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Adwoa Sarfo booted out as minister

The Member of Parliament for Dome-Kwabenya, Sarah Adwoa Sarfo has lost her ministerial portfolio as the Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection.

A letter dated 28th July, 2022 from the Communications Directorate of the Jubilee House and signed by Eugene Arhin, Director of Communications, Office of the President said President Akufo-Addo revoked Adwoa Sarfo’s appointment in Accordance with Article 81 (a) of the constitution with immediate effect.

The president also asked the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Madam Cecilia Abena Dapaah to continue to act as the caretaker Minister for the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection until such a time that President Akufo-Addo appoints a substantive Minister.

The embattled MP’s ministerial revocation came barely hours after the Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin deferred sine die ruling on her and two other colleagues who were referred to the privileges Committee of Parliament for absenting themselves from parliament beyond the stipulated 15 days period.


North Gonja District Assembly staff visit Parliament

Staff of the North Gonja District Assembly on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 paid a working visit to Parliament to acquaint themselves with the workings of the House.
The group interacted with the 2nd Deputy Speaker, Hon. Andrew Asiamah and some staff from Parliament.

The Principal Assistant Clerk in charge of the Minority Secretariat, Camillo Pwamang, briefed the Assembly Members on the functions of Parliament.

The visit forms part of Parliament’s citizen engagement programme spearheaded by the Public Affairs Department.


Parliament approves €135 million for construction of Suame interchange

The Parliament of Ghana on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 approved a loan facility of One Hundred and Thirty-Five Million, Three Hundred and Ninety-Six Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighteen Euros and Thirty-Eight Cents (€135,396,518.38) for the design and construction of phase 1 of the Suame interchange and ancillary works project at Kumasi.

The House in accordance with article 181 of the 1992 Constitution approved by resolution, the

i. Buyer’s Credit Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana (represented by the Ministry of Finance) and Deutsche Bank S.A.E. (as Arranger, Structuring Bank Mandated Lead Arranger and Agent) for an amount of One Hundred and Thirty-five Million, Three Hundred and Ninety-Six Thousand, Five Hundred and Eighteen Euros and Thirty-Eight Cents (C135,396 518.38) [supported by a CESCE Insurance Premium] to finance the Design and construction of Phase 1 of the Suame Interchange and Ancillary Works Project at Kumasi, Republic of Ghana.
ii.  Commercial Facility Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Ghana (represented by the Ministry of Finance) and Deutsche Bank S.A.E. (as Arranger, Structuring Bank, Mandated Lead Arranger and Agent) for an amount of Twenty-One Million Euros (€21,000,000.00) to finance the Design and Construction of Phase 1 of the Suame Interchange and Ancillary Works Project at Kumasi.


The Suame Interchange is made up of a 4-Tier interchange with the following functional characteristics:
I.  First Tier – This is a roundabout at the ground level. It caters for left and U-turns movements.

II. Second Tier – This level is for through movement from Kejetia towards Offinso and also caters for movement from Kejetia to Mampong.

III. Third Tier – This tier, provides for movement for movement from PV Obeng Road towatds Western  by-pass and PV Obeng Road towards Offinso Road.

IV.  Fourth Tier – This level is for movement from Offinso Road to PV Obeng Road

V. The interchange shall be 4 composite of steel and concrete structure. The beams shall be steel box girders.

Mr Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, the Majority Leader and Member of Parliament for the Suame Constituency described the traffic situation in the area as bad due to poor road network and expressed optimism that the construction of the interchange and the ancillary roads would bring relieve to the travelling public.

He called on the people living in the area to bear with the inconveniences that come with the project and cooperate with the contractor to do the work.

Mr. Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu had the unpleasant experience of being pelted at with sachet water and chased out of the area because of the poor road network; as such the loan approval comes as good news to everybody.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

“Let us not water down investment made by Akufo-Addo’s government”—Afenyo Markin

Deputy Majority Leader Alexander Kwamena Afenyo Markin has cautioned that investments made by the President Nana Akufo-Addo government should not be allowed to be watered down.

