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We looking at a modern market befitting of Oda – MP

Mr Alexander Akwesi Acquah, the Member of Parliament for Akim Oda in the Eastern Region said the call for the rebuilding of the Oda Central Market is a genuine one and a step in the right direction.

However, he noted that it is not just about rebuilding, but what they are looking for must be something that cures the very reasons why the Ghana National Fire Service could not help salvage some of the shops and their contents during the inferno.

Thus, a modern market is being considered with good access to the facility and modern facilities befitting of a municipality like Birim Central that is surrounded by about seven more districts.

The MP asserts that a project of that magnitude would require adequate planning and funding, as such discussions are ongoing to that effect.

Mr. Akwesi Acquah who was responding to calls from the traders to the aforementioned problem during the second batch of financial disbursement to the traders allayed their fears that reconstruction of the market has not been abandoned.

He assured that in the meantime, efforts would be instituted to make the place conducive for trading activities while they look forward to having that befitting modern market built.

On Tuesday, December 7, 2021 the Ghana Enterprises Agency (GEA) collaborated with the office of the Member of Parliament for Akim Oda to provide a three million, one hundred and sixty-one thousand, five hundred Ghana Cedis (GHS3, 161,500.00) to five hundred and ninety-nine (599) traders who suffered losses during the September 13, 2021 fire that ravaged the Oda Central Market.

MASLOC earlier came to the aide of some 500 traders with a one million Ghana Cedis support with each trader receiving GHC2000.00 each.

The cash support is to enable the traders revamp their business and get back on their feet once again.


I ruled, and stand by my ruling on 2022 budget—Osei-Owusu

First Deputy Speaker of Ghana’s Parliament Joseph Osei-Owusu on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 directed the clerks at table to correct the votes and proceedings of the House to reflect that, last week Wednesday, December 1, 2021 he ruled on the approval of the 2022 budget that the Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu challenged where there was an uproar which he suspended the House for an hour.

“We are correcting the votes and proceedings what is recorded here is not correct whether the Minority thinks I am not entitle to rule is another matter; what I am saying here is that I ruled what is reported here was that I was ruling and it was interrupted. It appears that the ruling did not conclude”.

He told the House in the morning that he wants that to reflect and is not about yes, or no as the record is available and he had played the video to the table office when he saw the votes and proceedings and want that reflected.

“To raise issues with it, you are entitled to that, what I have to do or not to do that is a different matter altogether; let the correction reflect as we await a motion challenging the ruling by the Minority Leader”.

Deputy Majority Leader when he catched the eye of the Speaker noted that he wanted the votes and proceedings to correct and point out that the Majority Leader Osei-Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu raised a point of order which should be captured.

And in addition submitted that one’s there was a point of Order the subsequent debate of the Minority Leader’s motion does not tie the hand of the First Deputy Speaker and should reflect in the votes and proceedings.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

Minority Leader served notice to challenge the conduct of the First Deputy Speaker

Minority Leader Haruna Iddrisu has served notice to the First Deputy Speaker Joseph Osei-Owusu that he would come by a motion to challenge his conduct as the First Deputy Speaker.

According to him he would file a motion under Order 93 (5) and further noted that their side would call for the recordings of Wednesday, December 1, 2021 for examination. They would look at it critically.

“As far as we are concerned you attempted to rule and there was an uproar and there was a suspension and adjournment that is what we know,  you cannot operate the standing orders at your wimps and caprices”, he stated.

During the correction of votes and proceedings on Tuesday, December 7, 2021 the Minority Leader disagreed with the First Deputy Speaker when he directed the clerks to make changes to reflect that he gave a ruling on the 2022 budget statement as approved while the Minority Leader challenged it resulting in an uproar.

“Mr. Speaker, there was an uproar; you had to put the question that was moved by me and seconded by Mahama Ayariga. There was some disturbances in the House, you suspended the House as far as we are concerned and Second Deputy came to Adjourn the House.

 “When I hear you now saying that you are giving directives to table to do what, you told the House you are not the Speaker you are a member of parliament for Bekwai if so, my application was to the Speaker, you are not the Speaker. So Mr. Speaker the only correction which I should think which should reflect and I hope you direct table to do so is that in moving my motion I referred to article 102  and standing order 109 of the parliament of Ghana”.

