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Don’t be used by politicians :Akim Oda MP cautions youth

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Akyem Oda, Mr Yaw Owusu-Boateng, has stressed the need for the people of the Zongo community not to allow themselves to be used by politicians to cause violence and mayhem during electioneering and polls.

He condemned the training of Muslims and the use of people of the northern extraction as “Azoka” or “Bamba” boys to intimidate their fellow citizens, adding that in most cases, they inflicted wounds on their political opponents.

Mr Owusu-Boateng made the call at the funeral service (Adoa) of the chief Imam for Akyem Oda, Alhaji Zakaria. The ceremony was attended by people of the political divide at Oda last Sunday.

“Why do politicians not want to use their own kith and kin to cause mayhem and other criminal activities but always resort to Muslims or people in the Zongo community to perpetuate such violence of the highest order on political opponents,?” he asked.

The MP advised the people never to use violence to influence the ballot used in selecting honourable people to represent them in Parliament.

He also queried “Why should Islam, which means peace, be used by politicians to disrupt elections”.

Mr Owusu-Boateng admonished the Muslim communities to strive for higher political leadership instead of fighting during elections.

He seized the opportunity to explain the importance of the ongoing population and housing census to the Muslims and encouraged them to fully participate in it.

Mr Owusu-Boateng also advised them to pay special attention to secular education by enrolling all their children of school going age in school and ensure that they attained the highest level of education.

The Oda Zongo chiefs were supportive of the MPs idea

Source: GNA

CID questions ex-minister over ‘dubious deal’

Ex-Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, and Member of Parliament for Old Tafo, Dr Anthony Akoto Osei was yesterday invited by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) of the Ghana Police Service and subjected to rigorous interrogations in respect of his alleged involvement in the bizarre sale of government’s interest in Ghana Oil Palm Development Company (GOPDC).

According to an investigative report seen by The Enquirer, Akoto Osei led the sale of government’s 20% interest in GOPDC at a residual price of US$2,315,946 even though the shares had been valued at$18,083,802.

Worse still, the report revealed that, in the middle of efforts to offload the shares of government, one Mr. Albert Osei, said to be a brother of the minister, was tactically appointed as the country director of “SIAT s.a., with authority to negotiate with the minister, his brother, for the acquisition of GOG’s 20% shares in GOPDC.”

Insiders familiar with the workings of the investigators hinted The Enquirer that aside all the under valuation of the company, “Dr. Akoto Osei should have excused himself as the minister with the assumed direct responsibility of overseeing the divestiture of GOG’s 20% share in GOPDC, when his brother Albert Osei was appointed Resident Representative of SIAT s.a. and Director of GOPDC and SIAT Ghana Ltd. with a responsibility to negotiate for the sale of GOG’s 20% shares in GOPDC.”

“With such irresponsible behavior, Dr. Akoto Osei must be held responsible for the loss incurred by the state in not selling 20% shares for US$18,083,802 but instead settling for a residual value of US$2,315,946. He must be held culpable,” the report said.

Enquirer sources say the ex-Finance Minister was evasive during interrogations yesterday and has been booked to re-appear before the CID on Thursday.

The report has also recommended that the indecent haste with which government’s 20% shares in GOPDC was sold in December of 2008 “must be annulled” and a new and a more transparent sale procedure set in motion.

The promoters of SIAT s.a., especially one Pierre Vandebeeck, who is blamed to have set in motion to corrupt the system, is also recommended to be charged for fraudulently orchestrating the bizarre sale of GOPDC.

“Pierre Vandebeeck must be charged under Section 1, 2 and 5 of the Public Property Protection Act of 1977 (SMCD 140)” for causing the Ghana government to lose “US$13,364,779 which represent the fraudulently suppressed value of the GOG’s 20% share”

Even though GIMPA Consultancy Services had been engaged to value the shares of GOPDC, the Board of Directors of the company objected to their use and at a meeting on July 28, 2004 resolved to invite new entrants to put in proposals to undertake the valuation exercise.

The Acting Executive, Secretary of DIC, on October 30, 2006 terminated the appointment of GIMPA Consultancy and invited selected consultants to submit their proposals to undertake the exercise to value the GOPDC shares.

It was around this time that Mr. Albert Osei, the minister’s brother, was appointed member of the Board of Directors of GOPDC.

Notwithstanding, concerns, raised by a Mr. Walter Awuku of the DIC in an internal memo to the DIC boss, pointing out that a proposal submitted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) did not meet the terms of reference that invited the proposals in the first place; GOPDC awarded them the consultancy on January 4, 2007.

