minister for Energy, and Member of Parliament for Ellembelle, Emmanuel Kofi-Armah Buah has given indications that he is going to rally his colleague lawmakers from Nzema land in the Western Region to set up a tourist board.

Speaking in an interview at Bonyere in the Jomoro Constituency, he indicated that there cannot be talk of tourism and then isolating the following constituencies, Jomoro, Ellembelle and Evalue Gwira.

“We have to look at the bigger picture, what do we have as Nzema people, what would attract Ghanaian outsiders to Nzema land? We would work with experts to put these ideas together so that we can make Nzema the best tourist destination in the country”, he assured.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

“Continuous closure of our land borders affects ECOWAS integration process” —Ablakwa

Ranking Member on Ghana’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has said the country’s continuous closure of its land borders for more than a year and half is worrying and affects ECOWAS’s integration process.

According to him the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) citizens are supposed to work towards the attainment of the vision of their forefathers.

“Interestingly, we are in Nzema land, the birth place of Ghana’s first President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in Bonyere, who talked about bringing down the artificial borders created at the Berlin conference of 1841 and 1842. He had long advocated for a borderless Africa in his book “Africa Must Unit”, that until we are united and bring down the artificial borders and attain full continental political unity, we would experience poverty”.

Again, he pointed out in an interview that Ghana’s first president noted that the youth would experience unemployment and try to cross the Atlantic Sea into Europe all in the name of greener pastures.

 “It’s a shame that we are in Nkrumah’s home region, Wester Region and we are being subjected to this continuous needless closure of land borders, just as COVID-19 protocols have been put in place in for those engaged in air travel, same can be done for land borders”.

His comment comes in the wake of the closure of the Ghana-Ivory Coast land border at Elubo in the Jomoro constituency, with the sitting MP, Dorcas Affo Toffey making statements on the floor of Parliament and asking questions as to when the land border would be opened?

And added that it is cheaper using the land borders. Not as expensive as the airport, and further noted that, he hopes government would listen to urgent calls from Ghanaians around the border communities calling for the opening of the land borders as it is affecting their economic activities and bringing untold hardship.

The Ranking Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee noted that he would champion the opening of the closed land borders at the Committee level.

He confirmed in an interview that he had been to some of Ghana’s border town and interacted with Ghanaian communities and the continuous closure of the borders has brought hardship.

He stated that the well-to-do in the Ghanaian society are able to afford air travels, but its more expensive to do business by air than through our land borders. “It’s discriminatory on the poor and vulnerable in our society; in policy formulation you think about the vulnerable first, you should have them in mind as a government”.

And added that the continuous closure of the Ghanaian land borders would further impoverish the poor in the Ghanaian society.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Speaker urges Muslims to pray for Ghana in Eid al-Adha message

The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Alban Kingsford Sumana Bagbin, in his message on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 to Muslims on the celebration of Eid al-Adha asked Muslims to pray for the country as “these are not the best of times for our country”.

According to him, the challenges of the country are in various aspects of national endeavor and are pronounced.

“Our economy needs an urgent boost if we are to experience growth and development. We have been propagating a paradigm shift in the management of our economy, which never seems to materialize, we cannot continue down the route on which we are currently, with very little effort at industrialization; it has not been helpful.”

He stated that within the Ghanaian social setup, education and health facilities are overstretched.

“The growth in our population, which I believe will be borne out by the ongoing population and housing census, has not seen a reciprocal attempt to improve upon infrastructure for health and education. The result is there for all to see: lack of hospital beds, and schools under trees continue to be challenged,” he added.

On top of all these, the Speaker said Ghana remains sharply divided along political lines.

He said: “We strive to find the political coloration of citizens who raise issues with where our country is headed, instead of finding out the reasoning and the logic in the issues raised. We cannot continue like this. In addition, we see very little attempt to punish corruption and inefficiency among the political class, thereby creating the perception of political clubbing at the highest level of the political superstructure of this country.”

In his view, these are what “we must pray for during this solemn occasion, so that the Almighty Allah will properly order our steps as a country and place us on the path towards national reconstruction and restoration.”