According to him government would be beyond aid and is focused on the Free Senior High School (SHS) policy without which parents could not afford to pay for school fees of their children.

“I stand here as MP by luck and the grace of God that took me through secondary education; if 1995 and 1997 grace was not sufficient,  I will have dropped out in my final year. It took the bursary of Paa Kwesi Nduom  which I worn which got me to register for my final exam and we talk about the many Ghanaians then and now who were in my situation and did not get any help”.

Addressing the media on Monday, July 25, 2022, he noted that many Ghanaians are benefiting from the Free SHS, without which many Ghanaian students from the hinterland will not have gained admonition to first class schools.

“I believe we must sustain Free SHS and government says it is not giving up on it. Previously, we had many of our nurses graduating who have to stay home for four and five years, and I dare any NDC MP to say we have a nurse stay home for three years; all of them have been absorbed into the system”.

And further added that there has been recruitment of security personnel’s to the newly created districts as the sector Minister provided the figures and it is for the NDC MPs to challenge it. “Again we are not comparing ourselves to their colleagues in the NDC”.

Mr. Afenyo-Markin cautioned Ghanaians not to allow themselves to be lied to as a way of returning to power, stating that it is the same NDC appointees leading them for another quest for power, “what did they do when they had the power? They are not better than us”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Finance Minister did not come to seek approval

Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo Markin has set the record straight that the Finance Minister Ken Ofori Atta did not come to Parliament on Monday, July 25, 2022 to see parliamentary approval in the presentation of the 2022 Mid-Year Budget review.

According to him, he already has approval on every expenditure he is making within the threshold and the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu could not attack the Finance Minister on unconstitutional conduct because the Minister was well fortified by the provision of the constitution.

In a media engagement on Monday, July 25, 2022, he noted that the Finance Minister as part of his obligation to Parliament as provided in the constitution Article 148 came to the floor and he made it clear that he was not before, “us to move for a motion, but to make a statement under the appropriation Act. We provided a celling, so once the Minister is not going outside the celling, it is proper for him to update the House”.

Anyone who would attempt to say there was a requirement for a motion to be moved may be in error. This is what he said at paragraph 82, “We concede that times are hard and things are not what we desired, but believe in the overcoming spirit of the Ghanaian people, a spirit that does not cower in the face of challenges. It is this spirit that inspires us as a Government to provide the leadership that is required”.

According to him, the NPP government upon assumption of office took immediate steps to implement without delay every single intervention programme it promise while in opposition. In doing so government is not attempt to increase taxation, rather reviewed the taxation they inherited from the NDC government, some were reviewed downwards and some taken off completely.

E-Levy is the first major fiscal policy in terms of taxation that government introduced. “The first major, of cause someone may talk of the pollution levies; all those are minor levies but “I am saying a major levy that was introduced to address some challenges is the E-Levy”.

When the NDC was in power Ghanaians pleaded with them to reduce the electricity tariffs they could not do, and when NPP under Akufo-Addo took office electricity tariffs were reduced between 17 to 30 percent, household and cooperate institutions enjoyed rebate, bulk users enjoyed rebate, those are facts that anyone who does not like this government can attest to, he emphasised.

One macroeconomic indicator he noted that from 2017to 2019 this country was enjoying a steady growth even enjoying  a single digit inflation, then COVID-19 pandemic struck which took us all by surprise not only Ghana, the world all over,  so should NDC appointees and MP “come to you and tell you that the difficulties we are in is as a result of mismanagement it is one of the propaganda because the world over every government is complaining one way or the other”.

He said for NDC to go to IMF when there was no such crises to turn round and claim they are better managers of the economy because we  have to go to the IMF now for sustainability,  for them to support us to balance our payment means Ken Ofori Atta is incompetent is rich to say the least.

“I see the NDC posture as their usual politics as Mr. Speaker describes it is unfortunate and that we were all thinking the democracy has come this far, they will not want to reason with us by looking at the real issues. As a government we are focusing on reviving the economy that is why government is still putting in place incentive to support the economy”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

4 Justices nominated to the Supreme Court by Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Akufo-Addo has appointed four Justices to the Supreme Court pending parliamentary approval.

