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Engineering studies to be carried on Okere roads

An engineering study is to be carried fully on the Koforidua- Obotabiri- Ntronan roads linking the New Juaben Municipality and Akuapim North District on effort to upgrade the roads.

According to the Roads and Highways Department depending on the outcome of the studies, the road shall be considered for rehabilitation in the Ministry’s programme for the year.

Meanwhile routine maintenance will be carried on the road before the year ends.

The sector Minister Joe Gidisu made this known on the floor of Parliament on Friday when answering a question posed by the Member of Parliament for Okere Dan Botwe as to when the above road in the Okere Constituency will be worked on.

He noted that the major constraint in the sector is the absence of adequate resources to upgrade these roads to the desired standard.

Hon. Joe Gidisu added that routine works will also be executed on the Sikoko- Afiasi-Koforidua as part of the 2012 maintenance programme.

This he said will be repeated annually until funds are available to give it bituminous surfacing.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament defers approval of loan for Rural Agric programme

Parliament on Thursday deferred the approval of supplementary agreement between the government of Ghana and the International Fund for Agricultural Development of an amount of US$9million for the Rural and Agricultural finance programme.

The purpose of the facility is to support the implementation of the Rural and Agricultural finance programme in providing improved and sustainable livelihood to the rural particularly women and vulnerable groups by improving their access to sustainable financial services through enhanced outreach, sustainability and linkages.

To achieve their purpose, the facility will be used to build the capacity of ARB Apex Bank, Rural and Community banks and Rural Micro finance institutions.
Benefits of the programme will accrue directly or indirectly to 125 rural and community banks, 20 other micro finance institutions and at least 30 clients to be trained per annum by the rural and community bank in the micro finance roll out programme.

In 10 years, it is expected that about 62,000 small holder farmers will be actively borrowing for production of value chain commodities supported by government programme/agencies.

However, when the motion was moved by the chairman of the finance committee for parliament, James Kludze Avedzi for the approval of the facility, some members were of the opinion that government should not be borrowing fund to build the capacity of rural banks and rural micro finance institutions since these institutions are essentially private profit making organizations.

The MP of Okere, Hon. Dan Botwe who forcefully made this point wondered why public fund should be used in training coat wearing, fat salary paid staff of rural banks to be trained to give loans to poor farmers.

“It will be wrong for government monies to be used in training these people. Don’t they declare profit at the end of the year to use those money to educate themselves, farmers do not need such training to source for a loan. This is an insult to Ghanaian farmers,” he said.

However, a member of the committee, MP for Bimbila, Dominic Nitiwul urged the House to approve the facility as he contended it will be better for the farmers to be trained to access soft loans from the rural banks than to access loans from banks from the commercial market.

Following the sentiments that was raised, the First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Doe Adjaho who presided over proceedings urged the leadership of House to hold further consultations on the matter to address the concern and clear the  doubts in the minds of members.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament to summon Interior Minister

Parliament is to invite the Minister of interior William A. Aboah to brief the House on what measures his Ministry has put in place to the violent incidents which have taken place in some parts of the country in recent times.
The country in the last 2 weeks has experienced lots of disturbances including chieftaincy and land related disturbances in the Upper West Region, as well as Volta region.
There were violent clashes last week between the Fantes and Ewes at Ekumfi Narkwa in the Central Region after the indigenous Fantes suspected the settler Ewes of being behind the killing of the chief of Ekumfi Narkwa, Abusuapanin Kojo Abuasi.
As though that was the last to be heard on such clashes, the nation on Monday woke up on clashes between the youth of Hohoe and Muslims suspecting the chief of Hohoe to have allegedly caused the exhumation of the body of the late Imam of Hohoe Zongo.
MP for Akropong and former Deputy for Interior W.O. Boafo first raise the issues of violence in the parts of the country and the need to invite the interior minister to parliament as a need to check the temporal state of the security in parts of the country from escalating and spreading further to other parts of the country.
The deputy speaker of parliament who presided over proceedings pledged to engage the leadership of parliament to find out whether it will be appropriate to hear the matter behind close doors or on the floor of the house as it borders on security.
The Majority leader Clestus Avoka who acknowledges the importance and urgent nature of the issues assured that leadership will do its best to have the interior minister in parliament to brief the House.
Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