He added that the First Deputy Speaker as a lawyer reference to our constitution and standing orders should at all times be respected. I have a difficulty with the directive you are giving to the table office because as far as they are concerned, I moved a motion, it was seconded, after that yours is simply to put the question nothing more.

Again, a decision by this House is not some ones imagination; the majority inside parliament is about members present; meaning members available and voting. Therefore, I have a difficulty with the directive you are giving the table office.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

GKMA targets thirty thousand household toilets by end of 2024 — Ing. Aseidu

Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area (GKMA) Sanitation and Water Project is benefit from thirty-thousand household toilets by the end of 2024 as part of the crusade to end open defecation in Ghana’s second biggest city.

According to the Coordinator of GKMA, Ing. George Aseidu, eight Metropolitan and Municipal Assemblies would benefit from the project. They are, Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Asokwa, Oforikrom, Old Tafo, Suame, Kwadaso and Asokore Mampong Municipal Assemblies.

And further added in an interview that those Assemblies that fall outside the eight GKMA, the Ministry of Sanitation and Water Resources is considering extending the facility to those districts very soon during the next face of the implementation of the project.

As to whether with the parent project GAMA there had been any experience learnt that would aid the GKMA project, he said; “we are building on the experience and knowledge that we gained from Accra. A lot of lessons that is what is supporting us in the implantation at Greater Kumasi; we did a lot of experiment during the parent project, we ended up having a concept call. The large scale construction of household toilet, this is what gave us the results as we got to Kumasi we are not doing any further experiments,  we put in a contractor that has the capacity and the financial strength to construct the toilet in greater numbers on the ground and they  submit their request for payment pay”.

The contractor would pre-finance the construction of the toilet and then they would submit their claim for payment after it has been verified that the toilets exist. “We have a way of verifying so that the toilet can be counted. This is the concept that gave us the over thirty thousand numbers in Accra”.

In an interview with Ghanamps.com, the Coordinator of the GKMA pointed out that the project is targeted at low income areas in the eight (8) Metropolitan and Municipal Assemblies in Kumasi which have been zoned into three, and assigned to contractors to provide quick service.

“We, have also learnt our approach towards sensitization and demand creation;  we are bringing all of them to bear on the ground; the bad lessons we learnt we are not replicating them in Kumasi,  so we are improving it better in GKMA so we should be able to achieve our target before the closing date of the project”.

The GKMA project was officially launched on 23rd November 2020 by the Sector Minister to carry out basic assessment just to take the baseline data of the existing situation in Kumasi before the commencement of the project in October 2021.

Ing. Aseidu further noted that it was observed that fifty one (51) percent of the compound houses in Kumasi do not have household toilets, seventy (70) percent of the houses were all compound house and fifteen (15) percent being private houses and four (4) percent in uncompleted houses.

“We realised that seventy (70) percent is significant and as the project has been brought to Kumasi, we need to educate them to buy into the concept just as we did in Accra, we would help the beneficiaries in Kumasi to have toilet in their homes”.

The total cost of the toilet is four thousand five hundred Ghana but government of Ghana is taking a chunk of the cost and the beneficiaries are paying, thousand two hundred Ghana cedis, “so everybody is supposed to have his or her own toilet in their homes; you have no excuses, government is supporting you it is for Ghanaians and those at the low income communities in Kumasi”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

AKIM ODA: GEA supports traders with GHS3, 161,500.00

The office of the Member of Parliament for Akim Oda, through the support of the Ghana Enterprises Agency has presented and distributed an amount of three million one hundred and sixty one thousand, five hundred Ghana cedis (GHS3, 161, 500.00) to some traders affected by the September 13, 2021 fire that ravaged the Oda Central Market.

Some 599 traders would be beneficiaries of this new support, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Enterprises Agency, Mrs Kosi Yankey-Ayeh announced.

This is the second batch of financial support to the traders since the unfortunate incident that saw shops and goods worth millions of Ghana cedis destroyed.

Earlier, MASLOC disbursed about one million Ghana cedis (GHS1, 000,000.00) to 500 traders with each receiving GHS2000.00 each.

Presenting a dummy cheque to the traders to signify the handing over of the cash amount to the traders for distribution, Mrs Kosi Yankey-Ayeh said this is a different directive from the President, Nana Akufo-Addo to the GEA to marshal funds to support the traders after his visit to the market when he toured the Eastern Region.