Again, whereas GIMPA’s scope of work had involved a complete due diligence, for which it was paid US$65,000.00, PWC, for its limited scope asked for a fee of ¢1,172,455,000 (US$126,687) which it was paid.

Amidst protests by the Chief Director of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Nana Juaben Boateng Siriboe and the Acting Executive Secretary of the DIC, Mr. J.K.A. Wiredu, whose outfit is the statutory body mandated to undertake the exercise, PWC undertook the valuation exercise in a limited scope, thereby not giving the government shares its real value before the purported sale to

By a letter dated October 23, 2008 Dr. Akoto Osei had informed the Executive Director of the DIC that “After negotiations, SIAT (Gh) has indicated that it will accept GOG’s offer ofGHC5.0 million for its 20% shareholding,” and that “The Government has however, decided its shareholding in GOPDC should be offered to SIAT (Gh) Ltd for GH¢5.5 million.”

It is not clear yet where the value of GH¢5.5 million cited by Dr. Akoto Osei for the 20% government shares was arrived at or whether it was approved.

However, from the trend of turnover and assets of the company over the four-year preceding the sale of the 20% shares to SIAT (Ghana), it has emerged that the state did not get value for its 20% shares.

Source: The Enquirer

Asawase MP faces CHRAJ today

Investigations by the Commission for Human Rights and Administrative(CHRAJ) into the alleged misappropriation of public funds by the Former Minister of Youth and Sports, and Member of Parliament fo Asawase continues today after initial hearing on Monday.

Complainants in the case against former Youth and Sports Minister, Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak, dropped all allegations leveled against him except for one, because nobody was willing to give evidence.

The Progressive Nationalist Form petitioned the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice CHRAJ over the case against the former minister.

CHRAJ is now pursuing only one allegation against him, which is based on the government’s white paper.

Several allegations were leveled against the former Youth and Sports Minister Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak by the ministry’s Principal Accountant, Adim Odoom and the Chief Director, Albert Kwadwo Ampong last year.

They include the use of public funds to purchase items such as diapers, oil, meat and fraudulent acquisition of a visa for one Edith Zinayela then secretary to the Majority Leader in Parliament.

President Attah Mills then asked the National Security to investigate the allegations and subsequently submitted a report to him. Soon afterwards the minister resigned with a promise to make good to the state all liabilities incurred.

Pressure group Progressive Nationalist Forum who did not want the issue to die petitioned CHRAJ to investigate the allegations.

Spokesperson for the group Richard Kwasi Nyama had said their persistence in pursuing the case was based on the president’s response outlined in the white report.

Lawyers for the accused Kwesi Baffoe and Kissi Agyabeng at the first hearing were not convinced with the originality of the evidence tendered in.

According to them, the report’s cover letter did not suggest that it was from the seat of government.

Nonetheless CHRAJ Commissioner Emile Short after examining the document accepted it as evidence.

A second document tendered in evidence was also challenged by the lawyers on the basis that the type of paper used was suspicious and the signature of the then presidential spokesperson Mahama Ayariga was faint therefore casting doubts on its source.

But that argument also did not stand. Mr. Short accepted that as well, but only on condition that its contents were for only allegation against the fraudulent issuance of visa and nothing else, of which the pressure group agreed.

Story by :Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Okere MP inaugurates new classroom block

The Member of Parliament for Okere, Dan Botwe, has inaugurated a new three –classroom primary block for Asuokaw and its surrounding environs.

The inauguration, which coincided with this year’s My First Day at School’ celebration observed nationwide when public schools re-opened last Wednesday, attracted children who were accompanied by their parents to enroll in school.

Asuokaw, a farming community with a population of about 800, hitherto had no basic school and the children had to travel to Lakpa and Asaman nearby villages to attend school.

Dan Botwe said the absence of a school in the community had been a major burden for him since he became the MP for the area.

He commended Mr Bradford Adu, the former MP who initiated the project, and the Akuapem North District Directorate of Education for posting three teachers to the new school.

Mr Botwe pledged to build an additional three –classroom block and provide the school with all educational materials to enable the children to enjoy their stay in the school.
He donated GH ¢500 and 50 bags of cement towards the project.

The Director in-charge of Human Resource of the Akuapem North District Directorate of Education, Mr Alex Diabene , commended the MP for his commitment to education and said the directorate would do all it could to provide the new school with the necessary facilities.