Rt. Hon Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, made the disclosure from the Presidency when he read communications from the presidency to the House on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.

The list comprises three justices of the Court of Appeal and a Justice of the High Court.

The nominees are:

Justice Barbara Frances Ackah-Yensu – Court of Appeal are,

Justice George Kingsley Koomson – Court of Appeal

Justice Samuel Kwame Adibu Asiedu – Court of Appeal

Justice Ernest Yao Gaewu – High Court.

Their appointments are subject to vetting and subsequent approval or rejection by Parliament.


Finance Minister not fit for purpose, he should resign – Agbodza fires Ofori Atta

The Ranking Member on the Roads Committee of Parliament, Kwame Agbodza has lashed out at the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta for lying to Ghanaians when he presented different accounts to the people of Ghana with regard to the Accra-Tema Motorway Expansion project.

Mr. Agbodza at a press briefing on Monday after the presentation of the Mid-Year Budget Review said he felt very ashamed to listen to what the finance Minister had to say, stating that in 2021 the Minister said they have signed an agreement for the construction of the Accra-Tema Motorway PPP project, 31.7 kilometers. In 2022, he said they have completed the financing agreement. “Today, this finance minister is saying that they are now going through procurement; you can see the story already”, he said.

The Ranking Member did not also take it kindly with the Finance Minister when he announced the reintroduction of road tolls on the Accra-Tema Motorway after the completion of the expansion works with the view of using that to “recover the whole life cost of the completed infrastructure as well as pay lenders and provide a return for equity investors”.

“The finance minister told us that one of the reasons he cancelled the road tolls was that road toll collections ends up creating pollution in the environment. When the Speaker of Parliament told them by law they need to come to Parliament before they can cancel the tolls, they told the Speaker to go and collect the toll himself. In front of the Speaker today, he is telling us that he is bringing the tolls back”.

He asserts that “this Finance Minister is not fit for purpose. He is a disgrace. He should go and tender in his resignation. He has totally lost control of the economy and he cannot be trusted to tell the truth about anything. And that is why I feel that this should be the last time he comes to Parliament”.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com

Let the bust reflects Prof. Mills’ name, not the one who unveils it – Minority

The Minority in Ghana’s Parliament is demanding that President Nana Akufo-Addo and his associate Koku Anyidoho take of their names beneath the bust erected in memory of the late President John Evan Atta Mills. According to the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu, rather the name of the late Professor John Evans Atta Mills should be beneath his bust at Asomdwee Park.

“We demand that the president and his associate Koku Anyidoho do what is right and appropriate; the office of the former president is an institutional office, it goes beyond his person as far as our democracy is concerned and stays so, we will produce former presidents”.

Bust of late JEA Mills

At a press conference on Monday, July 25, 2022 the Minority Leader, Haruna Iddrisu pointed out that Ghana’s first President Dr. Kwame Nkrumah’s name is beneath his bust, same is the situation in the United States of America, late President Lincoln has his name below is bust so that anyone who visits knows that is the final resting place of Lincoln. Former President John Evans Atta Mills the third president of the fourth Republic who passed on in public service serving Ghana as its president, there is no need to have the name of the current president and his associate there, he asserts.

According to him, but for the peaceful nature of President John Mills, they will just walk in there to the park to change the name themselves, but it will not be in honour of the late president, he preached peace and he learnt peace from him otherwise. “ we will just walk there and pull the inscription currently there and put what is appropriate there, persons who visit the park must know it is the final resting place of JEA Mills, I never saw President Mills in that brown dress, we are hurt of the attempt to sow a seed of conflict and disrespect in a grieving family”.

And further noted that Sunday, July 24, 2022 marked the ten (10) years passing away of the former President, who is someone who is modest and exhibited humility and his integrity is not questionable. A dedicated public servant, he served the country well and responsibly, “we urge Ghanaians and persons in public life to learn from the Mills example; his punctuality and austerity of protecting the public purse today, we run a convoy of thirty vehicles wastage in the name of the republic”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Road toll is back on Accra-Tema motorway

Less than a year since road toll collection was abolished in the country, users of the Accra-Tema motorway are to brace themselves to start paying road tolls once again after the completion of expansion works on the road. The Finance Minister Mr. Ken Ofori Atta disclosed this during the Mid-Year Budget Review in parliament on Monday, July 25, 2022. He said the decision to toll the road is to help recover the whole life cost of the completed infrastructure as well as pay lenders and provide a return for equity investors.

