The Minister of Communications and Digitalisation,Ursula Owusu-Ekuful has stated emphatically that the SIM card re-registration would not be extended after the 31st July, 2022 deadline.
According to her, there are no longer queues at the registration centres and people who are yet to do their SIM registration should endevour to do so before the deadline.
Even though it was brought to her attention that some people are genuinely facing challenges with the Ghana Card registration to enable them complete the sim registration, she responded, the challenges not withstanding there would be no extension of the deadline.
Importance of the SIM card Re-registration
The SIM registration exercise according to the Minister will among others
• Reduce or eliminate fraudulent and criminal activities facilitated by mobile phones or sim enabled devices,
• Help authorities ascertain the real number of valid and accurate SIMs on the mobile networks,
• Enable operators to build better demographics of their customer base and help them develop products and services to suit these various groupings.
• The National Communications Authority (NCA) will also have a more accurate and credible database to regulate the industry better.
• SIM Registration will enhance economic growth as more confidence is built in the telecommunications sector and people utilize secure devices to access mobile-based digital solutions, both private and public.
• It will minimize mobile money fraud, promote cybersecurity and support financial inclusion.
More so, the Minister said a credible and reliable SIM Register will serve as a database giving comprehensive statistics regarding the number of subscribers in Ghana and provide a resource for tracking fraudsters and criminals. The exercise which was expected to end on 31% March 2022 has been extended to 31% July 2022.
The Minority in Parliament said the Finance Minister’s Statement as presented to parliament on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 to account on the COVID-19 fund and expenditure is inadequate and insufficient to pass a simple mark of accountability.
The Minority in a press briefing addressed by the Ranking Member of the Finance Committee, Cassie Ato Forson said the statement as presented by the Finance Minister lacks details and full disclosure and most importantly does not account for the entire amount that they have spent.
He indicated that the COVID-19 Trust fund which is a public fund has not been accounted for.
“Moreover, the Finance Minister informed the House that they have received ¢19.3 billion cedis in the name of Covid-19 and the Minority is yet to take stock and confirm the amount”. According to him, he doubt that amount because already the Minority leader, Haruna Iddrisu has identified a loan facility which the House approved for COVID-19 expenditure but that money is missing in the account provided.
Mr Ato Forson said the Minister had only made an attempt to account for ¢12 billion, with about ¢7.3 billion ‘missing’ without trace, and called on the Finance Minister to account for the missing amount immediately. “The Minister also failed to account for expenditure returns to enable us know the details. As of now we are unable to verify the numbers as provided until the Expenditure returns is provided”.
Also, the Finance Minister mentioned ¢36 million to design Agenda 111 buildings, they must provide reasons why this amount was given and who had the contract”
He also wondered why government would spend GH¢600 million on the construction of Agenda 111 in 2020, a year before the President cut the sod for the project in August 2021. “At that time, they had not started the started the construction, so if you tell us you have spent GH¢600 million in the previous year, at the time you have not cut sod and started construction it is very difficult to comprehend where the money went.”
The Minority has assured that they will ensure that the Minister accounts for every single penny, including the ministers and head of COVID entities that spent the money.
“The Minister of finance would have to make the releases, but somebody awarded the contracts, somebody spent the money, and we would haul all of them one by one to the committee. I can I sure you that we would go to the committee and ensure that they would account for every single penny of the tax payers money and to audit this line-by-line, word-for-word, and we can assure you that we would do what is right for the republic of Ghana”.
Dominic Shirimori/
The Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecelia Dapaa assured the people of Yilo Krobo Municipality that there would see marked improvemrnt in water supply when all the interventions they are undertaking are completed.
The Minister announced that currently, the GWCL is undertaking water supply expansion works to connect Huhunya to Boti, Agogo, Opesika, Sutapon, Akpo, Akpamu and the surrounding communities.
Although, the project suffered a major setback, when some aggrieved residents burnt and destroyed the pipelines within the constituency, the GWCL has expedited action in replacing the damaged pipelines and has laid 3.7km of 110mm HDPE pipelines and 8km of 160mm HDPE pipelines as distribution lines to serve the above listed communities.