He called on leaders of the country to exhibit a lot more sacrifice whilst working at resolving the many challenges that confront the nation.


Jomoro MP’s Citizenship: “Attempt to bypass the people will never succeed” —Armah Buah

Member of Parliament for Ellembelle, Emmanuel Kofi-Armah Buah has said attempts to challenge the Ghanaian citizenship of her colleague lawmaker from Jomoro, Dorcas Affo Toffey is an attempt to bypass the people’s will and that would never succeed.

There was a loud response of “YES” when he posed the question to the constituents of Jomoro, as to whether Madam Toffey is not the daughter of the most successful coconut farmer in the whole Nzema land?”. And the people added that “she grew up in Jomoro, her mother hails from Tikobo Number One, and everybody in the neighborhood knowns her”

 In an interview, the Ellembelle lawmaker noted that it does not make sense for anybody to say the Jomoro MP is not a Ghanaian.

He made a similar statement when he addressed the indigenes of Jomoro on Sunday, July 18, 2021 when the MP through her initiative secured loans for two hundred (200) women in the constituency to assist them with their businesses.

And added that the people of Jomoro sent Dorcas Toffey to Parliament because of the kind of quality messages in her campaign. And before being elected, she had already gone ahead to donate ambulance to her constituents and connected very well with the youth.

Again, since she came to parliament, she has been championing the reopening of Ghana’s land border with Ivory Coast at Elubo, made statements of the floor of the House to that effect among others. “She has started very well; this is someone the people of Jomoro are solidly behind and their will can never be jeopardized”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Jomoro MP’s initiative of giving loan to 200 women impressive—Ablakwa

Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa has commended her colleague lawmaker for Jomoro, Dorcas Affo Toffey for putting a system in place to assist two hundred (200) women in her constituency with loan to do business.

According to the North Tongu lawmaker, the move undertaken by her colleague is a great one as even the national Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) has not given out loans to even twenty (20) Ghanaians this year.

He made this point in an address on Sunday, July 18, 2021 in Bonyere in Jomoro as a gust to support her colleague’s programme.

And further advised the beneficiaries of the loan to pay back on time in other that the MP would replicate such assistant to other communities in the constituency.

He indicated that, “Statistics globally show women are best when it comes to repayment of loans, and I believe Jomoro women are not excluded, women are very reliable they would pay back” as he expressed confidence in the beneficiaries to honour their part of the gesture to help others also become beneficiaries.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Nigerian coconut importer appeals to Ghanaian and Togolese authorities to open border

A Nigerian businessman, Abey Tolu who imports coconuts from Ghana particularly Jomoro in the Western Region is appealing to the Ghanaian and Togolese authorities to open their land borders to help facilitate trading activities.

According to him despite the fact that trucks with goods are allowed through the land borders of Ghana and Togo, he cannot say things are that smooth.

“If authorities in both countries open their land borders things would be better for us, this is the business we do, we import coconuts from Ghana, they are carried to Nigeria, they are sent to Kano and Abuja and used for biscuit and cream”

He indicated that though he is enjoying his stay in Ghana, life would be a lot better if impediments to their business, like the closure of the land borders can be opened to ensure easy flow of their goods and services across the borders.

He made these remarks when Ghanamps.com chanced on him on Sunday, July 18,2021 while he had a truck loading coconut bound for Nigeria.

Meanwhile, in a related development, Ghanaian truck driver Abeiku Christel, who normally loads coconut to Nigeria has also appealed to the Ghanaian and Togolese authorities to open their land borders as he spends a lot of time crossing the two land borders.

“I have to spend sometimes a week or three in crossing the Ghanaian border from Aflao to that of Togo. I do not face these challenges at the Benin border to Nigeria, as they remain opened”.

He pointed out in an interview that the police extort so much money from them, adding that the police park them for a long time as a form of punishment if they fail to pay whatever amount they require from them. And in most cases, they the drivers are compelled to use their own monies to settle the police just to go through the border.

And further added that the land borders of Benin and Nigeria is not closed, so it makes crossing quite easier.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com