Mr ofori Atta speaking on Road Financing said the Ministry of Roads and Highways (MoRH) Public-Private Partnership (PPP) programme for road infrastructure, the Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Maintain (DBFOM) Accra – Tema Motorway and Extension PPP Project (27.7km) is at the procurement stage. Site works are expected to commence in September 2022.
He said The Government of Ghana has made a strategic decision, in line with the Public Private Partnership Act, 2020 (Act 1039) to procure the Accra-Tema Motorway and Extensions Project through GIIF with a mandate to deliver a GIIF-led PPP financing solution, where maximum funds are raised from the market, but majority ownership of the project remains with GIIF on behalf of the Ghanaian Government.

“The draft Concession Agreement (CA) between GIIF and MoRH is currently under review by GIIF, MoRH, the Office of the Attorney-General and Ministry of Finance. When completed, the CA is expected to be approved by the PPP Committee, Cabinet and Parliament. The completed road will be tolled to recover the whole life cost of the completed infrastructure as well as pay lenders and provide a return for equity investors. The Government of Ghana shall provide funding through GIIF to take equity in the Special Purpose Vehicle to be created by GIIF for the project” he stated.

Road toll collection was abolished last year during the presentation of the 2022 Budget Statement with the minority accusing government of throwing good money away that could help in fiscal consolidation.


Gov’t prints over GHC22 billion without parliamentary approval – Ato Forson

Ranking Member on the Finance Committee of Parliament, Dr. Casel Ato Forson Baah  has revealed that the Government through the Bank of Ghana printed over GHC22billion between January to June 2022, without parliamentary approval. Dr. Ato Forson in a press briefing in Parliament on Monday July 25, 2022, in reaction to a statement presented by the Minister for Finance in his Mid-Year Budget Review said “the Minister for Finance and the Government had gone to the Bank of Ghana and they have encouraged the Bank of Ghana to print money worth 22billion Ghana Cedis without the knowledge of Parliament”

He said he is saddened by the revelation adding that “no wonder inflation is galloping and our reserve position is dwindling, because when you create new money out of the thin air what happens is that inflation would go up, again because it’s a new money, you would end up losing your reserves because there would be new consumptions”.

The Ranking who is also the Member of Parliament for Ajumako-Enyan-Esiam Constituency expressed dismay that the finance minister failed to announce such an important factor in the financial management of the government in his statement only for him to find it in the Mid-Year Review document that 22billion and 48million Ghana cedis was printed and no one was informed about it, not even parliament.

He described the development as illegal and it is against the Bank of Ghana Act; and urged the Governor of the Bank of Ghana that he has engaged in gross illegality. He thus advised him that “in future if he is asked to print money, he should first come to parliament first before he acts. According to him, the omission by the Finance Minister to disclose the printing of the 22billion and 48million Ghana cedis renders the statement a “nullity; he should come back again and deliver a new Mid-Year Review because this is material; it is in fact pervasive for a minister to omit the fact that they have taken GHC22billion from the Central Bank is pervasive, i cannot accept it”.

According to him, the move is scandalous, and “he should have at least as part of his statement mention to us, apparently it is hidden in the appendices”, he stated. He warned that if the trend of money printing continues, he would not be surprised that we would end the year with inflation of 50%, and we would end up depleting the entire foreign reserves of our country to the extent that a time would come we may not end up getting money to take care of our major imports such as petroleum products and medicine”.

He said monetary financing is not the way to go at the time the investor community has lost hope in the economy, adding that one thing the NDC successfully removed in the year 2016 was the fact that we removed what we call fiscal dominance. “Today fiscal dominance is back in style, is back with jacket, it is back in a way that is not acceptable”.

Dominic Shirimori/Ghanamps.com