MPs call for enforcement of law to curb child labour

Members of Parliament on Tuesday joined the rest of the world to observe Worlds Day against child labour with a call for strict enforcement of laws to curb the practice.
The day is celebrated annually on the 12 of June.
The day provides the opportunity to highlight the plight of victims of child labour particularly those in the worst forms and to elicit the commitment of all partners to collectively fight against child labour.
The theme for this year is “human right and social justice – let’s end child labour”.
Delivering a statement on the floor of Parliament to mark the day, the Deputy Minister of Employment and Social Welfare Antwi Boasiako Sekyere stated that the Childrens Act 1998 (Act 560) makes provision for the protection of the right of children including the right to education, health and shelther and proscribe the engagement of children in exploitative labour in line with article 28 (2) of the Constitution .
It sets the minimum age for admission of a child to employment at 15 years, 13 years for light work and 18 years for hazardous work.
He noted that these guarantee reflect the nation’s growing concern over the employment of children particulary in activities that are exploitative or otherwise harmful.
He said in addition to aligning national laws with International Instrument on child labour a lot of efforts have been made to develop and implement programmes to deal with the problem some of which include the ratification of ILO Convention No. 182 on the elimination of the worst forms of child labour (2000).
The ratification of the ILO Convention No.138 on the minimum age of employment (2011) and the establishement of a national programme for the elimination of worst forms of child labour in cocoa sector (2006) of which its implementation is ongoing.
Adding his voice to the statement Hon. Gifty Kusi bemoaned the increase in forced marriage which to a large extent affect the developmental growth of both young girls as they are subjected to mental toucher as they enter into marriages against their will.
She added that having passed the Childrens Act there is the need to ensure the strict enforment of the law.
Hon. Tetteh Assuming on his part said the cultural situation in Ghana makes it difficult for one to differentiate what constitutes child labour and what is serving ones parent as a young child as per the Ghanaian culture children are made to assist their parent on the farm an at other places.
Hon. Kwame Osei Prempeh said rather than making annual statement on the floor of Parliament to mark the day, action must be seen to be taken against those who flout the children’s Act, which seeks the interest of Ghanaian children.
Kwadwo Anim/Ghanadistricts.com

Efforts to upgrade slums underway – Nortey Duah

As part of measures to upgrade slums in the country, the Ministry of Water Resources Works and Housing is collaborating with the UN – Habitat on a pilot slum upgrading project at Anui-Ejor, Ashaiman.

Under the project a 36-unit housing facility has been constructed for low income households with sanitary facilities to serve the community.

Slum upgrading involves the provision of access roads, drains, good sanitation facilities, potable water, improvement of housing, and security lightening in the slum settlements.

The Deputy Minister for Water Resources Works and Housing, Nii Nortey Duah, made this know on the floor of Parliament when he was answering a questions posed by the MP for Sunyani East Kwesi Ameyaw-Cheremeh on what plans the Ministry has for slum upgrading in the country.

Hon. Nii Nortey Duah, also MP for Ledzokuku said the ministry is also improving drainage and sanitation in many slum settlements in the country for example Nima, Goaso, and Ashaiman are benefiting from such major drainage work.

He added that potable water provision and sanitation are essential in slum upgrading.

Currently, urban water coverage stands at 63% and it is expected to reach 85% by 2015.

Meanwhile he said an urban water project sponsored by the World Bank has interventions targeted at the urban poor, who are mostly resident of slums throughout the country.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Parliament passes criminal offences amendment Bill 2011

The Bills seeks to amend the Criminal Offences Act, 1960 (Act 29) to include the unlawful use of Human parts, enforced disappearance, sexual exploitation, elicit trafficking in explosives fire arms and ammunitions, participation in organized criminal group acitivities and racketeering in Act 29 as criminal offences and to prescribe the prerequisite sanctions for such offences.
The issue of arrest, detention or abduction of individuals against their will in some jurisdictions and consequently the depravation of such individuals of their personal liberties has engaged the attention of the United Nations (UN).
The UN observed that these acts are more often than not, perpertuated by organized groups or individuals acting directed or indirectly on behalf of their government.
Such conducts often results in the disappearance of the individual concerned.
To prevent this occurrence it became important to ensure strict compliance with the body of principles for the protection of all persons under detention or imprisonment as contained Annexure of United Naitions Resolution 43/143.
The need for Ghana as a member of the commity for nations to discharge its Interanational Obligations by domesticating these International treaties on these matters to combat the act of enforced disappearance and other related criminal conduct necessitated the introduction of this Bill.
Kwadwo Anim/Ghanadistricts.com

Hohoe is now calm – Henry Ford Kamel

The Volta Regional Minister Henry Ford Kamel, says calm has returned to Hohoe following rioting by Muslim youth Monday morning during which they set ablaze a vehicle belonging to the paramount chief of the Gbi Traditional Area, Togbega Gabusu.

The rampaging youth who were incensed by the exhumation of their Imam resorted to destruction of several properties in the area including vandalizing the entire palace.

Tension had been mounting between the Muslim Community and the Gbi Traditional Council of Hohoe over the exhumation of the chief Imam Alhassan Sanni, who was buried on Sunday as they believed the paramount chief Togbega Gabusu was behind the exhumation.

The body of the Imam was said to have been found dumped on the Jasikan road.

The paramount chief was reported to have insisted that Muslims in the area were prohibited from burying their dead on the soil of Hohoe after some people from the Zongo community had engaged in a riotous behaviour when a member of the community was electrocuted.

The body of the electrocuted boy was also said to have been exhumed on the orders of Togbega Gabusu.