According to her, unlike the MASLOC disbursement that every individual received the same amount, the GEA’s disbursement would be based on merit (the type of trade one is engaged in) so that each individual would have sufficient fund to rejuvenate their business.

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda whose efforts finally brought this relief to the traders also called on them to remain focused in investing the money in their business and nothing else.

He said, it is not for nothing that the money is coming at this season of Christmas, adding that it is an opportune time for them to start and revamp their businesses once again and make some money this festive season.

He assured them that the Ghana Enterprises Agency would be embarking on a regular visit to monitor how well they are utilizing the financial support extended to them, and that would serve as a basis for extending more support when the need be.


“We are continuing with GAMA project in Accra”—Ing George Aseidu

Construction of household toilet facilities for low income areas in Ghana’s capital is still on despite the fact that the focus is on Greater Kumasi Metropolitan Area (GKMA) Sanitation and Water project.

This is according to the Coordinator of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project, Ing. George Aseidu.

 He said those who still need household toilets in their communities can still contact the various Assemblies and be assisted to procure one.

Speaking in an interview with Ghanamps.com, he noted that, “we are constructing additional twelve thousand (12,000) household toilets, and thirty thousand in Kumasi. We might be able to exceed our target with the 12 thousand and might end up constructing eighteen thousand (18,000) toilet or more, and Accra as part of the second phase”.

And added that in the GKMA, about thirty thousand (30,000) household toilets are expected to be constructed, but indicated his optimism of delivering about forty thousand (40, 000).

“If you do not have the money save towards it, do not keep the money in your homes; the little you have would be received and put on a mobile money platform. You would receive a prompt or notice indicating acknowledgement of the amount you have paid. You only have to continue toping up if you get to the limit of seven hundred Ghana (GHc700) out of the thousand two hundred (GHc 1,200) for the toilet, a contractor would be assigned to you to come and inspect your premises, and construct a toilet for you. So the process is still continuing in Accra”, he said.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

ECOFEPA holds election today as Filomena bows out as President

The Economic Community of West African States Female Parliamentarian Association (ECOFEPA) would today Tuesday, December 7, 2021 organise an election to elect new executives.

ECOFEPA was scheduled to hold its election at the May/June 2021 Ordinary Session but that could not happen as a result of some controversies that were not resolved after several interventions.

Madam Isa Filomena Pereira from Cape Verde is the outgoing president of ECOFEPA, and the ECOWAS Communication Directorate had announced election for a new ECOFEPA Executive will take place on Tuesday 7th December 2021, at 10 am in the Mini Auditorium of the seat of the ECOWAS Parliament, Abuja-Nigeria.

The Association was established in the year 2002 to support and encourage ECOWAS Community programmes that promote the social, economic, and cultural development of the peoples of West Africa, bringing a parliamentary and   political approach to the ECOWAS gender mainstreaming and towards the execution of the ECOWAS gender policy.

The current president of the association was unanimously elected President in 2018 and sworn in on December 10th, replacing Nigerian Senator Stella Oduah.

She was elected along with Hon. Kaboule Reine Bertille Sakande Benao (Burkina Faso) 1st Vice President, Hon. Biodun Olujimi (Nigeria) as 2nd Vice President and, Hon. Guiro Ultimate (Senegal) was appointed to serve as Secretary-General while Hon. Fatoumatta Njai was elected as the Association’s Treasurer.

It is yet to be made clear as to who are the contenders for the top job but speculations abound that one of the Vice Presidents is likely to succeed Hon. Filomena.

The election is expected to be followed by a presentation and review of the activities of ECOFEPA in the last two years, in which Hon. Filomena is expected to highlight her achievements, challenges, and prospects of the ECOFEPA. The outgoing President’s report is expected to also spotlight activities undertaken, income, and expenditure of the Association.

ECOFEPA Members are expected to deliberate and appraise the leadership of the outgoing President in their farewell messages paying a premium on the status of progress on affirmative action taken or not taken by National Assemblies across the sub-region.

Madam  Filomena, while bidding farewell to Members of the ECOWAS Parliament during the ongoing Second Ordinary Session in Abuja-Nigeria said  that  ever since 2007, she has learned a lot and  built good ties with members from across the region, noting that even as she  leaves, she does not consider herself  a stranger in the sub-region.