Furthermore, interconnections are also underway on the existing transmission mains serving Koforidua from the Booster station at Kwasidiaka. It is expected that the works will be completed by the second quarter of the year, 2023, the minister stated.
The supply of potable water in the Yilo Krobo Municipality is provided by both the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) and the Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL).
The communities are mainly served by a point source scheme which is managed on the basis of a community ownership.
The Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin has warned the Minister of transport, Kwaku Ofori Asiamah to take the work of parliament seriously and honour all invitations extended to him as the House deem appropriate.
Transport Minister
The Speaker’s warning follows a late notice served the House through the table office over the minister’s inability to be available in the House to answer questions that he was scheduled to respond to on the floor on Tuesday, June 21, 2022.
According to the Speaker, per the constitutional provisions, Article 122, the minister’s action constitutes contempt of the House. Article 122 states that “An act or omission which obstructs or impedes parliament in the performance of its functions or which obstructs or impedes a member or officer of parliament in the discharge of his duties, or affront the dignity of parliament or which tends either directly or indirectly to produce that result, is contempt of
The Speaker who sides with the leadership that the transport minister is one of those who used to be very punctual in responding to questions asked by members said that, of late his conduct seems to be negating all the gains he made in the house. “I am tempted to refer his conduct to the privileges committee but because of the interventions from leadership I will resist that temptation and not refer him to the privileges committee for today. But the next conduct tantamount to this behaviour would be referred to the privileges committee.”
The Speaker this referred the questions back to the business Committee to reschedule at the appropriate date.
“But give him notice that this House would no longer entertain that kind of behaviour.”
He advised that If for any good reason, Ministers would not be available, chief directors and acting chief directors should state good reasons in clear language, warning that the House would no longer accept the language “unavoidably absent”.
At a joint Committee meeting of ECOWAS Parliament involving the Committee on Social Affair, Gender and Women Empowerment, it has become very urgent and import that the Committee partners Commissions, department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security in fighting terrorism in the West Africa sub-region.
Head of mediation and coordination of regional political affairs, Dr. Mrs Onyinye Onwuka at the ECOWAS Commission revealed that there are a lot of women who have been used by the terrorist.
According to her, she has always said the terrorist are smarter “than us”; they know the utility of women can get information beyond sleeping on the bed, there is a natural intuition that women have and they have used them very well to get information.
Hon Laadi Ayii Ayamba
“We keep thinking when you hear a woman talk, she says give us a space all for the good of everybody, so in the area of radicalization, women play fundamental role and the Committee that supervises gender should really dig deep into the local communities to see how we create counter narrative with ECOWAS”.
And that can be done when women and the Peace and Security work together and they are looking for ways to get the grassroot, where the local women can be engaged to reveal what transpires, on the issue of terrorism.
Dr. Mrs Onyinye made this remarks on Monday, June 20, 2022 when the joint Committees on : Political Affairs, Peace, Security and APRM Committee, Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Administration, Finance and Budget Committee and Public Account, met to review the political and security situation in the ECOWAS region.
She pointed out a case as an example where a woman married to a member of the Boko haram fighters who was rescued, but after two months she requested to return to the man. “There is the urgent need to act now because the issue of terrorism is eating up the sub-region”.
“Otherwise we would have a West Africa spring; forty percent of Burkina Faso is in the hands of terrorist who are young people. At their camp 60 percent are from zero to 18 years, we were told about Mali and Northern Nigeria the field is rive for harvest”
Vice chair on the Committee of Social Affairs, Gender and Women Empowerment at the ECOWAS Parliament, Laadi Ayii Ayamba, endorsing the suggestion pointed out that the issue of Women and Security is part of their plans.
And the Speaker of the Parliament is very serious about it and would take up the issue with the chairperson of the Committee, as fortunately the third Deputy Speaker was part of the joint Committee meeting.
“So that, when we have a meeting any action that is going to be taken, we would get in touch with you and listen to whatever you have for us”, she added.