Speaking on Joy FM Midday News on Monday Hon. Ford Kamel who led a delegation to the Moslem community urged the residents to exercise restraint as the Regional Security Council delved deep into the matter to address various grievances.

He said the security agencies have been brought in to ensure law and order and also protect properties including public ones.

Hon. Ford Kamel who is also the MP for Buem, urged both factions to avoid acts that have the tendency of disturbing the peace in the area as no development can be undertaken in such chaotic situations.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

Koku Anyidoho’s job is intact – Fritz Baffour

The Minister of Information, Fritz Baffour has refuted claims that the Director of the Presidency Koku Anyidoho has been dismissed saying his position remains intact and that he will continue to discharge his duties effectively.

A statement released from the Office of the President signed by the Chief of Staff J.H Martey Newman over the weekend, outlined government’s official channels of communication leaving out the Director of Communications, the official designation of Koku Anyidoho.

The statement said all directives and decisions emanating from the Presidency including appointments, are communicated formally and signed by the Secretary to the President or in some instances by the Chief of Staff.

All other Government information is communicated through the Ministry of Information by Press Release or other means and in some cases where appropriate by the relevant sector Ministries, under the direction of the Minister-in-charge.

The Office of the President wishes the Media and General Public to be guided by these procedures and channels for communicating Government information.

This press release fuelled speculations that the tough-talking Koku Anyido had been sacked or demoted following his interview on 1st June 2012 in which he claimed that the Ashanti regional Director of the Electricity Company of Ghana had been dismissed when the floodlights at the Baba Yara stadium failed to light during the Ghana versus Lesotho football match, a statement Mr Anyodoho was severely criticized for making after it turned out that no such decision had been taken.

Speaking on Oman FM on Monday, Hon. Fritz Baffour who is also the MP for Ablekuma South stated that the government’s statement had nothing to do with Mr Anyidoho who is very competent in his work and that the latest move is to ensure a streamlined channel of information dissemination for effective communication.

He said government remains committed to the principle of accountability to the people and will continue to keep the citizenry informed of all they need to know as a people.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanamps.gov.gh

PC Appiah Ofori refutes Ken Agyapong’s claims

The MP for Asikuma Odoben Brakwa PC Appiah Ofori has said he strongly disagree with the ascertion by Assin North mp Kennedy Agyepong that the NPP is not a party worth dying for.

The beleagued MP had claimed on radio that it is not worthwhile sacrificing for the good of the NPP as the party deserted him in his time of trouble when he most needed party support.

The tough-talking Kennedy Agyepong was arrested by the police after inciting Ashantis against Ewes, a statement that was vehemently condemned.

However speaking on Asempa FM Eko Sii Sein show, PC Appiah Ofori expressed surprise at his colleague MPs comment saying that certainly cannot be true as the party showed him tremendous support throughout his difficult times.

“Party officials and sympathizers showed Kennedy Agyapong lots of support when they thronged the police CID headquatres to demand his release, they were also at the court whenever he appearedin court, obviously this is great support,” he said.

PC Appiah Ofori also refuted Kennedy Agyepong’s allegations that the letter written by the party to disassociate itself from his comment was written by Gaby Asare Otchere Darko and Oboshie Sai who are leading party members.

He said he was in a meeting that was also attended by NPP MPs during which the party resolved to come out with the said statement.

Kwadwo Anim/Ghanadistricts.com

Fante and Ewe clash has nothing to do with Ken’s comments – Nana Akomea

The communications Director for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Nana Akomea has lashed-out on the Central Regional Minister, Ama Benyiwa-Doe and some government spokespersons who have alluded to recent ethnic clashes between the Fantes and Ewe settlers in Ekumfi Narkwa in the Mfantseman District as a direct result of the inciteful ethnic comments by the Assin North MP Ken Agyapong.
Hon. Ama Benyiwa-Doe in an interview on Adom FM yesterday said the factions were acting on Ken Agyapong’s unguarded statements and that the MP has questions to answer in relation to the incident.
Three persons died at the Ekumfi Narkwa on Wednesday June 5 including the Abusuapanin of the area, Nana Kojo Asare whose lifeless body was found on his farm with his head and limb cut off under bizarre circumstance.
The indigenous Fantes who suspected the settler Ewes of being behind the killing started up riots attacking and burning the homes of Ewes who fought back resulting in the other death.
However speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana Show on Friday, Nana Akomea who is also the MP for Okaikoi South said it will be a gross ignorance on the part of anyone to link the unfortunate incident to the MP’s utterance when no such investigation has being done and also as they may be other long standing “under current” that sparked the riot.
He wondered why some government officials would want to take advantage of such a serious incident to play politics at the expense of the country’s security.
Nana Akomea cautioned government officials to desist from such needless propaganda and impress upon the security agencies to intensify intelligent gathering to prevent such unfortunate issues in the future.
Kwadwo Anim/Ghanadistricts.com