Source: GNA

Aburi – Nsawam MP: Police must not be selective

The Member of Parliament for Aburi –Nsawam constituency, Osei Bonsu Amoah, has strongly criticized the Ghana Police Service for the selective manner in which it appears to be applying the law in recent times.

According to the MP, the Police service as an important institution must be resolute in discharging its duties and not allow itself to be manipulated by politicians.

His comment comes in the wake of the Criminal Investigations Department of the Ghana Police Service officially inviting three NPP top guns to the Police CID headquarters for interrogations.

The three, Jake Obetsebi Lamptey, NPP National Chairman, Kwadwo Owusu Afiriyie, General Secretary and Frances Assiam, a vociferous member, have been invited following a formal complaints for their arrest by the Media Analyst Group of the ruling NDC.

According to the group, the trio made comments which caused fear and panic during the Atiwa by-election.

Frances Assiam was definite in an interview on radio, after the by-election that two people had died on the day of voting, an allegation which proved to be false after investigations.

Speaking to ghanamps.gov.gh, the Member of Parliament for Aburi –Nsawam , Osei Bonsu Amoah stated that it is critical the police does not create an impression in the minds of the public that they act only when they are prompted.

‘’ the police must be seen to be acting independently and not bow to directives and unjustifiable pressures from their political bosses, as this attitude may have far reach consequences’’ he said.

‘’The police must not be quick to act only when the ruling government is concerned, while it adopts a feet dragging attitude when issues about the opposition come up’ he added.

Hon. Osei Bonsu Amoah, urged the police not to take sides but thoroughly investigate reports of the violence that characterized the Atwima by-elections and ensure that those found culpable are punished.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Tamale South MP commends AMA Boss

The Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Idrissu has lauded the efforts of the Mayor of Accra Alfred Vanderpuije, for his bold initiative to end the shift system in basic schools in the metropolis.

According to the MP, the Mayor’s courageous decision to end the shift system which has existed for nearly four decades and compelled pupils to spend just four hours in school instead of eight hours is highly commendable.

The shift system is a situation where schools are divided into two groups, and one group goes to school during a morning session and the other comes in the afternoon to use the same facilities.

This situation arises as a result of lack of enough classroom facilities for the pupils.
Speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show today, the Member of Parliament for Tamale South, Haruna Idrissu, stated that the announcement of the major decision to abolish the shift system in Accra basic schools at the initial stages sounded very skeptical but the Mayor’s commitment to the project has ensured the dream has been realized.

‘’the mayor who is an educationist and values the importance of education particularly for kids, has channeled his strength to ending one of the drawbacks in the country’s educational system, this clearly shows that with dedication and perseverance every challenge in ones live can be surmounted’’ he said.

Hon.Haruna Idrissu, expressed confidence that the Accra Mayor Alfred Vanderpuije and his team will make transparent, all the funds realized from corporate bodies who generously donated huge sums of monies to help in the construction of classroom blocks for the school pupils.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Allegations against Muntaka dropped, but one

Complainants in the case against former Youth and Sports Minister, Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak, have dropped all allegations leveled against him except for one.

The allegations have been dropped because nobody is willing to give evidence.

The Progressive Nationalist Form petitioned the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice CHRAJ over the case against the former minister.

But as it stands now, CHRAJ can now pursue only one allegation against him, which is based on the government’s white paper.

Several allegations were leveled against the former Youth and Sports Minister Alhaji Muntaka Mubarak by the ministry’s Principal Accountant, Adim Odoom and the Chief Director, Albert Kwadwo Ampong last year.

They include the use of public funds to purchase items such as diapers, oil, meat and fraudulent acquisition of a visa for one Edith Zinayela then secretary to the Majority Leader in Parliament.

National Security investigated the allegations and submitted a report to the president. Soon afterwards the minister resigned with a promise to make good to the state all liabilities incurred.

Pressure group Progressive Nationalist Forum will however not let the issue die. It petitioned CHRAJ to investigate the allegations.

Joy News Hannah Odame who was at the hearing reports that witnesses were however unwilling to give evidence because the matter is in court.

As it stands, the complainants do not have any other evidence apart from the government white paper.

Spokesperson for the group Richard Kwasi Nyama said their persistence in pursuing the case is based on the president’s response outlined in the white report.

Lawyers for the accused Kwesi Baffoe and Kissi Agyabeng were not convinced with the originality of the evidence tendered in.

According to them, the report’s cover letter did not suggest that it was from the seat of government.

Nonetheless CHRAJ Commissioner Emile Short after examining the document accepted it as evidence.