The Member of Parliament for Asuogyaman Constituency in the Eastern Region, Thomas Ampem Nyarko on Monday, 13th June, 2022 launched a new educational program dubbed “Let’s Read Together” at Senchi-Ferry Methodist Primary School.
The program which is aimed at helping pupils in basic schools across Asuogyaman District to improve on their reading and comprehension skills would see the Member of Parliament visiting selected schools every Mondays to read a passage with pupils after which the pupils will be asked questions from the passage to answer.
Speaking at the launch of the program, Nana Ofei Addo Agyeman II, Chief of Senchi and Nifahene of Akwamu Traditional Area, praised the MP for his numerous educational programs in the district.
He also encouraged the pupils to take motivation from the MP who was once a teacher, to develop interest and skills in reading. He said that would improve their vocabularies and confidence whenever they are speaking among their peers.
The Member of Parliament, The Nifahene of Akwamu Traditional Area, The District Director of Education; Madam Augustina Adwoa Owusu and The Reverend Pastor of Senchi Presbyterian Church; Rev. Elijah Foh Amaning took turns to read a passage with Primary Five (5) pupils titled “Champion Runner”.
Mr. Thomas Ampem Nyarko later gave out school bags, books and other learning materials donated to him by a foundation called “Heavens Relief” to the pupils. In all about 200 pupils benefited from this donation.
The headmistress of Senchi Methodist Primary School; Madam Susana Debrah was very grateful to the Member of Parliament for selecting her school for the launch of the Program which makes them the first beneficiaries.
First Rapporteur of the Community Parliament’s, Committee on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Mahama Ayariga, has advised the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission to change its policy of no engagement with terrorist in the sub-region.
According to him the policy of, “you would not talk to them is not the right way; ECOWAS must change its strategy and engage, if you do not talk to them and bring them to the table to dialogue yet you said you are mediating with the military Juntas?”.
Again, “who is a terrorist that is the point I want to make here. Who determines that this or that person is a terrorist and just because of what chairman has said, let us be careful how we define the problem, if we define it as a problem of terrorism then you go with the tool of dealing with terrorism; but if you define the problem as one of governance you would respond with a governance solution”.
Officials of ECOWAS Commission
Mr. Ayariga made this remarks on Monday, June 202022 when the joint Committees on Political Affairs, Peace, Security and APRM Committee, Legal Affairs and Human Rights, Social Affair, Gender and Women empowerment, Administration, Finance and Budget Committee and Public Account, met to review the political and security situation in the ECOWAS region.
Representatives from the Commission, who represented the Commissioner on Peace and Security, were Dr. Onyinye Onwuka, Head of Mediation and Coordination of regional political affairs division, Serign Mamadou Ka Programme Officer, Democracy and Good Governance Directorate of Political Affairs, Dr Dieng Abdourahmane, Head Regional Security Division, Dr Emmanuel Okorodudu, Head of Democracy and Good Governance.
“You started the conversation that, we would not talk to terrorist, if you would not talk to them then you would not know what their issues are and to address them, and you want us to arm you with money, buy more weapons and go and face them when we know weapons would not solve the problems, those you describe as terrorist are sometimes equally well trained guys, they can handle weapons”.
Mr. Mahama Ayariga further pointed out that in Burkina Faso the rebels are controlling forty percent of Burkina Faso, and pleaded with officials from the Commission to change their policy direction, “you have tools at your disposal, you have members of Parliament”.
Leadership of joint committee
He stated not to sound boastful, at the Committing meeting, there was a problem in Sierra Leone, the president of the Commission at that time had wisdom to say look let the MPs go and let us see if they can solve the problem.
When the delegation of MPs of which he was part of together with the chairman of the Committee Edwin Melvin Snowe Jr. went there, all they did was to call the MPs who were in the ECOWAS Parliament aside and asked, “how can we solve this problem. Their answer was simple; “this problem talk to this person and that person?”
They adhered to the advice of their colleagues and managed the situation dealing with those individuals. At the end their mission was achieved, he stated.
He advised the committee to just call the MPs and ask them to give you briefing of what is happening, “they would tell you everything, you would be able to guide your commissioner better and you would be able to guide the Authority of Heads of States better, and many of the problems would be solved”.