 “I have friends who I can call on at any time in the French, English and Portuguese Countries in the sub-region,” she said.

As part of the ECOWAS Parliament’s Standing Committees, is that of the Committee on Social Affairs, Gender and Women Empowerment

The Committee is responsible for matters relating to: Development of an ECOWAS policy on equal opportunities, including equality between men and women concerning employment opportunities; Harmonization of labor laws and legislation on social security; Promoting the exchange of skilled manpower among Member States,  Promotion of literacy, professional training, and employment; Protection of the children’s rights and other vulnerable groups; Development of appropriate measures for the protection and assistance of children and other vulnerable groups; Monitoring the local integration of ECOWAS citizen refugees under the ECOWAS Protocol on Free Movement of Persons, Rights of Residence and Establishment; Considering issues causing humanitarian emergencies and their impact on ECOWAS Citizens; Harmonization of legislation on social protection; Solidarity building at the community level; Removal of all constraints that inhibit women from maximizing their contributions and benefits in the sub-regional integration effort; Elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, including customary practices; Harmonization of associations of West African Women’s organization with relevant bilateral, multilateral and governmental Organizations.


Observe COVID protocols; Ghana is not yet off the hook—GAMA Coordinator

The Coordinator of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA) Sanitation and Water Project, Ing. George Aseidu has urged Ghanaians to continue observing the COVID-19 protocols as Ghana is not yet off the hook yet.

According to him there is the need to continue the education to Ghanaians on the pandemic and commended the nation as by and large the pandemic has been managed well.

In an interview with Ghanamps.com he pointed out that, “we are not completely yet off the hook hence we should continue to observe the protocols, even if you have taken the jab please ensure that you put on your nose mask”, he said.

Ing. Aseidu emphasized that whenever one finds himself or herself at public places, the protocols should be observed. And again touched on washing of hands under running water with soap; and in the event water is not available, hand sanitizer should be the alternative.

“Please take your own life in your hands and change your life and attitude”, he stated.

In addition he noted that the GAMA project has also contributed largely to Ghana’s effort towards addressing COVID-19 since there is access to water supply and toilet facilities in the lower income areas in the capital.

And as part of the project implementation which initially started in Greater Accra having been successful, the sector Minister Cecilia Dapaah and Government consider it appropriate for it to be extended to other regions with Kumasi being the next bigger city it has been extended.

“In GAMA, over thirty three thousand household toilets have been completed serving over two hundred and forty beneficiaries in the low income communities in Accra”, he asserted.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps.com

E-Levy is not a replacement of road tolls—Chairman Road Transport

The Chairman of the Roads and Transport Committee, Kennedy Osei Nyarko has categorically stated that, government’s introduction of Electronic levy (E-levy) is not a substitute or a replacement for road tolls.

He explained that, government’s decision to close all toll booths across the country was to do away or reduce heavy vehicular traffic on roads, but not to take the proceeds or money from Ghanaians through E-Levy tax.

Mr. Nyarko further noted that, some members of the Minority MPs and their party communicators, on radio and TV as panelists keep deceiving most Ghanaians that, government has introduced the Electronic levy (E-Levy) to replace the road tolls in order to generate more revenue from the citizens, whether you have car or not, government would take the money from you as long as you send MOMO over Gh100.

The Chairman said, government has no plans to take money in place of the road toll from any Ghanaian either through the E-Levy or renewals of vehicular road wealthy at the DVLA.

He said, Communications of such kind are all false and propaganda, just to make the government to look bad in the eyes of many Ghanaians.

Mr. Kennedy Osei Nyarko made these clarifications in an interview in Parliament.


“Our economy would collapse if nothing is done drastically”—Bekwai MP

Member of Parliament (MP) for Bekwai Joseph Osei-Owusu has hinted that economists on both sides of the House have agreed that unless something drastically is done, the Ghanaian economy would collapse.

This, he said, was made known at the meeting in the wake of the brouhaha over the 2022 budget rejection and approval by the House.

According to him he is not aware if a head way has been made as Leadership of the Majority side of the House is of the view that the E-Levy is the way to go, while the Minority side is totally against the introduction of E-Levy.

“I know further discussions are going on but as at now, I do not know if they have reached any conclusion yet”.

Kwaku Sakyi-Danso/Ghanamps