A second document tendered in evidence was also challenged by the lawyers on the basis that the type of paper used was suspicious and the signature of the then presidential spokesperson Mahama Ayariga was faint therefore casting doubts on its source.

But that argument also did not stand. Mr. Short accepted that as well, but only on condition that its contents were for only allegation against the fraudulent issuance of visa and nothing else. The pressure group agreed.

The case continues on Thursday when the former sports minister is expected to return from his trip abroad to be cross examined.

Source:Joy fm

Fanteakwa MP – Increase feeding fees

The Member of Parliament for Fanteakwa, Kwabena Amankwa Asiamah, has backed calls by the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) for the government to consider reviewing upwards, feeding fees and subsidies in second cycle schools for the, 2010/2011 academic year, which begins today.

The body says its decision to request for an upward adjustment in fees payable, is informed by the prevailing market prices of major food items and services that the schools depend on to feed the, students.

According to the National Secretary of Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS) Felix Essah Hieno, his outfit has already submitted proposals to the management of the Ghana Education Service (GES) to review all fees, such as feeding and clothing, because the present fee level was woefully inadequate for the schools to operate with.

The current feeding fee ofGH¢1.20 per student per term, was woefully inadequate and “CHASS has proposed fee levels between GH¢ 1.50 and GH¢2”.

Speaking on Peace FM’s morning show, the Member of Parliament for Fanteakwa, Kwabena Amankwa Asiamah, urged government to take immediate steps to address the concerns of the School Heads, as it is important to improve the quality of food given to the students particularly those in the boarding house which in most cases are not very nutritious.

He noted that at the formative stages of the students it is necessary that they are fed with good food as quality food ensures sharp minds, adding that Ghana will need such intelligent minds in the future to run the affairs of the country.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

International community has confidence in Ghana- Adenta MP

The Member of Parliament for Adenta Constituency, Kwadwo Adu- Asare, has stated that the whopping $16bn, loan secured from the government of China is ample evidence of the trust that China and the international community has reposed in Ghana.

President John Evan Attah Mills secured the deal during his recent six-day working visit to China which indicates China’s strong interest in resource-rich African countries such as Ghana.

The loans some of which are in the form of grants are expected to greatly improve on the state of many of the country’s roads, rail, and other sectors of the economy including energy, education and health.

The Member of Parliament for Adenta, Kwadwo Adu- Asare who was speaking during a panel discussion on Peace FM’s morning show today, stated that the President’s visit coupled with the positive results derived will go a long way to boost the vision of a better Ghana agenda.

He noted that the China facility is the beginning of many positive things to happen to Ghana in the very near future adding that the President who has been described mainly by the opposition as very slow in administering the country knows exactly what he is doing.

‘’ President Mills who himself has said he prefers to be slow but sure has gradually fixed the economy which hitherto was in a bad state due to the mismanagement of the previous NPP government’’ he said.
‘’ Professor do little has stated doing much and there is more to come’’ he added.

Hon. Kwadwo Adu- Asare was hopeful that when the loan agreement is brought to parliament a thorough job will be done and for the loan to be approved.

Story by : Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh

Handle imporatnt installations with care-Deputy Majoity Leader

The Deputy Minority Leader, and Member of Parliament for Wa Central connstituency ,Rashid Pelpuo, has expressed worry about the amateurish manner in which certain important installations in the country are handled.

His comment follows the fire outbreak that occurred at the Midland International Limited situated at the Tema Port, during which four people lost their lives.

Facilities at the major supplier of ethanol for alcohol production in Ghana and various West African countries such as Togo, Burkina Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast, Sierra Leone and Liberia, were razed to the ground in the fire suspected to have been caused by naked flames exposed to the highly combustible substance.

Some welders were said to be working on a tanker at the loading bay of the company when the fire started, the fire ragged on for more than three hours before it was finally brought under control by personnel of the Fire Service.

Speaking on Metro TV’s Good Morning Ghana show today, the Majority Leader and Member of Parliament for Wa Central, Rashid Pelpuo, stated that he was surprised as to why those working on the broken parts of the tanker did not exercise all the necessary security measures when the repair work was being carried out.

‘’I find it difficult to understand why the welders who were working on metallic tanks in which the alcohol was stored and some of the metallic staircases of the main office building, did not know that alcohol is highly inflammable and as such they should have ensured basic precautionary measures were followed’’ he said.

Hon. Rashid Pelpuo, called for such negligent behaviors to be eschewed to ensure that Ghana does record any more unfortunate destruction to heavily invested companies that serve as employment for many people in the country.

Story by :Kwadwo Anim/ghanamps.gov.gh