The first Rapporteur of the Committee emphasised how crucial it is to involve the Community Parliament, “not that we want work for ourselves, we are also affected by the failure to deliver on the work, so we are appealing to you to reconsider what you define as terrorism”.
Again, he pointed out that they live with the branded terrorist, and gave another example in Ghana saying the issue of Fulani herdsmen became a big topic, one day he called the Minister and told him not to blame the herdsmen and he does not know what is happening to them in the bush.
They move three hundred cattle’s across three countries, and what they have been going through, each cow is about a thousand or two thousand dollars and if he is moving with three hundred sometimes a thousand, “just multiply that by a thousand dollars; each person is walking with hundred thousand dollars in the bush alone”.
Cattle rustlers attack them in the bush, they steal the cattle they go and sale them, so ultimately they end up finding it necessary to start defending themselves and people do not understand them and say Fulani herdsmen are violent carrying gun. In all these they have not identified the issue properly.
According to him, in Ghana “operation cow leg” was carried out with the involvement of the military to bring the situation under control, but that is not the problem. His colleague Laadi Ayii Ayamba’s Constituency shares border with Burkina Faso with customs officer on both sides.
In the event insurgents attack custom officers from Burkina Faso, their Ghanaian side would stand and watch because they cannot interfere and they go away with track loads of goods and pass through the border and that “whole territory that you say is in terrorist hands they would get to Niger with their goods. But let them see one vehicle branded as government of Burkina Faso vehicle you would be killed, if they stop you and search you and find any document on you that associate you with the states of Burkina Faso you are dead; certainly they have issues with the central government that is why in the beginning I asked if you have engaged them”.
The Committee work would be finalised on Wednesday, June 22, 2022.
A member of the Nigerian delegation to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Parliament, Awaji-Inombek D. Abiante said the absence of majority of his colleagues from Nigeria at the ongoing 2022 Frist Ordinary Session is a matter of concern.
According to him, they would have to engage their colleagues to participate actively but was quick to point out that journalists who cover the Community parliament also have the opportunity to speak to their leaders on the subject matter. In an interview sought to find out how come since the Session started out of the thirty five (35) slot Nigeria has, each day more than eight (8) lawmakers cannot be countered, “yet you always present seat through to the end?”
“I have people who are chairmen and members of the Bureau, I am just an ordinary member, they carry more weight and should carry more responsibilities. The first Deputy Speaker is my leader and a member of my parliament probably as part of your contribution towards solving this problem you can also get him engaged”.
Again, tell him these are your observations and find out what can be done to help change the narrative. “It’s really embarrassing if issue of Nigeria comes up how many of us are here to even listen, we should listen and get something back home. I am not talking of interventions, it is a concern to me as a person and I am sure it is the same for any other person”. He added that, like it was pointed out on Saturday, “what is your brand, what would you be known for, I am me, I do not want to be another person so any assignment I find myself I want to do it with all my heart”, he said.
He further pointed out that it’s not only about Nigeria but attendance issue is a huge challenge because other MPs form other member states also do not take attendance serious, and called for re-tooling for them to consider their procedure programme to be much more effective.
Also when the president of the commission made his presentation parliament was in a hurry to close the issues and move on and think they need to revisit their procedure so that when they have a presentation enough opportunities should be given for interrogation. And it is in debate that you find the best out of the best in issue. One could be contentious and contradictory issues, there could be controversial issues, but when subjected to adequate debate the best options would be picked out; one can report them back to their home government and the commission.
Take for instance the Liberian health sector, subject it to debate and let us have divers opinions, contradictory opinion at the end of the day, MP’s from Liberia would see reason; they might find alternative means and get to understand best practices as applicable in other countries and would take such home.
As in their country report, their health sector 71 percent of the funds are donor driven and if it means haven to review laws you can compare other legislation in other member states. “I do not know whether we are gaining or losing grounds; it was one country, it became two, it became three, the ternate of democracy as define by their own laws I was being told this morning that Senegal that we were praising, when they presented their country report that there are some issues in the home front.
Protest, and this is how it starts if as parliament we cannot be very decisive as giving out options and alternatives to ensure that this democracy that we have is sustained across the member states”. He said he is happy that democracy has come to stay and there is the saying that, “ the worse of democracy is better than any other form of government. There is the need for MPs to retool to guarantee the confidence of the people who are here”.
In the wake of human rights abuse and violation in the West African sub-region by multinational companies, Friends of the Earth Africa, (FoE), an Environmental Justice Organisation has appealed to the Community Court of Justice and Parliament to intervene to help address human rights violation against Indigenous people and local communities by industrial plantation companies.
FoE media engagement
At a media engagement on Saturday, June 18, 2022 after the Community Parliament gave FoE an opportunity for an interactive session with lawmakers at the ongoing 2022 First Ordinary Session in Abuja-Nigeria, Ms Rita Uwaka, Coordinator for Forest and Biodiversity programme of the organisation pointed out that it is their wish that the numerous cases of violation of human rights by multinational companies in the sub-region would be given attention.
And as part of their advocacy work the Community Court and Parliament can play a role of influencing national governments within the sub-regional states of the various abuses they occur.
As to whether the organisation would take up their case to the Community court since she pointed out that the multinationals are able to influence the judicial systems within member states, she said: “we have done so with oil palm extraction, we have sent it to court at different levels, we were frustrated here in Nigeria, we eventually got victory when we went to the Hague which is the home country of some of these multinational companies”. And they are trying to achieve a systematic process of moving from the local sub regional (ECOWAS). “Now on Monday, June 20, 2022, we would be going to the EU Parliament and talk to them for them to understand the funding that some of the multinational are receiving for agro commodities in the sub-region, they are causing harm, and human right abuses in Africa and the sub-region”.
On the question as to whether they would consider getting involve in crafting laws that would favor their members in the sub-region, she noted it would be a good step as with the concession agreement are not respected as in the memorandum of understanding.
And gave an example of industrial plantation company SIAT in Nigeria when they went to field visit two weeks ago they notice that the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the Community people drafted for the companies to look at has not been considered.
Again out of 15 inputs on the MoU it was just one that was taken and those kind of agreements, they have been educating the Community people to be able to make informed choices on what is expected, in the way they have these agreements with the companies.
Also most of the MoU do not know how to go about it and it is part of their advocacy strategy to continue to build the capacity of the community people to understand and prioritize what they want, those are the things which would be the binding things.
These are the things that the Communities and multinational companies need to respect and if they deviate from that, then they know that they have breached the MoU and its important, “ we need to keep doing that and we would continue doing that and we need your support as the media in this direction”.
Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/
The Member of Parliament for Nsuta Kwamang Beposo in the Ashanti Region, Adelaide Ntim has urged the need for all stakeholders to ensure that the Green Ghana Day tree planting project does not become a nine day wonder.
According to her it is important for all to ensure that trees planted during the exercise are nurtured and conserved in order to protect the current and future generations.
The Nsuta Kwamang Beposo lawmaker made the call on the floor of parliament in a statement to commensurate one year of anniversary of the National tree planting exercise.
Government through the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources in 2021 launched the day to help increase the nation’s green vegetation cover due to deforestation and environmental degradation.
Hon Adelaide Ntim commended government for the Green Ghana project which described as a “well intended policy” deserving the commendation of all.
“It was a well-intended policy tolled out on an unprecedented scale in terms of preparation and participation and so must be commended by all” she stated.
The MP noted that the national tree planting exercise has reawaken public consciousness about environmental preservation to ensure that the human race is not endangered.
She urged all to be minded of the maxim- “That when the last tree dies, the last man will die” and work at preventing the last man from dying by conserving the trees planted.
The Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, Samuel Abdulai Jinapor in March 2021 launched the National Tree Planting programme the Green Ghana Day as part of activities marking the international day of forests to help protect the country’s forests and ecosystem.
The maiden Green Ghana Day saw the planting of some five million trees across the country.
The second edition- 2022 witnessed the planting of 20 million seedlings in forest reserves and public places on the theme: “Mobilising for a Green Future”.